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E 08/04/05 MW SPD BSW Issued for FEED

DB 05/04/05 MW SPD BSW Client Comments Incorporated
DA 18/03/05 MW SPD BSW Client Comments Incorporated
D 09/02/05 SPD MW TR Issued for Client Comment
Issue Date By Checked Approved Description
Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E


1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 4

2.0 THE DEFINITION OF A SYSTEM ................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Definition Principle ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Systemisation requirements................................................................................................... 6
2.2 System numbering and identification ......................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Start Up Block Numbering...................................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 System Numbering................................................................................................................. 7
2.3 Colour coding of systems........................................................................................................... 8
2.3.1 Process Systems ................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.2 Electrical Systems.................................................................................................................. 8
2.3.3 Telecommunication Systems ................................................................................................. 8
2.3.4 Instrument Systems ............................................................................................................... 8
2.3.5 Building Systems.................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Some specifics on assigning items to systems .......................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Instrumentation ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.2 Piping ..................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.3 Mechanical Equipment......................................................................................................... 10
2.4.4 Electrical .............................................................................................................................. 12
2.4.5 Buildings .............................................................................................................................. 13
2.4.6 Civil and Structural Steel...................................................................................................... 13
2.4.7 Tie-ins .................................................................................................................................. 13
2.5 System definitions as part of other documentation .................................................................. 14
3.0 WORK ACTIVITIES..................................................................................................................... 14
4.0 LOGIC DIAGRAMS ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Use of software ........................................................................................................................ 15
5.0 DURATION .................................................................................................................................. 15
6.0 POPULATING THE SCHEDULE ................................................................................................ 15
6.1 Feasibility ................................................................................................................................. 15
6.2 Logistics ................................................................................................................................... 16
6.3 Use of software ........................................................................................................................ 16
7.0 USE OF LOGIC AND SCHEDULE DURING EXECUTION ........................................................ 16

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

8.0 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE EPC CONTRACTOR .................................................................... 17
9.0 APPENDICES.............................................................................................................................. 20

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

For the purpose of pre-commissioning, commissioning, handover, start-up and normal
operation the complex shall be broken down. Appendix 1 shows schematically the
breakdown of the complex into trains, plants, units, SU blocks and systems.
For example, SU block 74-A-0 equals Unit 7400 Start-up Instrument Air Compressor and is
part of the utilities plant of the common train of the onshore complex. It has 3 functions:
compress air, make air on dew point spec (drying), and distribute the instrument air. These
three functions need to be/can be commissioned/started independently. Hence there are 3
Instrument air compressor
Air dryer
Air distribution
These 3 systems will go through the work process of pre-commissioning up to normal
operation (see Part IV Chapter 5).
The system definition shall serve as operational systems and commissioning system definition.
i.e., a commissioning system equals an operational system.
Towards the end of the construction phase the work shifts to a system basis to support the
system hand over and execution of the pre-commissioning, commissioning, start-up and initial
operation on a system basis.
Appendix 2 illustrates how systemisation is an integral part of implementation.
The system based pre-commissioning, commissioning and start up work requires detailed
preparation to optimise its duration. In general terms the work plan and its schedule is
developed by
1. defining systems
2. determine the activities per system
3. determine the relationship (logic) between the activities and mark those up on a logic
4. determine the duration (and other resource requirements) of every activity
5. populate a planning tool (primavera) with the data
6. analyse for robustness and optimize
The developed logic or WEF (Work Execution Flow-sheet) and planning, are used for
optimizing the C&SU phase by integrating and linking activities across all units, thus
compressing C&SU timing. When the C&SU is fully optimized the dates are fed back into the
construction and engineering phase/work to align and make sure that priorities are set at those
project phases in line with C&SU demands. Hence the scheduling can be made backwards in
time with the targeted feed-in as a fixed point to feed into the construction schedules. By doing
so it will provide the fit with the construction planning and engineering activities, thus
commissioning and start-up steer the front-end part.
The so developed logic and planning allows to determine completion dates for the various
systems (and areas) of the plant to ensure optimal C&SU, and thereafter execute the C&SU
activities in the most efficient manner.

