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sris02017 PH meter(SKU: SENO161) - DFRobot Electronic Product Wiki and Tutorial: Arduino and Robo! PH meter(SKU: SENO161) Contents 1 Inrodueton 2 Applications 4 pl Etecuode Size 5 pl Elecuode Characterstes 6 Use tha pH Matar 6.41 Comectng Diagram 53 Sample Code 8 Documents Introduction "Noe to measure water quality and ater parameters but haven't got any low cost 9H meter? Find it Cea to se with Arduin (nipsewwarbet comieatagry-35,nml) Here mes an analog pH ‘moler, specinly designed for Arduino controllers (hipswamcsrabol.comieslagoy-"04.himl) 8né_(htpsmmwdobotconiproelt025.hen) has bitin simple, convenient an practalconsecton and fears. has an LED whic) or88 8 analog pf eter Kit the Power indato, a BNC connector and PH2.0 sensor ineace Tose Ustcomnetthe BH ape mw sensor wth BNC connector, and plug the P20 it bot comiprodut*025,nel) tothe analog input por of any Arun controler (nts: rose comcategoy-104 him) pre-progrermed, you wil getthe pH ‘ole easily, Comesin compact plas box wth ars for bette mobile tra5. Aitention:In order to ensure the accuracy of the pH probe, you need to use the standard solution to calibrate regularly Generally the period ie ‘bout haa year. H you meaure the dity aqueous solution, you need to increase the frequency of eairaion. Applications ‘= Witar qual testag = Aquacutce Specification 7g Range:0-14PH 9 Temperature 0-60°C pH (5c) = Me © Meas Accuracy ' PHO nterace (3 feat paton) © Gan Aduriment Potenometr «© Power inestor PH Electrode Size PH Electrode Characteristics ‘The ouput of pH alcrde Is ilo and the pH vale ofthe ration is shown a oom (25 C (wktindex hpiFe asic pe) Use the pH Meter hitps:ihwew.cfrobot.comiwikilindex.phpiPH_meter(SKU:_SENO161), (tind pe Phra) wa sris02017 PH meter(SKU: SENO161) - DFRobot Electronic Product Wiki and Tutorial: Arduino and Robo! Connecting Diagram aa) edad E Step to Use the pH Meter ‘cautions: 1 Please use an exemal suitchng power suppland he vtage as cose as possi lo he 5.00V Mare azowrte he voltage, more higher the ec * Bator the slocroda in contruous use every noe to alata by the standard slut norérto obtain mora accra rests. The best ‘envonmant empeature fs about 25 “Cand! hep vale known and refabe coset the measired vale, Kyou measure he acidic ample, he pl ‘alata, tin ender to gel a batir accuracy. 1 Befora hep electrode measured dierent solitons, we nead io use water lo wash, We recommend using dlonized water. (Connect equipments according othe graphical she pH electrode is cannecto tthe @NC connector onthe H meter board. andthen us the ‘connection nes he pt meter board it connected tthe anankong po Oa the Ari contr (ip iwwastrabolcomiestegoy-104.Am). When he ‘Arduino cone els poweryou wile he blue LED on Boars i on {2\uplood the sample cadet the Arduino conte {@)Puttho pt elcrode into the standard sluton whose pH valuo's 7.00. or ect shored tho npt of the BNC connector Open the sari moni fhe Arauino IDE,you can se the pt value printed on Rand the eror doesnot exceed 0.3, Recor the pt vale printed then compared with 7.00, an he dference ‘should be changed into the “Osi the sare cade, For example the i vale pedi 6.65.0 the eiferancef0.2.You should change thes de (UyPutthe pt secre noth pH standard sluon whose value 4.0.Then wa abou one minute adjust the gn portal deve, let the vale tale at ‘around 4.0.4 this tme.ho acc calbration has boon comgleod and you can measure the pH valu of an aie solution Note: you want to measure the pH vale of other soltionyou must wash the pt olecrode fst! (6) According to th near charactors of pt slcrode tl, nie he above caraion you can decly measire the pH vale ofthe alkane