Problems of Acquisition and Provision of Library Resources and Services To Users in Special Libraries by Douglas Tersugh Auva

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This is to certify that this research work has been carefully examined and

approved as having met the required standard of the Department of Library and

Information Science for the award of Bachelor Degree (B.Sc) in Library and

Information Science.

______________________ __________________
Prof. Michael G. Ochogwu Date
Project Supervisor

______________________ __________________
Prof. Michael G. Ochogwu Date
Head of Department

______________________ __________________
Prof. Gbenda Batur-Laha Date
Dean, Faculty of Education

______________________ __________________
External Examiner Date


This research work is dedicated to God Almighty, the owner and giver of

wisdom and knowledge and to the entire family of Auva Cosmos Shinku.

January, 2017

Douglas Tersugh Auva

Date: ..



I sincerely wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to God Almighty for sparing

my life despite the difficulties experienced up to the time of my successful
graduation. To my lovely parents, Mr. Cosmos Auva Shinku and Mrs. Virginia
Mbateren Auva for their show of parental care, love, concern, encouragement,
moral, financial, spiritual and emotional supports and their tireless efforts to
make sure this dream came true.

I extend my profound gratitude and appreciation to my project supervisor, Prof.

Michael G. Ochogwu. Sir, your moral, academic guidance and your standard
way of supervision gave me the strength and zeal required for the completion of
this project work. May God reward you richly.

Notable of appreciation are my lecturers in the Department of Library and

Information Science who have added milestone to my knowledge. What you
have impacted in me will ever remain a legacy and value to my life.

To my siblings talking about Mrs. Magdalene Angur, Mrs. Martha Nyiku, Miss
Christiana Auva, Mrs. Edith Dekera, Bro. Henry Ushahemba Auva (you are too
much) and lastly to Bro. Auva James-Hang. I am grateful to you all because
without you, there will be no joy in me.

Similarly, I want to express my profound appreciation to Mrs. Dorcas Tarbo for

her measurable contributions before and during my studies. Also to share in this
appreciation is my mentor, Mr. James Mngutyo for his moral and academic
supports, advice and guidance from the beginning to the end of this research

work. Sir, thank you immensely for sharpening my smooth end, May God bless
you abundantly.

Appreciation equally goes to Mr. Felix Gbagbenda, Mrs. Mnena Maureen, Mr.
Nicholas Dekera, Mr. Dickson Nyiku, Mr. Samuel Angur Dzer, Mr./Mrs.
Terhemen Iorbee, Mr./Mrs. Moses Idyu, Mama Rose Cheren and Maria,
Liamgee Anthonia, Agatha Mmemshima Amachigh, Joshua Iornyaa, Atsor
Iveren Blessing, Jolenta Torkwase Apenzan, Aloysius Kpughur, Michael
Atondo, Samuel Mnena, Evelyn and Tersoo Udende and Late Mrs. Adamu
Mhoonum of blessed memory for their tremendous assistance throughout my
study period.

In a unique way, I wish to appreciate my Baby Angel, Lucy Atsor for her love
and care, spiritual and moral supports as well as her encouragements. Thank you
for being there for me.

Guilt will not allow me if I fail to dully express and appreciate the efforts and
the nature of friendliness with my course you all i say thank you.
Lastly to my well wishers, may God bless and reward you for the good you did
to me.

Title page - - - - - - - - - - i
Approval page - - - - - - - - - ii
Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iii
Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - - iv
Table of contents - - - - - - - - - vi
List of tables - - - - - - - - - viii
Abstract - - - - - - - - - - ix
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study - - - - - - - 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem - - - - - - - 6
1.3 Purpose of the Study - - - - - - - - 6
1.4 Research Questions - - - - - - - - 7
1.5 Significance of the Study - - - - - - - 8
1.6 Scope of the Study - - - - - - - - 8
1.7 Operational Definition of Research Concepts - - - - 9
Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature
2.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 11
2.2 Conceptual Framework - - - - - - - 11
2.3 Empirical Studies - - - - - - - - 29
2.4 Summary of the Reviews - - - - - - - 38
Chapter Three: Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 41
3.2 Research Design - - - - - - - - 41
3.3 Area of the Study - - - - - - - - 42
3.4 Population of the Study - - - - - - - 42
3.5 Sample and Sampling Techniques - - - - - - 42
3.6 Instrumentation - - - - - - - - 42
3.7 Validation of Instrument - - - - - - - 43
3.8 Method of Data Collection - - - - - - - 43
3.9 Method of Data Analysis - - - - - - - 43
Chapter Four: Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation
4.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 44
4.2 Response Rate - - - - - - - - - 44
4.3 Analysis of Data - - - - - - - - 45
4.4 Discussion of Findings - - - - - - - 52
Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion, Recommendations and Suggestions
5.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 56
5.2 Summary - - - - - - - - - 56
5.3 Conclusion - - - - - - - - - 58
5.4 Recommendations - - - - - - - - 59
References - - - - - - - - - 61
Appendix - - - - - - - - - 67


Table 1: Response rate - - - - - - - - 44

Table 2: Methods used in acquisition of library resources in the library - 45

Table 3: Types of library resources provided in the library - - 46

Table 4: Extend to which users are satisfy with the library resources

in the library - - - - - - - 47

Table 5: Extend to which users are satisfy with the library services in the

library - - - - - - - - - 48

Table 6: Problems of acquisition of library resources in the library - 49

Table 7: Problems with the provision of library services in the library - 50

Table 8:Strategies to overcome the problems of acquisition and

provision of library resources and services in the library - - 51


This research work focused on the problems of acquisition and provision of

library resources and services to users in special libraries, a study of Benue
State House of Assembly library, Makurdi. Six research questions were
formulated to guide the study. The population used for the study was all the staff
of the library which comprised of one (1) librarian and six (6) Para-professional
staff bringing a total number of seven (7). The entire population was also used
as sample for the study. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study.
The instrument used to collect data was the questionnaire which was designed
for the staff to enable the researcher obtains a balanced view of the responses.
Data collected were analyzed in line with the research questions using
frequencies and percentages. The responses attested that, there are problems of
poor management of library funds, poor knowledge of ICT infrastructure and
utilization, inadequate human resources, lack of acquisition policy, high cost of
foreign materials, poor quality of locally published materials, lack of ICT tools
and compliance are the main problems that hamper the effective acquisition and
provision of library information resources and services in the library. Based on
the findings, it was recommended that formulation of acquisition policy,
provision of grants to indigenous publishers, recruitment of qualified personnel
and proper management of funds in the library will enhance effective
acquisition and provision of library resources and services.



1.1 Background of the Study

Special libraries are libraries that are found in government agencies,

corporate bodies and organizations. They are the custodians and disseminators

of subject specific information. The value of timely, accurate and relevant

information has increasingly been acknowledged as providing a leading edge in

the modern competitive world. Special libraries have thus been equipped to

support their parent organizations by providing the information required to

ensure the survival and continued existence of their parent bodies. However, not

all special libraries are up to the task, as some are severely hampered by

constraints that negatively impact on their ability to deliver the necessary

services. This is especially true of special libraries in developing countries,

especially those on the African continent (Wittwer, R. 2001).

Ode and Omokaro (2007) defined special libraries as those groups of

libraries essentially meant for research on a particular field of study, and are

patronized by specialists and researchers. They are organized along subject lines

or disciplines because they are limited in scope and are inclined to a single

subject that comprises a field of activity or study. Their clientele are limited;

usually members of a profession or organization, government department,

educational institution and their collections are tailored to suit a limited field of

knowledge. Libraries established by ministry or parastatal like Ministry of

Information or a library operating at radio stations are examples of special

libraries (Aju and Usman, 2014).

Special libraries serve limited and well-defined clienteles or users. Usually,

their users are restricted to their parent organization. Within this limitation, the

clienteles may range from the personnel of a single department to employees

throughout the organization and sometimes to the employees in other

geographical locations (Ode and Omokaro, 2007).They serve the needs of

special clientele viz. the scientist, technologist, legislatures, planner,

industrialist, economist, statistician, lawyers, doctors, engineers, traders,

entrepreneurs, administrators etc. and its collection is limited to special subject

(single/cluster of specific subject/interrelated) through special services. The

services in special libraries include reference service, documentation, network

(internet based), online current awareness services/selective dissemination of

information, classification and cataloguing. Their materials include special

libraries books, journals/periodicals, trade catalogue/directory, maps, travel,

business books, as well as e-resources which are acquired to provide information

services to its users (Bilawar, 2013).

