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Civil NCS Keys

Key Use NCS Key Use NCS Key Use NCS

1 Phase 1 C BROW Brow N DIMS Dimensions N
2 Phase 2 C BRSH Brush N DIRC Direction N
3 Phase 3 C BRSL Brush Line C DIRV Diversion C
4 Phase 4 C BUSH Bush N DIST District C
5 Phase 5 C CABS Cabinet C DIVR Diversion Channel C
6 Phase 6 C CANL Canal C DMRK Rock Dam C
7 Phase 7 C CANT Cant C DMST Straw Dam C
8 Phase 8 C CASE Casing C DOCK Dock N
9 Phase 9 C CCTV Closed Circuit TV M DOOR Door M
A Abandon C CELL Cell C DRAN Drainage Channel M
ABUT Abutment N CFLG Conduit Flag C DRIP Drip Irrigation N
ACCS Access M CHNL Channel C DRIV Driveways M
ACTL Aerial Control N CIPR Culvert Protection N DRWE Driveway End C
AGGR Aggregate N CIRC Circular Curve N DRWS Driveway Start C
AGND Above Ground C CITY City N DRWY Driveway C
ALGN Alignment M CLNO Cleanout C DSPT Discharge Point C
ALIN Alignment C CNST Construction C DTCH Ditches M
ANCR Anchor C CNTE Construction Enter N DTCI Ditches Irrigation C
ANND Anode C CNTJ Construction Joint N DTLS Details C
ANNO General Annotation M CNTR Center N DUCT Ductbank N
ASMC Asymetric Parabola C CNTY County N DVDK Diversion Dike N
ASPH Asphalt N COFF Coffer Dam N E Remain C
ASSM Assemblies C COLN Column C EASP Point Elevation N
AUTH Authority C CONC Concrete N EDGE Edge N
BACK Back N COND Conduit C EDGR Plant Edger N
BAFL Baffle N CONS Conservation N EGLN Energy Line C
BANK Bank C CONT Contour M ELEV Spot Elevation M
BARR Barrier C CORR Corridor C EMBK Embankment C
BASN Basin N COVR Cover N ENCL Enclosure N
BDRY Shrinkwrap Boundary C CREK Creek C EOAC Edge of Aphalt C
BEAM Beam M CROP Row line C EOBI Edge of Bituminous C
BEDS Bedding N CRWN Crown C EOBM Edge of Berm C
BENC Bench C CSTG Construction grading N EOBR Edge of Brush Line C
BERM Berm C CTCH Catchment C EOCH Edge of Channel C
BFPR Backflow Preventor C CTNR Container N EOCL Edge of Canal C
BIKE Bike C CTRL Control M EOCN Edge of Concrete C
BKWR Breakwater C CULV Culvert C EODN Edge of Drain C
BLCK Block C CURB Curb N EODR Edge of Drive C
BLDG Building Footprint M CURV Curve N EODT Edge of Ditch C
BLIN Baseline M CUSH Crash Custion C EODV Edge of Diversion C
BMRK Benchmark N CUTC Curb Concrete Cut C EOGR Edge of Gravel C
BNDY Boundary M CUTP Pavement Cut C EOLK Edge of Lake C
BOLD Bold Lines N CUTS Cut C EOLV Edge of Levee C
BOLL Bollard C D Demolish C EOMT Edge of Metal C
BORE Boring M DAM~ Dam C EOPD Edge of Pond C
BORO Borough N DAMC Dam concrete C EOPV Edge of Pavement C
BORR Borrow C DAME Dam earth C EORD Edge of Road C
BOTM Bottom N DAMN Dam Natural C EORV Edge of River C
BOTS Bottom of Slope C DASH Distressed Asphalt C EOSG Edge of Gravel Shoulder C
BOTT Dot Striping C DASP Point Description N EOSP Edge of Paved Shoulder C