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

This note provides guidelines for the various steps


A system is defined in part 1, chapter 1, part 1.3.2 as a specific defined part of the complex
which, upon completion of certain tasks, can be commissioned or brought into operation, for
which simulation runs or SU activities can be conducted, etc.
It is required that the Contractor shall determine during the engineering phase the division of
the Project into systems and the extent of these systems with agreement of the Company.
Typically the start-up focal points for the units together with the day (shift) supervisors will play
an important role for process systems and discipline engineers for non-process systems, since
they will provide previous experience with similar units.
However, some more detail on systems will be given in order to align parties involved and this
module aims at doing so.

2.1 Definition Principle

A system is a complete assembly of piping, vessels, equipment, instruments, and electrical
supplies etc. that can be defined as having a singular purpose. Systems need to be identified
in order to facilitate the construction, commissioning and start-up process of the facility.
Systems are normally started in a specific sequence, directed by the process and unit
operations. The methodology advised is:
Contractors Commissioning and Operations personnel shall, together with Companys process
and start-up process representatives, use approved for design flow schemes to identify
systems and SU-blocks and the sequence in which they will be started. The SU block list in
part I, chapter 2, appendix 4 and the following logic diagrams T-13.377.403; T-13.377.404; T-
13.377.417; T-13.377.418; and T-13.377.419 have been developed as a starting point during
The system that is put into service first is seen as the provider of the service whereas the
system receiving the service is seen as the receiver. Points of isolation between the systems
shall be at the open breakers of electrical systems and at (manual) isolation valves for
mechanical systems. The isolation points themselves are included in the system that is placed
in service and/or turned over first. The approach consists of dividing the units into 3 basic
system types, utility systems (both site wide and unit specific), specific systems (buildings /
infrastructure) and process systems. All teams shall have to use the same format definition in
order to allow coherent integration afterwards of the various logics and schedules. Project
Management will act as governor of this alignment process.
It is obvious that the interrelationship between systems, and more specifically, the activities to
be performed on systems, is important with respect to input to scheduling of commissioning
and start-up phases. Systems as defined shall be shown on flow schemes and assigned a
unique number. When defining the systems, attention should be given to the ability to isolate
the system from other parts of the process, so that interdependence of the system is
For example: Use the sequence of flushing a line when defining systems and pre-
commissioning packages and their required RFSU dates. Flushing in one stage by connecting
more and more sub-systems in one direction is far more efficient then jumping back and
forward if there isnt a directional logic designed in.

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

This systemisation approach should also be applied to all projects civil and buildings, utility
and process units as well as all supporting power and instrument facilities. Even third party
supplies and receipts like electricity and/or other utilities (oxygen/etc) will have to be integrated.
This philosophy shall therefore be incorporated throughout the various stages of the project
and coordinated by the projects commissioning manager and commissioning and start-up
planning team to ensure coherence and achievement of milestones.

2.1.1 Systemisation requirements

A procedure shall be defined by the Contractor on the identification of systems. As soon as
PEFS are available the Contractors commissioning group shall determine and index all
systems by name and number. Reference shall be made to any work already done by the
process groups. Colour coding shall identify each system and system limits shall be shown as
red spade symbols. A descriptive definition of the system shall be provided and a list compiled
of the PEFS drawing numbers on which it appears, the equipment, piping and instruments
within the system boundaries.
In more detail:
Establish the start-up sequence for process units (done during FEED on a high level,
level 1 and 2)
Brainstorm issues concerning C&SU sequence and pre-requisites for C&SU per unit,
and provide lists per unit and generic site issues
Identify per process unit the process and utility systems
Maintain the process and utility systems as large as possible but be aware that this may
require some iterative work depending on the required identified activities and resource
requirements and constraints
Ensure that each identified process and utility system shall be capable of being isolated
(by block valve/spade)
Once the systems are identified assign them a number using the numbering system
underneath, sub systems shall have to be identified in parallel or can be identified and
connected at a later stage
To achieve uniformity a single numbering sequence shall have to be used. During the project
searches in the various project databases must be possible using these numbers and codes.
Below a specific numbering system in more detail is proposed.