Acquiring information resources is a core activity of every library.

Acquisition is therefore defined by Nnadozie (2006) as the process of obtaining

library materials to satisfy the needs of users, and its work. It is a means by

which books and non-books materials are added to the library. Anyanwu et al.

(2006) identified the channels or methods of acquisition of library materials as,

purchase, gift and exchange, legal deposit, professional associations. The major

role of acquisition of library resources and services in special libraries is the

provision of information in support of the objective of the parent organization

that established them. Thus, the motto of the Special Libraries Association is

putting knowledge to work (Ode and Omokaro, 2007).

The purpose or role of acquisition in special libraries is traditionally to

build local collections, and increasingly to control access to library materials.

The role of acquisition is changing as a result of current developments in

automation and electronic communication. The primary role of acquisition has

traditionally been to serve the library rather than individual readers; as long as

the library's collection was being built efficiently, the organisation was satisfied

(Vickery (1995).

The acquisition of library resources and services in special libraries is to

serve the information needs of its users through library services. In a special

library like the Benue state House of Assembly, if the library resources and

services are not provided, it will affect the contributions as well as the output of

the legislatures and the end result or consequences will fall on the masses.

Library information resources are those materials, both print and non-print,

found in libraries which support curricular and personal information needs.

Library information resources as identified by Popoola and Haliso (2009) are

those information bearing materials that are in both printed and electronic

formats such as textbooks, journals, indexes, abstracts, newspapers and

magazines, reports, CD-ROM databases, internet/E-mail, videotapes/cassettes,

diskettes, magnetic disk, computers, microforms, etc. The advent of internet

access in the libraries which facilitates speedy and easy access to unlimited

information from different sources has clearly helped to transform the level of

access by users. The internet is an information resource which brings a wide

range of materials from around the world to the user. The emergence of

electronic information resources which pervaded all human endeavours, no

doubt, has tremendously changed face of information handling and management

in academic environments. Ellis and Oldman (2005) quoted in Gakibayo, Ikoja-

Odongo and Okello-Obura (2013) noted that through the use of electronic

resources, researchers and students now have access to global information

resources, particularly the internet for their scholarly intercourse.

Library services on the other hand are routines librarians carry out in the

library, such as selection, ordering, classification, cataloguing, charging and

discharging of information resources in the various division of the library.

Popoola and Haliso (2009) viewed library information services as the activities

that libraries and their personnel render to meet the information needs of their

users which include internet service, current awareness service, selective

dissemination of information, reprographic service, bindery services, indexing

and abstracting service, circulation of library information resources, CD-ROM

database search, bindery, word processing etc are rendered to clients of the

library. Other basic services provided by library to their users, according to

Ramesha and Kumbar include circulation of reading materials, reading room

facility, home lending service, inter-library service, document delivery service,

consultation of catalogues/OPACs, etc, but emphasized that the role of librarian

is most crucial and important.

The problems associated with the acquisition and provision of library

resources and services include lack of funds, lack of knowledge or skills to

exploit the information systems, politics and economics of library and

information services, inability to evaluate accurately the information at hand,

and poor knowledge of ICT infrastructure and utilization (Ochogwu, 2009).

It is against this background that the researcher seeks to examine the

problems involved in the acquisition and provision of library resources and

services in special libraries with emphasis on Benue State House of Assembly


1.2 Statement of the Problem

As I have established the conceptual clarification earlier on in the course of

the development of this project, modern library set up, especially the special

library in which the legislature is best with some problems. Accordingly or

justifiably, these problems range from poor budgetary government funding, poor

accommodation, unqualified and at times in sufficient staff, poor motivation,

administrative and corporate interference and intervention, inordinate ambition

of the library attendant to get rich quick by not passing through them, poor

information network, lack of communication and office tools, lack of innovation

and inventiveness or creativity, lack of expansion, obsolete and outdated library

stocks, lack of training and retraining and library rules and regulation are known

inhibiting problems for library and information services especially the

legislature of Benue State.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study seeks to:

1. Determine the methods used in acquiring library resources in the House of

Assembly Library.

2. To identify the types of library resources in House of Assembly Library.

3. Determine the extent to which users of special libraries are satisfied with

the library resources.

4. Identify the problems of acquisition of library resources in House of

Assembly Library.

5. Assess the problems of provision of library services in House of Assembly


6. Suggest possible strategies to overcome the problems of acquisition and

provision of library resources and services in House of Assembly library.

1.4 Research Questions

This study makes use of the following research questions:

1. What are the methods used in acquiring library resources in the library?

2. What are the types of library resources provided in the library?

3. To what extent are those users satisfied with the library resources and


4. What are the problems of acquisition of library resources in the library?

5. What are the problems with the provision of library services in the library?

6. What are the possible strategies to overcome the problems of acquisition

and provision of library resources and services in Benue State House of

Assembly library?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significance of this research study would be important to:

i. House of Assembly members

ii. Staff of the library

The significance of this study will benefit the law makers in Benue State

House of Assembly (users), as it will add value to their output, and to the staff of

the library, the study will infuse in them new knowledge and skills to improve in

their services. There is need for harmonious working relationship between the

staff and the legislatures (in the Legislature) as a veritable tool for a fair

legislature for the state in order to realize the dividends of democracy. It is also

significant that it will add to the existing literature on library and information

services in the process of law making in Benue State in particular and Nigeria in


1.6 Scope of the Study

The study focuses on Benue State House of Assembly library in Makurdi,

Benue State. The study therefore will be limited to the following variables; the

method used in acquiring library resources/materials, types of library resources

provided in the library, extend to which users are satisfied with library resources

and services, the problem of acquisition of library resources, problem of

provision of library services, and the strategies to overcome the problems of

acquisition of library resources and services in House of Assembly library,

Makurdi. Geographically, due to the present economic recession and financial

constraint, the study is limited to Benue State House of Assemblys library,


1.7 Operational Definition of Research Concepts

Acquisition: Acquisition is the process of adding new stocks/materials into

library in other to improve it services.

Library Resources: Library resources are those materials, both print and

non-print, found in libraries which support curricular and personal

information needs. Print items include books, magazines, newspapers,

pamphlets, microfiche or microfilm. Non-print items include films, disc

records, filmstrips, slides, prints, audiotapes, videotapes, compact discs,

and computer software.

Library Services: Library services are routines librarians carry out in the

library, such as selection, ordering, classification, cataloguing, charging

and discharging of information resources in the various division of the

library. It can also be seen as a personal assistance given by the librarian to

individual in search of information of whatever type example, selective

dissemination of information and current awareness services.

Problem of acquisition: The problem of acquisition is due to lack of funds

and knowledge or skills from the library staff to exploit the information

systems in a library.

Problem of provision of library resources and services: The problem of

acquisition of library resources like (books, magazines, newspapers) and

library services such as current awareness services, cataloguing and

classification and selective dissemination of information is as a result of

lack of the requisite staff that or who will achieve a functional provision of

library and information services in the library.

Special libraries: Special libraries as those groups of libraries essentially

meant for research on a particular field of study, and are patronized by

specialists and researchers.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter will dwell on the review of existing literature by different

scholars that are related to the study. The chapter covers conceptual framework,

empirical studies and summary of the reviews. This chapter will focus on the

following headings:

2.2 Conceptual framework

Acquisition is the process of adding new stocks/materials into library in

other to improve it services. According to Adomi (2008), acquisition of

materials has to do with the process of adding information items to the

collection of the libraries. After the selection of materials, the process of

acquisition begins, confirming the detail of price and publication, placing order,

receiving items, paying invoices and processing in such a way as to give

customers easy access.

Ekere (2006) opined that, acquisition is the process by which library

physically procure (through buying, gifts or exchange) the items that acquisition

librarian have identified as described adding to the collections. For effective

acquisition, personnel in acquisition department must cooperate with selection

personnel. Coordination can only be achieved when all the parties involved in

the work understand the other groups processes, problems and potential utility.

Library resources are basically sources of information. Traditionally, these

resources were mostly books, journals, newspapers and other editorials, and

encyclopedias. But with the advent of the internet, digital sources of information

have become prevalent. These digital sources of information include, but not

limited to, online libraries and journals, online encyclopedias like the Wikipedia

among others.