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Civil NCS Keys

Key Use NCS Key Use NCS Key Use NCS

EPAV Edge of Pavement C GATE Gate M LITE Light M
EQPM Equipment M GCVR Ground Cover N LOGO Logo N
EROS Erosion M GEOM Geometry Point C LOOP Traffic Signal Loop C
ERRO Error C GMJR Grid Major C LOTS Blocks C
ESDR Edge of Shoulder C GMNR Grid Minor C LPIP Low Pressure N
ESHB Edge of Shrub Line C GNRL General C LSCP Landscape N
ESMT Easement M GORE Gore Stripe C LTPA Light Path C
ESTM Edge of Stream C GRAD Grading C LTPD Light Pedestrian C
EVPE Emergency Vehicle Pre-Emption
C GRAL Guard Rail N LTST Light Street C
EWAT Edge of Water N GRAT Grate C LTTR Light Trail C
EWET Edge of Wetland C GRAV Gravel C LUMR Luminaire C
EXCA Excavation C GRBK Grade Break C M Move C
EXPJ Expansion Joint N GRBM Grade Beam N MAIN Main N
EXTN Extension C GRID Grid M MAJR Major N
F Future Work C GRND Ground M MARK Markings N
FACE Face N GRTE Grate C MARM Mast Arm C
FALT Fault Breakline N GRVL Gravel N MASS Mass Haul C
FDPL Flood Plain N GUTL Gutter Lip C MATC Match lines N
FDTA Field Data N GUTT Gutter C MCUT Cut N
FEAT Features C GUYW Guy Wire C MEDM Medium lines N
FENB Barbed C HCAP Handicp Ramp C MEDN Median C
FENC Fences M HCPT Horizontal C METR Meter C
FEND Wood Fence N HDPT Hydrologic Point C MHOL Manhole N
FENE Fence C HEAD Head N MINR Minor N
FENI Iron Fence C HEGE Hedge C MISC Miscellaneous N
FENP Picket Fence C HEGL Hedge Line C MLCH Mulch N
FENR Rail Fence C HGLN Hydrologic Grade Line C MONT Monument C
FENS Security Fence C HHOL Handhole C MOOR Mooring N
FENT Steel Fence C HIDE Hidden C MOWS Mow Strip C
FENW Wire Fence C HORZ Horizontal N MPIP Medium Pressure M
FIBR Fiber N HPIP High Pressure N MRKG Markings N
FILL Fill N HVPT Horizontal Vertical N MRSH Marsh C
FINE Fine Lines N HYDR Hydro Structure M MTCH Match lines C
FIRE Fire M HYDT Fire Hydrant N N New Work C
FISH Fish Ladder N IDEN Identification N NETW Network C
FLHA Flood Hazard M INEG Ingress N NODE Point M
FLIN Flush Inlet C INLF Flush Inlet C NOTE Notes N
FLNE Fire Lane N INLT Inlet C NOVR Non-overflow N
FLOR Floor M INPR Inlet Protection N NPLT No Plot N
FLOW Flowline N INTS Intersection C OFLT Offset Left C
FLUM Flume N JETY Jetty C OFRT Offset Right C
FNCE Fence C KEYN Keynotes N OFST Offset C
FNDN Foundation M KNOW Known C ORCH Orchard C
FOOT Footing C LABL Label Style Text N ORCL Orchard Line C
FORC Force Main N LAKE Lake C OTLN Outline N
FPTH Flow Path C LANE Lane Striping C OUTF Outfall C
FRAM Frame C LATL Lateral N OVHD Overhead N
FREE Free N LCTN Location C OVLY Overlay C
FSPT Flow Segment Point C LEGN Legend M PARB Parabola C
FTNG Footing N LEVE Levee C PARS Parish C

