The Effect of Poor Funding of Public Libraries Case Study of Benue State Library Board by Chiata Miriam

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1.1 Background to the Study

The public library is established to provide materials, which communicate

experience and ideas from one person to another and make them easily and freely

available to all people. The public library is a local centre of information that

makes all kinds of knowledge and information readily available to its users. It is

established, supported and funded by the community, either through local, regional

or national government or through some other form of community organizations. It

provides access to knowledge, information and works of imagination through a

range of resources and services. It is equally available to all members of the

community regardless of race, nationality, age, gender, religion, language,

disability, employment status and educational attainment (Aboyade, 1984).

The public library is regarded as the local gateway to knowledge, providing

a basic condition for lifelong, independent, decision-making and cultural

development of the individual and social groups (IFLA/UNESCO), 1995). (IFLA,

2001) also defines public library as an organization established, supported and

funded by the community, either through local, regional or national government or

through some other forms of community organization. (IFLA, 2001) further

opines that a public library provides access to knowledge, information and works

of the imagination through a range of services and is equally available to all

members of the community regardless of race, nationality, age, gender, religion,

language, physical and mental limitations, economics and employment status and

educational attainment. (Conable, 2012) opines that every citizen should have

equal right of public library services, buttressing the IFLA position on public

library services.

The public library is a social institution which is tied to the political and

social realities of the communities where it is situated. As the name implies, this is

a library that serves the public. UNESCO (1966) defines public library as Those

which serve the population of the community or region free of change or for a

nominal fee. It is a library designed to serve the generality of the people.

According to Ode & Omokaro (2007), Public libraries are established, owned and

funded by the government either state or federal governments at the state capitals

and with branches in the local governments headquarter. According to Oduagwu

(2002) public libraries that serve the public are supported by government

subvention, local rates or charges. He went further to explain that public library is

often regarded as a poor mans university. Its clientele is heterogeneous devoid of

race, status, rank, bias as to who would avail of its services. It stocks every

conceivable item that would add knowledge, education, research, information and

cultural needs of the society.

In Nigeria today, each of the 36 states kin the country including Abuja has a

public library board established under the public library act as united kingdom

(UK), but here in Nigeria, library board of states is established by edict or laws

made by the states legislators. Public library funding refers to making money

available for the day to day running of the library. Funding here deals with making

money or funds available to public libraries.

Public library funding generally refers to the various ways by which funds,

capital or finances can be derived for the smooth running of the library. It involves

the money available or allocation to library for running its day to day activities.

However, the funding and financial allocations to public libraries have remained

poor for decades. Public libraries need adequate resources to run their services, pay

and hire personal, provides current information, arrange, organize and monitor

both human and materials resources. Nigeria is a developing country and its

society is not a reading society. Nigerians do not appreciate the importance and

needs of public libraries and the services it offers and this problem reflect in the

level of funds allocated to it by the government. State government subventions

which constitute about 80% of public library fund are grossly inadequate. This

inadequacy is because of the political instability and bad economy of the country

Ulu, (1997). Late release of fund by the government is another problem, this

means that things cannot be done when required. All the plans of public library are

hampered by late release of fund. Another problem is the existing infrastructural

facilities in most public libraries which are inadequate. Their reference materials

are too old. There are no rooms for serious readers especially those carrying out

research works.

Lack of appreciation by policy makers in government is one of the problems.

This shows that the public libraries in the nation are not given due recognition they

deserve, and this is traceable not only to the non-quantifiable nature of library

services but also the misconception given to libraries by government to get off

these problems. There must be a re-orientation on the part of the policy makers in

government to accord the public library the recognition it deserves. According to

Egbulonu (2002), he said that these problems have adversely affected the public

library services and its operations. The result of the impending global economic

situation on the other hand has drastically affected the attainment or achievements

of basic standards in funding the libraries.

From the history of public libraries in Nigeria, the problem of funds has

remained an intractable phenomenon. The Nigerian Library Association (NLA) is

worried by the poor funding of libraries generally but public libraries in particular.

Therefore the Nigerian Library Association has organized several conferences that

highlight the problems of poor funding of public libraries and need for improved

funding. This conference suggested and recommended widening the sources of

funding public libraries rather than depending on government funding only.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In many public libraries, the budgetary allocation is not always released as

when due, and this in turn delays the implementation of the programs of these

libraries when funds are eventually released. There is inadequate funding of public

libraries by the state government which is suppose to provide about 80% of the

funds required by the public libraries. Shortage of funds has resulted in shortage of

relevant text books as currently being experienced by users who are in need of the

materials. Inadequate provision of funds has prevented the provision of current

materials needed by the staff and clientele in public libraries.

Thus, the challenge of this study is to determine the effects of poor funding

of Benue State Library Board Makurdi, and to suggest alternative sources of

funding of Benue State Library Board Makurdi.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The fundamental purpose of the study is to determine the effect of poor

funding of public library in Nigeria: A case study of Benue State Library Board.

The specific purposes are as followed;

1. To identify the major source of funding of Benue State Library Board.

2. To identify the alternative source of funding of Benue State Library


3. To examine the effect of poor funding of public libraries on their users

4. To identify the implication of poor funding on staff morale of public

library in Nigeria

5. To identify problems associated with inadequate funding of Benue

State Library Board.

6. To proffer solution on how to overcome inadequate funding of Benue

State Library Board.

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study;

1. What is the major source of fund for public library?

2. What are the other alternative sources of funds available to Benue State

Library Board?

3. What are the effects of poor funding of public libraries on their users?

4. What are the implications of poor funding on staff morale of public library

in Nigeria?

5. What are the problems associated with poor funding of public libraries in

Nigeria especially Benue state public library board Makurdi.

