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14 minutes per 1 hour and 15 min;

1 hour and 20 40 min; 4 parts; 30
pair of candidates; 7 parts; 52
minutes; 2 parts questions
4 parts questions

Essay In 2015 the changed this part of the

Informal letter /email exam. Now you dont have to describe an
Semiformal letter image and talk about it. Now you have to
Report discuss with your partner about an issue
and both find a solution in the end.
(140- 190 words)

The exam is 30 minutes shorter since 2015 (1 hour and 55 minutes in total)
There will be 7 parts and 52 questions.
In the event of heavy snow, we will cancel the game. If it snows heavily, we will
cancel the game
Do some practice.
As long as there is
Applying for the position of tour manager.
At present I am working as a guide.
I obtained my degree.
In an attempt to raise money for charity.
Not having sight makes life awkward at times.
She never allows us to leave the class.
We didnt get home until it was almost dark.
He woke up early so that he would not miss the flight.
My father advised me not to go for a walk.
Customers are advised to make reservations.
I should not have left the window open.
He was the only guest who didnt enjoy himself at the party.
He apologized for being late again.
She reminds me of my cousin Mary.
We are going to have the kitchen redecorated.
Would you mind speaking up?
I wish I had seen that film.
Peters mother couldnt get over it / manage.
They concentrate on personalities in an attempt to
Research has shown that
I will be made to train very hard by the coach.
He said that I could watch provided that I kept quiet.
They succeed in getting the new contract.
She tried to stay cheerful in spite of feeling sick.
Mike probably wont come to the party Mike is unlikely to come to the party.
Can you lend me your car, Lee? asked Chris Chris asked Lee if he could borrow
his car.
He denied having written that report.
The boss warned us to lock before we left.
We hold onto our sense of fun right into adulthood.
Apart from being fun
Very few programs were sold.
We decided to drive instead of taking the train.
We were driven into town by a very friendly taxi driver.
My car had never broken down, until last Friday.
The tennis tournament was postponed because it rained so heavily.
He doesnt want to carry on working for his uncle.
It looks like the meeting has been cancelled.
I dont think Im patient enough to be a teacher.
The lecture was too technical for me to understand.
I was enjoying to trip so much that I didnt want it to end.
I have never seen such an exciting film. You could have met him at the party, but it
seems unlike.
She cant be lying to us
He cant have forgotten about the meeting.
Many interesting issues were brought up by the discussion about food.
We are built up of our memories.
We must pay attention .
To achieve important goals.
Contrary to what might be expected.
The most likely explanation is that
There is nothing more irritating than
We were excited by the tennis game
I get very worried about many things.
I find it boring when people talk too much.
When I was in Norway I saw a glacier for the first time.
I decided not to take up /start learning the piano.
It is located deep inside an inaccessible underground.
Showing animals such as horses.
Good enough to rival modern compositions.
Were initially regarded as insignificant,
This was causing people to rethink.
Trying to work out who are you.
They soon get used to you.
His parents dont speak English as well as he does.
You are not supposed to cycle in the park Cycling is not allowed in the park.
Not winning the competition came as a disappointment to Ursula.
In my opinion, there is no chance of our team losing.
The doctor told her to cut down (to reduce ) the amount of sugar in her diet.
Paul is very interested in music.
That is the last time I go there.
You shouldnt have stolen the Crown Jewels.
This is the first time I have travelled by plane.
If I had gone shopping I would have bought you that sweater .
Its two months since I started investigating the murder.
Paul apologized for not giving details of the meeting
My mother told me not to overwater the plants.
I wish I had gone to University,
He had difficulty in starting the car.
John and I fell out more than a week ago.
I find it hard to put up with Roberts taste in music.
I get bored waiting for buses.
The weather tends to be very unpredictable.
TV shows get on my nerves.
It came as a surprise to Pauline to see so many people.
There is no difference between my view and yours.
The secretary said that they had run out of paper the secretary said that there
wasnt any paper left.
Everyone looks up to (respects) the manager.
I found it difficult to see the screen.
Its not like him to be late.
I havent been to Canada since January 1994.
Its more than a year since I saw Lucy I havent seen Lucy for more than a year.
Please look after (take care) my car..
Nobody came up with a solution.
There was no point in continuing the course.
Would you rather I came back later ? Would you prefer me to come back later?
Disasters have occurred rarely since 18 th century Disasters hardly ever
You must carry out (follow) his instructions.
I would rather (prefer) drive home than staying in a hotel overnight.
The model is said to have been discovered in the street.
Are you familiar with his teaching style yet? Have you been used to his ?
None of us felt like doing any work.
Besides being unable to sing, Barbara couldnt dance either.
Todays meeting has put off (postponed).