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Civil NCS Keys

Key Use NCS Key Use NCS Key Use NCS

PAVR Paver N SCOP Scope C TOCB Top Curb Back C
PAVS Pavement Strip C SCTL Control Signal N TOCF Top Curb Face C
PBOX Pullbox C SCTN Section C TOPB Top of Bank N
PCNR Corner C SEED Seed Area N TOPD Top N
PENS Penstock N SFNS Silt Fence C TOPF Top Face C
PERI Perimeter N SGEO Station Geometry Point C TOPO Surface M
PERM Permanent N SGHT Sight Distance M TOPS Top of Slope C
PHAS Phase C SHAD Shade N TOWN Town C
PHDG Phase Diagram C SHAP Assembly Shapes C TOWS Township C
PHED Pedestrian Head C SHET Sheet C TRAF Traffic C
PIER Pier N SHOT Shot C TRAL Trail M
PILE Piling N SHRB Shrub C TRAV Traverse N
PIPE Pipe M SHRL Shrub Line C TREE Tree N
PLAY Play N SIGN Signage M TREL Tree Line C
PLNL Plant Line C SILT Silt Fence N TROW Rail ROW N
PLNT Plant M SITE Site M TRSG Traffic Signal C
PMON Monument C SLVE Sleeve N TRSN Traffic Signage C
PNTS Points C SMJR Station Major C TTBL Titleblock C
POLE Pole N SMNR Station Minor C TTLB Border N
POND Pond M SOIL Soil M TURF Grass N
POOL Pool N SPIL Spillway C TWRC Tower Cell C
POST Post N SPIR Spiral C TWRE Tower Power C
PPPB Pedestrian Push Button C SPKL Sprinkler M TWRR Tower Radio C
PRKG Parking M SPLK Sprinkler C TWRW Tower Wind C
PROF Profile N SPOT Spot Elevation N UGND Underground N
PROJ Project M SPRG Spring C UNDR Underground C
PROP Property M SPRT Sport N UNID Unidentified M
PROS Date Stamp N SSFN Super Silt Fence C UNKN Unknown C
PUMP Pump C SSLT Super Silt Fence N UPVD Unpaved N
PVMT Pavement M STAN Stationing N USER User Contour C
QSCT Quarter Section C STAT State N UTCA Cable C
QVC~ Quick Release C STEP Step N UTCO Communications C
R Repair Rehab C STLT Street Light C UTEL Power C
RAIL Rail M STMP Prof Stamp N UTFB Fiber C
RAMP Ramp N STOP Stop C UTFO Fuel Oil C
RCV~ Remote Control C STRC Structure N UTIL General Utilities N
RDME Read-me Information N STRM Stream M UTIR Irrigation Water C
REDD Red C STRP Striping N UTIW Industrial Waste C
REDL Redlines N STRS Stairs M UTNG Gas C
REFR Reference files N SUMP Sump C UTPH Telephone C
REGN Region C SUPR Superelevation C UTRW Recycle Water C
REVC Revision Clouds N SURV Survey M UTSD Storm C
REVS Revisions N SWLK Sidewalk M UTSS Sewer C
RIDG Ridge C SYMB Symbols N UTST Steam C
RIPR Riprap C T Temporary Work C UTTV Closed Circuit TV C
RIVR River M TABL Table Information N UTWR Water C
ROAD Roadway M TANK Tank N VALT Vault C
ROCY Rockery C TEMP Temporary N VALV Valve N
RROW Roadway ROW C TERR Terrace C VCPT Vertical C
RSRV Reserved N TEXT Text N VDZN Video Detection Zone C

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Civil NCS Keys

Key Use NCS

VINE Vines N
VLVB Backflow Preventor C
VLVC Remote Control Valve C
VLVE Valve C
VLVG Gate Valve C
VLVQ Quick Release Valve C
VLVR Riser Valve C
VOLM Volume C
VRSR Riser Valve C
WAST Waste C
WELG Gas Well C
WELI Injection Well C
WELM Monitoring Well C
WELO Oil Well C
WELT Temporary Well C
WELW Water Well C
WETL Wetland M
WHIT White N
WHRF Wharf C
WLBK Block Wall C
WLCN Concrete Wall C
WLHD Headwall C
WLNS Noise Wall C
WLRT Retaining Wall C
WLST Stone Wall C
WLWG Wing Wall C
WSHD Watershed C
WWEL Wet Well C
X Not In Contract C
XREF External Reference C
XWLK Cross Walk C
YELO Yellow N

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