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An Empirical Demonstration of Classical Comparative Cost Theory

Author(s): Bela Balassa

Source: The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 45, No. 3 (Aug., 1963), pp. 231-238
Published by: The MIT Press
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Accessed: 31/08/2009 14:50

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Bela Balassa
E CONOMICtheory can be regarded as will not attempt to test the Heckscher-Ohlin
consisting of a number of models designed hypothesis, but will rather inquire into the
to explain economic phenomena and to yield validity of the classical model.
predictions for the future. Any choice among According to the original formulation of the
alternative models should be based on their classical theory, comparative advantage based
explanatory value- a model (or hypothesis) on relative productivity differentialsdetermines
can be regarded as superior to another if it internationalspecialization. It has subsequently
better explains actual phenomenaand it is more been realized that inter-country differences in
helpful in predicting future events. the wage structureand in the capital-laborratios
The theory of international trade abounds in of various industries may compensate for pro-
theoretical models, some of them complemen- ductivity differentials; a country possessing
tary, others conflicting. Alternative approaches a relative productivity advantage in a par-
towards explaining the causes of international ticular industry may still import the commodity
specialization are followed, for example, by in question if it paid relatively higher wages
classical economists on the one hand, and by and/or had higher capital costs per unit of
Heckscher and Ohlin on the other. While the output in that industry.2 Still, the defenders of
hypothesis advanced by the formerpresupposes classical theory - among others, Taussig -
the existence of inter-country differences in expressed the opinion that the latter factors
production functions, the latter assume identi- are not sufficiently important to warrant sig-
cal production functions and qualitatively nificant changes in the trade pattern as deter-
identical factors of production in the trading mined by relative differences in productivity.3
countries and attribute international speciali- Let us adopt the following notation:
zation to differences in factor endowments. C= unit cost
The empirical testing of the Heckscher-Ohlin A = labor input per unit of output
hypothesis by Leontief led to inconclusive re- W wage rate
sults, and the interpretations and explanations T ratio of capital plus labor costs to
given to the Leontief paradox have demon- labor costs
strated that the assumptions of this model re- Subscripts I and II refer to country I and
quire modification.' In the present paper, we country II, respectively.
Capital letters refer to commodity X,
* This paper was prepared during the tenure of a re-
search grant from the Economic Growth Center at Yale
small letters to commodity Y.
University in the summer of ig6i. The author wishes to ex- The modified classical hypothesis can now
press his appreciation to Marnie Mueller who has cheerfully be written:
borne the burden of data collecting and computations and If
also made helpful comments on an earlier version of the
paper. Further thanks are due to Michael Lovell for valu- A, a,
< , (I)
able suggestions and criticism.
1 W. W. Leontief, "Domestic Production and Foreign
All all
Trade: The American Capital Position Re-examined," it is likely also that
Economia Internazionale, (February 1954), 9-38; "Factor CI CI
Proportions and the Structure of American Trade: Further , , (2)
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis," this REVIEW, XXXVIII CIw CIl
(November I956), 386-407. Also, P. T. Ellsworth, "The when the latter exDress'ionis equivalent to
Structure of American Foreign Trade: A New View Exam-
ined," this REVIEW, XXXVI (August I954), 279-285; Stefan REVIEW, by Stefan Valavanis-Vail, Romney Robinson, G. A.
Valavanis-Vail, "Leontief's Scarce Factor Paradox," Journal Elliott, Beatrice Vaccara, and W. W. Leontief, III-I22.
of Political Economy, LXII (December I954), 523-528; N. S. 2 For references, see Jacob Viner, Studies in the Theory
Buchanan, "Lines on the Leontief Paradox," Economia of InternationalTrade (New York, I937), 493-5I2.
Internazionale (November I955), 79I-794; and the dis- 'F. W. Taussig, International Trade (New York, I927),
cussion in the supplement to the February I958 issue of this 43-68.
[ 231 ]
XAIWIT, a,witI(3) net output (gross output minus purchased in-
AVIIWIITII a11w11t11
puts other than labor) per worker.9 The index
Consequently, country I will export commodity numbers for productivity (U.K.= ioo) are
X, and country II will export commodity Y. calculated separately at U.S. and U.K. prices
In order to test the classical hypothesis, and a geometric average of these figures is
MacDougall compared relative export volumes taken.
and relative productivity differences for Ameri- For the purposes of the present investiga-
can and British manufacturing industries, and tion, it was necessary to exclude several indus-
found that in 20 out of the 25 industries ex- tries from the sample. First, industries whose
amined, "where American output per worker output did not exceed one-third of one per cent