As long as
Even if
Provided that
Assistance Impression Unhappily Arrival
Difficulties Intelligence Improvement Unfortunate

Solutions Behavior Annoying Wealthy

Dangerous Popularity Fitness Ability
Encourage Extremely Reference Marriage
Energetic Connection Pointless Successful
Discover Scientists Performance Invention
Knowledge Valuable Generally Creativity
Extraordinarily Suitable Significant Highly
Easily Reliable Lonely growth
Employment Extraordinary anxious Additional
Unlikely/ unlike Unfortunately Appearance boredom

Sympathetic Supportive Impressive Increasing

Unpleasant Unhappiness Instantly Crowded
Sharply Hunger Differently Valuable
Announcement Savings Departure Repetitive
Luxurious Disappointment Freedom Deformed
Immediately Carefully Pressure Eventually
Unable Competitors Applicants Beauty
royalty Communications Naturally Importance
Inconvenient Personally Fashionable Unusual
Illnesses Laborers Frightening Improvements
Useful Commercial Locations Responsibility
Unadventurous Healthy Satisfaction Salesmen
Uncertain Surprisingly Unlikely Truth
Proof Sunshine Daily Initially
Unknown Professional Submit Admittance
Rejection Notify Typically Notably
Steadily Occupations Photographers Reminder
Scenery Powerful Strength Employee
Loss Injury Gradually Noisy
Distances Delightful Annually Regardless
Stormy Endless Advertisements Argument
Compatibility Indispensable Rarely Relatively
Unbearable Length Belief Financial
Development Gently Painful Terrify
Unwise Ambitious Amusement Outstanding
Unluckily Concerned Disgusting Punctually
Thought Unsuitable Themselves loneliness
Judgement Achievement Recognizable Including
Similarities Remarkable Variety Unclear
Choice Loss Frozen Frequently
Equipment Friendship Hotness Extremely
Poisonous Reasonable Suspicious Originality
Movement Boredom Impatience Comfortable
Nervousness Widely Offensive Achievement
Invention Bitterly Suffering Communication
Warmth Commitment Highly Flight
Undoubtedly Wildest Fulfilling
Safety Neighborhood Dangerous

2.Informal letter/email
3.Semiformal letter
Do state the topic in your first sentence, in your own words.
o Use rhetorical questions to engage the reader with the topic.
Include supporting detail for the points in each paragraph.
Do include your own idea but also show that you appreciate other points of view.

Dont forget to express your opinion in the conclusion.


- Some people claim that

- It is often said
- However, in my view/opinion
- However, on balance
- Firstly, its clear
- There is a strong argument
- While it is true/ although it may be said that
- To clarify the point
- It seems clear to me
- Finally, its important to remember/ must be remembered that
- To sum up / In conclusion, it seems to me that

Below you will find some texts written by students. They are not perfect, but their mistakes will
help you to know how to write an essay correctly.
Sporting heroes should try to be good role models. Do you agree?
Nowadays some sportspeople are just as famous as important politicians, Hollywood stars
or notorious singers. They are not only practicing sports and winning matches or gold
medals. Most of them also advertise products, appear on TV shows and are even known for
their relationships or the clothes they wear.

Thats why they have an enormous social power. For example, when they behave
correctly and honestly they can encourage others to behave the same. One example is the
footballers that help children in Africa.

But when a successful athlete has a disrespectful attitude towards others, he or she sent a
wrong message to people, especially to the young one, which is that if you are famous and
rich anyone but you matters.

