4423 How To Configure Oracle Forms Monitoring

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This document describes Oracle Forms configuration for the purpose of providing field personnel with
knowledge on the configuration parameters that will provide basic Oracle Forms monitoring. This
material assumes that the Oracle Forms trace file is open in WireShark (or any wire tracing tool) to aid
in the search for the configuration values.

Here are the basic parameters for Oracle Forms monitoring:

1) Forms Session ID

allows the AMD to identify unique Oracle Forms sessions that contain the user operations
configuration interface is available on the global and software service configuration levels
user interface is an edit box labeled: Session Identifier
session ID is contained in the URL parameter of the POST request for a Forms servlet
Search the trace file for servlet. Examples of POST request for Forms servlet are:

POST /forms/lservlet
POST /forms/formsservlet
POST /forms/l90servlet

AMD needs the parameter key; commonly used keys are: jsessionid and JServSessionIdforms

2) User Name Recognition parameters

allows customers to use the login user name as the basis of reporting
most customers will want this reporting feature, but some will do without it
combination of these parameters in the trace file allows the AMD to identify the username:

login URL
request method for login URL
username parameter
key for HTTP cookie for Forms Session
a) login URL
If the login is HTTP-based, the login URL is the base URL where the username value is
found in the trace file. This is the typical scenario where an HTTP app provides the login.
In Oracle Applications/EBS, the login URL is typically /OA_HTML/OA.jsp/.
If login is Forms-based (where the login process in embedded in Oracle Forms), there is
no such URL. Enter: none.
user interface is an edit box labeled: Login URL

b) request method for the login URL

If the login is HTTP-based, this is the request method for the login URL found in the trace
file. In Oracle Applications/EBS, the method is typically POST.
If the login is Forms-based, there is no login URL. Enter: OFLogin.
user interface is an edit box labeled: Login Method

c) username parameter
If the login is HTTP-based, this is the POST parameter key for the username found in the
login URL. It will generally have a value containing username string.
In Oracle Applications/EBS, the username key is typically usernameField.
If login is Forms-based, this is the label used for the username in the Forms login.
Typically, the value is Username.
user interface is an edit box labeled: Login name parameter

d) key for HTTP cookie for Forms session

If the login is HTTP-based, this is the cookie key for the Forms session. Typically, it
follows the JSessionID cookie for the login URL in the capture file, and the same cookie
key is also found in the POST request for the Forms servlet. In Oracle Applications/EBS,
the key is typically customized.
If login is Forms-based, this is the cookie key for the Forms session. Typically, it is
user interface is an edit box labeled: Identification Cookie Pattern

The sample LOGIN URL below shows the configuration parameters for the login URL, request
method, username parameter and the key for HTTP cookie for Forms session.
The sample POST request for the Forms servlet below shows the cookie key for the Forms servlet
matching the cookie key in the above sample login URL.

Here is the current user interface for Global Configuration:

The Client IP Address Extraction section provides the ability to report the originating client IP address in
a load-balanced Oracle Forms environment.

The Error Messages section provides the ability to track Forms application errors and database server
errors and apply the errors to the reported availability metrics.

The Threshold parameters may be tweaked depending on the capacity of the application environment.
If the Forms application response time is very slow, then the value of Operation timeout will need to be
bumped up in order cover all transactions the customer want to be reported.
The Operation Pattern Matching and Processing Section provides the format of the operation name.
The default format uses tab symbols in between the components for CAS operation hierarchy

parent title CAS module

result Title CAS task

className:controlTitle CAS operation

Parent Title Processing and Result Title Processing provide the ability to pattern-match the operation
names via regular expressions(regex). The idea is to aggregate reported operations based on the regex
value of the parent window title and/or the result window title.

Here is the current user interface for Software Service Configuration:

The software service type may be one of these:

Oracle Forms over HTTP (relevant to Forms app using HTTP - Forms servlet)
Oracle Forms over HTTPS (relevant to Forms app using secured connection over HTTP)
Oracle Forms over TCP (relevant to Forms app using client-server environment)

Currently, the software service rules have 6 sections: Services, User Recognition, Oracle Form
Monitoring, Options, Availability and Fault Domain Isolation.

For basic Oracle Forms monitoring, Options, Services and User Recognition need to be configured.
For Services, enter the IP and port of the Oracle Forms server and disable Client Port.

For Options tab, provide the value for Forms Session Identifier, and ensure that the checkbox for
monitoring of persistent TCP sessions is enabled.

For User Recognition tab, disable global settings, and provide the values for the Login URL, Login
method for the login URL, the Login name parameter, and the Identification Cookie Pattern.
Other Features Explained:

Reporting Options provide the ability to aggregate reported operations at a higher level. The default
value is detailed operation names. The other options offer summary lines only (no operation names)
and operation names based on window titles only.

Client IP Address Extraction provides the ability to report the originating client IP address in a load-
balanced Oracle Forms environment.

EBS Options provide the ability to report EBS module names (such as Account Receivables, Payroll,
General Ledger, etc.) as a Service component of the CAS operation hierarchy.

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