6. What are the solutions on how to overcome inadequate funding of Benue

State Library Board?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The findings of this research will hopefully be of immense benefit to the

following; professional librarians, library users, governments, policy makers,

stakeholder in the education industry and researchers.

The study will be significant to professional librarian as it will enable them

to seek for ways of sourcing funds for the development of public libraries. It will

also be of significant to government as it will enable them to budget more funds to

public libraries. The study will also benefit students of library and information

science as it will enable them has first class information in the subject area. The

findings of this study will also benefit policy makers and stakeholders in the

education sector as the study will enable them make policies concerning the public

libraries. And finally the findings of this study will serve as a springboard for

other researchers who may want to carry out further research in the subject area.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The study is exclusively on the effect of poor funding of Benue State library

board Makurdi.

1.7 Operational Definitions of Research Concepts

EFFECTS: Is a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other

cause. It is also a state of affairs that is produced by a cause.

FUNDING: Is the act of providing financial resources, usually in form of money,

or other values such as effort or time, to finance a need, program and project,

usually by an organization or government.

PUBLIC LIBRARIES: It is the most easily accessible library collection to all

categories users as it may be found both in the major cities and at the grassroots

levels, with no restriction to its use on the bases of race, profession, status, sex and

among others.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter seeks to review literature that is related to the present study. It

reviews literature from books, journals, articles and from other relevant resources.

2.2 Conceptual Framework

Concept of Poor Funding

Concept of Public Library

2.3 Empirical Studies

A Study on Source of Funding of Public Library

Alternative Sources of Funding of Public Library

Problems Associated with Poor Funding of Public Library

Strategies to Overcome Poor Funding of Public Library

2.4 Summary of the Review

2.2 Conceptual Framework

2.2.1 Concept of Poor Funding

The importance of libraries in the educational development of nation cannot

be over-emphasized. This is more, so given the indispensable role of storing and

retrieving information which they serve. Given the above, a situation in which are

public libraries are now lacking in books with structures and facilities in state of

disuse cannot by any dint of imagination promote reading culture. The problem of

funding in public libraries does not affect public libraries in Nigeria alone.

According to Ehikhamener (2003) emphasized that public libraries all over the

world are experiencing crises imposed by financial constraints, poor economic,

inflation. No library can be adequately stocked with the necessary books and other

library materials without adequate fund. He equally acknowledge that the

constraints on funding is all embracing as it affects to a large extent not only book

purchase but also staff salaries, quality and number of staff to be employed and

above all, depth of services.

Webster New Twentieth Century Dictionary defines fund as a sum of money

on stock convertible into money held available for the demand of a business is

obviously a major element. By funding here, we mean the various ways we derive

the expected fund for capital and recurrent expenses. It is equally making money

available for the running of the library. According to Amafule (1997) states that

every library stands on three legs, a building, collection and staff, but the ten on

that hold those legs and bounds them together is money he states that for the

library to meet the objective for which it was established, money is very crucial for

procurement, processing and maintenance of equipment. Adequate levels of

funding are crucial to the success of a public library in fulfilling its roles. Without

suitable levels of funding over the long-term it is impossible to develop policies for

service provision and make the most effective use of available resources. This can

be seen in number of examples: a new library building without adequate funds to

maintain it, collections of new books with no money for their replacement and

computer systems without funds to maintain and update them.

Funding is required not only when a public library is established, but should

also be sustained on an assured and regular basis. A public library and the services

it provides is a long-term investment on behalf of the community and should be

funded appropriately. It is recognized that even in the wealthiest of societies it may

not be possible to provide appropriate levels of funding for every service

requirement. It is vitally important, therefore, that service development should be

conducted on a planned basis with clear priorities. This process is necessary

whatever level of funding is available to the library service. To determine strategic

planning and the maintenance of agreed priorities, written policy statements should

be developed for services. They should be reviewed at regular intervals and revised

where necessary.

The Encyclopedia Britannica vol. 13 states that in many cooperate reports,

fund means working capital needed by establishment. According to Adimorah

(2008) in discussing public libraries financing in Nigeria, maintained that the

financing of public libraries is a costly ventures which requires overhauling. He

also present treads to leaving the financing of public libraries to state government

alone is basically deficient. He proposed a balanced inter-governmental funding

system involving the federal, state and governments. He suggested operational

funding patter whereby the federal government should contribute 20% of public

library fund state 50% and local government 30%. According to Cannel (1996)

discussed that the financial problem according to him affects all types of library to

purchase books and library materials from abroad. Corbeth (1997) he said adequate

finance is vital for the satisfactory running of any kind of library. He pointed out

that no matter how perfect the system of organization and its management and no

matter how efficient and well qualities the staff is the fundamental requirement of

really satisfactory services is an income sufficient to operate and maintain the

services to an appropriate and maintain the services to an appropriate standard.

Funding still stressing the importance of proper funding as the most importance

factor this determines its efficiency to offer user useful services. He states that this
in turn reflects on the services it offers. He is of the view that library services

should be paid for and that the cost should be borne by the community through

their taxation to the government. Inadequate funding of any organization or project

results to non fulfillment of its set goals government allocation is the most

pronounced way of funding public libraries.

Ifidon (1994) states that during the affluence of 1960s and 1970s in Nigeria,

the library was regarded as a service oriented set up, non revenue generating

organization and an organization which relies entirely on government for the

funding. He went further to state that this conception was true in the period of

Economic prosperity, comparative case and calm. In this period of economic

depression many librarian still reason that way which has contributed greatly to the

financial problems facing public library today. Oduagwu (2002) he states that,

public library can be finance through:

i. Statutory allocation which is dependent on the budget. The budget should

show a systematic breakdown of both the revenue and expenditure patters

of the library within a given period usually fiscal year.

ii. Disposition of the Chief Executive/Director

iii. His ability to persuade and convince the appropriate authorities.