The nature of library information resources according to Ochogwu (2016)

consist of two types: the book/print materials e.g. books, journals, bulletin,

theses, dissertations, magazine etc. and non-print materials which include maps,

audio-virtual materials, electronic resources such as CD-ROM, online databases,

internet, vertical library etc. these types of information resources are put out in

the above media for information user communities to peruse for their

information needs.

Information resources provided to users can also be classified as those

materials that are in print and non-print format such as text books, journals,

indexes, abstracts, newspapers, databases, serials, magnetic disk, computers,

internet services among others. These information resources are the raw

materials that are acquired by the libraries, processed and disseminated to meet

the needs of users. Information resources in libraries are meant to furnish users

with current information as well as retrospective information in all subject areas.

The quality and diversity of library materials varies according to size, purpose

and programme of the institution to which the library is serving. The materials

are carefully selected so that the library stock is balanced and not only reflects

the curricular range of materials but to serve the interest of the entire users.

Popoola and Haliso (2009) viewed library information services as the

activities that libraries and their personnel render to meet the information needs

of their users. Academic libraries are repository of knowledge where services

like internet service, current awareness service, selective dissemination of

information, reprographic service, bindery services, indexing and abstracting

service, circulation of library information resources, CD-ROM database search,

bindery, word-processing etc are rendered to clients of the library. However,

users satisfaction of these services which is the ultimate goal of todays

information professionals depends to a large extent on the efficiency and

effectiveness of libraries and their personnel. For Library to provide effective

information services to support teaching, learning and research, it must

endeavour to have adequate information resources and manned by

knowledgeable information professionals.

Functionally, library services in the other hand is an activity to find out

what is already known on a particular subject or topic and make it available to

the reader. These services includes the reader services, reference services,

circulation services, reservation services, referral services, and others like

special services which are the services rendered occasionally to assist the

readers in the areas of research and they includes photocopying, inter-library

lending, weeding, selection dissemination of information, exhibition and library


2.2.1 Methods of acquiring library resources in the library

Acquisition of library resources in any library is to add more volume of

books that will add value to the information needs of its users or clienteles.

Therefore, the methods involve in the acquisition of library resources include

gift/donation, exchange and purchase.

Acquisition by gift/donation

This refers to materials that are donated to the library freely by individual

or groups. Gift are very valuable sources of enriching the library book

collection. Most libraries receive books and other library materials as gift from

individuals, institutions, libraries and organizations, country and others

(Wilkinson and Lewis, 2003). The acquisition by gift is done by identifying the

aforementioned group of donors and contact them with specific detailed

information about the need of the library to enable them know the area of your

need. Gifts can be solicited for, but in whichever way they are given and

received, they must be acknowledged with letters of appreciation whether the

resource materials received are useful to the library or not. Proper records of

donor and gifts received should be kept in a file of gift correspondence for

reference purposes. The file is available if a donor visits the library and wishes

to see how his gift was used. In addition, the policy on the acceptance of gifts

should be made clear (Ononogbo, 2003).

Acquisition by exchange

This is a concrete arrangement between libraries that have common needs

for exchange of published materials. In using this method of acquisition, the

libraries can enter into agreements with several libraries. Records of such

arrangements should be maintained and the library staff in charge of receiving

the exchanged materials should constantly make acknowledgement of receipts

with thanks.

According to Edoka (2000), acquisition by exchange involves an

arrangement whereby a library exchange its duplicate or especially purchased

items for those of another library or libraries. The commonest items of exchange

are duplicates copies of items, institutional publication such as calendars,

conference proceeding and materials published in the librarys home country

such as government publications and written agreement. The agreement will

spelt out the nature of documents to be exchanged, the extent of financial

involvement and related matters. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that what a

library gives is commensurate with what is received from the cooperating

partner(s). Some libraries have developed every viable exchange programme. In

Taiwan for instance, the National Central library through its energetic and

enterprising Bureau of International Exchange of Publications (BIEP) procures a

wide selection of books, periodicals, government documents, microforms and

similar materials from educational and government establishments for exchange

transactions with appropriate foreign institutions, the library exchanges

documents with over one thousand institutions outside the republic of China.

However, many libraries because of its attendant problems do not properly adopt

this process of acquisition (Ode and Omokaro, 2007).

Acquisition by purchase

Purchase is the buying of information materials by the library directly from

the open market or through the book vendors. Most libraries apart from National

library acquired materials for the library by this major method (Ode and

Omokaro, 2007). Acquiring information materials through purchase is a

complex activity that involves who is responsible for the mistake and damage

(Aina, 2004).

2.2.2 Types of library resources provided

It is important that users are able to access institution library resources in a

timely and convenient way (Heap, 2001). These library resources include,

reference resources, textbooks, journals, newspapers, magazines, special

collections/government publications, among others. Benefits of the ubiquitous

use of technology have been recognised by academic librarians, both in the

provision of services and accessing resources, with movement away from print

collections towards increased provision of remote access to e-resources within

virtual libraries which help librarians and information providers in the provision

of library resources and services. Access to licensed e-journals and e-books has

not just help in the provision of library resources but also improves services like

inter-library loans (ILLs), and document delivery services (possibly delivered

electronically direct to users) (Bower & Mee, 2010).This has been enabled by

the existence of seamless and improved functionality of interfaces, such as new

resource discovery software (Bower & Mee, 2010). These benefit all users and

enable them to access library resources from home or work (Hensley & Miller,


2.2.3 Extent to which users are satisfied with library resources and services

The user expectations and satisfaction has been used to determine the

service quality which is been seen as critical for service organizations to position

themselves strongly in a competitive environment (Jayasundara, 2008). Every

library is concerned with the outcomes in terms of satisfaction the recipients,

users, researchers or content providers of the information resources and services

has in carrying out their several functions. Librarians need to periodically

measure the resources and services of their library as a way of ensuring that they

are meeting the set objectives of the library (King, 2005). Libraries are service

oriented organizations established for the provision of relevant information

resources and quality services to meet their users information needs. Sowole

(2000) noted that users are described as the raison (reason for existence) of the

library. Meeting the information needs of users requires the provision of the

actual information resources and services that will satisfy the needs of users.

Simmonds (2001) stated several factors that can influence users

satisfaction; these factors include responsiveness, competence and assurances,

tangibles and resources. Sowole (2000) implored librarians to make maximum

efforts to ensure that their library users derived the best possible benefits from

the services they render. Materials are to be provided by libraries to support the

learning, teaching and research processes and to provide assistance to users.

Simmonds and Andaleeb (2001) argued that providing quality services in

academic libraries is now a major issue among academic librarians; they see the

library more in terms of the provision of and access to service quality than as

just a physical place.

Technology and automation have also changed the way people perceive

libraries. As a result, the roles of libraries and librarians themselves have been

re-evaluating their role as reflected in many literatures. They emphasize the

provision of good library service as more important to the users than the mere

physical library building. This perspective as stated in Simmonds and Andalees

article entitled: Usage of Academic Libraries: The role of service quality,

resources, and user characteristics (2001) is evidence in several recent studies

on users satisfaction with library services with academic libraries services. The

authors stressed that access to information provided by libraries is seen as more

important than the materials physically available in a library. Quality service is a

competitive necessity for businesses and service organizations. Assessing

service quality is therefore the first step in retaining costumers in todays

competitive environment. When library customers are faced with a variety of

alternative channels of information delivery, many of which are more

convenient and can compete on cost, libraries need to re-examine the range and

quality of services they provide and develop systems for consultation and

cooperation with their customer needs and customer expectations to the highest

degree. Abagai (1993) noted that the use of library by users and indeed their

satisfaction with library services depend on the availability of suitable learning

materials, accommodation and competent staff in the library. On further

comment, Abagai argued that the main objective of any library is to support the

parent institution; such an objective is achieved through systematic acquisition

and organization of all forms of recorded information in all fields pertinent to

the goals of the institution and by making such information available to the

members of the institution. Simmonds and Andaleeb (2001) posited that by

providing quality services and satisfaction to users, academic and research

libraries can distinguish their services through friendly, helpful and

knowledgeable advice and the best technological resources available. Because

academic libraries users have varying needs and expectations, it is the

responsibility of the library staff to know these needs and expectations and strive

to meet them. Igben (1993) noted that for a library to be most functional, the

services it renders should correspond closely with the needs of its users.

