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Awffiwwffi ffiMw WffiwffiM

Richard Northcott

1 ln the Streets 4
2 Lights 6

3 Families and Friends B

4 Three Kings 10
5 Spring 72
6 Thank You 14
7 Birthdays 16
8 Midsummer 18
9 Haltoween 20
10 New Year 22
Activities 24
Projects 44
Picture Dictionary 46
About Read and Discover 48

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\1,u nrrst not circulate this book in any other binding or
il)vc| i[rd you n[st impose this samc condition o[ any
illluifcr This is New Year in China. New Year is a big
rry wr.lrsitcs referred to in this publication are iI the
Ilrl)li( {lol)tiriu ancl their addressrs are provideclby Oxford
I Jr r vr.r sil y I,ross lor infouation oDly. Oxford University
festival for Chinese people, n China and a[[
l'r r,rri rlist Irirns rDy responsibility for the co[tent
around the world. People walk in the streets,
t!lN rl,/llr! l9lf)4:l82 s

l r r l,l.k contaifling this booh aDd a CD is aiso

Al{ l lo ( ll ) watch dancers, and have fun.
,rr,rll,rl,lr., rsrrt tZs o 1g 464422 8
I ltr, I | lr,nrl r lroicc'rf AmericrnandBdtishEnslish
r r Ir rllrll! r'l I ll,(r)Itl)lctc text.
\tr r, r r r111r,1y1i,{(.t iv jly ll(Dk is also available, What festivats are there in your country?
ri.rrI 'r,llI,.l trlrl.l
l'rlill|,1 l I llln,l
When are these festiva[s?
I lil
, ll ilr
L[, rl. l1 I'l tlrtr,(l I Ir l)ill)(. f]r,nt (,o.tied and
It llr'!l !rl|lr,\
What do people do on these days?

ffiNow read and discover more

about festivats around the world!
()n thc same day, there's a carnival inVenice
in Italy. At this time of year, it's summer in
Iir-azil, but it's winter in Italy. The wearher
irr Italy is colder than inBrazll.

At the Venice carnival, some people wear

Iong dresses or cloaks. They want to have
f r-rn, but they don't want to be cold. The day

altcr the carnival, Christians start the time

of Lent.

*; lf

Come to the carnival! The carnival in

Rio de Janeiro in Brazil is one of the si
biggest festivals in the world. It's always il\l t r1tu

in February or March. There's a parade
with big floats.There's music in the
streets. People wear colorful costumes.
They dance and have fun.
Glr \ ,-d'
V The carnival in Rio de
Janeiro is at[ day and at[
night. Many people don't
qo to bed that night!

Go to pages 24-25 for activities.


For many festivals, people decorate their

homes. In India, people put lots of pretty
lamps in their homes for the f-estival of
Diwali. They look at the lamps and think
about their family and other people in
the world.

Diwali is usually in October or November.

It's a very big festival for Hindu people in

India, and for Hindus all around the world. 4*i

s, lr'
t1*, "'",rn,
"s& *P
; W

At the Jewish festival of Hanukkah, people

ligl-rt candles on eight nights. One night,
thcy light one candle. The next night they
light two candles. On the last night of
Ilanukkah, they light all the candles.
Ilanukkah is usually in Dccembcr. Children
l-urvc presents. Many familics ctt pancakes
lnrdc with potatocs. Thcy s()lxctimcs eat
d()r-rutsr too.

Go to pages 26-27 for activities.

Eid is the Arabic word for'festival'. Eid
is a big Muslim festival. At Eid, people
give presents to children and friends. Eid
presents are usually money, or things like
toys, candy, and new clothes. r"l1.l'1i':l'*'

At Eid, Muslims think about other people

in the world. They give food and money
to hungry people and sick people.

il-s"u*Iffi ,
l)cople wear new clothes at Eid. In the
1W rnorning, they get up, wash, and put on

their new clothes. They eat dates and
cookies for breakfast. Then they go to
pray at the mosque.

[-ots of people hug their friends. Later,

tl-rcy eat with their family. They also visit
tl-rcir grandparents, and say, 'Happy Eid!'

Go to pages 28-29 for activities.

"', 'lffi-rlluimft.ffil-,

In the story of Jesus Christ, three good

people visited Jesus when he was a baby.
They gave him presents. Later, Christians
called these people the Three I(ings.

