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1. Which of the following is a statement that identifies a problem?

A. How does surface area affect the rate of cooling?

B. To study the effect of surface area on the rate of cooling of water
C. As the surface area increases, the rate of cooling increases.
D. The 100 ml and 500 ml beakers are heated up to 70ْ c.

Yang manakah antara berikut adalah penyataan yang menyatakan masalah?

A. bagaimanakah luas permukaan memberi kesan kepada kadar
B. Untuk mengkaji kesan luas permukaan terhadap kadar penyejukan
C. Apabila luas permukaan meningkat, kadar penyejukan meningkat
D. Bikar 100ml dan 500ml dipanaskan sehingga 70ْ c.

2. Which of the following methods can be used to present data in a report of an

I Graph
II Table
III Diagram
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

Kaedah yang manakah digunakan untuk menunjukkan data bagi sesuatu

I Graf
II Jadual
III Rajah
A. I and II sahaja
B. I and III sahaja
C. II and III sahaja
D. I, II and III

3. The responding variable is the variable that…

A. is measured during the experiment.
B. is determined before the experiment.
C. cannot be determined
D. is constant and unchanged

Pembolehubah bertindak balas ialah pembolehubah yang…

A. dikira semasa eksperimen.
B. ditentukan sebelum eksperimen.
C. tidak boleh ditentukan
D. tetap dan tidak berubah
4. When recording data in an experiment, a scientist has to..
A. think openly
B. be honest and accurate
C. be patient
D. be cooperative

Apabila merekod data semasa eksperimen, seorang saintis perlu…

A. bersikap terbuka
B. jujur dan tepat
C. bersabar
D. bekerjasama

5. In a scientific investigation, factors that can change an investigation are known

A. hypothesis
B. variables
C. problems
D. reports

Di dalam penyiasatan saintifik, faktor yang boleh mengubah penyiasatan

dikenali sebagai…
A hipotesis
B pembolehubah
C masalah
D laporan

6. A student used a ruler to measure the length of his science report book. Which
combination of readings shows the correct record?
l1 (cm) l2 (cm) l3 (cm)
A 23.7 23.5 23.6
B 23.73 23.55 23.63
C 23.73 23.5 23.63
D 23.721 23.553 23.635

Seorang pelajar menggunakan pembaris untuk mengukur panjang buku

laporan Sainsnya.Kombinasi bacaan yang manakah menunjukkan rekod yang
l1 (cm) l2 (cm) l3 (cm)
A 23.7 23.5 23.6
B 23.73 23.55 23.63
C 23.73 23.5 23.63
D 23.721 23.553 23.635
7. Diagram 1 shows part of the steps in scientific investigation.

Forming a hypothesis

Analysing data

Diagram 1

P and Q represents..

A Controlling Forming a
variables conclusion
B Controlling Determining
variables variables
C Determining Forming a
variables conclusion
D forming a Controlling
conclusion variables
Rajah 1 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada langkah dalam membuat
penyiasatan saintifik.

Membuat hipotesis

Menganalisis data

Rajah 1

P dan P Q Q ialah,
A Mengawal Membuat
pembolehuba kesimpulan
B Mengawal Menentukan
pembolehuba pembolehuba
h h
C Menentukan Membuat
pembolehuba kesimpulan
D Membuat Menentukan
kesimpulan pembolehuba

8. Which of the following attitudes must be practiced by a scientist?

I. Being honest and accurate in recording data
II Planning the experiment carefully
III Able to change the inaccurate data
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I , II and III
Yang manakah antara berikut adalah sikap yang perlu diamalkan oleh
seorang saintis?
I Bersikap jujur dan tepat dalam merekod data
II Merancang eksperimen dengan teliti
III Kebolehan mengubah data yang tidak tepat
A I and II sahaja
B I and III sahaja
C II and III sahaja
D I , II and III

9. Which of the following activities is not controlled by the medulla oblongata of

the brain?
A Heartbeat
B Breathing
C Secretion of mucus
D Behaviour

Antara aktiviti yang berikut, yang manakah tidak dikawal oleh medulla
oblongata di dalam otak?
A Degupan jantung
B Pernafasan
C Perembesan mukus
D Perlakuan

10. Diagram 2 shows the structure of the human brain.


A man becomes blind after an accident. Which part of the brain is injured?