was more than twice the British, the United of the value of manufacturing production in
States had, in general, the bulk of the export the two countries have not been included since
market, while for products where it was less these industries are not representativeof manu-
than twice as high the bulk of the market was facturing as a whole. In the absence of the
held by Britain." I At the same time, relying necessary information, the same procedure was
on data of I3 industries MacDougall concluded followed with regard to industries processing
that although we can, to some extent, better agricultural raw materials, such as grain mill-
explain differences in export shares if consid- ing, canning, and breweries,because easy access
ering unit labor costs instead of productivity, to such materials affects export possibilities but
productivity differentialsare but scarcely modi- not the net output per worker. Finally, we had
fied by wage disparities.5 to disregardelectrical household equipment and
The present paper can be regarded as a con- passenger automobiles since in the period un-
tinuation of MacDougall's work, with differ- der investigation third countries discriminated
ences in the choice of data and in methodology. against American consumer durables as com-
Whereas MacDougall relied on Rostas' pro- pared with British. Our sample thus covers 28
ductivity estimates for the 'thirties,6 we will industries which produced 43. I per cent of
make use of Paige and Bombach's more in- manufacturing output in Britain and 4I.4 per
clusive observations that refer to I950.7 At cent in the United States.
the same time, we will attempt to reach some Relative productivity differences in these
conclusions as to the relative importance of industries are compared with their export per-
productivity, wages, and capital costs in de- formance in the two countries.10 In comparing
termining the pattern of exports. American and British exports we exclude trade
between the two countries themselves since this
Productivityand Exports is obviously greatly influenced by the relative
height of American and British tariffs. In
American and British productivity compari- other words, we ask the question to what ex-
sons have been made by Paige and Bombach tent productivity differencesdetermine the suc-
for 44 selected industries that include about cess of U.S. and U.K. industries in exporting
one-half of manufacturing production in the to third countries. No attempt will be made,
two countries.8 Productivity is measured as however, to correct for the differential effects
4 G. D. A. MacDougall, "British and American Exports: of Commonwealth preference, discrimination
A Study Suggested by the Theory of Comparative Costs,"
Part I Economic Journal LXI (December I95), 697-698. against American goods other than consumer
Ibid., 706-707. durables, and locational factors. It would be
a L. Rostas, Comparative Productivity in British and difficult to give numerical expression to these
American Manufacturing (Cambridge, I948),
'Deborah Paige and Gottfried Bombach, A Comparison influences in the present context; they should
of National Product and Productivity of the United King- therefore be used as qualifications to the re-
dom and the United States (Paris: Organisation for Euro- sults derived from the model.
pean Economic Co-operation, I959).
'The industries were selected on the basis that produc- 'Depreciation is not deducted from the net output fig-
tivity comparisons for these are considered reliable inasmuch ures, hence net output also equals value added plus depre-
as the inter-country output comparison is relatively good ciation.
and employment data are not likely to be subject to sub- 10The sample includes 48 per cent of British and 4I per
stantial errors resulting from differences in classification. cent of American manufacturing exports.
Further problems arise in determining the investigate the impact of productivity differ-
ratio of American to British exports. Theo- ences on export shares in third markets. By
retically, one should deal with export quantities doing this we implicitly assume that the elas-
rather than export values. This is what Mac- ticity of substitution between American and
Dougall attempted to do. However, he ran into British exports of the same commodity (or
difficulties in regard to heterogeneous com- commodity group) 11 exceeds unity, since
modity groups that comprise by far the larger substitution elasticities equal to or less than
part of his sample in terms of production value. unity would lead to inconclusive results. To
In some cases, he used value data (machinery, give an example, if productivity ratios were
outer clothing), in others, a system of weighting equal to price ratios, and the elasticity of sub-
(motor cars, leather footwear, hosiery). Both stitution between the two countries' exports
of these solutions entail errors, and one could
also question the advisability of mixing quan- 11The elasticity of substitution between American and
British exports of a given commodity is
tity and value data in the same sample.
Because of the unreliability of quantity com- d qI PIA
'qI PII d log (ql/q,,)
parisons in most of the industries included in
our sample, we have chosen to work with ex- d PI q,
)d log (pI/pII)

port values. In other words, we propose to when I and II refer to American and British, respectively.


