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Mar/Apr 2010

Wings& Things
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The Newsletter of the Venice Area Audubon Society  | Founded in 1965

Upcoming Programs
Venice Community Center
Up Close and Personal:
The Life Cycle of Southwest Florida Butterflies
March 23  •  7:00 p.m.
What is this wonderful butterfly? Come and learn about our area butterflies. You
will enjoy this presentation, the beautiful jewel-like butterflies we see all around
Photo Contest us. Beverly Z. Bowen, North American Butterfly Association Liaison, will show
detailed photos of some of our area butterflies in various stages and point out
Share Your Photos ways to identify them. Beverly will also discuss the plants that these species
of Birds and Nature require and the importance of butterfly gardening.
During the May 11th Farewell Get
Together, we will hold our First Bird Colony Islands Restoration Project
Annual VAAS Photography Contest. April 27  •  7:00 p.m.
This will be a “just for fun” event
The Robert’s Bay bird colonies located adjacent to the Intracoastal Waterway
where members and guests can
are the most important habitat for wading bird species and Brown Pelicans
share their best bird and/or nature-
in Sarasota Bay. After wave action slowly eroded these islands, a stone
related photos with other members.
breakwater was constructed to stabilize them. Curtis R. Smith, Bird Colony
Photos submitted should be framed
Islands Restoration Project Manager, will bring us up to date on the rookery
or mounted and will be displayed
which is now very active and supports nesting by several species including
around the Center. The photos can
Roseate Spoonbills and American Oystercatchers.
be priced to sell or just displayed.
Our resident photography expert, Venice Audubon Center
Eileen Maris Cohen, will judge the
photos in a friendly competition. Farewell Get Together
We will also have a “most popular” May 11  •  5:00 p.m.
vote by members. Have fun showing
off your best work, gain recognition Participate in a review of VAAS activities and goals of the year. Enjoy the
from others and maybe learn a little meeting with your friends and reminisce the VAAS events while tasting the
something too! end-of-season covered dish supper and scrutinizing the photo contest entries.
(See Photo Contest article at left for details.)

Rescue Bird Walks at Oscar Scherer
and Venice Audubon member, Joyce Leary, will be leading bird walks at Oscar Scherer
Rehabilitation State Park on third and fourth Thursdays during March and April. Her bird walks
start at 8:00 a.m. on March 18, March 25, April 15, and April 25.
The bird walks start from the Nature Center by Lake Osprey. The bird walks are
Center of Venice free, however there is a $5.00 per vehicle fee for entrance to the park. The bird walks
941-484-9657 are sponsored by the Friends of Oscar Scherer State Park. Bird walks on the first and
second Thursdays of each month are usually conducted by Sarasota Audubon.
What’s New at VAAS
2010 Calendar of Events
New Officers Volunteers Needed
VAAS welcomes Dan Kixmiller back We have need for volunteers to serve
16 Conservation Committee, 3 p.m.
20 Board Meeting, 5 p.m. to the Board of Directors as Treasurer. as receptionists at the Center during the
20 CANCELLED: Mardi Gras Night Mary King has been appointed to mornings when the visitors are coming
Fundraiser, 7–10 p.m. Recording Secretary. Brenda Bossman to the Rookery. The Center is there to
23 General Meeting, 7 p.m., will move to Education and Ways and provide information about the Rookery,
Venice Community Center Means Chair. brochures of birding hot spots and rest
26–28 Audubon Academy,
Conservation Committee room facilities. This is a way for VAAS to
April The committee has meet with Sarasota gain members and visibility in the com-
16 Wings & Things Article County Commissioners to explore ways munity. It is not a demanding job, but it
Submission Deadline to develop the Center into a “green” does provide the satisfaction of helping
20 Conservation Committee, 3 p.m. facility. The County Administrator was others, raising our profile and promoting
20 Board Meeting, 5 p.m. conservation. If you can give VAAS some
consulted to lend his expertise for us to
23 Annual Business and time, please contact Arlene Kelpsh at
General Meeting, 7 p.m., develop means to accomplish the goal of
a “green” facility. 941-486-9022.
Venice Community Center
May Commissioner Mason visited the Rookery Happenings
4 Conservation Committee, 3 p.m. Center and Rookery to learn about our The Great Horned Owls that took
4 Board Meeting, 5 p.m. mission and community activities. The over the Osprey nest on top of the
11 Farewell Get Together,
second Rookery has been cut deeper at County building’s tower have two chicks
Covered Dish Supper and
both ends of the island. We are waiting which are visible from the Center.
Photo Contest, 5 p.m.,
Venice Audubon Center for consultation from Florida Audubon There are also chicks at the Rookery.
concerning the viability of this area to Unfortunately, nesting pairs are down
become a Rookery. this year and the cold weather hasn’t
Use Binoculars Like a Pro Mardi Gras Night Cancelled helped. There are Great Blue Herons,