Rajah 2 menunjukkan struktur otak manusia.


Seorang lelaki buta selepas berlaku kemalangan keatasnya.Bahagian otak

yang manakah yang tercedera?


11. Why is the pituitary gland known as the master gland?

A Because it is the biggest gland
B Because it is located near the brain
C Because it controls the activities of other glands
D Because it secretes the most hormones

Mengapakah kelenjar pituitari juga dikenali sebagai kelenjar utama?

A Kerana ia kelenjar terbesar
B Kerana ia terletak berdekatan dengan otak
C Kerana ia mengawal aktiviti kelenjar-kelenjar lain
D Kerana ia merembeskan kebanyakan hormon

12. The following information describes an action.

Mei Ling withdrew her hand when she accidentally

touched a hot object.

Which of the following parts is involved in the action above?

I Cerebellum
II Spinal cord
III Medula oblongata

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I , II and III

Informasi berikut menunjukkan satu tindakan.

Mei Ling menarik tangannya apabila dia menyentuh

objek panas secara tidak sengaja.

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah melibatkan tindakan di atas?

I Serebelum
II Tulang belakang
III Medula oblongata
A I and II sahaja
B I and III sahaja
C II and III sahaja
D I , II and III

13. Which of the following are involuntary actions?

I Heartbeat
II Peristalsis
III Blood circulation
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I , II and III

Antara berikut yang manakah tindakan luar kawalan?

I Denyutan jantung
II Peristalsis
III Peredaran darah

A I and II sahaja
B I and III sahaja
C II and III sahaja
D I , II and III

14 Which of the following hormones is produced when we are in danger or anger?

A Insulin
B Thyroxine
C Oestrogen
D Adrenaline
Hormon manakah yang dihasilkan apabila kita dalam keadaan bahaya atau
A Insulin
B Tiroksin
C Estrogen
D Adenalina

15 Which food ensures the proper functioning of the thyroid gland?

A Meat
B Seafood
C Fruits
D Vegetables

Makanan apakah yang memastikan kelenjar tiroid berfungsi dengan baik?

A Daging
B Makanan laut
C Buah-buahan
D Sayur-sayuran

16 Which of the following affects the sound and healthy mind?

I Hormonal imbalance
II Drug abuse
III Mental stress
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

Antara berikut yang manakah memberi kesan kepada minda yang sihat dan baik?
I Ketidakseimbangan hormon
II Penyalahgunaan dadah
III Tekanan mental
A I and II sahaja
B I and III sahaja
C II and III sahaja
D I , II and III
17 Diagram 3 shows the parts involved in body coordination

Body coordination

X Chemical coordination

Nervous system

Y Peripheral nerve

Diagram 3

What is X and Y?
A Nervous coordination Brain
B Nervous coordination Central nervous system
C Nervous coordination Spinal cord
D Brain Spinal cord

Rajah 3 menunjukkan bahagian yang terlibat dalam koordinasi badan.

Koordinasi badan

X Koordinasi kimia

Sistem saraf

Y Saraf periferi
X Y Rajah 3
A Koordinasi saraf Otak
BApakah XKoordinasi
dan Y? saraf Sistem saraf pusat
C Koordinasi saraf Tulang belakang
D Otak Tulang belakang

18 The flow chart of an action is shown below


Medulla oblongata


This flow chart represents…

A a reflex action
B a capillary action
C a voluntary action
D an involuntary action

Carta alir bagu satu tindakan ditunjukkan di bawah


Medula oblongata

Carta alir ini mewakili
A tindakan refleks
B tindakan kapilari
C tindakan terkawal
D tindakan luar kawal

19 Which of the following activities depend on the presence of propioceptors?

I. Estimating the weight of an object using the hand.
II. Blowing the whistle.
III. Walking on the narrow bar.
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only.
D I, II and III.

