Business Exos

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Present simple :

1/They always.(give) us discounts because we are good


2/ What .. a personal assistant (do)?

3/John .(distribute) the incoming mail.

Present Continuous:

1/I (check) my emails.

2/What . The technician (fix) ?

3/They . (type) letters.

Present Simple /Present Continuous :

1/He cant help you at the momento. He (show) his

colleague how to use the Word processing.

2/They (Have) coffee at 11 every morning.

3/ She .(listen ) to incoming message. Please be quiet !

There is/are /quantifiers/determiners:a/an/the/much/many

1/ What is postcode for Leicester ?

2/There .. . Mail today.

3/We received jobs applications , 5 or 6 I think .

4/ How ..did you pay for the supplies?

5/There are . Clients waiting on the line for you.

Past to be :

1/ .the meeting a success ?

2/ The sales reps the convention center yesterday.

3/ There many parcels in the mail last week.

4/ I . Happy because I received a lot of complaints.

Past simple :

1/ They . (receive) our letter two days ago.

2/ .you .. (check) your emails earlier ?

3/ He .. (work) late last night.

4/We . .(not pay) Extra for the courrier service



1/We (discuss) the problema at the meeting on

Monday morning.

2/She(go ) over the applications this afternoon.

3/Maybe I .(call) the manager next week . It depends if

the supplier gave me the prices by then.

4/ Do you think Mr Smith (start ) a new business next year ?

5/They . (pick ) up the parcels today.

1st conditionnal

1/ We (reschedule) the meeting if you cant come .

2/If He.(call) me , I . (give ) him the


3/He ..(attend) the convention if it (be) on the


Zero conditionnal :

1/If you ..(register) in advance, you .(get ) a discount

2/You (call) IT when you ..(have ) a problema with

the computer.

Some /any/compounds (noone anyone everyone everywhere etc)

1/ I have seen ..paper in the cupboard.

2/ She isnt calling meeting for tomorrow.

3/..has left any messages this morning.

4/ They have sent the invitation to . In the company

5/I must have left this invoice . It isnt on my desk!


1/ here today, her car isnt in the car park.

2/They ..come to the meeting because they missed their plane.

3/He . Answer all the customers questions yesterday.

4/ We ..tell you an answer until we speak with the manager.


1/ He is very busy, he finish this report by Monday.

2/They. Call us to inform us about their time of arrival to

Schedule the training session.

3/ He .. to go to work in the morning, its Sunday.

4/These goods.arrive late or we will lose the business with

this client.


1/ We participate in the exhibition this year. We have started to

prepare a few things.

2/ They. Not have the time to get their flight, its already 12
o clock and it leaves at 1.

3/The figures are low this month, we .. not have a benefit.

4/ interesting for you to meet Mr Jones, he is the head of

the Personal Department. He could help you with this problema.


1/These supplies are .. (bad) the ones I ordered last month

2/The Queens Hotel is .(famous) in town.

3/This restaurant has got .. (good) dishes in this part of the


4/ The hire car is .. (cheap) at the other company.

5/ Our service is . (competitive) the service of

the other company. We have the same prices .


1/ This new computer is .. expensive. We wont buy it.

2/There isnt . Coffee for all the staff. I must buy some.
3/ She hasnt got experience for this position because she is
. young

4/ The lift is . Slow, we wont be there on time


1/They .(file) some documents when the manager

(come) in.

2/ She .(type ) a letter when the phone (ring)

3/When Mrs Jamison .(walk) in , the customer ..


4/While I .(carry) a box to the stock room, I (fall)

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