2.2 System numbering and identification

2.2.1 Start Up Block Numbering

As described in detail in Part IV, Chapter 5, Start up blocks shall be defined in order to facilitate
the pre-commissioning, commissioning and initial start-up of the facility during the engineering
phase of the project.
System numbering build-up is N-UU-Bb, where:
N is a one-digit number identifying common or train specific items
Identical equipment of identical parallel trains shall be given identical equipment numbers.
A unique number that identifies the train as follows shall precede the equipment number:

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

For Equipment that are common to all trains: N=0
For Equipment in Train 1: N=1
For Equipment in Train 2: N =2
And so on for additional trains.
UU is the first 2 digits of the unit number,
B is one letter A through Z except for I and O, indicating the different type of blocks within a
unit, and
b is the functional Block identifier in case of multiple strings (e.g. the nine parallel SGP
reactors); a zero (0) indicates that there are no parallel strings

2.2.2 System Numbering

As described in detail in Part IV, Chapter 5, Systems shall be defined in order to facilitate the
pre-commissioning, commissioning and initial start-up of the facility during the engineering
phase of the project.
System numbering build-up is N-UU-Bb-Ss, where:
N is a one-digit number identifying common or train specific items
Identical equipment of identical parallel trains shall be given identical equipment numbers.
A unique number that identifies the train as follows shall precede the equipment number:
For Equipment that are common to all trains: N=0
For Equipment in Train 1: N=1
For Equipment in Train 2: N =2
And so on for additional trains.
UU is the first 2 digits of the unit number,
B is one letter A through Z except for I and O, indicating the different type of blocks within a
unit, and
b is the functional Block identifier in case of multiple strings (e.g. the nine parallel SGP
reactors); a zero (0) indicates that there are no parallel strings
S is one letter A through Z except for I and O, indicating the different type of systems within
a unit, and
s is the system identifier in case of multiple strings. A zero (0) indicates that there are no
parallel strings
Example: The Hydrocracker in train 1 is unit 1-4000; the start up block comprises of the whole
unit and is numbered 1-40-A0. The feed pre-heater system of the hydrocracker would have
number 40-A0-10.
This numbering system shall also be used during the implementation phase of the Work as the
basis for definition of the pre-commissioning packages or test packages.

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

2.3 Colour coding of systems
Colour coding shall be such that the individual systems can be easily recognised when looking
at the PEFS. For each colour mark up, a set should be compiled titled System Identification
List. This shall show every system number, system description and colour code identified.
The System Identification Lists from every colour mark up produced shall then be merged into
an Overall System Identification List.

2.3.1 Process Systems

A colour mark-up shall be produced on one set of PEFS showing all process unit and utility
systems. System limits / break points shall be clearly indicated by the red spectacle blind
symbol. As far as practical, commissioning system end / change points shall coincide with
blinds / isolation points provided as part of the design. Deviation to this shall be identified and
agreed with Company.

2.3.2 Electrical Systems

A colour mark-up shall be produced on one set of one line diagrams showing all electrical
systems. Systemisation of electrical systems shall generally be governed by voltage level and
schedule requirements. This has to include the interface with the relevant instrumentation

2.3.3 Telecommunication Systems

A colour mark-up shall be produced on one set of block diagrams showing the
telecommunication system and its interfaces with:
Instruments (DCS and F&G)
Qatar GTL supplied information technology systems(Engineered by Shell International)
Qatar Telecom who supply the telecom connection to the plant.
Offshore installations (via sub sea cable)
The plant is the host for the offshore control and the telecommunication systems so it is a key
interface in terms of the final stages of start-up of the plant.
There is also a major interface with the building contractor as it will be responsible for the
telecomm infrastructure within the buildings. The interface with electrical is relatively straight
forward in that they will supply the primary power to the telecommunication equipment.

2.3.4 Instrument Systems

A colour mark-up shall be produced on one set of block diagrams showing HIPPS, SIS, Fire
and Gas, and control systems. Systems within the control building, nominally up to the
marshalling cubicle interface, shall be defined consistent with the scope of the SAT (Site
Acceptance Testing).

2.3.5 Building Systems

A colour mark-up shall be produced at site, where necessary, on one set of layout drawings
showing building systems.