Antara aktiviti-aktiviti berikut yang manakah bergantug pada reseptor

I Menganggarberat objek menggunakan tangan
II Meniup wisel
III Berjalan di atas batang besi yang sempit

A I and II sahaja
B I and III sahaja
C II and III sahaja
D I , II and III

20 Encik Zamri is suffering from goitre. Which of the following endocrine

glands malfunction?
A Pancreas
B Adrenal gland
C Thyroid gland
D Pituitary gland

Encik Zamri mempunyai penyakit goiter. Kelenjar manakah yang tidak

berfungsi dengan baik?
A Pankreas
B Kelenjar adrenal
C Kelenjar tiroid
D Kelenjar pituitari
21 Why is mitosis important to humans?
A To produce gametes
B To determine the gender of the baby
C To produce new variation in humans
D To produce new cells to replace old or damaged cells
Mengapakah mitosis penting kepada manusia?
A Untuk menghasilkan gamet
B Untuk menentukan jantina bayi
C Untuk menghasilkan variasi
D Untuk menghasilkan sel baru untuk menggantikan sel lama atau sel rosak

22 Which of the following are dominant characteristics for human?

I Black hair
II Ability to roll the tongue
III Dwarf
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

Antara berikut yang manakah ciri-ciri dominan bagi manusia?

I Rambut hitam
II Kebolehan menggulung lidah
III Kerdil
A I and II sahaja
B I and III sahaja
C II and III sahaja
D I , II and III

23 Diagram 4 shows the cross between two heterozygote genes

Diagram 4
What is the probability of getting plants with pink flowers?
A ¼
B ½
C ¾
D 1

Rajah 4 menunjukkan kacukan bagi 2 gen heterozigot

Apakah kebarangkalian untuk mendapatkan bunga merah jambu?

A ¼
B ½
C ¾
D 1

24 The human sperm contains…

A 22 + X chromosomes
B 22 + XY chromosomes
C 44 + Y chromosomes
D 44 + XY chromosomes

Sperma manusia mengandungi…

A Kromosom 22 + X
B Kromosom 22 + XY
C Kromosom 44 + Y
D Kromosom 44 + XY

25 The gender of non-identical twins may be…

I both are males
II one male and one female
III both are females
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

Jantina bagi kembar tak seiras berkemungkinan..

I kedua-duanya lelaki
II seorang lelaki dan seorang perempuan
III kedua-duanya perempuan

A I and II sahaja
B I and III sahaja
C II and III sahaja
D I , II and III

26 A thread-like structure found within the nuclei of cell is called…

A gene
B autosome
C chromosome
D cytokinesis

Struktur bebenang yang ditemui di dalam nukleus bagi sel ialah...

A gen
B autosom
C kromosom
D sitokinesis

27 The process that produces sex cells in the testes is…

A mitosis
B meiosis
C mutation
D fertilization

Proses yang menghasilkan sel seks di dalam testis ialah...

A mitosis
B meiosis
C mutasi
D persenyawaan

28 The same character which can be found in identical twins are

I blood group
II fingerprints
III eye colour
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

Karakter yang sama dijumpai bagi kembar seiras ialah

I Kumpulan darah
II Cap jari
III Warna mata
A I and II sahaja
B I and III sahaja
C II and III sahaja
D I , II and III

29 Diagram 5 shows a process which occurs at a certain stage of meiosis.

Diagram 5

This process is known as….

A mitosis
B fertilization
C mutation
D crossing-over

Rajah 5 menunjukkan proses yang berlaku di dalam salah satu peringkat dalam

Proses ini dikenali sebagai...

A mitosis
B persenyawaan
C mutasi
D pindah silang

30 Which of the following genetic diseases is caused by chromosome mutation?

A Colour blindness
B Down’s syndrome
C Haemophilia
D Sickle-cell anemia
Antara penyakit genetik berikut yang manakah disebabkan oleh mutasi
A Buta warna
B Sindrom down
C Haemofilia
D Anemia

31 The following information shows a genetic disease.

A baby with extra one chromosome which belongs to

chromosome pair 21 develops changes of gene.

Which of the following genetic disorders is described as above?