Ensuring that relevant information resources are provided and made accessible

to users goes a long way to encourage users to visit the library more often.

Simmonds and Andaleeb (2001) stated that the effectiveness of libraries has

often been measured by the volume of library materials available to clients, the

amount of use of services and resources, and the apparent or quantified

satisfaction of clients. Song (2009) writes on designing library services based on

user needs. He notes that user needs change continuously and recognizes also

the need to reach out to users with new services.

2.2.4 Problems of acquisition of library resources

The library is the nerve centre of academic activities in institutions of

higher learning and other organizations; it is a depository of knowledge with

varied and useful information in different kind of materials each of which has its

unique way of handling. Chukwu (1998) maintains that, the major indicator of a

good library is the quality and quantity of its collection. It is therefore necessary

for libraries to acquire current and relevant information resources and services

necessary for teaching, learning and research activities that institutions are

known for. However, there are certain factors or hindrances militating against

the acquisition of current, relevant and up to date information resources in

academic or any library. Some of the problems are discussed as follows:

Inadequate Funds

According to Nwafor (2000), inadequate funding in libraries had led to the

deterioration in the quality of library collections. This was supported by Akobo

(1999), Olanlokun and Adekye (2005) and Lawal and Okwueze (2007) that

libraries generally are poorly funded and continue to experience budgeting

setback every year. Pryddey (2000) found out that, academic libraries in Nigeria

have not been able to acquire materials comprehensively enough to meet needs

of the users due to inadequate funding for the libraries.

Poor Management of Funds

In addition, poor management of funds allocated to academic library

management through library administrators and librarians pose a serious blames

to maintain proper acquisition of library materials which give rise to adequate

collections. There is this problem of lack of accountability in financial

management of these institutions and their libraries. It is required that what

every amount of funds made available should be managed judiciously

(Nwangwu, 2002). Ekere (2010) also posits that, poor financial management and

accountability have often resulted in government giving much power to

governing council board like National University Commission (NUC). It is not

wise to place decision on allocation and utilization in the hands of those bodies

which are too bureaucratic. This is because they can lead to huge losses and

embezzlement. Consequently, the library is handicapped when it comes to

increasing both the stock and staff strength (Ekwelem, 2004).

Lack of Written Acquisition Policy

Some academic libraries do not have a written acquisition policy; they tend

to take decision on the importance of the library resources when the need arises.

This is bad because it can lead to subjectivity and misplacement of priority. It is

important that every library including special libraries should have a sound

acquisition policy. This will make for effective and efficient acquisition of

materials into the library (Akobo, 1999).

High cost of Foreign Materials

It is very difficult to provide materials published overseas without

obtaining the appropriate foreign currency. Presently, getting foreign exchange

in the country posses a lot of problems as a result of exchange restrictions and

when one succeeds, the rate is very high. The implication is far fetching. It

means that, libraries especially academic libraries that want to acquire foreign

materials must have to pay at least thrice the publishers price.

In addition to the problems above is the issue of economic recession;

Obiagwu (2002) highlighted the repercussions to the Structural Adjustment

Program (SAP) on library acquisition in Nigeria. The economic problem

reduced library resources vote and the astronomically devaluation of local

currency all conspire to frustrate the aim of the libraries. This was because the

parent institution or organization is not properly funded by the appropriate

authority. In a nutshell, libraries have always suffered a setback in resources of

library vote as a result of devaluation of local currency (Olanlokun and Adekey,


Poor Quality of Locally Published Resources

As a matter of fact, poor quality of locally produced newspaper, journals,

government publications, bulletins among others militate against building of

standard library resources. This can be understood when one accept the fact that,

the primary reason behind most locally published materials is to satisfy on

promotional (appraisal) criterion or the other. The Maxi publish or perish is

well known in our tertiary institutions and account for large percentage of the

sub-standard materials that we have in our market or books stalls (Mirza, 2008).

2.2.5 Problems of provision of library services

All libraries provide information services that carter for the information

needs of their users. Nevertheless, the provisions of these services are hinged

with constraints, issues or problems, among which are:

Poor Infrastructure

Studies have consistently reported inadequate levels of ICT literacy as one

of the major problems facing libraries in Nigeria as they move into the 21st

century. ICT infrastructure development and poor funding have been identified

as problems, followed by poor ICT skills among staff (Oduwole, 2005;

Adedoyin 2005). The culture of infrastructure development and maintenance is

not widespread in Nigeria. Infrastructure is essential for delivery of library

services to intending users. According to Kibat (1990) the major obstacles

inhibiting efficient information services in libraries are poor communication

infrastructure. In developed nations libraries provide ICTs that aid timely

delivery of information to their clienteles. A majority of Nigeria's libraries still

lacks the most basic telecommunications facilities.

Inadequate Funding

Nearly all library materials are purchased from outside Nigeria, mostly

from Europe and America, and due to a shortage of foreign currency and a high

exchange rate, acquisitions have dropped sharply and in some states completely

stopped. Many libraries in Nigeria cannot afford to purchase and install

computers and establish an internet connection, especially in rural areas. Lack of

funds is the greatest problem libraries face. Inadequate funding is hindering the

development of public libraries in Nigeria (Nwokocha, 2002). Ajibero (2000)

attributes this to economic conditions, government attitude, and particularly

information infrastructure.

Inadequate Human Resources

We are at a point of change in the information economy of which libraries

are a part (Chad 2008, cited by Harris 2009). Change is focused on innovation,

technology, user experience, resource management, and service delivery. These

changes call for education and training of librarians and other library staff. The

shortage of adequately trained staff in libraries is obvious as it posed great

challenges in service delivery. Education and training for librarianship in

Nigeria is inadequate, and need radical restructuring to produce librarians suited

to service in a knowledge-based society. At present, many libraries have

inadequate numbers of staff, and many others have staff who are seriously

undereducated and lack skills in carryout library services. If libraries in Nigeria

are to survive, they must invest in the intellectual capital of their employees.

Technology used to access information can be a way to educate library staff, to

provide resources and services required in the libraries, and to bridge the

information gap between urban and rural.

Abdulkarim (2010) carried out a study on the current situation of public

library services in Nigeria, the result shows that public libraries services have

declined dramatically over the past years due to the effect of both the economic

and political situation in the country. The financial crisis has affected the

structure and maintenance of the building, the size, and the contents of the

collections and the overall provision of services. So therefore, the main library

activity now is just to serve as reading and study rooms for students, who in the

majority of cases use their own materials and do not consult the library


The financial crisis is not only the problem, but also public libraries lack

adequate and professional work force needed to handle the affairs of the library.

Even with the availability of few staff, the inability of the state government to

train them in the field of library profession to some extent affects the quality of

services rendered by them (Abdulkarim, 2010). Against this backdrop, Public

libraries are challenged with the provision of services that will help in the

actualization of the Health Millennium Development Goals.

With the advent of ICTs, most libraries in this 21st century are migrating

from traditional library settings and provision of services to the digital or

electronic library settings. This is however not true of most public libraries in

Nigeria. Most public libraries have not been able to computerize their

collections, not to even talk of using computers to provide services, but rather

they are still indulging in the use of traditional library setting to provide services

to users.

It is pertinent to know that the problems of acquisition and provision of

library resources and services is peculiar to all types of libraries including

special libraries and the strategies to overcome these problems are also almost


2.2.6 Strategies to overcome the problems of acquisition of library resources

and services

Finance is the bedrock of organizations including special libraries to

achieve its objectives of which they are established. Therefore, funding of

special libraries like that of Benue State House of Assembly should be

government top priority. Government should show strong commitment in

keeping with the policies and programs that affect library system. Furthermore,

the special library of Benue State House of Assembly should not only depend on

government alone for funds, but venture into some commercial activities such as

indexing and abstracting services, lamination of vital documents, photocopying

services, typing of documents among others which will enable the library to

meet some of its financial obligations locally (Nwagwu, 2002). The library must

have an acquisition formulation policy. It is not an easy task to formulate an

acquisition policy that will guide the establishment whenever the need arises.

There should be a body saddle with the responsibility to formulate acquisition

policies which would be followed by the acquisition librarian (Nwagwu, 2002).

The Nigerian government should as a matter of urgency improve

Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) services in libraries to

boost internet connectivity. This will facilitate the acquisition of library

resources in such libraries. With the Information and Communication

Technology facilities in place, special libraries can computerize some of their

operations such as circulation, cataloguing, acquisition (Nok, 2006).

