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Nathaniel Whiteley

PO Box 248
West Chatham, MA, 02669
Date of birth: July 7, 2000

High School: St. John Paul II High School, Hyannis, MA

Co-ed, Catholic College Preparatory High School of 275
students. Founded in September of 2007

Academic Status: Class of 2018, Eighth graduating class

Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.44
AP English 11, AP US History, AP English 12, AP Calculus,
AP Stats
Honor Classes

Activities: Reachout (2016-2017, 2017-2018)

4 years of Varsity Basketball(Captain Junior and Senior
year) as a center
4 years of Varsity Football as a wide receiver and a
Vice President of Chinese excursion club
Founding member of Spanish club
Math team member
Seven years as an altar server
Leadership class
Blackbelt in Karate

Community Service: Champ homes, Miles for Meghan,Volunteering for

Retirement home, Cystic fibrosis walk 2014 and 2015,
Streetreach 2015 and 2016

Work Experience: YDS Landscaping Summer of 2016 and 2017

Short and Sweet Ice Cream Dishwasher Summer of 2015

College & Career Goals: I would like to enter into an Engineering program, to pursue
a career in either Civil or Architectural Engineering. The
skills learned while studying Engineering will allow me to
pursue a career in a field that intrigues me.

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