Export Output per Wage Unit Labor Net Unit

Value Worker Ratio Cost Cost Ratio
$ per ? per ? $ per L
U.K. = IOO U.K. = IOO U.K. = IOO U.K. = IOO U.K. = IOO
Industries (I) (2) (3) (4) (5)
I. Woolen and worsted 2.7 I85 IOI7 550 335
2. Shipbuilding and repairing 20.9 III 899 8io 802
3. Cement 3I.4 ii6 756 652 572
4. Structural clay products 40-9 I97 804 408 498
5. Tanneries 48.9 i68 904 538 370
6. Footwear, except rubber 66.5 I7I 805 47I 440
7. Cotton spinning and weaving 68.4 249 928 373 280
8. Tools and implements 77.3 I90 I04I 548 570
9. Tires and tubes 84.9 24I IOI4 42I 438
io. Knitting mills 86.3 I87 9I4 489 359
ii. Rayon, nylon, and silk 87.8 226 958 424 354
I2. Iron and steel foundries 92.6 202 928 459 398
I3. Bolts, nuts, rivets, screws 94.7 256 I223 478 523
I4. Wirework I03.4 244 I042 427 409

I5. Outerwear and underwear II0.9 I70 ioi6 598 535

i6. Soap, candles, and glycerine II4.8 249 IIOI 442 58I
I7. Generators, motors, transformers II7.6 239 998 4I8 466
I8. Rubber products, except tires and footwear I36.3 250 IOI3 405 393
I9. Blast furnaces I86.9 408 828 203 3 70
20. Radio I9I.4 400 948 237 29I
2I. Steel works and rolling mills I96.6 269 879 327 338
22. Automobiles, trucks, and tractors 205.7 466 942 202 247
23. Basic industrial chemicals 2I3.2 372 947 255 322
24. Pulp, paper, and board 233.9 338 I02I 302 297
25. Metal-working machinery 277.5 22I iio8 50I 459
26. Containers, paper and card 290.4 428 II46 268 229
27. Agricultural machinery, except tractors 29I.8 429 958 223 224
28. Paint and varnish 320.I 363 98o 270 255