Q I think I have my binoculars The VAAS Board of Directors is Great Egrets, Anhinga, and a Black-
perfectly set for my eyes, but sorry to announce that the Mardi Gras crowned Night Heron nesting. A Green
I just can’t find any birds with them! Night fundraising event scheduled for Heron is hanging around. If you haven’t
There can be a cardinal sitting in a witnessed the Rookery in full action,
March 20th has been cancelled due to
tree right in front of me and when I visit near sundown and watch all the
pull up the binoculars to my eyes and insufficient ticket sales. Like any non-
profit organization, VAAS needs its long-legged wading birds arrive to roost
try to scan, the bird has flown away
before I can find it. What should I do? membership to help raise money so it for the night. About 300 birds filled the
can meet its financial obligations. We rookery island at dusk in February.

A When you find a bird, keep

your eyes on it while you place
the binoculars in front of your eyes
have some urgent needs, one being that
our Center’s air conditioning unit needs
Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
have been visiting the lake behind the
and focus without moving your to be replaced at the cost of $6,500. If Rookery and sitting out on the lawn.
head. Practice this with inanimate you have fundraising ideas or want to Someone in the mobile home park may
objects first. Start with large items, help with future fundraising efforts, call be feeding them.
then test yourself to see how quickly Brenda Bossman at 941-270-2961 or VAAS Family
you can spot something and pull Ken Reamy recently underwent
up your glasses to view it. It can
be frustrating at first, but once you By-Law Change an operation. We wish him a speedy
master finding inanimate objects and A committee is diligently working on recovery.
resting birds, finding moving birds a by-laws revision to be presented to the One of our “icon” members, Lynne
through your binoculars will soon general membership at the April busi- Bobb Koths, is recovering from a stroke.
become second nature. She is making good progress in rehab and
ness meeting for approval.
is expected home soon. We wish her well.