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

2.4 Some specifics on assigning items to systems

2.4.1 Instrumentation
The break between Instrument systems and other systems shall generally be at the cable
marshalling cabinets.
Subdivision shall be applied to systems, which may serve more than one geographical area
e.g. multi-core cables, junction boxes. Individual cables and segment cables shall be assigned
system numbers appropriate to the geographical area served.
External Field Bus segments shall be assigned system numbers appropriate to the
geographical areas served.
Each field instrument loop shall be assigned to the process system, which it serves.
Local indicators, pressure relief valves and other in-line devices shall be assigned a system
number derived from their locations as indicated in the process system colour mark-up.
Instrument AC Systems
Instrument AC systems shall typically include instrument ac transformers, high side breakers,
panels, incoming and tie breakers, inverters, and inverter dc supply breaker. Outgoing breakers
from the panels shall typically not be included.
DC Systems
DC systems shall typically include AC supply breakers to the source of DC generation, storage
batteries, DC buses and panels, breakers on panels for incoming DC bus supplies, and bus
ties. Outgoing breakers from the DC buses and panels to DC equipment shall typically not be
Distributed Control or Monitoring Systems
Equipment scoped within the boundaries of the basic system shall typically include power
supplies, buses, operator stations, programmer stations input/output (I/O) modules,
process control stations, data links, and process interface units up to field terminations.
Generally the DCS / Field break point shall be the field side of the marshalling cabinets or
home run terminal boxes. Each unit configuration shall require case-by-case review.
System boundaries shall typically be designated: -
Cables from field devices and equipment of only one start up system to the I/O interface
(typically a programmable logic controller (PLC), multiplexer, or I/O rack) shall be scoped
with the system associated with the field devices and equipment.
If cables from several systems terminate in a common junction box and a multi-conductor
cable connects to the I/O interface, scope the multi-conductor cable in the distributed
control or monitoring system.
Where a single monitor input monitors activities of more than one system for switchgear
breakers, the cable is scoped with the associated bus.

2.4.2 Piping
Line numbers shall be assigned the system number as indicated in the process system colour

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

Process systems shall consist of one or more hydro/service or pneumatic test packs. Test pack
number shall be advised by construction and collated against system.
Test pack limits shall not normally over run system limits. However, in the case of tie-ins to
existing lines, test pack limits may be required to overrun system limits to accommodate
spading requirements.

2.4.3 Mechanical Equipment

Mechanical equipment shall be assigned the system number as indicated on the applicable
process system colour mark up.
All process and service systems are scoped in a logical grouping of components designed to
perform a specific operating function within the configuration of the plant.
System Boundaries
System boundaries are typically divided at a manual isolation valve in a piping configuration: -
Where there is an interface of two systems and one isolation valve, the valve shall be
included in the system that supplies or provides the service to the other system under
accepted start up logic. This applies even if that valve was engineered into the other
Where there is an interface of two systems and two or more isolation valves, the system
boundary of the system that is providing the service to the other system shall include only
the first isolation valve.
Where there is an interface of two systems and no isolation valves, the system boundary of
the system receiving the service shall include the piping between the two systems to a
major isolation point, of the system providing the service.
Each piping reference on a PEFS to or from another PEFS should be checked to establish
which PEFS will have the system boundary. This will eliminate having piping spools and valves
in more than one system.
Standard Items typically Included in Mechanical / Process Start up Systems
Sampling lines to the isolation valve on the sampling unit, but excluding this valve.
Seal and makeup water supply from the first isolation valve on the branch line of the
supply, but excluding this valve.
Instrument air supply from the first isolation valve on the branch header of the air supply,
but excluding this valve.
Power supply breakers, raceway, and cable, to electrical components.
Inputs to monitoring, control and protective functions.
All instruments, raceway, and cable, connected to the piping within scoped boundaries.
All rotating and stationary equipment within the piping boundaries.
Heat Exchangers
Heat exchangers shall be considered as part of only one system. The concept of one system
providing the service and one system receiving the service shall be the basis of placing that

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

heat exchanger in the appropriate system. Since the heat exchanger is always identified with
the system that it heats or cools for, it is identified with the receiver system.
Therefore, if a heat exchanger requires the service water system to remove the heat form the
closed cooling water system, the heat exchanger is identified with the closed cooling water
system since it receives a service. Similarly, if a heat exchanger requires the condensate
system to provide cooling for the steam seal system, the heat exchanger is identified with the
steam seal system.
Since the scoping of valves associated with a heat exchanger is sometimes confusing, the
following four guidelines are suggested:
Where the service system has manual isolation valves to the heat exchanger, the service
system shall be scoped to include these valves.
Where the service system has a control valve or motor-operated valve interfacing with the
heat exchanger, these valves shall be scoped with the heat exchanger, since they are
controlled by inputs from the receiving system.
Where the service system has both manual isolation valves and control or motor-operated
valves interfacing with a heat exchanger, the manual isolation valves shall be scoped with
the service system and the control or motor-operated valves scoped with the heat
exchanger as part of the receiving system.
Where there are no valves in the service system interfacing with the heat exchanger, all
piping back to the service system header shall be scoped with the heat exchanger as part
of the receiving system.
Cooling Water Systems
These systems primarily contain pumps and heat exchangers that provide heating or cooling to
the system. The piping boundaries are as follows:
Main supplies and branch headers that provide cooling to other systems in normal service.
Branch headers providing make-up or back-up supply from and including the first isolation
valve on the header.
Note that for associated piping, consideration shall be given to the pre-commissioning
activities. The system definition should support optimized blowing and flushing in terms of
longest blow paths up to e.g. the heat exchanger
Steam Generating Equipment
The steam side and fireside are scoped into separate systems, as follows:
The steam side begins at the economizer inlet, includes the water walls and drum(s), and
ends at the super heater outlet header.
The fireside includes the FD fans, over-fire / under-fire / primary air fans, air heaters, and
ductwork leaving the unit and terminates at the beginning of the flue gas treatment
equipment. In combined cycle installations with an isolation damper installed between the
combustion turbine and the steam generator, the fireside begins at the downstream side of
the isolation damper.
The steam side extends to and includes the unit drain isolation valves. Excluded are branch
headers after the first isolation valves to feed pump turbines, soot blowers, plant heating,