Column I:
Great Britain, Customs and Excise Department, Annual Statement of the Trade of the UneitedKingdom, I954, Compared with the
Years 1951-1953, III (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, I956).
United Nations, Statistical Office, Commodity Trade Statistics, January-December I95i (New York, I952).
United Nations, Statistical Office, Yearbook of International Trade Statistics, 1952 (New York, I953).
United States, Bureau of the Census, Report No. FT4Io, United States Exports of Domestic anedForeign Merchandise, Calendar Year
195i, Parts I and II (Washington, I952).
Columns 2, 3, 4, and 5:
Paige, Deborah, and Gottfried Bombach, A Comparison of National Output and Productivity of the United Kingdom an7dthe United
States (Paris, OEEC, I959).
were unity, export values would be identical. E P
-53-32 + .72I (I)
The findings of Kubinski, MacDougall, and EII .7
03 )4 i
Zelder indicate, however, that elasticities of
substitutionsignificantlyexceed unity.12 There- Thus, on the average, an increase in the U.S.-
fore, it can be expected that -if a positive U.K. productivity ratio from 200 to 220 would
correlation between productivity and export lead to an increase of the ratio of export values
quantities exists - relative productivity ad- to third countries from 9I to I05, and the
vantages will lead to larger export shares.13 value of American and British exports would
The export data used in the calculations re- become equal in an industry where American
fer to I95I. This year has been chosen partly productivity exceeded British productivity by
because we can expect a lag between changes II3 per cent.
in productivity and changes in export shares, The correlation coefficient between produc-
partly because export values in I950 do not tivity ratios and export ratios is .8o; in other
yet reflect the full effect of the I949 devalua- words, 64 per cent of the variance in export
tion. Separate calculations were made for the shares can be explained by differences in pro-
years I954-56. ductivity. Since the coefficient of linear cor-
The relevant data are found in columns (i) relation might be influencedby extreme values,
and (2) of Table i. The scatter diagram, we also calculated the Spearman rank correla-
plotted on a natural scale (Chart i) gives in- tion coefficient. This gives the value of .8i,
dication of a definite relationship between the indicating that extreme values did not have an
two variables. As a first approximation, a appreciable influence on r.
straight line regression was fitted to the data, The next question concerns the reliability of
the results. We have calculated the confidence
CHART I. - U.S./U.K. EXPORT AND PRODUCTIVITY interval for the linear correlation coefficient
with the use of Fisher's z-transformation. This
EXPORTS gives the limits of .6o-.9o for r, at the 5 per
300 .0 cent confidencelevel. However, we should note
that, for the purposes of the present investiga-
tion, statistical methods are of limited useful-
ness in determining what significance can be
attached to the estimates, since these presup-
pose random sampling from a bivariate normal
100 *.
too/ . distribution of the variables in question. Al-
though we can assume that the underlying dis-
7.. tributions approach a normal curve, the group
0 100 200 300 400 500 of industries investigated cannot be regarded
LABOR PRODUCTIVITY as a random sample.
reflecting the hypothesis that there is a linear Approaching the problem of reliability in a
relationship between productivity ratios and different way, we note that our sample includes
export ratios. Introducing the symbols, E for 40-45 per cent of manufacturing production
export value and P = i/A, the regression equa-
and exports in the two countries; hence it may
tion will assume the following form: give a reasonably good approximation for
12 A. Kubinski, "The Elasticity of Substitution between
manufacturing as a whole for the period under
Sources of British Imports, I92I-38," Yorkshire Bulletin of consideration. It is a different problem wheth-
Economic and Social Research (January I950), I7-29: er the same relationship would apply to years
MacDougall, op. cit.; R. E. Zelder, "The Elasticity of De- other than the ones chosen since the results are
mand for Exports, I92I-38" (unpublished doctoral disserta-
tion, University of Chicago, I955), cited in A. C. Harberger, affected by errors due to variables not includ-
"Some Evidence on the International Price Mechanism," ed in the analysis and by observational errors
Journal of Political Economy, LXV (December I957), 5o6- in the independent variable. Productivity data
13 Still, our results will be influenced by inter-commodity are available only for I950, but these can be
differences as regards the elasticity of substitution. compared with trade figures for later periods.
Surely, the comparison has only limited valid- CHART 2. - U.S./U.K. EXPORT AND PRODUCTIVITY
ity since we disregard possible changes in pro- RATIOS I950 AND I95I (LOGARITHMIC SCALE)