In January, Christians have a festival

called Twelfth Night. It's called Twelfth
Night because it's 12 nights after
Christmas. At this time, Christians think
about the Three I{ings who visited Jesus
with their presents. In some countries,
people eat a big cake.
'fivelfth Night is a big festival in Spain.
There are lots of parades, with people in
costumes. People throw candy to children
in the streets.

ffi'on Twerfth Nishr.

children put their
shoes under the
Christmas tree. ln the morning,
they find presents in their shoes.

,1flu Go to pages 30-31 for activities.


:". ;. l&, )
's, ln Ghana, the rainy season starts in May.
'l.his is a good time for farmers, so they
have a big festival called Homowo.
'l'here are parades in the streets,
with music and dancing.

Spring is a very pretty season. Maybe it's Vila Franca do Lima is in

the prettiest season of all. It's usually sunny l\rrtugal. In May, there's
and there are lots of flowers. a festival here, with lots
of'flowers. Girls carry
In Japan, people love cherry blossom.
llowers on their head. "iri'
These pink flowers open in spring, between 'l'he flowers are heavy. : , ,

January and April. People have picnics

under the cherry trees. They sit and eat,
rrnrl they look at the cherry blossom.
Go to pages 32-33 for activities.

. ,.'j,,, .' ..,''l

..,.: iiiii: it,'*
. i
iiiir ,iriii

Fall is a season of festivals all around

the world. It's the season of the harvest.
Farmers cut the crops and pick the fruit.
After the harvest, people want to say thank
you for the good things in the world.
In the USA, the festival of Thanksgiving is
In South l(orea there's a big festival in November. In Canada, it's in October.
called Chuseok in September or October. People have dinner with their family. They
Families eat traditional food like rice cakes. cat turkey and pumpkin pie.
Sometimes people also dance.
In Europe, there are lots of festivals after
the harvest. In Poland, girls wear crowns
made of flowers. They dance and sing songs.
In Italy, people wear traditional costumes
and they dance with wreaths. The wreaths
are made of wheat.
Vcsll< Day is
:ronrctimes called
I i r rclclha's Birthday.
( )n tl-ris day,
Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ
and it's a big festival for Christians. Many Iluddhists think
people have a Christmas tree in their rrlrout Gotama
homes, and there are pretty decorations llurcldha - he was
in the streets. Irgreat teacher in
lndia. They decorate
All around the world, Sikhs have a festival stLltuesof Gotama
for Guru Nanak's birthday in November. Iiuddha. Vesak Day is
Guru Nanak was a great teacher. Some rusually in May.
Sikhs go to the Golden Temple in India.
On Guru Nanak's birthday there are ' )( d
on Vesak Day in Indonesia,
thousands of lamps at this temple. tlrousands of birds fly into the sky.

Go to pages 36-37 for activities.

ln l{r-rssia at Midsummer, people sing and
tlarrcc all night. Girls pick flowers and make
r|ctt! crowns.They throw the crowns into
:r lakc or a river.

Miclsummer is one of the biggest festivals in

Swcden. People decorate their homes with
lcaves. They make a big pole with flowers
lnd leaves. They dance around the pole
lnd sing songs. They wear traditional .
Swedish costumes. Girls 3 pretty
cr()wns with flowers. h

' l @..t,;--
r*M::,* ,"d&. Tt
In June, it's summer in Europe. It's usually
warm. The nights are short and the days
are long. The longest day in the year is June
21". It's called Midsummer. At this time,
there are many festivals in Europe. People
make big bonfires.

ln Finland and other

countries near the Arctic,
it doesn't get dark at
Midsummer. There's no night.
October 31" is Halloween. Children wear
costumes. In the evening, they knock on
doors and people give them candy.

At Halloween, some people buy a pumpkir r

They cut holes in the pumpkin, to make

eyes, a nose, and a mouth. They put a
candle in the pumpkin, to make a lantern -
a lantern and a scary face! 'l'he day after Halloween is a Christian
Stores sell Halloween toys, like skeletons festival called All Saints Day. This is a very
and spiders. People aren't really scared at big festival in Mexico. People think
Halloween. It's fun! about their families, and visit
the cemetery. It's not a sad
festival. People have fun.
Children have candy
and they play with
their brothers and

ln Guatema[a on Al"[ Saints

Day, peopl"e fty realty big kites.