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

Main and Reheat Steam Systems
All main steam header piping and branch headers to the first isolation valve (valve included)
from the main component supplying steam up to the turbine stop valves (valves excluded). All
turbine stop, intercept, and control valves are scoped with the turbine.
Excluded are branch headers, except those to traps and drains, after the first isolation valve to
items such as feed water pump turbines, gland sealing system, condenser air removal system,
auxiliary steam system, etc. These headers are scoped with the respective system to which
they are supplying steam.
Gland Sealing Steam and Exhaust
All piping from root valve(s) of gland steam supply (ies) to turbine seals, but excluding root
All piping from turbine seals to condensing units, including exhaust fans on condensing
All drain pipes from turbine casing drains, turbine stop, control and intercept valves to
Extraction Steam
All main and branch headers from turbine casing to feed water heaters and main
All other branch headers to first isolation valve, including valve.
Ventilation Systems
Ventilation systems are predominantly building orientated, e.g., turbine-building ventilation.
However, not all fans are directly involved in the main airflow stream of the building ventilation.
Therefore, the following shall apply:
All fans, ducts, filters, and dampers required for air balancing supply and/or exhaust fans
shall be scoped the same as the main building ventilation system.
All fans, ducts, filters, and dampers that operate independently of the main airflow stream
or merely recirculate part of the main airflow stream shall be scoped as a subsystem of the
main building ventilation system

2.4.4 Electrical
Use the guidelines below to assist in determining the scope of the system and its boundaries.
Offsite power systems
The off-sites shall typically be limited to incoming transmission lines, buses, and circuit
breakers that are required to energize the yard. Transformers may be involved if they are other
than auxiliary and main unit transformers. Protective relaying required to energize the off-sites
shall typically be included with the off-sites system.
Auxiliary and Main Unit Transformer System
The auxiliary and main unit transformer system shall include the transformers, all auxiliaries, all
transformer protection, and transformer feeds on both the high and low sides up to but not
including the first device (circuit breaker, disconnect switch, removable links, etc.) that can

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

isolate the transformer. The method of isolating the main generator should be determined on a
case-by-case basis.
Power Distribution Systems
Each voltage level shall typically be scoped to include all components necessary to provide
distribution at that voltage.
First-level voltage distribution within the plant shall typically include the incoming breaker(s) or
disconnect switch (es) to the auxiliary transformer(s), auxiliaries, relay protection, low side
distribution buses, incoming feeder breakers, and bus tie breakers.
Note: Outgoing system voltages shall typically include the distribution buses for the system
voltage, the step down transformer (including auxiliaries) supplying the voltage along
with its high side breaker, all distribution bus incoming breakers from the step down
transformers, all bus tie breakers, and all associated relay protection.
Subsequent system voltages shall typically include the distribution buses for the system
voltage, the step down transformer (including auxiliaries) supplying the voltage along with its
high side breaker, all distribution bus incoming breakers from the step down transformers, all
bus tie breakers, and all associated relay protection.
Note: Incoming breakers from auxiliary generating units and outgoing breakers to motors and
lower voltage systems shall typically not be included.
Motor control centres (MCC) shall typically include MCC buses; incoming feeder breakers,
supply breakers on load centres, and any MCC tie breakers. Outgoing breakers shall not be
included. They shall typically be included with the system they service. So equipment MCC,
isolators, control cables and associated instrumentation are assigned to the process / EFD
system in which the mechanical equipment / instrument is located.
Lighting, small power / convenience outlets, and essential services supplies shall be assigned
system numbers from the main switchboard up to the local distribution board. Downstream
subdivisions shall be carried out at site, where deemed necessary, on a plant area, building,
etc basis.
UPS, instruments and electrical supply to the telecommunication system shall be assigned
instrument system numbers from the breaker at the main switchboard. This is due to the
anticipated involvement of instruments discipline in commissioning these systems.