Elighafor (1997) recognized the importance of funding public libraries. He

described the poor funding by government, noting that as the primary source of

funding public libraries. It would have government employees. To him, the library

is a living organism; it shrinks or grows in line with the life put into it. He states

that funding, if properly done by the government, makes for growth of a

fundamental library in order to meet the expectations and the demands of its


2.2.2 Concept of Public Libraries

Public libraries are a world-wide phenomenon. They occur in a variety of

societies, in different cultures and at different stages of development. Although the

varied contexts in which they operate inevitably result in differences in the services

they provide, and the way those services are delivered, they normally have

characteristics in common, which can be defined as follows. A public library is an

organization established, supported and funded by the community, either through

local, regional or national government or through some other form of community

organizations. It provides access to knowledge, information and works of the

imagination through a range of resources and services and is equally available to

all members of the community regardless of race, nationality, age, gender, religion,

language, disability, economic and employment status and educational attainment.

However, the primary purposes of the public library are to provide resources

and services in a variety of media to meet the needs of individuals and groups for

education, information and personal development including recreation and leisure.

They have an important role in the development and maintenance of a democratic

society by giving the individual access to a wide and varied range of knowledge,

ideas and opinions. Therefore, some of the services offered by public library will

be highlighted as;

Educational Service: Public library provides educational services by supporting

both individual and self conducted education as well as formal education at all

levels. The need for an agency available to all, which provides access to

knowledge in printed and other formats to support formal and informal education,

has been the reason for the foundation and maintenance of most public libraries

and remains a core purpose for the public library. Throughout their lives people

require education either at formal institutions, for example, schools, colleges and

universities, or in a less formal context related to their employment and daily life.

Learning does not end with the completion of formal education but is, for most

people, a lifelong activity.

In an increasingly complex society people will need to acquire new skills at

various stages of their life. The public library has an important role in assisting this

process. The public library should provide material in the appropriate media to
support formal and informal learning processes. It should also help the user to

make use of these learning resources effectively as well as providing facilities that

enable people to study. The ability to access information and make effective use of

it is vital to successful education and, where possible, public libraries should co-

operate with other educational organizations in teaching the use of information

resources. Where adequate library facilities exist to support formal education the

public library should complement them rather than duplicating library provision

available elsewhere.

The public library should also actively support literacy campaigns, as

literacy is the key to education and knowledge and to the use of libraries and

information services. Newly literate people need easy access to appropriate reading

materials to maintain and develop their skills. In some countries the need for

educational development is seen to be paramount and the focus of public libraries

is to support formal education. There are, however, a variety of ways in which

public libraries can support both formal and informal education. How this is

achieved will depend on the local context and the level of available resources.

Informative Service: The public library is the local centre of information making

all kinds of knowledge and information readily available to its users. It is a basic

human right to be able to have access to and an understanding of information, and

there is now more information available than ever before in the worlds history. As
a public service open to all, the public library has a key role in collecting,

organizing and exploiting information, as well as providing access to a wide range

of information sources. The public library has a particular responsibility to collect

local information and make it readily available. It also acts as a memory of the past

by collecting, conserving and providing access to material relating to the history of

the community and of individuals.

In providing a wide range of information the public library assists the

community in informed debate and decision-making on key issues. In collecting

and providing information the public library should, wherever possible, co-operate

with other agencies to make the best use of available resources. The rapid growth

in the volume of available information and the continuing technological changes,

which have radically affected the way information is accessed, have already made

a significant effect on public libraries and their services. Information is very

important to the development of the individual and of society, and information

technology gives considerable power to those able to access and use it. Despite its

rapid growth it is not available to the majority of the worlds population, and the

gap between the information rich and the information poor continues to widen.

A vital role for the public library is to bridge that gap by providing public

access to the Internet as well as providing information in traditional formats. Public

libraries should recognize and exploit the opportunities provided by the exciting
developments in information and communications technology. They have the

opportunity to become the electronic gateway to the information world.

Cultural Development: An important role of the public library is providing a

focus for cultural and artistic development in the community and helping to shape

and support the cultural identity of the community. This can be achieved by

working in partnership with appropriate local and regional organizations, by

providing space for cultural activity, organizing cultural programmmes and by

ensuring that cultural interests are represented in the librarys materials. The

librarys contribution should reflect the variety of cultures represented in the

community. It should provide materials in the languages spoken and read in the

local community, and support cultural traditions.

Socialization: The public library has an important role as a public space and

meeting place. This is particularly important in communities where there are few

places for people to meet. It is sometimes called the drawing room of the

community. Use of the library for research and for finding information relating to

the users education and leisure interests, brings people into informal contact with

other members of the community. Using the public library can be a positive social


In carrying out its role in these key areas the public library is acting as an

agency for social and personal development and can be a positive agency for

change in the community. By providing a wide range of materials to support

education and by making information accessible to all, the public library can bring

economic and social benefits to individuals and to the community. It contributes to

the creation and maintenance of a wellinformed and democratic society and helps

to empower people in the enrichment and development of their lives and that of the

community in which they live.

The public library should be aware of the issues that are being discussed

within the community and provide information that will inform that debate,

support education and by making information accessible to all, the public library

can bring economic and social benefits to individuals and to the community. It

contributes to the creation and maintenance of a wellinformed and democratic

society and helps to empower people in the enrichment and development of their

lives and that of the community in which they live. The public library should be

aware of the issues that are being discussed within the community and provide

information that will inform that debate.