2  Wings& Things  |  Mar/Apr 10

Membership and Newsletter Update
New Members Welcome!
Please give a big welcome to the following new members who joined our Audubon
chapter during January/February: Carol Colirn, Susan Hooper, Janet and Laurence
Kettner, Mary E. King, Charlotte Neagle, Richard Palmer, Mary Jean Westcott,
Patricia Wright, Charles Armstrong, Catherine Dorn, Carol Jorgensen, Barbara
Kittredge, Eleanor McKillips, George Scheffer, Linda Shute, and Thomas Soule. If
we overlooked anyone, our apologies. The Swallow-tailed Kite was just
one of 67 species seen on VAAS’s
Postcards Alligators & Airboats / Corkscrew
Thanks to all the members who sent back the postcard included in the last issue of Swamp Sanctuary trip on March 6th.
Wings & Things. We received 124 postcards back out of 780 sent out. If you have not Twenty participants toured the
sent back your postcard, please do so ASAP! Need a postcard? Contact Bill Fairbank shoreline of the approximately
at 941-412-1610 or 1,500 acres of Lake Trafford in an
The members who returned the cards with their email addresses will allow us airboat. Afterwards, they walked
the 2.25 mile Corkscrew boardwalk.
to begin distribution of Wings & Things by email. This will help VAAS reduce our
Other birds sited were the Painting
carbon footprint and save some trees for the birds. All those who checked the “I do Bunting, seven warbler species,
not have email box” on the card will receive a printed copies of Wings & Things by the Purple Gallinule and Roseate
regular U.S. mail. Spoonbill. Wood Storks are not
Summer Addresses nesting this year because of high
water conditions.
Some members have given us both their Florida address and their northern sum-
mer address. They have asked VAAS to send their Wings & Things to their northern
address when they are not in Florida. Unfortunately, with more than 800 members
Ramsar Listing Celebrated
in our chapter, it is not possible to do this since people leave for their northern at Corkscrew Sanctuary
homes at different times and are away from Florida for different lengths of time. We Audubon of Florida’s Corkscrew
know that these members want to stay in touch with our chapter when they are away Swamp Sanctuary, home of the
largest stand of old-growth Bald
by not missing an issue of Wings & Things. The best way you can do this is to give
Cypress trees in North America,
us your email address, then we can send Wings & Things to you by email wherever hosted a celebration of its listing as
you are. a Ramsar Wetland of International
When we receive two addresses, we entered the Florida address into our chap- Importance by the Ramsar
ter address database. If you do not have email and would like Wings & Things Convention on February 18.
mailed to your northern address during the summer and fall you contact, Bill
Ramsar’s Secretary General
Fairbank at 941-412-1610 before you leave and give him your northern address. Anada Tiéga was there to present
After you return to Florida, please call Bill again and give him your new Florida address. the Ramsar site certificate to the
Pay Your Dues Early! assembled notables and applaud
their efforts. Ed Carlson, director of
Venice Area Audubon Society dues are due again on September 1, 2010. Many
the Corkscrew Sanctuary, emceed
of our members are away on this date and will not be back in Florida until later. So the ceremony.
why not send in your dues payment now and avoid missing the deadline? Dues paid
after February are good until September 1, 2011. The Ramsar Convention on
Wetlands promotes conservation of
wetland habitats around the world.
Sharing Tools, Saving Birds The listing of Corkscrew marks
the second Audubon sanctuary in
Donate your old optics to a local nature center or birding club like ours, or an orga-
the USA to receive the prestigious
nization such as the American Birding Association’s Birder’s Exchange or to Optics for
listing by Ramsar. Audubon’s
the Tropics. Both ABA and Optics for the Tropics send used binoculars to researchers Beidler Forest, in South Carolina,
and educators in Latin America and the Caribbean. To find out more information go to: was designated in 2008. or

Mar/Apr 10  |  Wings& Things  3

Search for Burrowing Owls by Charlie Ewell of Cape Coral
during daylight hours this time of year. so young, so those that will survive stay
There will be one eventually if you check within running distance! There is usu-
enough sites, but you may need to keep ally an adult close by when the young are
trying. I’m seeing a more out lately as out of the burrow, making them easy to
spring approaches, so this is a better time observe from your car (which serves as an
than a couple of weeks ago. outstanding blind).
The breeding season begins in earnest Cape Coral is a huge city, and owls
in March and runs through the early are presenting most neighborhoods.
summer. This is the easiest time to locate The belief is that there are close to
the owls, because they are using the bur- 2,000 currently breeding pairs. If you
There are a few helpful tips to have in row for the nesting process, and the male have a copy of Bill Pranty’s ABA guide
mind while looking for Burrowing Owls tends to be outside the immediate bur- “A Birder’s Guide To Florida” you are in
in Cape Coral. First, be persistent in your row area and easily seen while the female good shape. The driving loop provided
search during the non-breeding season. is incubating eggs and then tending to the in the Fort Myers/Cape Coral area of
The owls do not need to be outside the chicks. Once the chicks are old enough the guide is a good area to check. The
burrow during the day, or they are not to be outside the burrow, it is REALLY key to knowing that all the areas in
using it at all during the winter. Many easy, because the chicks are out learning vacant marked off with white PVC pipe,
owls roost in nearby vegetation, trees, the ways of the world. They don’t ven- and usually containing a T perch, indi-
around houses, etc. The burrow entrance ture too far from the entrance until they cate a burrow area. The pipe surrounds
area is more of a daytime event dur- are strong fliers, which take a coupe of the burrow area as an indicator for city
ing the breeding season. They are more months. The burrow is their only pro- mowing crews, so they do not collapse
often NOT SEEN outside of the burrow tection from predators when they are any burrows as they cut the grass.

