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We all have those moments when we feel like we are in total darkness
when we cant make sense of what is going on and it seems we cant come up
for air. When we dont think we can juggle one more thingor when were
blindsided by a crisis. It can happen when we:






We have all experienced those moments when we have felt overwhelmingly

overwhelmeda feeling defined as to throw a dark sheet over; to create darkness.
So what do you do when you are overwhelmed? When you feel your problems are
suffocating you? When your heart is sinking? Heres what Ive learned to do:crisis.
It can happen when we:
Start talking
to God
First, I start where David did when he was in such a low season. His son, Absalom
rebelled and divided the nation of Israelthe nation David had worked so hard
to build. Absalom drew the people unto himself and away from allegiance to his
father. Then, he raised up a revolt and started a battleall of it an epic betrayal of
their parent/child relationship. When it became more than David could bear, and
his heart was too heavy, he cried out to God:

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:1-2

David didnt deny his feelings of being utterly broken by his son, but instead, he
poured his heart out to God. In spite of his pain, in spite of maybe not being able
to understand why this could happen at all, he still believed God would hear him.
How many times have we been hurt by peopleincluding those closest to usand
knew we still had to trust God? Deep down we know he is the one to trustthe one
we really can trust.

Thats why, at some point, we have to stop telling people how we feel and go to
God. He doesnt want us to shut down our feelings, but he also doesnt want us to
let them take us over either. By being honest with God about how we feel, we can
begin to process our feelings in a healthy way. Rather than let our hurts and anger
turn into bitterness, talking to God helps us begin to think about our story with a
different perspectiveand it helps keep our hearts tender.
Describe your feelings to God. Be honest and put it all on the table.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and

petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

Elevate your
Second, I do what David did next: When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the
rock that is higher than I. I love that David said, When my heart is overwhelmed.
Its comforting to know it happens to all of usthat the enemy comes to harden
our hearts and destabilize us. He comes to divide us from people we love, respect,
do life with. He comes to knock our feet out from under usto steal our hope. And
he always delivers a low blowthats just his strategy.

The solution is to change our perspective, to look up to the rock, to the one who is
higher than the storm of emotions were facing. When we look up and get above
the storm, it never feels as devastating as when were on the same level and in the
middle of it. Suddenly, we can breathe. We can see more clearly. Yes, there will
always be circumstances we cannot solve or fix or changebut we can change. Our
perspective can change. Sometimes the pain is so deep, it feels almost impossible
to raise our heads highto raise our sights. In those moments, pray Psalm 3:3-4
back to God:

But you, GOD, shield me on all sides; You ground my feet, you lift my
head high; With all my might I shout up to GOD, His answers thunder
from the holy mountain.

He loves you so much that when you cant lift your head high, Hell lift it for
you. Thats how much He wants to help you climb out of your feelings of being
overwhelmingly overwhelmed and get above the storm of emotions.
Write out the facts of the problem overwhelming you. Write out what needs solving.
This is how we begin our climb above the storm.

But you, GOD, shield me on all sides; You ground my feet, you lift my

head high; With all my might I shout up to GOD, His answers thunder

from the holy mountain. Psalms 3:3-4

your cares
Third, we need to take the circumstancethe care were carryingand hurl it
over onto God. Thats right. Were going to dump it all on himand leave it there.
This process helps us exchange our concern for Gods peace. It releases the anxiety
and stress gripping our minds. Anxiety is always rooted in fear and the feeling that
we have lost control, but we know we cannot control the uncontrollable. So we
must cast our care over on God and trust Him to take care of what we cannot.

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you;

He will never let the righteous be shaken Psalm 55:22

Theres no sense in losing our peaceand sleepover what we can do nothing

about. But the only way to get something off our minds is to cast it over onto God
and let Him have it. God, I give you this problem. I cast it over onto you and I dont
take it back. I trust you to help me process it and see it through your perspective,
and not let it consume my thoughts. Then we can victoriously proclaim what I
often like to say: If you see the devil, tell him I am going to bed.
Find a verse relative to your problem and write it here, personalizing it.
Pray it aloud and cast your care over onto God.

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you;

He will never let the righteous be shaken Psalm 55:22

Get overwhelmed
by Gods love
Fourth, the best way to overcome an overwhelmed heart is to get up and into the
presence of God, and allow His love to overwhelm you. When I press through to
this place of peace is when I finally enter a healthy mental and spiritual position
where I can begin hearing Him talk to me about the care I hurled onto Him. Its
actually the moment when I finally can begin to see a different perspectiveHis
perspectiveand even be objective. Its when I calm down and stop the ruminating
conversations playing over and over in my head. Its when I can begin to move
over into feeling the godly feelings of compassion, forgiveness, and tenderness. Its
when I feel loved and again have the capacity to express loveinstead of reacting
out of anxiety and fear.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to
do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love 1 John 4:18

God loves youand meunconditionally. His love heals every crevice of our
hearts, every wound inflicted, every hit we didnt see coming. His love gives us
the courage to trust again. To hope. To believe. To walk in greater faith. His
love is perfect.
Write a promise from Gods word to you about how much
he loves you and declare it over your life:

Weve all endured crushing blows. Weve all been wounded and winded. But the

devil on his best day did not take us out on our worst day. So, lets get back up

togetherand help each other trust God and get back in the race. Lets talk to God,

casting our cares over on Him, so we can rest and see with His perspective. Lets

get overwhelmed by His love so we can breathe deeply and live fully.

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