Go to pages 40-41 for activities.

At NewYear) many people watch fireworks.
Little children sit on their mother's or
lather's shoulders so that they can see the
l-rrcworks. The fireworks go up) and all the
rcople say, 'Happy NewYear!'

'\q, 3,'
ln Sydney in Australia, there are usua[ty
more than 80,000 fireworks at New Year.

All around the world there are big festivals

for NewYear. People in different countries
do different things.
In Spain and Portugal, people eat l2 grapes
at midnight on December 31".

In Japan, people like laughing at midnight.

They say,'Start the year with a laugh, then
all the year is happy.'

In Thailand, people throw water in the

streets. They have water all over them,
but it's not a problem. The weather in
'l'hailand is always hot at NewYear.
Go to pages 42-43 for activities.
lr r lr . I lle correct words.
llr* r ,rnivat in Rio de Janeiro is very smatl /'big;
Read pages 4-5. yru r ,ur see peop[e / streets in co[orfuI costumes.
costumes cloak dress
Write the words. float pai'"ade street
M,rny parades / peopte don't go to bed that night.
Ilrl r.,lnrivaI in Venice is in summer / winter.
',onr(] peop[e wear ctoaks / floats or long dresses.
lr llrcy want to have fun / cotd.

2 M.rlch.
&m Wlrt:rc is Rio de Janeiro?
ffim, Wllcrt is the carnivaI in It's in February or
I L=Jl I l,1l
Itlo tle Janeiro?
1,, llrere music at the
No, it's in winter.
llro cle Janeiro carniva[? It's in Brazit.
Wllcre is Venice? It's in ltaLy.
Write true or false. 1,, the carnivaI in Venice
It's colder than
1 Rio de Janeiro is in lta[y. rn summer?
in Brazi[.
(r llow is the weather at Yes, there is.
2 The carnivaI in Rio de Janeiro is in January. tlrc Venice carniva[?
3 There's a parade at the carnivaI in
Rio de Janeiro. Answer the questions.
4 There's a carniva[ in Venice every year. I ln your country, how is the weather in February?
lr The weather is atways hot at the
Vcnice carnivat. Do you have a carnival in your country? What do
(, \olnc people at the Venice carnival you do?
w('rrf cloaks.
(,ornplete the diagram.
llrziI earnlvat ltaty Diwali February
Read pages 6-7. lrrdia October Hanukkah December
1 Diwali is lamps in their homes. r,rt'niv;.xl
a Jewish festiva[.
2 At Diwali, peopte put
3 At Diwali, people think about their fami[y an*l
other peop[e.
4 Hanukkah sometimes in October.
5 Hanukkah is eat pancakes.
6 At Hanukkah, people
is usually in December.
Answer the questions.
I What do Hindus do at Diwa[i?
Complete the sentences. "
Ilrt:1.1 ;;t"t" " '',',)

donuts festiy# big candles November presents 2 When is Diwati?

1 Diwati is a big {rli,n{i'v;1 in lndia.
2 It's usuatly in October or I What do many people eat at Hanukkah?
3 Diwali is a festivaI for Hindu peopte.
4 At Hanukkah, peopte tight 4 When is Hanukkah?
5 Children have at Hanukkah.
6 Peopte sometimes eat at Hanukkah. Do you have a festival with lamps or candles in
your country? Which festiva[? What do you do?
What do you eat?

( )l r lcr the words.
I t., i festival. / big / Eid / a

Read pages 8-9.

Complete the sentences.

.' rrcsents / People / friends. / their / give / fo

clothes festival money Muslim toys presen ,

I tlrink / about / peopte. / other / They
l Eidisa festiva[.
2 Mustims give to children at Eid. 4 l)eople / Eid. / at / eaf / dates
3 They give them money, or things like
4 They give food and to hungry people ') So / to / They / mosque. / the
and sick peopte.
5 People wear new at Ed.
(, l'tug / their / They / friends.
6 Eid is the Arabic word for'
What do people do at Eid? Write { or . Answer the questions.
People get up and wash
I Do you have Eid in your countrY?
They sleep at[ day.
They eat dates and cookies for breakfast.
Do you have a festival with presents in your
They watch a big parade. country? Which festiva[?
They wear oLd ctothes.
l-hcy visit their grandparents. 3 What presents do you give at this festiva[?
lllcy say,'Happy Eid!'
t llr,.t(1, draw, and co[or.