2.3 Empirical Studies

2.3.1 A Study on Source of Funding of Public Library

Adequate funding should be considered a basic need for the effective

development of public libraries. Funds are needed for the procurement of materials

and provision of services for the library users, as well as employment of staff that

will provide the needed services.

Apotiade (2002) buttressed this when he identified sources of funding of

public libraries as:

i. Government: Since the government is the owner of public libraries, the

onus rests on it to adequately support the operations of these libraries and

this is usually done through special fund and tax payers money.

ii. Gift and Private Contribution: This comes in form of cash and book

donations from corporate bodies, philanthropists and international


iii. Endowment: This is a kind of benefaction which is slightly different from

gift. It is a support given to particular projects as some libraries grow in

prominence due to services rendered.

iv. Miscellaneous: This comes from internally generated revenues. Some of

the revenue may come from patrons registration fees, fine for late return

of loaned library materials, photocopying and literature search.

According to Emojorho (2004), Public libraries in Nigeria derive funds from

government allocations, endowment funds, library fees, gifts and other

miscellaneous sources such as the sale of duplicate materials, fines and

photocopying; that the bursar integrates and collates the various estimates from the

various departments.

2.3.2 Alternative Sources of Funding of Public Library

Alternative sources include the possible means by which public libraries in

Nigeria can fund their services, which includes the following sources

i. Library Activities

ii. Activities of Patrons

iii. Community aid

Library activities: Quite often the public library loses sight of the possibilities

within the library through which funds can be generated some of those possibilities

include the printing and binding services, the library bookshop, the reprographic

services and consultancy services.

Activities of Patron: The individual patrons and the group patrons (often referred

to as friends of the library) make up clients who the library or these who have

interest for knowledge and the activities of the library they can assist the library

financially and can wired influenced over others to assist the library too. They

meet quite often to discuss problems of the library, and how they can solved. They

donate towards library projects and also organized lectures, talks and other

activities that would help the growth of the library. By doing does not in practice

interfere with the affairs of the library, and would never undertake any project

without liaising with or due clearance from the library authority.

Community Aid: Community aid has always existed in the history of the public

library communities have from the time provided infrastructural facilities like

building and furniture. They have also donate books communities and also known

to have undertaken repairs of library building and also involved in book donations.

In the days of the petroleum Trust fund (PTF) now defunct, public libraries applied

to the agency for aid as an alternative source of fund.

Today the Tertiary Education Trust fund (TETfund) is doing a lot to

transformation form public libraries in Nigeria infrastructural and through the new

technologies hence improving service delivery. An undisputed alternative source

of funding for the public libraries is international aid agencies. Several

international agencies have many decades been offering aids to public libraries.
These include UNESCO, Carnegie Corporation, ford foundation, Rockefeller

foundation, the British council, UNDP, Book Aid International Carefully, World

Bank, Books for African, project European Union and UNDES etc.

2.3.3 Problems Associated with Poor Funding of Public Library

The importance of public libraries in the development of nations cannot be

over emphasized. This is more, so given the indispensable role of storing and

retrieving information which they serve. Given the above, a situation in which our

public libraries are now lacking in books, with structures and facilities in a state of

disuse cannot by any way beat ones imagination to promote reading culture. The

problem of funding in public libraries does not affect public libraries alone but the

citizenry of the nation. According to Ehikhanener (2013) emphasized that public

libraries all over the world are experiencing crises imposed by financial

constraints, poor economic, inflation.

No library can be adequately stocked with the necessary adequate fund. He

equally acknowledge that the constraints on funding is all embracing as it affects to

a large extent not only book purchase but also staff salaries, quality and number of

staff to be employed and above all, depth of services to be provided. However,

some factors militate against effective funding of public libraries are;

Government Attitude: As public libraries are established and funded by the

government, it is becoming of non challant attitude on part of government. Though

they (government) drew up laudable programmes and policies for libraries, but

implementation and effective executive of the programmes is an uphill task. In a

situation where they make attempts to fund, the fiscal budgetary allocation to

public libraries is partly compared with other social services institutions. In another

development, government may decide to stop funding the library board entirely,

this by leaving the libraries at the merely of existing stocks and few

philanthropists. According to Ogundipe (2010) in his paper suggests that

authorities should consider it a necessity to establish libraries which are properly to

the wisdom and experience of mankind.

Location of the library: This is another problem associated with funding of public

libraries are not situated in towns and cities where they will be useful to the

majority of the clientele without much difficulty and be able to source funds from

government organization and individual with ease. A critical look in the society

with discloses that, this is longer obtainable as most public libraries are located at

the outskirts of towns. Because of this, the community and government may not

work towards the development of a library as a result of the fact that they demote

or relegated the library to the background and see if as something that should be


Misappropriation of Funds and Financial Recklessness by Some Libraries:

Some of the people at the apex of public libraries are not professional librarians, so

it looks stupid to them to spend huge amount of money to acquire books and some

materials for the maximum utilization and exploitation of clientele. For this reason,

some of the funds for the development of library usually end being diverted or

embezzled by the librarians.

2.3.4 Strategies to Overcome Poor Funding of Public Library

Public libraries have strategically position its self to provide services that

will promote and the user community that suppose to serve. But due to lack of user

education and poor reading culture of people, some feel the library is obsolete.

These folks have a narrow view of what the public library is today. They think it is

just about books, they dont realize the technology, programming, job search and

community efforts that most libraries provide as part of core services. This is

where advocacy comes in. The former one time ALA President, Jim Rettig states

the similarities of all types of libraries are greater than the differences. (Rettig,


We need to support all types of libraries because at the core, we are all here

to help our patrons. A large part of the public libraries future rests with keeping

current with technology advances and staffs willingness to be all things to all

people. Public libraries have been Americas first responders to the economic

crisis and in recent time Nigeria have started embracing it as well. Public library

have provided resume writing workshops, expanded access to the Internet for job-

seekers, and met urgent new community needs in creative ways. (Rettig, 2009).