ductivity, but it will still be of some interest if EXPORTS

400 -
we can assume that year-to-year changes in
productivity are small or that export trade 300.
follows variations in productivity with a com- 200.
paratively long time lag. We have proceeded
to calculate the correlation between the var-
iables in question using export data for I954- 100 _
.73. Considering the 80
56,1' and arrived at r
differences in the two time periods, the results 60 .'
are remarkably close and suggest the relative 40/
constancy of the observed relationship.
In the above discussion we have assumed the
existence of a linear relationship between the 20
variables considered. However, the scatter
diagram of Chart i indicates increasing devia- .5 1 2: 4 6 8 10
tions from the regression line as the values of
observations increase, suggesting that a loga-
rithmic relationship may provide a better fit. ratios leads to an approximately i.6 per
If this were so, a one per cent increase in pro- change in the ratio of export values between
ductivity ratios would be associated with a the two countries. The coefficient of correla-
given percentage change in export ratios. tion is .86, with confidence limits of .73-.94 at
The observations - with one exception the 5 per cent level of significance. The coeffi-
are plotted on a logarithmic scale in Chart 2 cient of determination is .74; that is, 74 per
and show a close relationship. The exception cent of the variance in export ratios can be ex-
is the wool industry in which American exports plained by relative productivity differences.'5
amount to only a small fraction of British ex-
ports. The deviation of the data of this indus- Productivity,Wages, and Exports
try from the observed pattern is explained by The next question to be answered is whether
the fact that Britain has differentialadvantages the explanation of export ratios given here
over the United States in manufacturingwool- can be improved upon if we consider not only
ens inasmuch as she can procure wool at a productivity differencesbut also wage ratios as
lower price from Commonwealth countries the determinantsof export shares. Wage ratios
(Australia and New Zealand) and, also, the (U.S./U.K.) are found in Column (3) of Table
quality of British wool products is greatly i. A multiple regression equation can be fitted
superior to the American. The difference in using productivity ratios and wage ratios as
quality suggests that the reliability of the com- independent, and the ratio of export values as
parison is greatly reduced by the differentiation dependent, variables, since no multicollinearity
of the product. is present. (The coefficient of linear correla-
If we exclude the wool industry from the tion between productivity ratios and wage
investigation, the regression equation takes the ratios is .20.)
form, Assuming additivity in the effect of the in-
E1 PI dependent variables on export shares, the re-
log - = -I.76I + I.594 log - (5)
Eu, (O.I8I) PIr gression equation will take the form,
Thus, a one per cent change in productivity - -18I.2 + .69 I -+ .I40 -
EII (.I67) P11 (.IO2) WI,
'4 The choice of these years was given by the availability

of the data for purposes of a different investigation. Since (6)

discrimination against American consumer durables abated
by I 54, electrical household equipment and automobiles 15 If the wool industry were included in the calculations,

were included in our sample. the correlation coefficient would be .78.

The multiple correlation coefficient is .8i, com- capital costs in the estimates. At this point we
pared with .8o for the simple correlation coeffi- encounter statistical difficulties, however. The
cient. The two values become equal if the available data do not provide information on
adjustment suggested by H. Theil for specifi- capital cost per unit of output but only on
cation analysis is made.'6 The partial coeffi- "net costs," inclusive of profits. Net costs as
cient of correlation between productivity and defined by Paige and Bombach are equivalent
exports is .77, between wages and exports .24. to net output so that net costs per unit of output
The latter coefficient is not significant at the 5 refer to value added plus depreciation per
per cent confidence level. quantity of output. We will make use of these
The explanatory value of wage differentials figures in the following (see Table i, col. (5)),
as regards to differences in export values while the implications of this procedure will be
changes but little if we fit a logarithmic equa- noted at a later point.
tion to the data. Chart 3 shows the tendency of export shares
to favor the country with the lower relative net
log = -5.I64 + I.457 log
El, (.328) PII unit costs. As a first approximation, we have
again fitted a straight line regression of the
+ I.250 log . (7) form
(.566) WII
E, =299.8 - 40 (8)
Again, there is no significant differencebetween F11 (.103)N1(8
the multiple correlation coefficient (R = .88) when N refers to net unit costs as defined
and the simple correlationcoefficient (r = .86). above. The correlation coefficient between the
The partial coefficients of correlation are: be- two variables is -.6o, with confidencelimits of
tween productivity and exports, .84; between -.28 to -.8o at the 5 per cent level of signifi-
wages and exports, .i i - the latter is not sig- cance.
nificant at the 5 per cent level.'7
These results indicate that a definite rela- CHART 3. - U.S./U.K. EXPORT AND NET UNIT COSTS
tionship between wage ratios and export shares RATIOS I950 AND I95I (NORMAL SCALE)
cannot be established. Productivity advantages 300 .
are not counterbalancedby higher wages paid
in industries with higher productivity, and pro-
ductivity differences continue to account, in a
large measure, for differences in export shares.
Actually, there is some - although largely in-
conclusive - evidence that higher relative
wages might be associated with higher export 0 ~200 300 400 500 600 700 800
shares.'8 If this were so, a possible explanation NET UNIT COSTS