A Fund Raiser for
Venice Area Audubon Society

Ra Mardi Gras Night

ng Saturday    March 20    7–10 p.m.
Venice Audubon Center    4002 S. Tamiami Trail
(at Annex Road, behind Anderson Admin. Building)

Black Jack    Craps    Raffles   Texas Hold‘em 
  Slot Machines     Roulette Wheel    Cash Bar

For more information an

or to reserve your seat
at a poker table,
$35 “Lite” Player (Includes $5 Play Money)
$75 Poker Table Player
call Brenda Bossman
($25 Re-Buy – Texas Hold’em and Black Jack)
at 941-474-8528
or 941-270-2961 Game table sponsorships available for $250
Includes one drink and hors d’oeuvres!
4  Wings& Things  |  Mar/Apr 10
Field Trips Update group arrived at low tide and saw vast
numbers of birds including egrets, her-
Past Trips Report ons, cormorants, spoonbills and Pied- Upcoming
The following is a brief description of trips bill Grebes. All enjoyed the dancing of Field Trips
that took place in January and February. the Reddish Egrets.
Thank you to all the trip leaders who Harns Marsh - Cathy Olson, from March 14 - Six Mile Slough 
made these trips a success! Lee County Parks and Recreation, Meander along the boardwalk
Celery Fields - Barry Rossheim guided us around the dikes at Harns through Six Mile Slough
lead the trip to this great birding spot Preserve and see wading birds,
Marsh. The group drove along the dikes
in Sarasota. Ducks of several varieties woodpeckers, and warblers.
enabling them to see more of the marsh
were seen as well as Limpkin, Sandhill than if they were on foot. The weather March 18 - Cedar Point Eagles
Cranes, eagles, sparrows, swallows and a was sunny but extremely cold and and Wading Trip­­
vast variety of other birds. windy—poor weather for finding birds. An environmental experience hiking
Robinson Preserve - The group was No shore birds were seen due to the and wading in Lemon Bay. Observe
guided around the preserve by Suwanna high water levels in the marsh resulting an eagle nest. Register with trip
Blakey from Manatee County Natural leader, Bobbi Rodgers 941-475-0769
from the recent above average rainfall.
Resources Department in a Conestoga or
Despite this they saw coots, Blue-winged
wagon. She explained how the area had Teal, Ring-billed Ducks, Limpkin, March 27 - Highlands Hammock
been transformed from a citrus orchard Black-crowned Night Herons, an eagle, Cancelled
into the outstanding natural area. The Osprey, Red- shouldered Hawks, several
group saw Osprey, wading birds, nest- snipe, and three rare Snail Kites. April 1 - Fort DeSoto 
ing eagles and a large group of vul- All day field trip to the best birding
Ideas and Feedback Wanted spot for viewing spring migrants
tures feasting on fish killed by the cold
This year’s field trips are not yet fin- such as tanagers, warblers
weather in early January.
ished but, at VAAS, we are thinking and orioles
Sleeping Turtles Preserve - Bob
about next year. Where do you want to
Vance lead this preserve situated along April 7 - Cape Coral’s
go next year? We welcome your ideas.
the Myakka River. They saw a vari- Burrowing Owls
Are there field trips you would like
ety of small birds including Yellow- See the charming burrowing owls,
repeated? Do you have any comments
rumped Warbler, Palm Warbler, Pine and other birds on this all day field trip.
or concerns about the trips VAAS offers?
Warbler, Blue-headed Vireo, Tufted
Please contact VAAS Trips Chairman, April 13 - Palm Island­
Titmouse, cardinals, robins, Blue-gray
Bill Fairbank at 941-412-1610. Visit the exclusive Palm Island to
Gnatcatchers as well as Red-shouldered see shorebirds and possibly spring
Hawks. migrants. Limited to 20 people. Contact
STA-5 - Missy Christie lead an over- Keeping An Eye On Things Missy Christie at 941-456-0699.
night trip to the legendary Storm Water If you enjoy finding and watching
April 17 - Celery Fields 
Treatment Area 5 near Clewiston. nesting birds and their eggs and chicks,
Unfortunately her co-leader, Marty consider joining NestWatch—a citizen- Visit Sarasota’s premium birding hot
spot to see ducks, rails, water birds,
Shirley, who did the hardest work coordi- science project and nest-monitoring
Sandhill Cranes, eagles, and a wide
nating the trip was unable to go because database—coordinated by the Cornell variety of other birds.
of illness. 62 species observed including Lab of Ornithology in collaboration
Purple Swamphen, Fulvous Whistling with the Smithsonian Migratory Bird See the Calendar of Events on page
one of Wings for the date and time
Duck, Western Kingbird, White Pelicans, Center. Visit to find
for these field trips. Additional
Roseate Spoonbill, Rough-winged out how to watch nests safely and to details are given in the 2009-2010
Swallows and Snail Kite. record your observations. The informa- VAAS Trip & Program Guide on the
Ding Darling - Ken Reamy lead tion you gather is valuable to scientists Venice Audubon Web site at
to trip to the Ding Darling National studying nesting birds and the factors
Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel island. The leading to their successes or failures.

