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Eric Marsh 670 Ave H 302, Boise, ID 83712 208-891-6938

Education Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Minor in Mathematics May 2017

University of Idaho
GPA: 3.2
Awards: ID Opportunity & Academic Achievement Scholarships

Relevant Coursework
Artificial Intelligence Calculus 3
Games & Evolution Evolutionary Computation
Computer Skills Proficient in: Knowledgeable in:
C++ JavaScript/AngularJS
Word/Excel MySQL/SQL
Windows, Linux OS C#

Work History Engineering Intern June 2016 August 2016

Digilent, Pullman WA
Designed and programmed 15 C++ libraries and demos for Digilent
microprocessors and microprocessor modules
Ensured Digilent products are well documented on their wiki
Created educational walk-throughs and blog posts to teach engineering

Freelance Programmer January 2016 May 2016

Twist Bioscience, San Francisco CA
Produced LabVIEW and Python scripts to visualize Twist Bioscience lab data
Collaborated with client in developing a program that suits their needs
Documented and communicated current project status and goals with

Music Director/Disc Jockey Sprint 2014 Spring 2015

KUOI, University of Idaho, Moscow ID
Built productive relationships with music promoters and independent artists
Wrote Perl scripts to organize radio data
Organized CDs, tracks, and DJ requests with Microsoft Excel

Activities and Debate Club Member/Tutor Fall 2011 Spring 2013

Leadership Timberline HS, Boise ID

Projects Senior Design Project Sight Impaired Mobility Assistance Spring 2017
University Of Idaho
Corresponded with client in producing deliverables that met their goals
Created project from scratch using the Unity Engine, C#, and openAL
Collaborated with a group of 5 by using Github source control

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