FInal Project Calculatisons

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Item Heating Cooling Notes Source

Latitude - - 41.01 N Table 4-7
Elevation - - 827.00 Table 4-7
Indoor t 72.00 75.00 - Estipulated
Indoor RH 0.30 0.55 No Humidification Estipulated
Outdoor t 3.80 88.40 99% and 1% Table 4-7
Daily Range - 20.00 - Estipulated
Outdoor WB - 73.10 MCWB* at 1% Table 4-7
Wind Speed 15.00 7.50 Default Assumption Textbook
Design dt 68.20 13.40 - Textbook
Moisture Diff. - 0.00 Psychrometric Chart Textbook


U Colling Heating
Component Btu/h.F.ft^2
OF t OF b OF r CF HF
Roof/Ceiling 0.03 1.00 39.08 -0.36 1.40 2.11
Wall 0.09 1.00 14.80 -0.36 1.89 6.14
Garage Wall 0.09 1.00 14.80 -0.36 1.89 6.14
Doors 0.04 1.00 14.80 -0.36 0.84 2.73
Floor Perimeter - - - - - 34.10
Floor - - - - -0.98 -
Exposure Height Frame HF Tx Fshd PXI SHGC IAC FFs CF
4.00 Operable 0.51 34.78 0.64 0.40 27.26 0.57 0.57 0.44 30.99
4.00 Operable 0.51 34.78 0.64 0.40 27.26 0.57 0.57 0.44 30.99
4.00 Operable 0.51 34.78 0.64 0.40 27.26 0.57 0.57 0.47 31.02
South 4.00 Operable 0.51 34.78 0.64 0.40 27.26 0.57 0.57 0.47 31.02
4.00 Operable 0.51 34.78 0.64 0.40 27.26 0.57 0.57 0.47 31.02
4.00 Operable 0.51 34.78 0.64 0.80 20.61 0.57 0.57 0.56 24.45
4.00 Operable 0.51 34.78 0.64 0.80 20.61 0.57 0.57 0.56 24.45
3.00 Fixed 0.50 34.10 1.00 0.75 33.50 0.67 0.57 0.56 37.40
3.00 Fixed 0.50 34.10 1.00 0.75 33.50 0.67 0.57 0.56 37.40
4.00 Operable 0.51 34.78 0.64 0.00 33.92 0.57 0.57 0.31 37.51
East 4.00 Operable 0.51 34.78 0.64 0.00 33.92 0.57 0.57 0.31 37.51
2.00 Fixed 0.50 34.10 1.00 0.00 53.00 0.67 0.57 0.31 56.65
Area Heating Load Cooling Load
Compnent HF CF ft^2 Btu/h Btu/h
Roof/Ceiling 2.11 1.40 1978 4181.89 2776.17
Wall 6.14 1.89 882.14 5414.58 1667.24
Garage wall 6.14 1.89 394.68 2422.55 745.95
Door 2.73 0.84 55.43 151.21 46.56
Floor 0.00 -0.98 1978 0.00 -1934.67
Flor Perimeter 34.10 0.00 201.51 6871.49 0.00
N - Operable 34.78 30.99 8.79 305.73 272.37
N - Operable 34.78 30.99 8.79 305.73 272.37
S - Operable 34.78 31.02 9.13 317.56 283.18
S - Operable 34.78 31.02 7.31 254.26 226.73
S - Operable 34.78 31.02 9.13 317.56 283.18
W - Operable 34.78 24.45 7.31 254.26 178.73
W - Operable 34.78 24.45 10.83 376.69 264.79
W - Fixed 34.10 37.40 28.97 987.88 1083.48
W - Fixed 34.10 37.40 33.79 1152.24 1263.75
E - Operable 34.78 37.51 10.62 369.38 398.38
E - Operable 34.78 37.51 10.62 369.38 398.38
E - Fixed 34.10 56.65 33.79 1152.24 1914.20
Envelop Total 25204.63 10140.77

Item Heating Load, Btu/h Cooling Load, Btu/h

Envelope 25,204.63 10,140.77

Infiltration/Ventilation 8,709.07 1,711.16
Internal Gain 1,800.70
Subtotal 33,913.70 13,652.63
Distribution Loss 4,408.78 3,686.21
Total Sensible Load 38,322.48 17,338.84
Component HF CF Quantity, ft Heating Load, Btu/h
Ceiling 2.11 1.40 1,492.00 3,154.39
Wall 6.14 1.89 763.00 4,683.29
Garage wall 6.14 1.89 302.00 1,853.68
Door 2.73 0.84 170.00 463.76
N - Operable 34.80 31.00 4.00 139.20
N - Operable 34.80 31.00 4.00 139.20
S - Operable 34.80 31.00 4.00 139.20
S - Operable 34.80 31.00 3.00 104.40
S - Operable 34.80 31.00 4.00 139.20
W - Operable 34.80 24.50 5.00 174.00
W - Operable 34.80 24.50 8.00 278.40
W - Fixed 34.10 37.40 8.00 272.80
W - Fixed 34.10 37.40 5.00 170.50
E - Operable 34.80 37.50 4.00 139.20
E - Operable 34.80 37.50 4.00 139.20
E - Fixed 34.10 56.70 4.00 136.40
Envelope Totals 2,784.00 12,126.82
Cooling Load, Btu/h Item Heating Load, Btu/h Cooling Load, Btu/h
2,094.06 Envelope 12,126.82 6,170.21
1,442.07 Infiltration/Ventilation 18,548.70
570.78 Internal Gain
142.80 Subtotal
124.00 Distribution Loss
124.00 Total Sensible Load
124.00 * volume da casa deu MUITO GRANDE fazendo pelo AutoCad, certeza que ta errado.
196.00, cfm= area*7.5ft = 247.25
187.00 Internal Gain = 464+(0.7*acf)+(75*(nbr+1))
150.00 acf = building conditioned floor area (ft^2)
150.00 nbr = number of bedrooms
a que ta errado.

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