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©2010-Federalist 2.0 V01.3 publius.federalist@yahoo.

Unified Theory Applied B

Implementing Management Of
Controlling Risk Natural Laws Providing Liberty
7 8 9 10

Regulations Justice System Legislation Constitution

Government Implementation Government Implementation
for Internal Controls for Providentia for External Controls for Oportunitas

This Unified approach combines Philosophy, Politics and Economics into a framework that applies the unified perspective into four elements or “primary colors” of
human interaction, also called ideology. Each of these areas of ideology, Theologial Politics, Repubilican Politics, Democratic Politics and Socialistic Politics, has four
components of interaction that the ideology attempts to implement within the societal structure; they include attempts at controlling risk, implementing natural laws,
managing economic markets and providing liberty to manage the citizens of the nation. This ideology brought to the citizens through the political class, either forced
upon the population through violent revolution or through a democratic election, reflects the general “psyche” of the citizens as a choice through active/subversive
positive or negative education.

The Unified Theory defines the primary objective for a society is to perform two tasks; to first implement the mechanisms to manage providentia so that all citizens
benefit by being happily productive, secondly to manage oportunitas such that all citizens may have their individual needs met to live their lives to the fullest.

Where for society to manage providentia properly there is a need to control worldly risks, this controlling of risks is translated into REGULATORY LAWS, where the
society must also choose to define how the citizens will be held to Natural Laws is translated to the method in which the JUDICIAL SYSTEM functions. Both of these
functions of Government either enhance or detract from the Providentia of the human condition. The choices of regulations and legal processes affects the morale of a
society, and thus its ability to passively resist internal and external forces for change, both peaceful and violent.

Where for society to manage oportunitas properly there is a need to mange the markets that bring the goods to the citizens, this setting of boundaries is translated in
LEGISLATIVE LAWS, where the overall remaining functions of the society such as methods for managing conflict between factions and protecting the population from
external attack requires a solid CONSTITUTION. The choices of economic legislation and constitutional processes affects the cultural and physical infrastructure of a
society, and its ability to actively resist internal and external forces for change, both peaceful and violent.

* Adapted from an email sent by Samuel Weiss (BronxZionist on )

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