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Curriculum Vitae Kariyono, B.App.



Name : Kariyono
Off.Reg : 19871021 200804 1 001
Place / Date of Birth : Blora / October 21st, 1987
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indonesian
Home Address : RT 02 RW VII, Puri, Pati, Central Java, Indonesia , 59113
Office : Ministry of Agrarian & Spatial Planning / National Land
Agency (BPN) Regional Office Southeast Sulawesi
Position : Quality Control Analyst of Surveying and Mapping
Office Address : Jl. Abunawas No 17 Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi Province,
Indonesia, 93111
Mobile Number : +62 81390516630 / +62 85729103810
E-mail address : ,

Year Description
2016 - present Master student Geomatic Engineering (M.Eng Candidate)
Universitas Gadjah Mada sponsored by Indonesia Endowment Fund
For Education (LPDP)
2010 2014 Bachelor of Applied Science (Diploma IV) in Mapping Department
from National Land College, Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
GPA: 3,79 out of 4,00 (the best graduate)
Conducted a research project entitled Recontructing Land Boundary
by Using Network Reference of Land Satellite.
2006 2007 Diploma DI Surveying and Mapping from National Land College,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, GPA : 3,84 out of 4,00
2003 2006 Senior High Scool SMA 1 Blora, Central Java, Indonesia
2000 2003 Junior High Scool SMP 1 Blora, Central Java, Indonesia
1994 2000 Primary School SD 1 Sonorejo, Blora, Central Java, Indonesia
Curriculum Vitae Kariyono, B.App.Sc


Year Description
2017 Course "Utilization of GNSS Technology RTPPP Method and UAV
Technology for Land Record Database National Land College, PT
Bite Geosolusi and PT General Technologi Indonesia.
2017 Course, "Sub-Meter Geo-Tagging Photo dengan Low Cost GNSS
Modul", Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
2016 Course Optimizing JRSP CORS Using Mobile Base Station to
Accelerate Land Registration", National Land College & PT
Geoprima, Yogyakarta
2015 Course Hybrid Positioning System , National Land College,
2014 Land Valuation, National Land Agency Training Centre, Southeast
Sulawesi Province.
2013 Course GNSS CORS, Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta .
TOEFL Preparation Course, ELTI, Yogyakarta.
English for Academic Writing, ELTI,Yogyakarta.
2012 English for Active Communication, OPEC, Yogyakarta.
English for Active Communication Pre-Intermediate 1, ELTI,
Basic ARC GIS, National Land College, Yogyakarta.
Agrarian Course Policy, Conflict dan Indonesia Fighting Agrarian in
21st Century, National Land College, Yogyakarta.
2011 Basic Training Discipline , Air Force Academy, Yogyakarta.
2010 Land Thematic Mapping,National Land Agency Training Centre,
Southeast Sulawesi Province.
2008 Training Candidat of Civil Servant , National Land Agency, Bogor,
West Java Province.


Year Description
2014 The Best Graduate from National Land College, Yogyakarta.
2010-2014 Awardee of Diploma IV Scolarship in National Land College from
National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia .
2003-2006 Awardee of Sampoerna Foundation Scolarship Program from
Sampoerna Foundation.
2016-2018 Awardee Indonesia Endowment Fund For Education (LPDP) Batch 2

Year Description
2013 Research team member
Tjahjo Arianto and Kariyono Kepastian Hukum Hak Atas Tanah di
Areal Bekas Pertambangan ( Studi di areal bekas tambang kapur di
Curriculum Vitae Kariyono, B.App.Sc

Kabupaten Gresik dan Jember) , Strategis Research PPPM,

National Land College.

Year Description
2015 Kariyono, Eko Budi Wahyono and Tanjung Nugroho.
Rekonstruksi Batas Bidang Tanah dengan Menggunakan Jaringan
Referensi Satelit Pertanahan , Journal Land and Agrarian BHUMI
Vol 1, No. 1, May 2015 .


Year Description
2014 Kariyono, Eko Budi Wahyono and Tanjung Nugroho
Rekonstruksi Batas Bidang Tanah dengan Menggunakan Jaringan
Referensi Satelit Pertanahan , Conference on Geospatial Science
and Engineering 2, Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta, September
20th 2014.
Eko Budi Wahyono, Arief Syaifullah, Tanjung Nugroho and Kariyono
Migrasi DGN 95 ITRF 2000 ke ITRF 2008 (Implikasinya pada
Pemetaan Kadastral), Riau, May 21-22nd 2014.
2015 Kariyono, Yuli Efendi, I Made Sumadra
Peningkatan Kualitas Data Pertanahan di Kantor Pertanahan Kota
Kendari , Annual Conference of Indonesia Surveyor Assosiaciation,
Malang November 19th 2015
2016 Kariyono, Helik Susilo
One Map Policy sebagai Instrumen Pemersatu
Conference of Indonesia Surveyor Assosiaciation, Yogyakarta
October 27th 2016
Kariyono, M Irfan Yudistira
Aplikasi Android untuk Penilaian Tanah
Conference of Indonesia Surveyor Assosiaciation, Yogyakarta
October 27th 2016

2017 Kariyono
Improvement Land Data Quality on Kendari City Land Office
Southeast Sulawesi Province Indonesia
Asia International Multidiclipinary Conference 2017 , University
Teknology Malaysia, 1-2 May 2017.

No Department Position Period Description of Work
Curriculum Vitae Kariyono, B.App.Sc

1 Ministry of Agrarian Staff April 2008 Land surveying and converting

& Spatial Surveying June it into the map;
Affairs/National and 2010 Measuring the land
Land Agency Mapping redistribution object (Redist
(BPN), Regional TOL) & private land
Office Southeast ownership;
Sulawesi Province Land thematic surveying and
Preparing ground check
source for remote sensing
Managing, collecting and
maintaining the conventional
manual and digital map;
Managing the administration
system of digital and physical
2 Ministry of Agrarian Staff June 2010 Land surveying and
& Spatial Surveying - converting it into the map;
Affairs/National and September Measuring the private land
Land Agency Mapping 2010 ownership;
(BPN), Kendari City Managing, collecting and
Regional Office, maintaining the conventional
Southeast Sulawesi manual and digital map;
Province Managing the administration
system of digital and physical

3 National Land College 2010 - Studying at Mapping Department,

College, Student 2014 National Land College,
Yogyakarta Yogyakarta
4 Ministry of Agrarian Quality 2014 - Managing and planning time
& Spatial Affairs/ Control present table for land surveying
National Land Analyst of purpose;
Agency (BPN), Surveying Providing spatial analysis
Regional Office and before cadastral surveying and
Southeast Sulawesi Mapping mapping services can be
Province conducted ;
Preparing technical guidance
of parcel delimitation methods;
Analysing and supervising the
quality of surveying and
mapping data for public/private
Compiling and analysing
spatial and textual database of
Curriculum Vitae Kariyono, B.App.Sc

the surveying and mapping

Compiling and analysing Geo-
Land Office Computerization
(Geo-KKP) data;
Developing geographical
information of the distribution
of land parcels.;
Giving information about the
use of latest surveying and
mapping technology.


Bahasa Indonesia (Mother Tongue)

English TOEFL
Score 610, taken on March 19th, 2016

Microsoft Office, Oracle, AutoCad Map, Arc GIS, Arc View, GIS, ER
Mapper, Web and Internet applications

Personal Hard worker, passion for learning, analytical thinking, planning,

Skills leadership and team management

Other Academic Potenential Test (TPA) score 574 , taken on Feb 6th, 2016

Playing badminton, reading, writing, watching movie, and listening to music

I declare all information in these curriculum vitae is true.

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