More so, government should establish financial institutions in indigenous

book publishing industries. This financial upgrade will help in terms of quality

production. With the standard and high quality production of these local library

resources, libraries will start acquiring their resources locally with reduced cost

in price and a lot of value added to the above, the establishment of financial

institution by Nigerian government to book publishing industries. This will

therefore reduce foreign domination in order to prevent possible economic

security. With this in place, it will help reduce the problems of foreign exchange

(forex) for librarians will hardly acquire foreign materials (Nwagwu, 2002).

Lastly, the poor state of infrastructural facilities like the library building

should be looked upon by the government/organizations to help uplift and

provide effective service delivery to the intending users of the libraries at

appropriate time and at when due.

2.3 Empirical studies

The review of empirical studies is an essential element in research which

reviews the related research works conducted by others. The empirical studies of

this research work goes thus:

Ganiyu (2016) conducted a study on Library Information Resources and

Services Utilization as Correlates of Creativity of Senior Administrative Staff of

Polytechnics in South West, Nigeria. The results of this study showed that the

joint effect of library Information Resources and Library Information Services

Utilization on the Creativity of the respondent was significant. It was thus

established that Library Information Resources and Library Information

Services are good predictors of creativity of the respondent. However, the study

further revealed that the contribution of Library Information Resources was

significant whereas the contribution of Library Information services to creativity

of the respondent were not significant. The Library Information Resources had

influenced creativity of the respondents. This corroborated the submission of

Olalude (2007) that internet facility as a library resource is currently having the

most significant impact on almost all professions.

The study further revealed that the Library Information Services had also

influenced the creativity of the respondents. The study also found that there was

a significant difference in the creativity of the respondents. It was however

found that most of the respondents were high in creativity. The study equally

found that, Library Information Resources mostly used by the respondents were

books, government documents, dictionaries newspapers/magazines, internet,

CD-ROM/databases. These resources are indeed very relevant for the

performance of administrative duties. They therefore had direct linkage with

library information resources utilizations of the respondents and could promote

their creativity. The study as well found that computer word processing,

internet/e-mailing, reprographic service, CD-ROM database searching, bindery

and microfilming were library information resources used by the respondents.

These library information services no doubt have direct bearing on the day to

day activities of the respondents and these could also enhance their efficiency

and effectiveness. Their preference of the above library information services

could also promote the creativity of the senior administrative staff of


In the study, erratic power supply, inadequate information and

communication technologies, poor maintenance culture, inadequate funding and

low bandwidth of internet access were the major constraints to library

information resources and services utilization by the respondents. This

corroborated the assertion of Egberongbe (2011) that a large number of e-

resources users were not satisfied with the infrastructure available in the library.

It is also in line with the findings of Okello-Obura & Ikoja-Odongo (2010) and

Agaba et al (2008) who both noted inadequacy of computer

technologies/facilities and poor internet connections as constraints that users


Towolawi and Adeyemi (2010) conducted a study on Acquisition and Use

of Library Resources in the University of Technology: A Statistical Record

Assessment. The descriptive survey design was used for the study. The

instrument used for data collection was questionnaire to obtained information

from the library. The population of the study consists of 300 library staff and

users were drawn. Data were compiled and collated by the staff in the readers

services department, which includes circulation, security desk and serials. Data

were analyzed using frequencies, bar charts, and percentages.

Findings of the study revealed that, the total book collection of 15,329

volumes and titles of 545 is respectively adequate for the total population of

1,053 students and 202 staff members of the university. Further findings of the

study revealed that, books and journals consulted by all categories of users had a

steady increase during the five-year period. Recommendations of the study

revealed that, there is need for an improved comprehensive users educations

programme for staff and new students as well as members of staff of the


The research study by Towolawi and Adeyemi is related to the present

study in the sense that, it dwells on acquisition and use of library resources, the

study emphasize on the method of acquisition and utilization of library resources

and services by the library staff and users, thus having a link with the present


Kanwal (2008) conducted a study on Issues of Book Acquisition in

University Library: A case study of Pakistan. The purpose of the study was to

explore the basic issues on the acquisition of book through purchase in the

emerging paradigm. The study uses a multi-method approach. The instrument

used was the questionnaire and interview guide were developed to collect

quantitative and qualitative data. Data was collected in 2003 and 2004 as part of

the researchers doctoral research. A sample size of 50 acquisition librarians was

drawn. The questionnaire was sent to 40 major accelerated universities in

Pakistan, 30 responses were ultimately received. After initial analysis of data,

semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 librarians using the

interview guide. Interviews were transcribed by the researcher and the text was

analyzed and categorized using a thematic approach.

Findings of the study revealed that, acquisition of library materials through

purchase have negative implications based on the type of collation, the buying

market and malpractice that is inherent in the acquisition processes among

buyers and sellers of these materials. Further finding also revealed that,

acquiring information resources is a core activity of library, faculty members

and users only offer assistance in the acquisition process.

The research study by Kanwal is related to the present study in the sense

that, it dwells on acquisition of library materials. However, the study has

identified some of the problems inherent in the acquisition processes, thus

giving the basis of the present study.

Niran (2008) conducted a study on Acquisition and Use of Library

Resources and Services in the Transition from a College to a University. A

Statistical Record Assessment with the objective of analyzing the acquisition

and use of library books and journals for the last five years (5) in College of

Education before transition to university. The study employed descriptive survey

design using questionnaire as instrument to obtained data from library statistic

on acquisition and use of library resources and services. The population of the

study comprised of 20, 000 library users. Data was compiled and collected by

the staff in the reader services department which include; circulation, reference

and serials. The data were analyzed using frequencies and percentages.

Findings of the study revealed that, a total books collection of 15, 457

volumes and data of journals 238 titles was small especially considering the new

universitys status of the institution. Further findings also revealed that, a total of

4, 650 books volumes and 233 journals were added to the collection during the

five years period, books and journals consulted in the library by all the

categories of users had a steady increase during the five year period and the

highest numbers of registered NCE (Nigerian Certificate in Education) students

(1,304) was received in 2002/2003 session, the highest number of undergraduate

(2,133) was achieved in 2004/2005 session. Recommendations of the research

finding revealed that, there was a need for a comprehensive user education

programme for staff and new students as well as members of academic

community. In the same view, priority should be given to the purchase of

journals (local and international).

The research study by Niran is related to the present study in the sense that,

it is on acquisition of information materials that academic institution should

encourage the library into creating a proactive acquisition policy and purchase

of relevant books and journals in appreciable quantity, thus having a link with

the present research.

Ekoja (2008) conducted a research study on the Acquisition, Storage,

Utilization and Management of Library Materials and their attendant problems

involved in the Imo State Academic Library. The research employed survey

design methods, using questionnaires, interview schedules and direct

observation to collect data. Population of the study comprised of 30 librarians

and 10 library services. Data was analyzed using simple percentages.

Finding of the study revealed that, acquisition, storage and utilization of

library materials were affected by inadequate funding, inadequate

accommodation, lack of storage facilities and inadequate number of personnel.

Recommendations of the study were also revealed that, prospective authorities

involved should ensure adequate funding of acquisition department, provision of

adequate accommodation, formulation of well thought out storage policy and

recruiting enough personnel in action.

The research study by Edoka is related to the present study in the sense

that, it dwells on acquisition of information materials. The study highlighted

some of the problems that affect acquisition and storage of library materials and

the present study will seek solutions to those problems.

Owolabi and Akintola (2008) conducted a study titled: A survey of

Collection Development Activities in Nigerian University Libraries. Basically,

the objectives were to discover the methods of acquiring materials in some

selected universities. The study used a descriptive survey design and data were

collected with questionnaire distributed among collection

development/acquisition librarians in Nigerian universities. A total of 15 copies

of questionnaire were distributed of which 15 questionnaire were returned and

found usable. The questionnaire was aimed at eliciting information on collection

development procedure in Nigerian universities. Purposive sampling technique

was used to select respondents and descriptive statistical techniques were

employed in the analysis of data using simple percentages and frequencies.

Findings of the study revealed that, there is every need for adequate

funding of university in general and academic libraries in particular. Further

findings of the study were also revealed that, librarians should solicit book

donations and funds from non-governmental and well to do individuals. Also,

libraries should have collection development policy which will serve as a guide

in the selection and acquisition of library materials.