Most patrons support their library because they see the importance and value of

this facility in their neighborhood. To quote Manley again, It, (the library) has

soul, it is timeless. (Manley,2009).

Therefore, the study stated that proper utilization of internally generated

fund, prompt retirement of fund released to the library, increase in government

funding and early release of subvention are effective strategies for funding public

libraries. For the public libraries to survive the present global economic meltdown,

the librarians must, according to Bani (1998), make serious efforts to generate

supplementary funds.

The librarians are with opinion that commercialization of library services

such as binding of documents, photocopying and printing of documents will yield

more funds for the public libraries. Most of the staff and users generate documents

that are published. If the public libraries are granted the rights of publication of

these documents, more funds will come into the libraries. Nevertheless, some of

the strategies suggested to overcome the problems associated with poor funding of

public library are seen as;

1. State government should give priority to state library board and divisional

library at the local government head quarters.

2. Individuals, organizations or missions should call upon to fund library board in

their respective states.

3. Philanthropic individuals or organizations can help fund public libraries by

giving gifts and donations.

4. Money allotted to public libraries should be judiciously used to purchase library


5. Librarians should give priority, to the most pressing library needs in their

purchase of library resources.

2.4 Summary of Literature Review

The summary of this chapter is basically on the concept of poor funding of

public libraries in Nigeria which include financial constraints, poor economic, and

inflation among others. The chapter also considers the concept of public library as

a library located in the state capital that provides an organized collection of printed

and non printed materials that are capable to serve the users community. It is also

established, supported and founded by the community either through local,

regional or national government or through some other form of community

organizations. The empirical studies reveal literatures on source of funding of

public library as Government, Gift and Private Contribution, Endowment and

Miscellaneous. It also looks at the alternative sources of funding of public libraries

which include; Library Activities, Activities of Patrons and Community aid. The

chapter also looks at the problems associated with poor funding of public library

as; government attitude, location of the library, misappropriation of funds and

financial recklessness by some libraries.

Finally, the empirical studies also looks at the strategies to overcome poor

funding of public libraries as; State government should give priority to state library

board and divisional library at the local government head quarters, Individuals,

organizations or missions should call upon to fund library board in their respective

states, Philanthropic individuals or organizations can help fund public libraries by

giving gifts and donations, Money allotted to public libraries should be judiciously

used to purchase library resources and Librarians should give priority, to the most

pressing library needs in their purchase of library resources. The chapter also

summary all that have been discussed in the chapter.



3.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the procedure to be adopted for this study. This covers

the research design, area of the study, population of the study, sample, sample and

sampling technique, instrument for data collection, validation of instrument(s),

method of data collection and method of data analysis.

3.2 Research Design

The research design to be used for this study is the descriptive survey

research design. This design is the type that seeks to collect data in order to answer

questions on a subject or topic. This is in line with Uzoagulu (2011) who noted that

in descriptive research, data are usually collected, organized, analyzed and

described as they exist in their natural setting without being influenced.

This design would be appropriate for this study because the study seeks to

investigate the actual effects of poor funding of public libraries in Nigeria with

reference to Benue State Library Board.

3.3 Area of the Study

The area of study is Benue State Library Board in Benue State, Nigeria

located in the North Central of the country.

3.4 Population of the Study

The population of this study will comprises of twenty five (25) staff of the

Benue State Library Board, Makurdi. The reason for choosing the staff of the

board as respondents for the study is that they are in a good position to provide

relevant information required in equalizing the objectives of this research.

3.5 Sample and Sampling Technique

The study will use the entire population of 25 staff of Benue State Library

Board, Makurdi as its sample for the study. This is because the number is

accessible and manageable to the researcher. Therefore, there will be no need for


3.6 Instrument for Data Collection

The instrument to be used for data collection for this study is the

questionnaire. This instrument is self developed by the researcher based on the

research questions and ideas from literature review. It is made up of clusters A-F in

line with the research questions. Cluster A: will solicit information on the major

source of funding for Benue state library Board, cluster B: will solicit information
on the alternative sources of funding in Benue State Library Board, cluster C: will

be used to elicit information on effects of poor funding on users of public libraries,

cluster D: will elicit information on the implication of poor funding on staff morale

of public libraries, cluster E: will elicit information on the possible problems

associated with poor funding of public libraries especially Benue State Library

Board and cluster F: will elicit information on the possible solutions to poor

funding of Benue state library Board.

3.7 Validation of the Instrument

To establish the validity of the instrument, before use, a draft of the

instrument (questionnaire) will be given to my supervisor who is an expert in

research for face validation. He would be specifically requested to critically

examine the instrument in terms of the clarity of expression and appropriateness of

the language as well as content of the questions to ascertain their relevance to the

study. The corrections would be taken into consideration in the final draft which

would be used for the field work.

3.8 Method of Data Collection

Copies of the questionnaire would be administered to the respondents by the

researcher through personal contact with the aid of one trained research assistant.

The researcher will wait and collect the completed questionnaire to ensure high

rate of return. A total of two weeks will be deviated to moving round all the

selected respondents.

3.9 Method of Data Analysis

The data collected will be analyzed and presented in mean, frequencies and




4.1. Introduction

This chapter deals with the data presentation, analysis and interpretation of

findings on the effects of poor funding of public libraries in Nigeria: case study of

Benue State Library Board Makurdi, Benue State.