would be that greater success in exportation We find a closer relationship between net
may lead to higher wages. This implies that unit costs and export values if the relevant data
the relationship between wages and export are plotted on a logarithmic scale (Chart 4).19
shares is by no means uni-directional; while Fitting a logarithmic regression to the observa-
lower wages could conceivably lead to higher tions, this will assume the form
export shares, higher export shares may also El
make possible paying higher wages. log 6.I62 - I.590 log - (9)
El, (.30I) NII
Unit Costs and Exports Thus, a one per cent increase in the ratio of
We come now to the question of whether our net unit costs would lead to an approximately
r,iiltq could bh imnrov&d irnon bv incluidinpr I.6 per cent reduction in the ratio of export
16See his Economic Forecasts and Policy (revised edi- values. The coefficient of correlation is -.71,
tion; Amsterdam I96I), 2IO if. with confidence limits - .44 to -.86 at the 5
17 The wool industry was excluded in estimating the
per cent level of significance. Thus, a little
regression equation.
18 See also I. B. Kravis, "Wages and Foreign Trade," "As in all logarithmic regressions, the wool industry is
this REVIEW, XXXVIII (February I956), 30. excluded from the data.
CHART 4.- U.S./U.K. EXPORT AND NET UNIT COSTS ference between the correlation coefficients, we
RATIOS I950 AND I95I (LOGARITHMIC SCALE) face the further problem of indicating why the
EXPORTS relationship between productivity and exports
400 - is closer than that between net unit costs and
300 - exports. A possible explanation is that indus-
tries with greater success in export markets
enjoy higher profits and this reduces the nega-
tive correlation between net costs and exports.
100 _ This hypothesis would take care of market im-
80 - perfections that lead to differentrates of profits
60 - in various industries, but it would require
further justification.
40 -
Evaluationof the EmpiricalResults
20 The evidence presented indicates that there
is a high correlation between productivity
1I 2 4 6 8 10 ratios and export shares, and the introduction
(In Hundreds) NET UNIT COSTS of further explanatory variables only slightly
modifies the results. On the one hand, there is
over 50 per cent of the variance in export inconclusive evidence that inter-industry wage
values can be explained by differences in net differences would appreciably affect export
unit costs. shares; on the other, differences in capital cost
The results show that a one per cent in- per unit of output do not seem to have a signifi-
crease in productivity ratios or in net unit cost cant influence on export performance. These
ratios leads to a I.6 per cent change in the results may be surprising to many, although
ratio of export values. At the same time, the they appear by no means implausible.
correlation coefficient between productivity Two possible explanations can be given for
ratios and export shares appears to be higher the absence of a correlation between wage
than between net unit cost ratios and export ratios and export shares. Taussig advanced the
shares. proposition that the hierarchy of wages in
The first question to be answered is whether different countries is largely similar because
the difference between the two coefficients there is little competition between the labor
(taken without sign) is significant. For the force of various industries (non-competing
normal regression, the correlation coefficients groups) and inter-industry wage-differences
are .8o and -.6o, respectively; for the logarith- are determined by the disutility and regularity
mic regression, .86 and - .7I. The value of T of work, the required strength and skill, and
is I.44 in the first case and I.5I in the second.20 other factors all of which act in basically the
Deviations of such magnitude could occur in same way in all countries.22On the other hand,
a normal distribution I3-I5 times in ioo cases. I. B. Kravis argued that the labor groups in
Hence, the differences between the observed various occupations do compete with each other
values of the coefficients does not appear to be and, consequently, in any one country, wage
significant. However, doubts may arise about differences are considerably smaller than pro-
the application of this test to the problem at ductivity differences.23
hand, since it presupposes random sampling. As to the first explanation, Stanley Leber-
If we consider that the difference in the cor- gott has shown that, in the years immediately
relation coefficients is maintained if export 21 The correlation coefficient between productivity and
values for I954-56 are used in the calcula- exports is .73, while between net unit costs and exports
tions,21 it would appear that this difference this is -.44, if export data for I954-56 are used and the
might not be due to random factors. variables are expressed on a normal scale.
220p. cit., 43 ff.
If we assume that there is a significant dif- 23" 'Availability' and Other Influences on the Commodity
