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Hanley Castle Parish Council

Clerk to the Parish Council: Rebecca Abunassar, 12 Court Road, Strensham, Worcester
WR8 9LP Tel: 01684 292115, email

To: All Members of Hanley Castle Parish Council

You are duly required to attend the Meeting of Hanley Castle Parish Council on Thursday,
19th October 2017 in Hanley Swan Village Hall


1 Welcome & Apologies

2 Declarations of Interest & Dispensation Requests from Councillors

a) Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their
register of interests.
b) To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their
c) To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their
d) To Consider Written Requests from Councillors for the Council to Grant a
Dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) written requests to be with the clerk
at least 4 days prior to a meeting

Councillors who have declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, or an Other

Disclosable Interest which falls within the terms of paragraph 12(4)(b) of the Code of
Conduct, must leave the room for the relevant items.

Failure to register or declare a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest may result in the

commission of a criminal offence.

Closure of the meeting to allow parishioners present to speak on any matters

relating to the Parish.

3 Minutes: To consider the approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday, 21st September 2017 (copy attached)

4 Matters Arising and Progress Reports for information:

Min 124/16: Royal British Legion Subsidence Claim Report from the Structural
Min 151a/16: BT Phone Box Adoption Update on maintenance works, Cemex grant to
be determined in November.

6 Finance:
a) To consider and APPROVE any payments notified in writing prior to the meeting.
b) To receive notification of receipts received.

7 Planning: a) To Consider the following application referred by MHDC for


17/01561/L 27 Church End Re-submission of 17/00290/LB to include new rooflight

B Hanley Castle,
Worcester WR8

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1 Brinkley Drive
17/01497/ Hanley Castle
Proposed attached garaging and carport
HP Worcester WR8
25 Church End
17/01297/ Hanley Castle Detailed Application for conversion of existing loft to
HP Worcester WR8 provide additional bedroom and ensuite bathroom.
7 Longcroft Quay
Two storey side extension and canopy to side and rear
17/00528/ Lane Hanley
together with changes to fenestration, removal of chimney
HP Castle Worcester
and new porch.
Variation of Condition 15 of Outline Planning Permission
190 Poolbrook 15/01399/OUT, relating to approved housing mix, to allow the
Road Malvern provision of two 3 bedroom dwellings, three 4 to 5 bedroom
WR14 3JZ dwellings and one 5/6 bedroomed dwelling. (UPDATE

b) To consider under the Scheme of Delegation any Planning Applications received

between the publication of this agenda and the Meeting

c) Details of Decision Notices Received to-date:

Brickwalls Farm Gilberts End Hanley Castle Three conservation Approv

Worcester WR8 0AS rooflights to rear ed

d) Details of Appeal Notices Received to-date:

e) Details of enforcement action: None received

8 Highways Matters
a) Road Safety Matters Update from the Committee on actions arising
b) VAS damage Returned and invoice received
c) Update on Issues reported Including footpath by Roberts End & verge by Tara

9 District & County Councillors Reports: for information

a. District Cllrs Mike Morgan & Andrea Morgan
b. County Cllr Tom Wells

10 Report of the:
a) Parish Paths Warden (Peter Goodyear)
b) Pond Wardens (Neil & Gigi Verlander)
c) Playing Field Warden (Graham Holmes)
d) Local Police Report received

11 Environmental Matters
a) Report of the Environmental Working Group

12 Neighbourhood Development Plan Update by Cllr Lamb

13 Correspondence

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a) Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan Call for sites
b) Nominations Open: Our Malvern Hills Community Awards 2017 email circulated
ahead of meeting

14 Topics raised by Councillors, Committees, Clerk & Parishioners

a) Nominations for Assets of Community Value Shop & St Gabriels Wood
b) Welcome Pack - Progress

15 Councillors reports and items for future agenda: - Alice Spearing from St
Richards Hospice invited to attend November meeting

16 Date of next meeting: To confirm the date of the next scheduled meeting as 16 th
November 2017

The public and press are cordially invited to attend

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