The research study by Owolabi and Akintola is related to the present study

in the sense that, it dwells on acquisition and provision of library materials. The

study explored various methods and procedures used by acquisition librarian in

acquiring relevant titles which the present research set to achieve.

Okwilagwe (2001) conducted a study title Acquisition and Use of Library

Locally Published Textbooks as a Correlates of Textbooks Publishing in

Nigeria. The purpose of the study was to analyze the library acquisition of

Indigenous Law Textbook Publishing (ILTP) and law students textbook

utilization. The study was conducted on ex-port-facto, using the descriptive

survey method. The instrument for the study was the use of questionnaire. The

population of the study comprised of acquisition librarians and final year law

students and a total of 768 were drawn from the 15 Federal Universities offering

courses and programmes leading to the degree of Bachelor of Law (LLB). The

university of Abuja, Lagos and Calabar were selected using stratified sampling

approach to present the first, second and third generation. Two sets of research

instrument were designed for the survey of law students and acquisition

librarians. The selections of 384 of law students were guided by the proportional

sampling approach with a sample creation of 50% assigned in order to balance

up proportion in the three institutions. Data was analyzed using frequencies,

tables and percentages.

Findings of the study revealed that, the greatest contribution to indigenous

law textbooks publishing was made by local firms during the period under

study. There were however, inadequacies in the areas of funding, quality of

textbooks produced and timely actively of output which in turn affects

acquisition practice in academic libraries.

The research study by Okwilagwe is related to the present study in the

sense that, it dwells on selection and acquisition of information resources. The

study highlighted some of the problems associated with acquisition of

information resources in academic libraries, thus, this present research will look

at the strategies to overcome the problems.

2.4 Summary of the reviews

This chapter is mainly concerned with the conceptual framework, reviewed

of related literature whereby empirical studies relevant to the study are revealed.

The chapter reviews the method used in acquiring library resources/materials,

types of library resources provided in the library, extend to which users are

satisfied with library resources and services, the problems of acquisition of

library resources, problems of provision of library services, and the strategies to

overcome the problems of acquisition of library resources and services in House

of Assembly library, Makurdi.

In addition, empirical studies were focused on Library Information

Resources and Services Utilization as Correlates of Creativity of Senior

Administrative Staff of Polytechnics in South West, Nigeria, the problems

associated with book selection, issues involved in book acquisition, acquisition

and use of locally published law textbook publishing in Nigeria, others includes;

acquisition and use of library resources and services in the transition from a

college to a university, acquisition, storage, utilization and management of

library materials and their attendant problems and acquisition and use of library

resources in the university of Technology. The review equally revealed that,

there are information bearing materials on the research topic in different format;

print and electronic information resources.

Lastly, the strategies to overcome the problems of acquisition and provision

of library resources and services like recruitment of qualified personnel with

ICT knowledge and skills in information exploitation and utilization, improve

communication services, adequate bibliographic control mechanism, provision

of adequate funds to the library for proper project execution, formulation of

acquisition policy and provision of adequate funds to libraries were identified.



3.1 Introduction

This chapter has been developed to give a detailed description of the

methods and procedures for conducting the research which are captured in the

research design, area of study, population, sample and sampling techniques,

instrumentation, validation of instrument(s), method of data collection and

method of data analysis.

3.2 Research Design

Emaikwu (2010) defined research design as a plan or blue print which

specified how data relating to a given problem should be collected and analyzed.

It provides the procedural outline for the conduct of any given investigation.

Research design helps the researcher to know what ought to constitute the target

population, what portion of this determined through sample and sampling

technique. It also assists the researcher on how to collect and organize data

pertinent to the problem under investigation and type of statistical test would be


A face to face questionnaire administration shall be applied, so that the

researcher can explain clear about any question and reduce if not eliminate cases

of failure to return the distributed questionnaire meant to collect information.

Finally, descriptive survey will be used to describe and analyze the variables in

relation to the population in question.

3.3 Area of study

This studys focus and field of investigation was carried out in Benue State

House of Assemblys library, Makurdi which is situated at No.19-21 Gyuse

Doki Street High level, Makurdi. The maiden Benue State House of Assembly

was inaugurated on 2nd October, 1979 following the return of democratic rule in

Nigeria with a presidential system of government.

3.4 Population of the study

The population of the study consisted of all the seven (7) staff of the House

of Assemblys library.

3.5 Sample and Sampling Technique

Considering the small size of the population of this study with only seven

(7) respondents, that is, one librarian and six Para-professional staff, there was

no need for sampling the population. Source: 2016 Library Staff Duty Roster.

3.6 Instrumentation

The instrument for this study was structured questionnaire to collect data

and information from the respondents. The questionnaire is divided into six (6)

sections: (A) Methods of acquisition of library resources in the library (B) Types

of library resources provided in the library (C) Extend to which users are

satisfied with library resources and services (D) Problem of acquisition of

library resources (E) Problem of provision of library services to users (F)

Strategies to overcome the problems of acquisition of library resources and


3.7 Validation of Instrument

The researcher prepared the questionnaire which was presented to the

supervisor to examine the relevance, correctness, accuracy, comprehensiveness

and proper criticism. The questionnaire were validated by the supervisor who is

a professional in the field of librarianship, Benue State University, Makurdi.

After validation by the supervisor, the researcher was able to modify and adjust

the questionnaire instrument based on the comments he made.

3.8 Method of Data Collection

The researcher personally administered the questionnaires to all staff of the

House of Assemblys library. All completed questionnaires were collected by

the researcher from the respondents on the spot.

3.9 Method of Data Analysis

Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies and

percentages from the respondents answers to the research questions formulated

for the study.



4.1 Introduction

This chapter is concerned with the presentation, analysis and interpretation

of the data collected. The data collected from the questionnaires for this study is

subjected to descriptive statistical analysis using table, frequencies and


4.2 Responsed Rate

A total of seven (7) questionnaires were administered and all the seven (7)

questionnaires were returned representing 100%.

Table 1: Frequency distribution of respondents.

Response rate Number of Number of usable Percentage of

questionnaires return usable return
Staff 7 7 100%
Field survey: 2016

Table 1 above represent the response rate of the staff of Benue State House of

Assembly library, Makurdi. The table revealed that seven (7) questionnaires

were administered to the staff and all were returned and found usable

representing 100%.

4.3 Analysis of Data by Research Questions

The data collected has been presented in eight (8) tables and analyzed using

frequencies and percentages.

Question 1: What are the methods used in acquiring library resources in the

House of Assembly library?

Table 2: Frequency distribution of respondents on methods of acquiring library

S/N Methods of acquiring library resources Frequency Percentages
1. By purchase 3 48.5%
2. Acquisition by membership 2 45.5%
3. Gifts/donations 1 3.0%
4. Depository agreement 1 3.0%
5. By exchange 0 0%
Field survey: 2016

Table 2 above represent the distribution of response on various methods

used in acquisition of library resources. The result of the analysis indicates that,

majority of the respondents 3 (48.5%) affirmed that, acquisition of library

resources is done by purchase, while 2 (45.5%) respondents says that,

acquisition of library resources is done by acquisition by membership, 1 (3.0%)

respondent agreed that, acquisition of library resources or materials is done by

gift/donations, 1 (3.0%) respondent perceived that, acquisition of library

resources is done by depository agreement. However, respondents rejected that

acquisition by exchange is not a method used for acquiring library resources in

the House of Assembly library, Makurdi.

Question 2: What are the types of library resources provided in the library?

Table 3: Frequency distribution of respondents on the types of library resources

provided in the library

S/N Types of library resources provided in the Frequency Percentages

1. Special collection/government publications 3 48.5%
2. Textbooks 2 45.5%
3. Journals 1 3.0%
4. Newspapers/magazines 1 3.0%
5. Reference resources 0 0%
6. Electronic online resources 0 0%
Field survey: 2016

Table 3 above represents the distribution of respondents on the types of

library resources provided in the library. The result of the analysis shows that, 3

(48.5%) respondents agreed that the main type of the library resources is special

collection/government publications while 2 (45.5%) respondents opined that

another type of library resources provided in the library is textbooks, 1 (3.0%)

respondent each on journals and magazines/newspapers attested that journals

and newspaper/magazines are also one of the resources that the library provided.

However, reference resources and electronic online resources with 0.% each was

not among the resources provided in the library.