20 For a description of this test, see F. C. Mills, Statistical Composition of Trade," Journal of Political Economy,
Met,hnd. (New Vork- TtCC )-n6-CZnI7 TXTV (Anril IOC6). TA6
following the Second World War, inter-industry til Ohlin asserted that the classical economists
wage patterns were almost identical between were guilty of neglecting the capital factor, and
the United States, the United Kingdom, and in his criticism Ohlin referred to the existing
Canada,and differedonly slightly for Sweden.24 large inter-industry differences of capital-labor
Similar results have been reached for the ratios. In the United States, for example, the
United States and Japan by I. B. Kravis.25 At amount of capital per worker was said to vary
the same time, it has been shown that - com- between $io,ooo in the chemical industry and
pared with productivity differences- wages $I,700 in tobacco manufacturing. 28 However,
paid in different industries tend to cluster in determining the competitive position of any
around the national average.26 industry, capital costs per unit of output rather
In our sample, the coefficient of variation is than capital-labor ratios are relevant. And it
37.I for productivity ratios and I0.7 for wage is by no means necessary that high capital
ratios. This result is in conformity with the costs per unit of output would be accompanied
argumentation of both Taussig and Kravis, by high productivity, considering that the ap-
since the low degree of dispersion in wage plication of more advanced technological meth-
ratios may be due to similarities in the wage ods associated with higher capital intensity
patterns of the two countries, to small inter- may reduce rather than increase the cost of
industry wage differences in the individual capital per unit of output in modern plants.
countries, or to a combination of both. Under In other words, a high capital-labor ratio may
the latter alternative, one would argue that correspond to high productivity of labor and
although different occupational groups are to capital as well. In fact, this result has been
some extent in competition with one another, reached by Marvin Frankel, who found a slight
the inter-industry wage pattern is still deter- association between low unit labor costs and
mined by factors such as the skills required low unit capital costs in a cross-section study
in particular industries, that act in a similar of American and British industries.29 Finally,
fashion in every country. In other words, there even if we assumed a negative correlation be-
is no need for assuming the existence of non- tween labor productivity and capital costs, the
competing groups in order to explain the simi- importance of the capital factor in determining
larity of the inter-industry wage pattern in trade patterns would be reduced if the hier-
various countries. archy of industries with regard to capital in-
The absence of correlation between wage tensity were similar in individual countries.
ratios and export shares appears to refute the In conclusion, we can state that our results
arguments of those who believe that cheap are in conformity with the classical hypothe-
wages have played an important part in de- sis: the evidence presented indicates that the
termining export patterns in manufacturing in- consideration of differences in wage patterns
dustries.27At the same time, our results do not and capital costs offers little improvement over
establish the frequently-argued correlation be- the results reached by relating export shares to
tween productivity and wages either, consider- productivity differences. On the other hand,
ing that the correlation coefficientbetween pro- productivity differentials cannot give a full ex-
ductivity ratios and wage ratios is .20. planation of export shares, so that we also have
With respect to the relationship between to take account of transportation costs as
capital costs and export performance, a fre- well as non-economic factors (Commonwealth
nuent misunderstandingshould be noted. Ber- preference, trade and exchange restrictions,
24 "Wage Structures," this REVIEW, XXIX (Novembei good will, etc.) in order to provide a more com-
I947), 274-85. prehensive explanation of international special-
5 "'Availability' and other Influences on the Commodity
ization. The latter considerations fall outside
Composition of Trade," Journal of Political Economy, LXIV
(April 1956), 145.
the confines of this paper, however.
"Wages and Foreign Trade," this REVIEW, XXXVII] s Interregional and International Trade, (Cambridge,
(February 1956), 14-30. Mass., 1933), 572.
27Cf., e.g., Karl Forchheimer, "The Role of Relative 29 British and American Manufacturing Productivity,
Wage Differences in International Trade," Quarterly Journa, Bulletin No. 49, University of Illinois, Bureau of Economic
of Economics, LXII (November I947), I-30. and Business Research (Urbana, 1957), 45.

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