4.2. Response Rate

The number of people who respond to the issued questioner is worked in to

percentage and the percentage of people who respond to the survey is called the

response rate. Obtaining the response rate is by dividing the number of people who

submitted a completed survey by the number of people you attempted to contact. A

total number of 27 copies of the questionnaire were administered on the

respondents out of which 25 were retuned and found usable. The table below

shows the response rate:

Table 1: Response Rate

Details No of No of useable Percentage of No of Percentage of

questionnaires returned usable unreturned unreturned
administered questionnaires returned questionnaire questionnaire
27 25 92.59% 2 7.41%

It is expedient to note that table 1 shows that 27 copies of questionnaires

were administered, out of which 25 copies only (92.59%) were returned and found

to be usable while 2 copies (7.41%) were not returned.

4.3. Analysis of Data

This section presents analysis of data collected from 100 to 400 hundred

level students of Benue State University, Makurdi. The respondents involved in the

study have direct dealing with the overbearing consequences of internet resources

utilization by undergraduate students of Benue State University, Makurdi.

Discussion was arrived at using the mean response for each item, the result was

further compared with criterion mean of 2.5 and where it was either equal to or

greater than the criterion mean, the item was accepted but rejected when it was less

than the criterion mean of 2.5.

4.3.1: Research Questions

Table 2: Responses on major sources of funding of Benue State Library


Research Questions 1: What are the major sources of funding of Benue State
Library Board?
S/N Item Description (SA) (A) (D) (SD) Mean Decision
1 Government 2 (8%) 23 (92) _ _ 3.08 Accepted
2 Endowment 3 (12%) 21(84%) 1(4%) _ 3.08 Accepted
3 Consultancy 18 (72%) 7 (28%) _ _ 3.72 Accepted
4 Reprographic _ 22 (88%) 3 (12%) _ 2.88 Accepted
5 Internally 18 (72%) 7 (28%) _ _ 3.72 Accepted
Generated Income
within the Library
Cluster mean 3.29 Accepted

Source: Field Survey 2017

Table 2 above shows the sources of funding of Benue State Library Board;

the result shows that Government subvention, Endowment, Consultancy Services,

Reprographic Services and Internally Generated Income within the Library Board

are sources of funding as shown in the mean scores of above 2.49.

Table 3: Responses on alternative Sources of Funding of the Benue State
Library Board

Research Question 2: What are the alternative sources of funding of the

Benue State Library Board?
S/N Item Description (SA) (A) (D) (SD) Mean Decision
1 Donations 24 (94%) 1 (4%) _ _ 3.96 Accepted
2 Fines for overdue 3 (12%) 21 (84%) 1 (4%) _ 3.08 Accepted
3 Reprographic 1 (4%) 24 (96%) _ _ 3.04 Accepted
4 Philanthropic 1 (4%) 21(84%) 3 (12%) _ 2.92 Accepted
5 Consultancy 16 (64%) 10 (40%) 1 (4%) _ 3.84 Accepted
Cluster Mean 3.36 Accepted
Source: Field Survey 2017

Table 3 above shows the alternative sources of funding of the Benue State

Library Board; the result shows that Donations, Fines for overdue books,

Reprographic services, Philanthropic organization and Consultancy services

constitute the alternative source of funding as shown in the mean scores of above


Table 4: Responses on the effects of Poor Funding of Public Library
Research Question 3: What are the effects of poor funding of public library?

S/N Item Description (SA) (A) (D) (SD) Mean Decision

1 Lack of current 21 (84%) 4 (16%) _ _ 3.84 Accepted
2 Poor research 22 (88%) 3 (12%) _ _ 3.88 Accepted
3 Poor reading culture 20 (80%) 2 (8%) 3 (12%) _ 3.68 Accepted
4 Poor patronage 22 (88%) 1 (4%) 2 (8%) _ 3.8 Accepted
5 Un-satisfaction by _ 21 (84%) 4 (16%) _ 2.84 Accepted
Cluster Mean 3.60 Accepted

Source: Field Survey 2017

Table 4 above shows the Response on the effects of Poor Funding of Public

Library; the result shows that Lack of current materials, Poor research, Poor

reading culture, Poor patronage and Un-satisfaction by users constitute the effects

of poor funding of public library as shown in the mean scores of above 2.49.

Table 5: Responses on implications of Poor Funding on Staff Morale of Public

Research Question 4: what are the implications of poor funding on staff

morale of public library?
S/N Item Description (SA) (A) (D) (SD) Mean Decision
1 Lateness to work 23 (92%) 2 (8%) _ _ 3.92 Accepted
2 Poor services 23 (92%) 1 (4%) 1 (4%) 2.92 Accepted
3 Absenteeism 2 (8%) 18 (72%) 5 (20%) _ 2.88 Accepted
4 Theft and 6 (24%) 17 (68%) 2 (8%) _ 3.16 Accepted
5 Poor attitude to _ 22 (88%) 3 (12%) 2.88 Accepted
Cluster Mean 3.15 Accepted

Source: Field Survey 2017

Table 5 above shows the Response on implications of Poor Funding on Staff

Morale of Public Library; the result shows that Lateness to work, Poor services

delivery, Absenteeism, Theft and mutilation and Poor attitude to work are the

implications of poor funding on staff morale of public library as shown in the mean

scores of above 2.49.