., Read pages 12-t3. llrl', rs a cherrY tree. lt's in

;l lt,ilk. There are lots of
Complete the sentences. rlrrh llowers on the tree.
lwo tirls are sitting
ftowers picnics cherry season sprrng sunny rnrrlcr the tree.
llrr,y are wearing
t Spring is a very pretty
yr,llow dresses.
2 lt's usua[ty *uru *z,\y'*dr'h$l rv11,\n/h W

3 There are lots of

4 ln Japan, people love btossom.
5 These flowers open in
6 People have Answer the questions.
and they [ook at the
cherry btossom. I In your country, how is the weather in May?

Write true or false.

1 ln Japan, peopte love cherry btossom.
2 What is the prettiest season in your country?
2 Cherry trees have yellow ftowers.
3 The flowers open in August.
4 Vi[a Franca do Lima is in Spain.
Do you have a festivaI in spring in your country?
5 There's a festivaI here in May.
Which festivat? What do You do?
6 Homowo is a festival in Ghana.
I l'cople eat turkey and pumpkin pie. Ita[y
Read pages L4-J.5' 2 l'uople eat rice cakes. South Korea
I f'uopte dance with wreaths. Potand
Write the words' 4 (ii"ls wear crowns of flowers. USA

crown harvest pumpkin pie turkey wheat wre.rtlr

Answer the questions.
I When do peop[e pick the fruit?

') Who cuts the croPs?

2 3

J Which country has a festivaI called Chuseok?

4 When is Chuseok?

5 What do people do at Chuseok?

Circle the odd one out.
1 poland Soulth Korea USA November lta[y Which countries have a festivaI ca[[ed
2 fa, wheat winter spring summer Thanksgiving?

3 fruit pumpKin fami[Y turkeY cake

4 Chuseok ovember September October August 7 When is Thanksgiving in the USA?

5 dance eat sing wear girl ll



rl ll

Order the words.

birds sometimes
I / Guru / Nanak / greafl teacher. / was
Read pages L6-t7. tree birthdaY
statues teacher 2 His / in / is / birthday / November.
Comptete the sentences.
L Christmas is the of Jesus Christ'
3 Gol"den / Temple. / to / the / Some / people / go
2 At Christmas many people have a Christmas
in their homes.
4 is / tempLe / lndia. / This / in
3 Guru Nanak was a great
4 Vesak Day is catled Buddha's Birthday.
5 lamps / tempte. / There / are / the / at / lots / of
5 0n vesak Day, Buddhists decorate
Gotama Buddha.
6 Thousands of fty into the skY on Answer the questons.
Vesak DaY. -of l- ln your country, do you have festiva[s for the
birthdays of great people? Which people?
Match. Then write complete sentences'
Guru Nanak's birthday -'--',, Buddhist
Vesak DaY Mus[im
Christmas -.sikh
Eid 2 When is your birthday? What do you do?

1 ill*unu;.t, l',.X;*t;iil'ti hi,l'ltro:,{;l,i lil; it .lhalf;l}'l l+'.'lli'+;itti.


Write true or false.
I In Europe, the days are short in June.
Read pages 18-19. 2 ln Europe, peopte have bonfires
at Midsummer.
Write the words. 3 ln Russia, girls throw their crowns
bonfire [ake flowers leaves po[e river into the streets.
ln Fin[and, it never gets dark at
ln Sweden, people dance around
a big po[e.

2 3
1 Answer the questions.
1 Do you have a festival with dancing in your
country? Which festivat?

Do you have a festival at Midsummer? What do
Match. you do?

1 The days are long Midsummer.

2 The tongest day is catted in Fin[and.
3 This is a big festiva[ in in summer.
3 What is the warmest month in your country?
4 People make big pretty crowns.
5 lt doesn't get dark Sweden.
6 ln Russia, girts make bonfires.
Circle the correct words.
At Halloween:
Read pages 20-21. I Peopte make doors / [anterns.
2 Children wear candy / costumes.
Write the words.
3 Peopte buy pumpkins / doors.
candy eye lantern mouth nose spider
4 Peop[e are / aren't rea[[y scared.
5 Stores se[[ toys, [ike sisters / spiders.
Order the words.