So, in my opinion, sporting heroes have the responsibility to behave correctly and help less
fortunate people, because what our society wants are idols but what we really need are
people with heart.

The author uses a language a little bit too informal and there are some mistakes but in general
is well written and it has a quite good structure.

In my opinion, humans did not have a better life hundred years ago, because of three main

First of all because in the past people could die for illnesses that are easily treated
nowadays. Medicines has improved a lot in the last the lasts years and now more people
can go to hospitals, because the State pays for it.

Other reason is the recent technological advances, which make our life easier but also
everything much more fun. For example, with our smartphones now we can watch videos
and films, listen to music, play games and who knows which more things! But the old
phones just allowed us to make a call.

And finally we must not forget the incredible change in people minds. Now more things are
tolerated and accepted like gay marriage or the introduction of women into the mens world.

So, in conclusion, life has always been difficult and our society has many things to change
in order to improve however I think everything is much better now than it used to be in the

This essay has several serious errors. The first one is that you cant write your opinion in the
introduction; you must leave it to the end. The other one is that if you begin with first of all one
paragraph must begin with the same structure (secondly). The vocabulary is quite simple.
Do use your friends name. Dont write Dear friend.
Do mention a letter or email you have received from the person you are writing to, or refer to a
shared experience.
Do say what youve been doing recently, and give some interesting details.
Do use informal language.
Do think of some interesting questions to ask.
Do mention the next time you will see the person you are writing to.
Do use the appropriate phrase to end your letter or email.
o Love / All the best / Best wishes
Dont finish your informal letter or email with Yours sincerely /faithfully.


- Many thanks for your letter/email.
- I thought Id better write and give some more details about.
- Its been such a long time since we wrote each other
- How are thigs with you?
- How was your holiday?
Introducing the topic:
- I know you are keen to hear about my holiday
- You remember I told you in my last letter I was going to
Ending the letter or email:
- Give my love/ regards to your family
- Please write soon
- Id look forward to meeting up again soon.
Hello Sam!

How are you? I hope you are fine. Im very well but I didnt write you
earlier because I was very busy.

Well, you have made me some questions about my new home so Im

going to answer them now.

My new neighborhood is very different from the previous one in a lot

of different ways. For example, is the other one there were many
groceries and small businesses but here there are only big
supermarkets. Also, I used to have a car park in front of my house
and now I have a park with swings for the children, which is a positive
aspect because I have a little cousin and he loves playing there.
Every time he comes to visit me we have a really great time there.

But the most important difference I noticed is the presence of

immigrants. Do not misunderstand me, I am very happy and I dont
consider it a problem at all. In fact, I love going to the Turkish
restaurant located under my house and to the Chinese store, where
everything is much cheaper.

I expect having answered all your questions and I also hope you
come to visit me soon.

Take care,


Positive aspects about this letter:

1. The greeting and is informal, which is correct.
2. How are you is written on the next paragraph.
3. The author makes reference to a previous letter.
4. The way author finishes the letter is also correct.
5. He or she uses grammatical expression and vocabulary
appropriate to the level of the exam, such as neighborhood,
Do say which job you are applying for and where and when you saw it advertised it. You can
invent a newspaper and date.
Do mention each of the areas in the advertisement.
Dont forget to mention why you think you are suitable for the job.
Do say when and how you can be contacted.
Do begin and end your letter as you would other formal letters .


- I have always been interested in

- One of the main reasons I am applying for this job is that
- I have a lot of experience of dealing with the public.
- I am available to start work at any time/ from the end of the month.
- Thank you for considering my application.
- I would be grateful if you would send me further details of the job.
- I can be contacted on at any time.
- I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Dear Sir/ Madam

I am writing to apply for one off the positions of summer school instructors, which is
advertised on the internet.

I am twenty there years old and now I am in my second year at the University. Now I am
studying Medicine but before that I studied two years of Nursey in Barcelona.