Question 3: To what extent are users satisfied with the library resources and


Table 4: Frequency distribution of respondents on the extend to which users are

satisfy with library resources.

S/N Extend of users HS MS FS NS

satisfaction with library Freq. Per. Freq. Per. Freq. Per. Freq. Per.
resources (%) (%) (%) (%)
1. Books 2 29.9%
2. Journals 2 29.9%
3. Online database 0 0%
4. Internet 0 0%
5. Magazines/newspapers 2 29.9%
6. Encyclopedia 1 10.3%
7. Audio-visual materials 0 0%

Field survey: 2016

Table 4 above represents the distribution of respondents on the extend to

which users are satisfy with the library resources. The result of the analysis

indicate that 2 (29.9%) respondents were highly satisfied (HS) in using books in

the House of Assembly library, while another 2 (29.9%) respondents were also

highly satisfied (HS) with journals and magazines/newspapers, meanwhile 1

(10.3%) respondent was moderately satisfied (MS) with encyclopedia. However,

online databases, internet and audio-visual materials with 0.% each were not

satisfied (NS) by users as library resources in the library.

Table 5: Frequency distribution of respondents on the extend to which

users are satisfy with the library services.
S/N Extend of users HS MS FS NS
satisfaction with library Freq. Per. Freq. Per. Freq. Per. Freq Per.
services (%) (%) (%) (%)
1. Current Awareness 1 11.98%
2. Selective Dissemination 1 11.98%
of Information
3. Reference services 1 11.98%
4. Organization/arrangement 1 11.98%
of library services
5. User education services 2 40.1%
6. Lending services 0 0%
7. Inter-library loan 0 0%
8. Cataloguing and 1 11.98%
Field survey: 2016

Table 5 above represent the distribution of respondents on the extend to

which users are satisfy with library services. The result of the analysis shows

that out of the seven (7) sample, 2 (40.1%) respondents were highly satisfied

(HS) with user education services, while 1 (11.98%) respondent each were

moderately satisfied (MS) with Current Awareness Services, Selective

Dissemination of Information, reference, cataloguing and classification and

organization/arrangement of library services in the library. However,

respondents were not satisfied (NS) with inter-library loan and lending services

in the House of Assembly library, Makurdi.

Question 4: What are the problems of acquisition of library resources in the


Table 6: Frequency distribution of respondents on problems of acquisition of

library resources.
S/N Problems of acquisition of library resources Frequency Percentages
1. Inadequate funds 5 20.32%
2. Poor management of library funds 3 14.31%
3. Lack of acquisition policy 2 10.33%
4. High cost of foreign materials 4 15.2%
5. Poor quality of locally published materials 2 10.33%
6. Poor communication services 3 14.31%
7. Poor bibliographic control mechanism 4 15.2%
Field survey: 2016

Table 6 above represents the distribution of respondents on problems of

acquisition of library resources. The result of the analysis shows that 5 (20.32%)

respondents attested that, inadequate funds is the major problem in the library, 4

(15.2%) respondents each agreed that, high cost of foreign materials and poor

bibliographic control mechanism were also among the problems of acquisition

of library resources in the library, while 3 (14.31%) respondents each attested

that, poor management of library funds and poor communication services as

well befalls effective acquisition of library resources. Meanwhile, 2 (10.33%)

respondents each opined that other problems of acquisition of library resources

are lack of acquisition policy and poor quality of locally published materials

were among the problems that militate againt the effective acquisition of library

resources in the Sate House of Assembly library, Makurdi.

Question 5: What are the problems with the provision of library services in the


Table 7: Frequency distribution of respondents on problems with the provision

of library services in the library.

S/N Problems with the provision of library Frequency Percentages

1. Poor infrastructure 3 25.1%
2. Lack of knowledge/skills to exploit the 3 25.1%
information system
3. Poor knowledge of ICT infrastructure and 2 3.4%
4. Inadequate human resources 5 33.0%
5. Lack of ICT tools and compliance 2 3.4%
6. Inadequate funding 4 10.0%
Field survey: 2016

Table 7 above represents the distribution of respondents on problems with

the provision of library services. The result of the analysis shows the

percentages of the responses to the problems associated with the provision of

library services in the House of Assembly library, Makurdi. From the table,

respondents accepted that, they were encountered with the following problems:

poor infrastructure and lack of knowledge/skills to exploit the information

system each with 3 (25.1%) respondents, poor knowledge of ICT infrastructure

and utilization and lack of ICT tools and compliance each with 2 (3.4%)

respondents, while 5 (33.0%) respondents agreed that inadequate human

resources mitigate against the provision of library services in the library. Lastly,

4 (10.0%) respondents were on the opinion that, inadequate funding is also

among the major problems affecting the provision of library services in the


Question 6: What are the strategies to overcome the problems of acquisition and

provision of library resources and services in the library?

Table 8: Frequency distribution of respondents on strategies to overcome the

problems of acquisition and provision of library resources and services.

S/N Strategies to overcome the problems Frequency Percentages

1. Recruitment of qualified personnel 7 20.50%
2. Timely provision of funds for the execution of 4 14.31%
3. Funds released to the library should be 3 11.0%
monitored by the library management
4. There should be formulation of acquisition 5 19.28%
5. Government should provide grant to 2 10.3%
indegenous publishers
6. Imported information materials should be 2 10.3%
made tax-free
7. Adequate bibliographic control mechanism 4 14.31%
Field survey: 2016

Table 8 above represents the distribution of respondents on strategies to

overcome the problems of acquisition and provision of library resources and

services. The result of the analysis shows the percentages of the responses to

strategies to overcome the problems that affects the acquisition and provision of

library resources and services in the House of Assembly library, Makurdi.

From the table, respondents agreed that the strategies to ameliorate the

problems includes; recruitment of qualified personnel or staff with 7(20.50%)

respondents, there should be formulation of acquisition policy with 5(19.28%)

respondents, 4(14.31%) respondents each agreed that, timely provision of funds

for the execution of project and adequate bibliographic control mechanism are

also among the strategies when adopted will enable the library to overcome the

aforementioned problems, while 3(11.0%) respondents were on the opinion that,

funds released to the library should be monitored by the library management,

and 2 (10.3%) respondents each agreed that, other strategies to overcome the

problems of acquisition of library resources and services include provision of

grant to indegenous publishers and imported materials should be made tax-free.

4.4 Discussion of Findings

The findings drawn from the study revealed that, the methods of

acquisition of library information resources in Benue State House of Assembly

library include purchase, gifts/donations, depository agreement and acquisition

by membership. No inter-library is made in the library because it is not an

automated library. The above statement was supported by (Aina 2004: Ifidon

1999) who opined that about 90% or more of information materials in the library

are generally acquired through purchase. Wilkinson and Lewis (2000) observed

that, most libraries receive books and other materials as gifts from individuals,

institutions, libraries and organizations.

The responses also shows that, the types of library resources are; reference

resources, textbooks, journals, newspapers/magazines, special

collection/government publications and electronic online resources which agrees

with the practice (Heap, 2001).

Another important finding was on the extend to which users were satisfied

with the library resources and services in the library. It was discovered that the

library users were highly satisfied (HS) with library resources like, books,

journals, newspaper/magazines and moderately satisfied (MS) with

encyclopedias. In terms of library services, they were highly satisfied (HS) with

user education services and moderately satisfied (MS) with Current Awareness

Services, Selective Dissemination of Information, reference services,

organization/arrangement of library services and cataloguing and classfication

respectively (Ochogwu, 2016; Poola and Haliso, 2009).

The Benue State House of Assembly library, Makurdi is encountered with

a lot of problems that hampered the effective acquisition and provision of library

resources and services. The findings equally revealed that, acquisition and

provision of library resources and services is a co-responsibility of the librarian

and staff of the library. The findings also revealed that, acquisition of library

materials is purely the responsibility of acquisition librarian as noted by Ekere

(2006) who posits that acquisition is the process by which library physically

procure the items that acquisition librarian have identified as desirable addition

to the collection. By implication, this shows that provision of library services in

Benue State House of Assembly library is a joint responsibility that is not only

done by an individual alone but collectively. This was supported by Gwang

(2011) who posits that, the provision of library and information services is a sine

qua non, access to, and ability to use the information provided is a single most

important factor.

