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Nov/Dec 2009

Wings& Things
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The Newsletter of the Venice Area Audubon Society  | Founded in 1965

2009-10 Calendar of Events Message from the President – Missy L. Christie

November VAAS. When you see this acronym what comes to mind? Hopefully, Venice
7 Felts Audubon Preserve, 7:30 a.m.
Area Audubon Society. Indulge me for a minute while I present another take on
10 Jelks Preserve, 7:30 a.m.
14 Venice Landfill/Venetian River what the VAAS acronym stands for.
Club, 7:45 a.m. V is for VOLUNTEER.  Energize Inc. describes a volunteer as “Someone who
15 Carlton Reserve, 7:30 a.m. contributes time, effort and talent to meet a need or further a mission, without
17 Conservation Cmte, 3:00 p.m. going on the payroll.”
17 Board Meeting, 5:00 p.m. A is for ATTITUDE. Wikipedia explains, “An attitude is a hypothetical con-
21 Shamrock Park, 7:30 a.m.
struct that represents an individual’s degree of like or dislike for an item. Attitudes
24 General Meeting, Venice
Audubon Center, 7:00 p.m. are generally positive or negative views of a person, place, thing, or event—this is
December often referred to as the attitude object.”
1 Conservation Cmte, 3:00 p.m. A is for ACTION. states, “carry through: put in
1 Board Meeting, 5:00 p.m. effect; carry out a task; execute the decision of the people.”
2 Placida Boat Trip, 8:00 a.m. S is for STEWARD. describes a steward as “a person mor-
2 Shamrock Park, 7:30 a.m. ally responsible for the careful use of money, time, talents, or other resources, esp.
6 Carlton Reserve, 7:30 a.m.
with respect to the principles or needs of a community or group.”
8 Holiday Party Mtg., Venice
Audubon Center, 7:00 p.m. Volunteer.  While searching for volunteers to serve on the Board of Directors,
10 Myakka River State Park, 7:30 a.m. one of the most disheartening statements I heard was “Are you kidding? That
15 Christmas Bird Count Board is known for its contentious nature, no way am I going on that.” While at
18 Wings & Things deadline for times it feels like there is some truth to that statement, the current Board is fantas-
January newsletter tic. Just look at the make-up of these great people.
19 Deer Prairie Creek Preserve, 7:30 a.m.
Attitude. Over the past few weeks, considerable non productive time and
energy focused on items such as irrigation systems and Audubon Adventures.
2 Celery Fields Trip, 7:30 a.m.
9 Carlton Reserve, 7:30 a.m. Misinformation appears to be the stem of this movement. These incidents may
10 Emerson Point Park, 7:30 a.m. prove to be an alarm system. Misinformation from sources outside of the board is
13 Shamrock Park , 7:30 a.m. getting in the way of progress. Rest assured, the Board of Directors hears the alarm
15 Robinson Preserve, 7:00 a.m. and will continue to search for the best way to distribute accurate information.
The Conservation Committee focusing on Green Initiatives for the building,
IN MEMORIAM Scrub-jay management, protecting coastal habitat for beach nesting birds, and the
Barbara L. Sappington development of a second rookery. The Ways and Means group working on a pro-
We are saddened to learn of the death gressive fund raising agenda. The Publicity Director is seeking new and exciting ways
of our dear friend and faithful VAAS to tell the VAAS story. The Program Director is arranging an incredible line-up of
member, Barbara, on October 1. speakers. New and exciting field trips are happening. What an incredible list!
Although wheel chair bound for Steward.  Going back to the VAAS acronym, as we know it, the Venice
several years, she continued to
Area Audubon Society has incredibly devoted and dedicated members and
support VAAS by attending meetings.
Our sympathy goes out to her husband Volunteers with Attitude willing to take Action and strive to be the best
Walter and daughter Cindy Julius. Stewards of resources. However, all too often, energy is expended putting out
President’s Message continued on page 3
Upcoming ProgramS AT Bill Fairbank
Venice Audubon Center
PANAMA – Charlie Sample
Eight VAAS Panama trip members Annual dues are due by September 1.
Endemic, Indigenous and had a fantastic time as guests of the We have only received 1/3 of the mem-