2.4.5 Buildings
Each building shall be considered as one system. Service items within the building (HVAC, Fire
& Gas, Lighting, etc.) shall be considered as subsystems of the building system where

2.4.6 Civil and Structural Steel

These are considered as systems on an area basis.

2.4.7 Tie-ins
Tie-ins are an integral part of the corresponding system, unless otherwise specified. Tie-ins
that are required independently of the corresponding system, e.g. tie-ins to third parties
(electrical grid etc) shall be clearly marked and assigned a separate system number.

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

2.5 System definitions as part of other documentation
System limits and numbers shall be added to the PFS / PEFS using CAD systems as an
overlay. This will enable the production of single system drawings and the addition of system
boundary markers to the piping data sheets with again links to other data bases i.e. instrument,
electrical, civil such that the compilation of components up to process/utility system level can
easily be seen. The use by all staff concerned in the engineering and execution teams of a
single source of information gives large benefits when assessing progress, assessing what/if
scenarios and using commissioning and start-up logic/schedule to steer the construction
progress and priorities.


All identified work activities are to be accounted for in a work list. Work lists shall be compiled
on a system-by-system basis and shall consist of individual activities, described, as much as
possible, in a standardized format. Also the items on the work lists must have gone through a
challenge review to confirm that they indeed need doing. This has been done in a phase that
precedes the actual scheduling activity. The team doing the review needs to consist of all key
team members from the contactor and owner, together with representatives from the
technology providers and discipline engineers, to ensure buy-in and proper communication.


The workflow, its sequencing and its direction are determined by a functional logic, which is
called logic diagram or work execution flow sheet (WEF). This shows the logical progression
with which the activities can be carried out, e.g. a vessel must first be completely equipped,
connected and the flanges tightened before it can be filled with a liquid. Likewise, a test can
only be conducted on an instrument system when its constituent components are all installed,
connected and powered up.
Some activities require the availability of auxiliary systems, which can be temporary or
permanent systems. This aspect also has to be programmed into the schedule. Therefore
workflow is set by initial status (excluding engineering), sequence and interrelation of
components, systems and activities.
On a more detailed level the tasks within certain activities may only be executed in a sequential
mode, whilst others may be performed at random. This can be used to further optimize the
schedule afterwards in more detail.
For example:
An HMU furnace has large fans and during the C&SU phase operators tend to write the
procedures such that they need to go up the furnace (20 mtrs +) and come down again to start
fans several times. By intelligently looking at the tasks at hand, one could optimize the task
sequence, thus gaining time again (and avoiding frustration).
The system relations should be identified and planned as early as possible in order to allow
time in the commissioning and start-up phase for issues that really demand attention and thus
There are 4 levels of refinement required, whereby level 1 is a typical management overview
and level 4 is the lowest detail for use by craftsmen. Detailing out needs to be done to level 4 to
enable roll-up of activities afterwards:

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

Level 1 giving a high level view of blocks within the project and the way they interact with
each other
Level 2 shall give a more detailed view of the same information as stored in Level 1, but
goes to the level of units within the blocks.
Level 3 shall detail out systems within the blocks and units;
Level 4 shall contain all possible details on equipment and components in the systems, and
is as such the lowest level of detail to exist in the QGTL planning and scheduling hierarchy.

4.1 Use of software

Planning program can also supply network diagram (or commissioning and start-up logic
diagrams as they are called sometimes). However the usability/readability of these diagrams is
typically good since they produce long lengths of paper output. Staff can therefore not use
these print outs for easy tracking or publishing. Microsoft Visio or equivalent has to be used
as the software tool to develop the logic, which then again on its turn forms the basis of the
C&SU schedule. Deviations from this shall be agreed with the Company.