Table 6: Responses on problems Associated with Poor Funding of Public
Libraries in Nigeria especially Benue State Library Board
Research Question 5: What are the problems associated with poor funding of
public libraries in Nigeria especially Benue State Library Board?
S/N Item (SA) (A) (D) (SD) Mean Decision
Description X
1 Lack of current 22 (88%) 3 (12%) _ _ 3.88 Accepted
2 Lack of training 4 (16%) 21 (84) _ _ 3.16 Accepted
for staff
3 Recruitment of 2 (8%) 23 (92%) _ _ 3.08 Accepted
4 Inadequate _ 21 (84%) 4 (16%) _ 2.84 Accepted
5 Poor allocation 21 (84%) 4 (16%) _ _ 3.84 Accepted
of funds to the
Cluster Mean 3.36 Accepted

Source: Field Survey 2017

Table 6 above shows the problems associated with poor funding of public

libraries in Nigeria especially Benue State Library Board; the result shows that

lack of current materials, lack of training for staff, recruitment of unprofessional

staff, inadequate facilities and poor allocation of funds to the Board constitute the

problems associated with poor funding of public libraries in Nigeria especially

Benue State Library Board as shown in the mean scores of above 2.49.

Table 7: Strategies to be use to Overcome Inadequate Funding of Benue State
Libraries Board
Research Question 6: Responses on strategies to be use to overcome
inadequate funding of Benue State Libraries Board?
S/N Item Description (SA) (A) (D) (SD) Mean Decision
1 Provision of current 23 (92%) 2 (8%) _ _ 3.92 Accepted
2 Training and re- 20 (80%) 4 (16) 1 (4%) _ 3.76 Accepted
training of staff
3 Employment of _ 23 (92%) 2 (8%) _ 2.92 Accepted
professional staff
4 Provision of 22 (88%) 3 (12%) _ _ 3.88 Accepted
adequate facilities
5 Prompt allocation of 24 (96) 1 (4%) _ _ 3.96 Accepted
funds to library
Cluster Mean 3.68 Accepted

Source: Field Survey 2017

Table 7 above shows Response on strategies to be use to overcome

inadequate funding of Benue State Libraries Board the result shows that the

respondents agreed on Provision of current information materials, Training and re-

training of staff, Employment of professional staff, Provision of adequate facilities

and Prompt allocation of funds to library Board as shown in the mean scores of

above 2.49.

4.4. Discussion of Findings

The first finding is that government subvention, endowment, consultancy

services, reprographic services and internal generated income within the library

board are the major sources of funding of Benue State Library Board. This agreed

to what Hisle (2012) pointed out that public libraries in developing countries

depend mainly on government funding and they do not show any interest or

experience in well organized fundraising.

The second finding revealed that donations, fines for overdue books,

reprographic services, philanthropic organizations and consultancy services are all

alternative sources of funding of Benue State Library Board. This finding agrees

with Okiy (2009) who observed that there are many other sources, such as gifts and

donations, education tax fund, fee-based services, partnership, local government

councils, levies and excess fund from library development fund, to support the

public libraries.

The third finding opened us into the effect of poor funding of public library

in the Benue State Library Board. It was discovered that the following are the

effects: Lack of current materials, poor research, poor reading culture, poor

patronage, and un-satisfaction by users. This tallied with the what Ola (2014) poor

or inadequate funding of public libraries in Nigeria results to poor patronage, lack

of current materials for research, poor reading habit, and lack of satisfaction by

users of the libraries. Audu (2014:21) further agreed with him, public library are

losing their impact as a result of poor funding as the internet have taken over and

now stand as a better source of research bank for materials.

The fourth finding also shows the implication of poor funding on staff

morale of public libraries, it was discovered that the following are the major

implications: lateness to work, poor service delivery, and poor attitude to work. In

support of this is Nwidum (2010) which is of the view that lack or poor funding

results to worker coming to work late and sometimes staying away from their duty

post for days in some public library. Also in the same vein, Uzodimma (2013)

corroborates the last problems when he said that, most public library are presently

a shadow of their former glory as result of poor funding.

The fifth finding reviled that lack of current materials, lack of training for

staff, recruitment of unprofessional staff, inadequate facilities and poor allocation

of funds to library board are problems associated with poor funding of public

libraries in Nigeria especially Benue State library board. This is in agreement with

Habila (2011:34) libraries will never grow above the level of its funding by

relevant authorities. Ayo (2013) also said that, until the issue of funding is taken

seriously libraries will still be operating substandard books and materials

Finally the sixth finding revealed the strategies for overcoming inadequate

funding of Benue State Library Board. Below are the strategies: Provision of

current information materials, training and re-training of staff, employment of

professional staff, and provision of adequate facilities and prompt allocation of

funds to library board. The present finding is in agreement with Agboola (2011),

Emeka (2009) and Inedu (2008) who were of the view that there should be

adequate budgetary provision for library board to be able to met modern day

library challenges. Public libraries should be well equipped with adequate,

functional and well furnished computer laboratories, with internet facilities;

government should provide adequate infrastructure to ensure enabling environment

for the use of ICTs, more Internet facilities be made available. This is collaborated

by Amkpa and Abba (2010) and Onasanya (1999) who are of the view that,

government should increase stability of and supply of timely fund to meet the

demand and training of professionals. While Odeh (2011) said, ICT facilities on

Installation and Monitoring Committee (IMC) should be set up in Nigerian public

libraries to supervise this new department. Some of the responsibilities or functions

of the committee should be to inspect installations, maintain and repair broken ICT

facilities for effective utilization in public library.



5.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the summary of the study and appropriate conclusion

based on the data collected and analysis as well as recommendations and

suggestions for further research.

5.2 Summary of the Study

This study was designed to look at the effect of poor funding of public

libraries in Nigeria: case study of Benue State Library Board Makurdi, Benue State

Northcentral of Nigeria. The objectives were: to identify the major sources of

funding of public libraries; identify alternative source of funding of public

libraries; examine the effect of poor funding on staff morale; identify problems

associated with inadequate funding and lastly proffer solution on how to overcome

the problems identified. A descriptive survey research design was used for the

study, and 25 professional librarians were sampled. There was no need for

sampling since the entire populations which are the 25 professional librarians were

used. Questionnaire was used for data collection. 25 copies of questionnaire was

distributed and the 25 completed copies were collected, representing the 100% in

analyzing the data obtained, frequency counts and simple percentages were used as

statistical methods.