sokson, but baton, you con measure the pH value ofthe alkaline slain, Sample Code ‘Sample code for tasting the PH mater and gt the sensor fedack rom the Arduino Sera Mantor. hitps:ihwew.cfrobot.comiwikilindox.phpiPH_meter(SKU;_SENO161), 214 t7t012017 PH meter(SKU: SENO161) - DFRobot Electronic Product Wiki and Tutorial: Arduino and Robo! - 4 easton» Yourou 4 Product: analog eter ‘latine SensorPin 9 1p meter Saslog output to Arduino daslog Input & eerie sophngrerval 29 oatine Aeraylenth 48 //Uines of collection {ne perayiaeraytertn]; //Store the average value of the sensor fencbsck ne prayindenee; oie setun(vois) ¢ pinwace (LED 00TP07 Sersal-tepin(930); Serial.prineIn("p meter exparinent |"); (Test the sertal nonttor > ‘oie Loop(voi) ¢ static unsigned long sanpligrine = wittis()s SaUe unsigned long printrine © Liss Static Float pvalvewvoltage, S(ohLis(-sanplingiine > sanpingiotersal) ‘ ptcray[ptaerayindens nanatoghend Sonor?) {(plaerayIngexconrray tenth) parrayTnce8; voltage = sergeaeray(phirray, Aerayentn)*5. 6/202 pivaive = 3.5evoltogesoreeet, ‘oepLinginenillse() > A1(otn1ts0) einer > princinterval) //:very 898 afllssocords, préat a nuverseal, convert the state of the LED énstestor Serta printvolsogs:")5 Sertal_peinvoltage,2): Sertal-print(” pw value Serial prentin(oialue,2): sightalne( #9, diesvalRerd(LE0)"2); printTine-nllisQs, , > double avergenoray(snt® arr, Ant miner) s(rumbenea){ ‘Serial. printIN(*Eoror number for the array to avragingl/9")s > Se(runbores)(_ {flees than 5, eaeslated directly statistics Fortiobjsemunbersie2)f arouneeear(i > ve = amount raters retura wei delset seterteleareta pc san > are(@]imaeears > aiset sineaerf3T ) for(4o2;Lenabers $e) sear }einy srountvonin; —ffarrensn funearect else ( start} ant rounttonae;—//areonon ancerr(slt ssteet onount scart}; minesareeonoe ? ye yiter vg = (doble)anount/(ranber-2); wat > rete): hitps:ihwew.cfrobot.comiwikilindox.phpiPH_meter(SKU;_SENO161), sris02017 PH meter(SKU: SENO161) - DFRobot Electronic Product Wiki and Tutorial: Arduino and Robo! Precautions 1 The eectode pug shoul be Kept ean and ry. ® Electodereternce elution eth 2NKCL alton, ' Moasuremont shuld be avoids staggored postion batween slutions, so as nett afect ho accuracy of moasuremiont ® Electade bi o and core i dead whicn wil make PTS deco, slow rasponso, So, i shuld be bases onthe characeriies ofthe plan, adapled to 1 The etectode should not be long-term immerse in acd eerie sluon. = Eleceoas wnen nus, te cramic sand core and quid ate runberring shuld be removed in rder io make salt edge Sluton to matran a cecan veo Documents ‘Schematic (ht: ww obo comiapedatrSENOTSipH¥:20metri20V1 0%208CH pa) PCB Design tyout hp waw obotconiinagelsta'SENO1B1/p%,20melar20V1,0%.201yout pa) Elected Manu (htm obo cominagedat/SENOYE UPHs2Gcompostes2delectode%20manval pa) ‘Arduino Samp Code (wwe. abel comimageidsta’SENO16tiphketerSarple 2p) Zips For Al Above (htp:Dww cabot comsimageldsta/SENDI6{/DFRebots20SENOTS! 20) => wider ppiFle Nexredrectgng}Go Shopping pH mele(SKU:SEND161) (lpsseww:trobol compredue-1025 Mn ‘catagory: DF Robot » Sensors & Modules (hip:iwattobo canvestogar+ 158.) > Sensors (tps odo eomeategony-38.nn) > Ligue Sensor (presi bet comategery 68m) categorie (ikindexphpSpecatCalegorie): Product Manus (wkindex phipiCatagony.Prduel Manual ‘SEN Series (wkindex phpiCategarySEN_ Sis) | Sencrs akindexppiCategory Sensors) ‘Ths page wa lat modes on 27 June 2017, at 08.08, Conn avelabl under GNU Free Documton Liens 1.3 ter (hps swag except hi) ness herve nos DEER oeemensructoniattane) Bin Momma) hitps:ihwew.cfrobot.comiwikilindox.phpiPH_meter(SKU;_SENO161), a

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