Each activity, obviously, takes a specific minimum time, which is an input into the schedule.
There is, however, an additional issue that relates to the novelty, complexity, and carbon copy
characteristic of the system under consideration. Each category comes with its own set of
measures, precautions and tests. Novelty assessment and complexity identification shall be
done in the implementation phase of the project as part of the flawless start-up initiative.
Novelty, or prototype, items come with fall back options, which shall have their own additional
activities. Complex systems will often be built up from simpler subsystems and will thus require
additional tests on the composite system. Carbon copies will have tests that will be set by the
level of the risk that they present upon failure.
Duration for activities should always reflect realistic durations to complete the activity, and not
the duration required to meet milestones. In addition, complex or large activities should contain
an element for corrective action.


The following parameters are key for the commissioning schedule and have to be given due

6.1 Feasibility
The schedule must be feasible, that means that the sum of activities can be done in the
indicated or planned time period. This poses a demand on availability of tools, materials,
budgets and human resources, the latter with the right competencies, experience, and training.
And, less obvious, necessary information has to be available. A feedback loop into the
integrated project schedule enables management to see if resources are available when
required with respective quality/quantity.
Having made a feasible schedule, it can now be optimized by reviewing blocks of activities and
opportunities for load levelling.

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

If in the end a mismatch exists between the targeted and projected timing and if the options for
optimization have been exploited, a review must be made where an injection of additional
resources and funds can make an effective contribution in closing the gap.

6.2 Logistics
An outcome of the commissioning schedule is a list of requirements to make the schedule
feasible. These requirements relate to timely availability of things like, engineering and
construction completion, human resources, materials, temporary facilities, transport equipment,
etc. All these items together present a complex logistics challenge. This will be organized and
managed as an issue in its own right by the Project Management. Contractor and Company
representatives will manage this reviewing.

6.3 Use of software

Software is available to support systemization and the building of a commissioning and start-up
logic and schedule. This enables multiple users and user groups to exploit possible scenarios,
develop mitigating actions and contingency plans based on what/if questions and shall be used
as a progress tracking tool for both C&SU as well as operations organization readiness.
A common planning tool shall be used for scheduling (Primavera, or equivalent, as agreed with


Once the schedule and logic have been developed and the commissioning and start-up
procedures have been written and linked into the schedule, the monitoring shall start. Within
the scheduling tool (primavera or equivalent) the calculation of dates and durations happens
more or less automatically depending on the set up done in the beginning of the schedule. The
Work execution flow sheets however, as developed in Microsoft Visio or equivalent, need to
be updated manually. It is therefore required to keep the logics up-to-date next to the schedule
(since they are not filled with durations this is much easier) and all personnel can read them
and see where things stand. This transition between primavera and Microsoft Visio is the first
human interface, the second lies in the reporting back of commissioning and start-up progress.
Since the shifts are in command during this phase under the guidance of the start-up focal
points, the commissioning and start-up procedures shall be used to ensure progress and
proper rollout of the sequence. Since these procedures have been planned in blocks of
typically 2-4 hrs, monitoring of progress can be rather easy. The shift representative reports
back to the unit planner what the progress is (either block complete, or % of block complete)
and the planner then changes the primavera data, ensures calculation is done and gives output
to unit and site management.
This approach has proven to be working on large projects for Downstream, Midstream and
Upstream project within both Oil and Chemicals. The only dynamics that has to be ensured is
the proper communication channels between planner and shop floor. Assessment of
possibilities, alternatives, constraints etc. lies with unit management and site commissioning
and start-up management for activities with a wider impact. A routine to follow up has to be
developed and institutionalised in the construction phase and has to become live just before
first systems go into C&SU phase.

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

This is taken from Part IV Chapter 5
The Contractor shall take the level 1 C&SU logic developed by the Company prior to EPC
contract award. The contractor shall prepare a C&SU Plan development procedure, containing
the following:
Timeline for schedule development, including systemization
Process unit integration plan
Level of detail provided to resource, equipment and material load the plan
Schedule for updates
Software requirements
The Contractor shall commence the systemization process within 3 months of contract
award, and shall present the initial individual process units C&SU schedule within six
months of contact award. This shall include critical path analysis, and risk mitigation for
these critical paths.
Nine months after the contract award, the Contractor shall have fully loaded the C&SU plan
with resources, material and equipment.
One year after contract award the complete project integrated level three C&SU plan shall
be issued for approval by Company
The plan shall be updated on a monthly basis after approval, together with full resource and
material loading
The systemization of the process units shall be approved by the Company.
This schedule shall be updated by the contactor at each revision of the PEFS
The Contractor shall dedicate resources for C&SU planning from contract award through to
The Contractor shall include start-up planning activities in the plan, under the direction of
the Company.
Changes to the C&SU plan that affect the RFSU dates shall be issued to the Company for
The plan shall include all vendor requirements, including vendor visits.
The plan shall be fully aligned with the system pre-commissioning, commissioning and
start-up procedures developed by the contactor and Company.
A procedure shall be defined by the Contractor on the identification of systems.
It is required that the Contractor shall determine during the engineering phase the division of
the Project into systems and the extent of these systems with agreement of the Company.
Typically the start-up focal points for the units together with the day (shift) supervisors will play
an important role, since they will provide previous experience with similar units.