The results obtained from the findings, revealed that, it is obvious that

government subvention, endowment, consultancy services, reprographic services

and internal generated income within the library board were the major sources of

funding of Benue State Library Board. It has been established that, donations, fines

for overdue books, reprographic services, philanthropic organizations and

consultancy services are all alternative sources of funding of Benue State Library

Board; the findings also discovered that, Lack of current materials, poor research,

poor reading culture, poor patronage, and un-satisfaction by users were the effects

of poor funding of the Benue State Library Board, The findings also shows the

implication of poor funding on staff morale of public libraries as; lateness to work,

poor service delivery, and poor attitude to work, the findings further reveals the

following as the problems of poor funding of public libraries as; lack of current

materials, lack of training for staff, recruitment of unprofessional staff, inadequate

facilities and poor allocation of funds to library board and finally the findings

revealed strategies for overcoming inadequate funding of Benue State Library

Board as: Provision of current information materials, training and re-training of

staff, employment of professional staff, and provision of adequate facilities and

prompt allocation of funds to library board. And finally, the study made some

recommendations as: public libraries should involve in Inter library cooperation

(Resource sharing), NGOs and other well meaning individuals should assist in

financing the public library, the study further suggest employment of professional


5.3 Conclusion

Funds are very important and vital aspects to public libraries, as every

activity in the library is based on funds, starting from acquisition, administration

personnel and circulation. The public library cannot meet its objective without

adequate fund. Public libraries reassure their subventions through government

subvention. The public libraries are funded through their parent ministries be it

either that of education and in some case ministry of information. At the time of

increasing cut back in budget either by government due to economic situation,

libraries are under pressure to search for alternative sources of funding their

services in addition to government subvention, other sources of financial supports

are activity being explored, since libraries have played important role in civilized

community from the early times to the present and their very existing and

continued development demonstrated the value that educationist placed on

libraries, but then, our country Nigeria is not a reading nation.

Morever, when compare with other developing countries, it is clear that the

Nigerian government does not pay priority attention to education. The conclusion

arrived at this research work is that government subvention is the main sources of

funding for public libraries, but those funds are not enough to meet the needs of the


5.4 Recommendations

Funds available to public libraries are not adequate, therefore, additional

funds is required. The following recommendations are made:

1. Public library should be involved in inter library cooperation, otherwise

known as resources sharing. It should team up with other agencies involved

in cooperation. It should not claim self sufficiency rather they should

embark on library cooperation and benefit from book aid international i.e.

British Council which specializing in donating books to libraries.

2. In the area of fund generation, the government should improve its financial

allocations to the state library board to enable them purchase new mobile

vehicle therefore, enabling them market their services and repair the broken


3. In this era of technological development the public libraries in particular

should computerize their services, they should be connected to Internet to

give relevant and up to date materials for the libraries.

4. Government should also change their negative attitudes towards libraries,

especially in the democratic dispensation it affect national development.

5. The management board should not always wait on government to provide

funds rather the library should look for other services that will yield fund,

such like reprographic services, sales of library cards, binding and printing,

photocopying services, fines and overdue books and ensuring that offenders

comply with the librarys rules.

5.5 Suggestions for Further Studies

The study on effect of poor funding of public libraries in Nigeria: case study

of Benue State Library Board Makurdi, Benue State North-central Nigeria. The

following areas for further studies are therefore suggested:

1. Effects of poor funding of academic libraries in Benue State

2. Effects of poor funding of special libraries in Benue State

3. Effects of poor funding of school libraries in Benue State.


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Department of Library and

Information science,
Faculty of Education,
Benue State University,

Dear Respondents
I am a final year student of the above named Department carrying out a

study titled The Effect of Poor Funding of Public Libraries case study of Benue

State Library Board. The study is in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor

of Science (B.Sc) Degree in Library and Information Science.

I solicit your assistance in completing the questionnaire and all information

given will only be used for academic purpose.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Yours Sincerely,

Terumbur Mariam Chiata

Please tick () the option that best answer each question in this order: Strongly
Agreed (SA), Agreed (A), Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree (SD) in the
questions provided below.

Cluster A: What are the major Sources of Funding of Benue State

Library Board?

S/N Items SA A D SD

1 Government subvention

2 Endowment

3 Consultancy services

4 Reprographic services

5 Internal generated income within the library board

Cluster B: What are the alternative Sources of Funding of Benue State

Library Board?

S/N Items SA A D SD

6 Donations

7 Fines for overdue books

8 Reprographic services

9 Philanthropic organizations

10 Consultancy services

Cluster C: what are the effects of poor funding of public libraries?

S/N Items SA A D SD

11 Lack of current materials

12 Poor research

13 Poor reading culture

14 Poor patronage

15 Un-satisfaction by users

Cluster D: what are the implications of poor funding on staff morale of

public libraries?
S/N Items SA A D SD

16 Lateness to work

17 Poor services delivery

18 Absenteeism

19 Theft and mutilation

20 Poor attitude to work

Cluster E: What are the problems associated with of poor funding of public
Libraries in Nigeria especially Benue State Library Board?
S/N Items SA A D SD

21 Lack of current materials

22 Lack of training for staff

23 Recruitment of unprofessional staff

24 Inadequate facilities

25 Poor allocation of funds to library board

Cluster F: What are the strategies to be use to overcome inadequate funding

of Benue State Libraries Board

S/N Items SA A D SD

26 Provision of current information materials

27 Training and re-training of staff

28 Employment of professional staff

29 Provision of adequate facilities.

30 Prompt allocation of funds to library board


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