Mar/Apr 10  |  Wings& Things  5

ice Are
en Non-Profit Org.

P. O. Box 1381
U. S. Postage


Venice, FL 34284-1381
u ie

bo c Manasota, FL Permit No. 917

n So

Venice Area Audubon Society

P. O. Box 1381
Venice, FL 34284-1381

Venice Audubon Center

(Headquarters) and Rookery
Roster Treasurer
Dan Kixmiller
Hospitality Coordinator
Virginia Koss
941-412-4153 941-493-8812
4002 S. Tamiami Trail Board of Directors
(at Annex Road, behind the R. L. Newsletter Coordinators
Anderson Administration Building) Director Charles Sample, Editor
Missy L. Christie
Brenda Bossman Carolyn Edmunds, Designer
Venice, FL 941-321-7886
941-270-2961 941-497-6463
Phone: 941-496-8984
Volunteer Director
Mailing address: 1st Vice President Ways and Means and
Charlie Sample
Venice Area Audubon Society Marty Shirley Education Chair
P. O. Box 1381 941-496-4494 or 941-468-0002
Director Volunteer Coordinator
Venice, FL 34284-1381 Bill Fairbank
Programs Chair Center and Rookery
Arlene Kelpsh
2nd Vice President
Wings& Things is published by the Vacant Field Trips and Membership Chair
Venice Area Audubon Society (VAAS). Conservation Chair Volunteer Coordinator
As a member of VAAS you receive five Youth Education
Recording Secretary Carol Hayden
editions of Wings & Things per year, Alena Capek
Mary King 941-961-5596
information on our field trips, chapter 941-429-8725
meetings and programs. Individual Publicity Chair
memberships are $20 per year and Corresponding Secretary
family memberships are $30 per year. Director
Kathy Upton
A lifetime family membership is $1500. Julie Morris
All membership dues go to the
Venice Area chapter of the National
Audubon Society.

Our Mission: To promote interest in wildlife and foster the cause of conservation with emphasis on birds and their habitat

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