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

Contractors Commissioning and Operations personnel shall, under the direction of a project
engineer and together with Companys process and start-up process representatives, use
approved for design flow schemes to identify systems and the sequence in which they will be
System limits and numbers shall be added to the PFS / PEFS using CAD systems. This will
enable the production of single system drawings and the addition of system boundary markers
to the piping data sheets with again links to other data bases i.e. instrument, electrical, civil
such that the compilation of components up to process/utility system level can easily be seen.
The use by all staff concerned in the engineering and execution teams of a single source of
information gives large benefits when assessing progress, assessing what/if scenarios and
using commissioning and start-up logic/schedule to steer the construction progress and
Contractor shall be responsible for:
The establishment and agreement with the Company of the index and definition of all
systems and preparation of the blank completion manuals in the home office.
The timely submission of completed documentation during the site phase.
The compilation, final submission and distribution of the system completion manuals.
Contractor shall develop a procedure defining the main links between the systemization and
other tools as well as deliverables per system. The index and definition of the systems shall be
used in construction planning so that scheduling of construction completion is synchronized
with commissioning activities.
The developed integrated planning shall be used as an interface management tool for
managing the following:
Interface with other parts of the project
Interface with engineering and construction
Interface with existing facilities
Interface with normal operation
Work process for preparation of detailed C&SU procedures
Work process for reporting
Work process for scope definition
Entire work process by delivering control tools
Microsoft Visio or equivalent has to be used as the software tool to develop the logic, which
in turn forms the basis of the C&SU schedule. Deviations from this shall be agreed with the
A common planning tool shall be used for scheduling (Primavera, or equivalent, as agreed with
The design centres teams and the central planning group exchange durations and data on a
regular basis and in the early implementation phase alignment and calculation of the total
schedule shall be done on a less frequent basis (say every week). Once the implementation
phase gets into construction the updates will become frequent and assessments shall start on
what/if scenarios etc. Finally during commissioning and start-up the updating process should

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

almost be live, so normally 3 times per day (at the end of each shift) the schedule should be
updated and distributed. A detailed communication and alignment schedule shall be developed
by Contractor.
The Contractor shall assign dedicated planning resources from the project to develop the
C&SU plan. The Contractor shall agree the overall design (structures and databases) of the
integrated plan with company prior to its development to ensure that it complies with
Companys requirements.

Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

Appendix 1
Completion & Start-up Hierarchy / Systemisation Breakdown
The scheme mentioned in section 1.0 above applies to the following completion and start-up
hierarchy / systemisation breakdown except that Acceptance of Work will only occur in
accordance with the Agreement and at Project Phase level.

Pearl GTL







Eng. By: M.W.KELLOGG LIMITED MWKL Project no.: 5821 Unit no.: 0000
Location: QATAR Plant: Qatar GTL Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


INTERNATIONAL B.V. Doc no.: T-13.377.420 E

Eng. By:
Appendix 2

Asset Breakdown Relevance for Execution

High Level
Anticipated Operating
Example Area

eng proc constr pre-com com handover SU norm ops Manual


complex onshore GTL 1 onshore site X X X
train train 1 5 X X X
plant utilities 4-8 operation area 1 X X X
Systemisation a part of implementation

unit 7400 54 (times 2) unit plot X X X X

SU block stand by IA 135 + 70 SU block area X X
operational system equals 1-74-A0-2 commissioning
200-300 X X X X
commissioning system air drier area X

Plant: Qatar GTL

pre-commissioning package 1000-2000 n.r X
test package 10000?? n.r X

MWKL Project no.: 5821

Unit no.: 0000

Sheet: 21 of 21
Doc no.: T-13.377.420
Shell Project no.: HP3000/84/QAT


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