Exotic Birds of Hawaii Canopy Lodge in El Valle de Antón. We bership dues so far. We encourage the
Nov 24 at 7:00 p.m. were treated royally, with a short visit members who have not yet sent in
Barry Rossheim, zoology teacher at
to the Canopy Tower, and then in the their dues to do so as soon as possible.
Venice High School and member of
VAAS, will share his recent birding mountains at the Lodge for nine days. There is a renewal form located in the
experience on the islands of Oahu We enjoyed two birding excur- 2009-2010 Trip & Program Guide.
and Maui. His presentation will sions daily which took us to different These funds make possible the many
feature the boardwalk area of the Panamanian habi- activities of Venice Audubon including
Nature Conservancy of Hawaii’s tats. There were two our educational programs.
Waikamoi Preserve and the difficult Thank you to all members of VAAS
all day outings, one
to access nesting area of the
to Altos del Maria, who paid their annual dues for their
Laysan Albatross. You will enjoy
hearing about Barry’s adventures located at a higher continued support.
in his quest to see these “once in elevation in the We thank and welcome all new VAAS
a lifetime” birds and his beautiful mountains, and the members: Marie Beall, Dan Harris,
photos will leave us all yearning for other to the Pacific lowlands and a beach Joyce Leary, Michael and Carrol Malott,
a trip to the Aloha State. Jeffrey and Jane Parsons, and any other
on the Pacific Ocean.
Holiday Party Our birding guides, José and Moyo, new members that might have missed.
Dec 8 at 6:30 p.m. amazed us. They heard and located birds If you have questions call Bill Fairbank
The Board of VAAS has planned in the most difficult places. We were at 941-412-1610 or e-mail him at
a festive evening at the Center told that the 237 species we saw was a
to share the warm spirit of the
new record for nine days at the Canopy
holidays. VAAS will provide
Lodge. The birding was so good, that
beverages, cups, plates, etc. Please
bring hors d’oeuvres or dessert even our guides bagged a few “lifers!” Upcoming Field Trips
(finger food to keep it simple) to We all had a great time and everyone Nov 7 - Felts Audubon Preserve, 7:30 a.m.
share for “cocktail hour” while we saw all the birds. If anyone missed a bird, Nov 14 - Venice Landfill and the Venetian
visit and listen to holiday music. José and Moyo made sure to locate the Golf & River Club, 7:45 a.m.
Bring items you would like to donate bird again. We can’t say enough about
and/or solicit items from a favorite Nov 21 - Shamrock Park, 7:30 a.m.
the guides and the efforts they made to
merchant for a silent auction—a Dec 2 - The Placida Boat trip. Lunch at
friendly bidding event to obtain accommodate us all—the casual and Fishery Restaurant. Registration required,
Holiday gifts for yourself or others hard-core birders alike. limited space. 8:00 a.m.
and a fun way to add some funds to The food was out of this world. We
Dec 10 - Myakka River State Park, 7:30 a.m.
our budget. You can bring articles to enjoyed fine dining under a canopy
the November meeting or contact Jan 2 - Celery Fields, 7:30 a.m.
porch with a mountain view next to a
any board member prior to the Jan 10 - Emerson Point Park, 7:30 a.m.
rapid flowing stream.
event so we can include them in
The birds seen on this trip are too For more details about any of the trips
our inventory. Help is needed on the
numerous to list. If you’re interested see- above, please see the 2009-2010 VAAS
Holiday Committee. If you can be
Trips & Program Guide.
a part of making this event happen, ing in a complete list, come to the “Trips”
call Marty Shirley at 941-496-4494. table at the next VAAS general meeting. If you have any comments about any of
this season’s trips or have suggestions
The “Panama/Venice Fantastic Eight”
about places to go next season, drop
WINGS is GOING GREEN are: Virginia Bates, Rhea Guertin, Gail
by the Trips table at the VAAS general
To receive the January edition, we Pigeon, Marian Shern, Norma Sayres, meeting or contact Bill Fairbank at
need your current e-mail address. Bill Fairbank, Carolyn Edmunds and 941-412-1610 or
See mailing panel for details.
Charlie Sample.