A Brain tumour
B Colour blindness
C Down’s syndrome
D Klinefelter’s syndrome

Informasi berikut menunjukkan penyakit genetik.

Bayi yang mempunyai satu kromosom berlebihan pada

pasangan kromosom 21 menyebabkan perubahan gen.

Antara penyakit genetik yang berikut, yang manakah diterangkan informasi di

A Tumor otak
B Buta warna
C Sindrom down
D Sindrom klinefelter

32 Diagram 6 shows the frequency histogram of trait P

Number of students

Trait P
Diagram 6

What is trait P?
A Height of students
B Tongue rolling
C Fingerprint
D Blood group

Jumlah pelajar

Trait P

Rajah 6

Apakah trait P?
A Ketinggian pelajar
B Menggulung lidah
C Cap jari
D Kumpulan darah

33 Which of the following is not a reason why selective breeding of new varieties of
crops and livestock is important?
A It gives a better yield
B It improve the nutritional value
C It produces new varieties which are more resistant to diseases
D It maintains the same species

Antara berikut yang manakah bukan sebab mengapa pembiakbakaan pilihan

bagi menghasilkan tanaman dan ternakan yang bervariasi adalah penting?
A Ia menghasilkan hasil yang lebih baik
B Ia meningkatkan nilai nutrisi
C Ia menghasilkan kepelbagaian baru yang mempunyai daya tahan
terhadap penyakit
D ia mengekalkan species yang sama
34 What are the benefits of selective breeding of livestock?
I Increases the number of livestock
II Produces more adaptable livestock
III Produces livestock of better quality
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

Apakah kelebihan pembiakbakaan pilihan bagi ternakan?

I Meningkatkan jumlah ternakan
II Menghasilkan ternakan yang mempunyai daya tahan
II Menghasilkan ternakan yang lebih berkualiti
A I and II sahaja
B I and III sahaja
C II and III sahaja
D I , II and III

35 Which of the following can be misused?

I Cloning of human beings
II Genetically modified
III The transfer of genes from one species to another
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

Antara berikut yang manakah boleh disalahgunakan?

I Pengklonan manusia
II Pengubahsuaian genetik
III Pemindahan gen daripada satu spesies ke spesies yang lain
A I and II sahaja
B I and III sahaja
C II and III sahaja
D I, II and III

36. What happens to the temperature of a liquid when it is boiled?

A The temperature decreases
B the temperature increases
C The temperature remains constant
D The temperature keep changing

Apakah yang berlaku kepada suhu bagi cecair apabila ia dididihkan?

A Suhu menurun
B Suhu meningkat
C Suhu tidak berubah
D Suhu berubah-ubah

37 Which of the following is true about the freezing process?

A Force of attraction between molecules decreases
B Kinetic energy of molecules increases
C Velocity of molecules decreases
D Molecular size increases

Antara yang berikut yang manakah betul tentang proses pembekuan?

A Daya tarikan antara molekul berkurangan
B Tenaga kinetik bagi molekul meningkat
C Halaju molekul berkurangan
D Saiz molekul bertambah

38 Diagram 7 shows the structure of tritium

Diagram 7
The symbol X represents
A proton
B neutron
C electron
D nucleus

Rajah 7 menunjukkan struktur bagi tritium

Simbol X mewakili

A proton
B neutron
C elektron
D nucleus
39 Diagram 8 shows the nucleus of two atoms




A 3 7
B 3 6
C 7 11
How many electrons are in atoms X and Y?
D 7 5

Rajah 8 menunjukkan nukleus bagi dua atom




A 3 7
Berapa jumlah elektron di dalam atom X dan Y?
B 3 6
C 7 11
D 7 5
40 Which of the following is not true about the Periodic Table?
A Elements in Group 17 are halogens
B Elements in Group 1 are alkali metals
C Elements in Group 18 are noble gases
D Elements in Group 3 are alkaline earth metals

Yang manakah antara berikut tidak betul tentang Jadual berkala Unsur?
A Unsur dalam Kumpulan 17 adalah halogen
B Unsur dalam Kumpulan 1 adalah logam alkali
C Unsur dalam Kumpulan 18 adalah gas adi
D Unsur dalam Kumpulan 3 adalah logam alkali bumi

41 Which of the following elements belong to the same group?

A Neon, xenon, boron, aluminium
B Fluorine, silicon, carbon, sodium
C Carbon, silicon, germanium, stanum
D Hydrogen, helium, oxygen, nitrogen

Yang manakah antara berikut terdiri daripada kumpulan yang sama?