Among the problems identified as hindrances to the acquisition and

provision of library resources and services includes; inadequate funds, poor

management of library funds, lack of acquisition policy, high cost of foreign

materials, poor quality of locally published materials, poor communication

services, poor bibliographic control mechanism, poor infrastructure, inadequate

funding, lack of knowledge/skills to exploit the information system, poor

knowledge of ICT infrastructure and utilization, inadequate human resources

and lack of ICT tools and compliance. These teething problems among others

have hampered the effective acquisition and provision of library resources and

services. This signifies that, Benue State House of Assembly library Makurdi is

faced with a lot of problems that affects acquisition and provision of library

resources and services. This statement was supported by Ekwelem (2004) who

opined that the library is handicapped when it comes to increasing both the stock

and staff strenght.

Finally, the findings proffer some strategies/solutions that will help to

improve effective acquisition and provision of library resources in the State

House of Assembly library, Makurdi, which include; recruitment of qualified

personnel, provision of adequate funds, funds released to the library should be

monitored by the library management, formulation of acquisition policy,

provision of grants to indegenous publishers, adequate bibliographic control

mechanism should be taking care of. These strategies among others can improve

effective acquisition and provision of library resources and services and with

this, the library will be able to meet some of its financial requirement locally. By

implication, this indicates that, when all the above mentioned strategies are met

or adopted, the problems associated with acquisition and provision of library

resources and services will be drastically reduced.




5.1 Introduction

This chapter gives a summary of the research work, conclusion drawn

based on the findings from the responses, make recommendations that will

improve the situation and ends with the possible or appropriate suggestions for

further study.

5.2 Summary

In summary, this study investigates the problems of acquisition and

provision of library resources and services to users in special libraries with

particular emphasis on the Benue State House of Assembly library, Makurdi.

The data for this study were based on responses of the respondents from the

distributed questionnaire. In other to carryout this study successfully, six (6)

objectives and research questions were formulated to guide this study. To be

able to answer these questions, a number of statistical tools were used as

frequency counts and percentages for the analysis of the research questions,

however, the analysis of the data yield the following findings:

1. It was revealed that the methods of acquiring library resources in House of

Assembly library include, acquisition by gifts/donations, acquisition by

purchase, acquisition by membership and depository agreement.

2. That, the types of library resources provided in the library are; special

collection/government publications, textbooks, journals,


3. The findings also revealed the extend of users satisfaction with library

resources and services. The library information resources are books,

journals, magazines/newspapers, and encyclopedias while library services

include; current awareness services, selective dissemination of information,

reference services, organization/arrangement of library services, user

education services, cataloguing and classification.

4. The problems faced with the acquisition of library resources in the House of

Assembly library include inadequate funds which led to the deterioration in

the quality of library collections, according to Nwafor (2000), poor

communication services, poor management of library funds, lack of written

acquisition policy, high cost of foreign materials, poor quality of locally

published resources/materials and poor bibliographic control.

5. That, the problems with the provision of library services in the House of

Assembly library are; inadequate funding, lack of knowledge/skills to

exploit the information system, poor knowledge of ICT infrastructure and

utilization, inadequate human resources, poor infrastructure and lack of ICT

tools and compliance.

6. The findings revealed the strategies to overcome the problems of acquisition

and provision of library resources and services in the House of Assembly

library which includes, recruitment of qualified personnel, timely provision

of funds for the execution of projects, funds released to the library should be

monitored by the management, there should be formulation of acquisition

policy, government should provide grant to indegenous publishers and

imported information materials should be made tax-free.

5.3 Conclusion

Based on the findings of the study, it is concluded that, there are a lot of

problems or hindrances to the effective acquisition and provision of library

resources and services in the library. Among the problems includes; inadequate

human resources, lack of ICT infrastructure and utilization, poor bibliographic

control, lack of acquisition policy, poor management of library funds, lack of

knowledge or skills to exploit the information systems, and of lack of ICT tools

and compliance.

The issue of lack of funds, poor management of library funds can hinder

the development of any library. It has been established that finance is an

indispensable tool for the achievement of the objectives of any organization.

Without finance, the library cannot effectively play the role of organization and

administration of collection, staff maintenance and procurement of library

equipment, satisfaction of users expectations (Anafulu, 1999).

On the other hand, the issues of lack of acquisition policy was found as one

of the problems militating against the effective acquisition and provision of

library resources and services in the State House of Assembly library. Lack of

acquisition policy is a big problem because any organization without a policy

cannot function efficiently and it leads to subjectivity and misplacement of

priority. Another challenge was poor quality of locally published resources such

as books, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, bulletins among others which

militate against building a standard balance library collection.

5.4 Recommendations

Based on the findings and conclusion drawn from the study, the following

recommendations are made;

1. Recruitment of personnel or staff should be base on skills and knowledge

acquired and the ability to perform and carryout functions judiciously.

2. The library should formulate and adopt workable acquisition policy that

will guide the conduct of the processes in acquiring information

resources/materials in the library.

3. The government as parent organization should therefore make it as a

priority or policy in funding the library with adequate and timely release of

funds since the library remains the medium for the development and

expansion of knowledge in any organization or institution.

4. Government should establish local publishing industries in order to

compete favourably with foreign publishing companies which will meet the

demand of the teeming users.

5. Funds released to the library should be carefully monitored and managed as

at when due.


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Appendix A

Department of Library & Information Science,

Benue State University,
3rd November, 2016.

Dear Respondent,

I am a student in the Department of Library and Information Science, Benue

State University, Makurdi currently embarking on a research to generate data on
the Problems of Acquisition and Provision of Library Resources and Services
to Users in Special Libraries as a requirement for the award of Bachelor of
Science Degree (B.Sc) in Library and Information Science.

Kindly respond to the statements by appropriately indicating your feeling

regarding the questionnaire attached to the letter. All responses given will be
used strictly for academic and research purposes.

Thanks for your assistance and cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

Douglas T. Auva

Appendix B
Instructions: Tick [ ] the appropriate column to indicate your level of
agreement with each statement in the following sections.
Section A: Methods of acquisition of library resources
Question 1: What are the methods used in acquiring library resources in the
S/N Methods of acquiring library resources

1. Gifts/donations
2. By exchange
3. By purchase
4. Depository agreement
5. Acquisition by membership
Others (specify)

Section B: Types of library resources provided

Question 2: What are the types of library resources provided in the library?
S/N Types of library resources provided

1. Reference resources
2. Textbooks
3. Journals
4. Newspapers/magazines
5. Special collection/Government publications
6. Electronic online resources
7. Audio-visual materials
8. Online database
Others (specify)

Section C: Extent to which users are satisfied with library resources and
Question 3: To what extent are users satisfied with the library resources and
S/N Extend to which users are satisfied with library resources HS MS FS NS
1. Books
2. Journals
3. Online database
4. Special Collections/Government Publications
5. Magazines/newspapers
6. Audio-visual materials
7. Encyclopaedia
8. Electronic Online Resources
Others (specify)

S/N Extend to which users are satisfied with library services HS MS FS NS

1. Current Awareness Services
2. Selective Dissemination of Information
3. Reference
4. Organization/arrangement of Library Services
5. User Education
6. Lending Services
7. Inter-library loan services
8. Cataloguing and Classification
Others (specify)

Section D: Problem of acquisition of library resources
Question 4: What are the problems of acquisition of library resources? Tick as
S/N Problems of acquisition of library resources

1. Inadequate funds
2. Poor management of library funds
3. Lack of acquisition policy
4. High cost of foreign materials
5. Poor quality of locally published materials
6. Poor communication services
7. Poor bibliographic control
Others (specify)

Section E: Problem of provision of library services

Question 5: What are the problems with the provision of library services?
S/N Problems with the provision of library services

1. Poor infrastructure
2. Inadequate funding
3. Inadequate human resources
4. Lack of ICT tools and compliance
5. Poor knowledge of ICT infrastructure and utilization
6. Lack of knowledge or skills to exploit the information
Others (specify)

Section F: Strategies to overcome the problems of acquisition and provision of

library resources and services.

Question 6: What are the strategies to overcome the problem of acquisition and
provision of library resources and services?
S/N Strategies to overcome the problems of acquisition and SA
provision of library resources and services
1. Provision of adequate funds
2. Funds released to the library should be monitored by the
3. There should be formulation of acquisition policy
4. Government should provide grant to indigenous publishers
5. Imported information materials should be made tax-free
6. Adequate bibliographic control mechanism
7. Recruitment of qualified personnel
Others (specify)


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