2  Wings& Things  |  Nov/Dec 09

President’s Message continued from page 1

fires instead of focusing on the great VAAS At a glance

tasks this group can accomplish. Maybe
Christmas Bird Count  The CBC is on Tuesday, December 15. The
that is the root of the conflict, “keep the
compiler for the Venice-Englewood count is Rett Oren. If you can help with
fires stirred” so VAAS cannot achieve its
the count, contact Rett at or 941-486-1424.
full potential.
Please remember that VAAS is a com- Conservation Committee  One of our initiatives is to see if we can
munity of people with a variety of opin- make a positive impact on global climate change by making the Venice Audubon
ions, hopes, fears, expectations, and a Center more energy efficient and a model of sustainability. We engaged a volun-
desire to achieve great things. The Board teer engineer to investigate.We hope our Center can be a demonstration Center
of Directors wants to assure you that we for the South Sarasota County area, promoting VAAS’s name and conservation
are really trying to do a great job for our mission to the community. We need help finding a name for this initiative. If
organization. In addition, although we you have a suggestion, please send it to us at the Venice Audubon Center.
may choose to do things a little differ-
Rookery Committee  The second rookery preparation is underway. The
ently from the past, we are trying to be
County has excavated a deeper channel on either side of the island to make it
the best we can be…and sometimes we
(potential second rookery) less vulnerable to predators and human penetration.
need to change in order to improve.
The next phase is to remove exotic vegetation and plant native trees.
YOU are the vehicle that keeps all
things moving forward. Your construc- Audubon Adventures  It has come to our attention that misinformation
tive support and guidance is needed to has been circulating via e-mail from some about the Board’s recent decision regard-
increase VAAS’s potential. Should you ing our Audubon Adventures (AA) program. We’d like to set the record straight.
hear something that doesn’t sound right, The Board has decided to continue offering AA to the Girl Scouts and to
or feel something may be going haywire, home-schooled children. Both groups have been fully utilizing the AA materials.
please channel it in a productive man- Therefore, all donations collected for this year’s AA program will support these
ner by contacting a Board Member, or two groups. The Board decided to discontinue offering Audubon Adventures to
asking to address the Board at a Board the schools. The reasons are as follows: 1) AA materials were not fully utilized
meeting. In this venue, information will 2) costs have increased to $3,000 and 3) donations collected only totaled 1/3 of
be first-hand and clear. Your knowledge, the actual cost. The VAAS teacher in the schools and other school educational
experience, and insight may be the per- programs will remain in place.
fect stimulus to aid in moving a project We’d like to take this opportunity to say that when you have concerns about
to great heights. things that VAAS is doing or any decisions the Board makes, please feel free to con-
tact us directly to discuss your concerns and/or request to attend a Board meeting
to present your point of view. We are ready and willing to listen.
This is exactly what Jackie Barrett and Lori Stover did recently. They came to a
Brenda Bossman
Board meeting to present their concerns about the Board’s decision to discontinue
The Treasurer’s April 2009 is too offering AA to the schools and the funds collected for this part of the program. The
detailed to be printed in this Wings & Board commends Jackie and Lorie for caring enough about the education of school
Things issue. The report in its entirety children to present their concerns in a constructive manner to the Board.
will be posted at the monthly meeting.
Birds in Paradise  At the September general meeting, Janie Dancho
May 2008 – April 2009
did a great presentation on the Magnificent Frigatebird! The members present
Income: $41,760.52
enjoyed the informative and entertaining addition to our meeting and we are
Expenses: $38,150.18
looking forward to more. Janie will keep the list of volunteer presenters and will
Current Assets as of April 30, 2009: have a sign-up sheet available at meetings. Tell us about your favorite, confus-
Checking/Savings: $21,672.13 ing or unusual bird. Contact Janie at 941-244-0769. For more information on
Other Assets: $71,080.80 this program refer to the Sept/Oct edition of Wings & Things.
Total Assets: $92,752.80

Nov/Dec 09  |  Wings& Things  3

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en Non-Profit Org.

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Venice Area Audubon Society

P. O. Box 1381
Venice, FL 34284-1381

The next edition of Wings & Things
will be sent via e-mail and also
posted on our website. It will no
longer be mailed. To receive
the January edition, make sure we
have your current e-mail address.
See Bill Fairbank at the
membership table or e-mail him at

Venice Audubon Center

(Headquarters) and Rookery
Roster Treasurer
Brenda Bossman
Hospitality Coordinator
Virginia Koss
4002 S. Tamiami Trail Board of Directors 941-270-2961 941-493-8812
(at Annex Road, behind the R. L.
President Newsletter Coordinators
Ways and Means and
Anderson Administration Building) Missy L. Christie Charles Sample, Editor
Education Chair
Venice, FL 941-321-7886 Carolyn Edmunds, Designer
Phone: 941-496-8984 Director 941-497-6463
Bill Fairbank
Mailing address: 1st Vice President Volunteer Coordinator
Marty Shirley Arlene Kelpsh
Venice Area Audubon Society
941-496-4494 or 941-468-0002 941-486-9022
P. O. Box 1381 Field Trips and Membership Chair Youth Education Coordinator
Venice, FL 34284-1381 Director
Programs Chair Alena Copek
Carol Hayden
2nd Vice President 941-429-8725
Wings& Things is published by the Ken Reamy
Venice Area Audubon Society (VAAS). 941-493-1042 or 941-408-6278
Publicity Chair
As a member of VAAS you receive five
editions of Wings & Things per year, Conservation Chair Director
information on our field trips, chapter Recording Secretary Julie Morris
meetings and programs. Individual Don Rippeon 941-234-7201
memberships are $20 per year and 941-698-1492
family memberships are $30 per year.
A lifetime family membership is $1500. Corresponding Secretary Vacant
All membership dues go to the Kathy Upton
Venice Area chapter of the National 941-408-9357
Audubon Society.

Our Mission: To promote interest in wildlife and foster the cause of conservation with emphasis on birds and their habitat

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