A Neon, xenon, boron, aluminium
B Florin, silikon, karbon, natrium
C Karbon, silikon, germanium, stanum
D Hidrogen, helium, oksigen, nitrogen

42 An atom has the proton number of 13 and the nucleon number of 27. What are the
numbers of subatomic particles in this atom?

Number of electrons Number of protons Number of neutrons

A 12 13 14
B 13 14 13
C 13 13 14
D 14 13 13

Sebuah atom mempunyai nombor proton 13 dan nombor nukleon 27. Berapakah
jumlah zarah subatom yang terdapat dalam atom ini?

Jumlah elektron Jumlah proton Jumlah neutron

A 12 13 14
B 13 14 13
C 13 13 14
D 14 13 13

43 Diagram 9 shows a substance undergoing a change in the state of matter.

Steam Process y. Water

What is process Y?
A Freezing
B Melting
C Condensation
D Boiling

Rajah 9 menunjukkan bahan yang mengalami perubahan fasa jirim.

Wap Proses y. Air

Apakah proses Y?
A Pembekuan
B Pencairan
C Kondensasi
D Pendidihan

44 What is meant by the nucleon number?

A The number of neutrons
B The number of protons
C The number of electrons and protons.
D The number of protons plus the number of neutrons

Apakah maksud nombor nukleon?

A Bilangan neutron
B Bilangan proton
C Bilangan elektron dan bilangan proton
D Bilangan proton tambah bilangan neutron

45 Diagram 10 shows the proton number and nucleon number of atom


What is the proton number of element X?
A. 19 B. 29 C. 35 D. 64

Rajah 10 menunjukkan nombor proton dan nombor nukleon bagi atom X.



Apakah nombor proton bagi unsur X?

B. 19 B. 29 C. 35 D. 64

46 Which of the following pairs is not an isotope?

Original atoml Isotope.
A. 1P 3
6Q 6Q
8R 7R
1S 1S

Antara pasangan berikut yang manakah bukan isotop?

Atom asal Isotop
1 P 3
6Q 6Q
B. 13

C. 8R 7R
17 17

D. 1S 21S

47 Which of the following about the metal and its uses is true?

Metal. Use.
A. Aluminium. Drinking cans.
B. Copper Railway lines.
C. Tin. Radioactive containers.
D. Zinc. Food cans

Logam Kegunaan
A. Aluminium Tin minuman
B. Kuprum Landasan kereta api
C. Stanum . Bekas radioaktif
D. Zink Tin makanan
Pernyataan yang manakah berkaitan logam dan kegunaannya adalah benar?

48 Impure salt water can be purified through...

I distillation
II crystallization
III electrolysis
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

Air garam yang tidak tulen boleh ditulenkan melalui…

I penyulingan
II penghabluran
III elektrolisis
A I and II sahaja
B I and III sahaja
C II and III sahaja
D I , II and III

49 Why are metal ductile and can be easily hammered into thin sheets?
A Because metals are soft
B Because there are spaces between the particles of metals
C Because the electrons move freely in the metals
D Because the arrangement of atoms in metals make them slide one another
Mengapakah logam mulur dan mudah diketuk menjadi kepingan yang nipis?
A Kerana logam lembut
B Kerana terdapat ruang antara zarah-zarah logam
C Kerana terdapat elektron yang bergerak bebas di dalam logam
D Kerana susunan atom di dalam logam yang membolehkan ia tergelincir
antara satu sama lain.

50 What is the melting point of pure ice?

A -23ْ C
B 0ْ C
C 100ْ C
D 104ْ C

Apakah takat cair bagi ais tulen?

A -23ْ C
B 0ْ C
C 100ْ C
D 104ْ C

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