I at / wear / costumes / Halloween. / Children
1 2

2 knock / on / They / doors.

3 People / children / give / candy.

Match. 4 rea[ly / scared. / aren't / People

1 When is Halloween?
2 What is a Halloween
It's big in Mexico. 5 on / have / fun / People / All / Saints / Day.
[antern made of?
No, it isn't.
3 What is the day after
Ha[loween? It's made of a 6 play / with / theu / brothers / They / and / sisters.
4 Where is Att Saints DaY
a big festivat? It's A[[ Saints Day.
5 ls Att Saints Day a It's on October 31't.
sad festiva[?
Complete the

Read pages 22-23.

Write true or false.

At New Year: rt
1 There are lots of festivals.

3t1 l+
2 ln Spain, peopte eat grapes at midnight. r1

3 ln Thai[and, peop[e throw water. q +l

4 ln Thailand the weather is co[d. q

-> *l
5 Many people watch fireworks.
6 There are no fireworks in Sydney. 6->

Circle the correct words. -/ ->

1 At New Year, people in different countries do
the same thing / different things. $->
2 ln Spain and Portuga[, people eat two / twelve
grapes at midnight. Answer the questions.
3 Japanese people like / don't [ike [aughing 1 What is your favorite festival?
at midnight.
4 ln the USA / Thailand, people throw water in 2 When is it?
the street.
5 In Thai[and the weather is hot /cold at New Year.
3 What do you do?
:i1,,i,': 'illl" ,."' :1,

i Write the festivals in your country on Complete the diagrams wth words about
this calendar. festiva[s.
\\\ \\\ 1\\ \\ \\ \\ \,\ h 1\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ \\ \\ \\\ \\ \\
pnm*, rlr" uro + firfrfrt"-l
r, \\\
C, (, I r r, I t, i, I r' t {, t) t, I r4 U (, i \, t (, {, r, t \r

January Ju[y d" c" a- fr tk'hw,rm ,

flrqL$#Hfrffi"{ tr#SS$hr#[
eid ,

February August
flWT d) trT #"q#

Ma rch September

Aprit 0ctober


Tr^elfth Night

Make a poster. Copy the festivals calendar and Make a diagram about a festival in
add photos or pictures of the festiva[s. your country.


Display your poster. Display your diagram. i


r : ,l-li
I ]"t&iti,{t
- ()-
- \-
f)w W @M
cand[e cemetery
M cloak [ake
ffi ffi
[amp [eaves money mosque

ffi hg;,

I -!:g-] I


]N @
pancake picnic pie

& ffi

decorate donuts
food fruit potatoes
present river skeleton

ffi ry ffi M W
w'k ffiW
Irr rvest ho[e hug king spider statue street turkey wheat

Series Editor: Hazel Geatches . CLIL Adviser: John Ctegg

Oxford Read and Discover graded readers are at six [eve[s, for students from
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\ubject The Wortd of Science The Naturat The Wortd of Arts

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G ln the Sky
r Wild Cats
p Schools

ry Wheels Young Animals


r E[ectriCity . Camouflage a Cities

. Ptastic i

. Sunny and Rainy

r Earth
r Farms

headwords . Ydr ody' , . ln the Mountins

* How We Make Products *
\,r.i * Sound and Music
Amazing Minibeasts
Animals in the Air
Festivats Around
the Wortd
* Super Structures c Life n Rainforests * Free Time Around
o Your Five Senses Wonderfut Water the World

A[ About Plants
How to Stay Heatthy
. All About Desert Life
0 A[[ About Ocean Life
. Animals in Art
o Wonders of the Past
a Machines Then and Now * Animats at Night
headwords why We Recycte r lnedible Earth

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\,/ e Medicine Then and Now . Animal Life Cycles the Worl.d
900 " Transportation Then . Exptoring Our World o Our World in Art
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u Wild Weather

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Caring for Our Planet
Earth Then and Now
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headwords Your Amazing Body WonderfuI Ecosystems the World

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