In Valencia, where I live now, I do a lot of activities in my free time. I play rugby and tennis
with some of my University classmates. We are quite good (we have won some gold
medals). I also go swimming to the pool every weekend and I am a volunteer in some
associations. For example, I do help kids with learning problems and old people who live
alone and cant manage very well by themselves.

I am a very positive, energetic and responsible person. I love kids, I know first aids and I
speak fluent English and French.

I am available for interview at any time. I can be contacted on 034675348973 at any time.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Anabel Rodrguez.

This letter is a little bit loose with a very simple vocabulary, but the structure is quite good.

Remember! In formal letters do not use contractions (Im, Ive)

Dont begin and end with Dear Sir / Madam
Do say how you collected the information.
Do use headings
Do include two or three points under each heading. Do use numbering or bullet points, to
highlight the main points.
Dont include irrelevant details or descriptions.
Do use formal language.
Do express opinions impersonally. Dont express recommendations or opinions until the



- The aim of this report is to

- This report is intended to

Reporting results:

- Most people seem to feel that

- Several people said /told me/ suggested / though that

Presenting a list:

- They gave / suggested the following reasons:

- They made the following points:

Making recommendations:

- I would therefore recommend that

- It would seem that is the best idea.
Do think of an interesting title or use the one is given in the task.
Do try to involve your reader directly, for example by using a question.
Do use informal language to involve the reader.
Dont forget to express your opinion.
Do finish your article by summarizing your main points and giving your opinion or expressing
your feelings.


Involving the reader: Developing your points: Giving your opinion:

- Are you thinking - Lets start with - I think that / In my

of? - Another advantage opinion
- Im sure you will of - It seems to me that
agree - On the top of that

Valencia is the perfect city for the tourists. Most of the days its sunny and warm, so the
visitor could easily enjoy the city without having to worry about the weather.
Here I have some recommendations for people who just have one day to enjoy it: if you
have children I strongly recommend you to visit the City of Science. If you go with your
boyfriend /girlfriend I suggest going to Malvarrosa Beach, where you can eat the best
Paellas of the World while having the incredible views of the Mediterranean Sea in front of
I prefer go to the places I want to visit by walk but I understand that with just one day the
visitor could get exhausted in the end. In that case taking a bus or the tube are great
If I had to recommend one moment of the year to visit Valencia that would be in spring with
no doubt. Not only because of the Fallas (which are amazing) but also because the weather
is great but not so hot as in summer.

This article is not perfect but is quite well written. Maybe its a little bit too short (remember
you have to write 140-190 words).
Do what the film is about, but not with too much detail.
Do remember to mention important characters.
Do try to use a range of interesting vocabulary.
Do remember to explain your ideas clearly and to link paragraphs together.
Do remember to give your opinion, but not until the end.



- The fills I would like to review is

- The last film I saw was /The last book I read was

Summarizing the story:

- Its set in
- The story is based on a book
- Its about
- There are many memorable characters including
- The main theme of the film is
- What the film is saying is

Recommending the fil.:

- I would recommend this film to anyone.

- Although I enjoyed, I would not recommend it for
- Its one of the best shows Ive ever seen.
- Although Im not normally keen on musicals, Im glad that decided to go.
- The film lifts you out of your everyday life.
The film I would like to review is the Christophers Nolan blockbuster, Interstellar.

This movie is basically a science fiction film that takes us to an apocalyptic future. The
special effects are amazing ant he music and the pictures of the space were just
incredible. But its also a beautiful story about a father, interpreted by Mathew
McConaughey, and his daughter, and the bond that unites them despite the distance
and the time. I cried almost every time they were together. Their dialogues were very
deep and emotional.

I think the main themes of this film are love and sacrifice. I love how the director tells
us the story, without too much drama, of a group of scientists and astronauts who
spend decades of their lifes, and some even die, in order to find a new planet, a new
home for the humanity, because the Earth was dying.

I would recommend this film to everyone, even those who are not very keen on
science fiction films, because this one will surprise them, in a very good way. The film
is quite long, three hours or so, but it is worth it.
playing a
computer game

playing a
difficult Why it might be sport
subject important to
concentrate when
doing these

directions in another
a film


How have these
inventions changed
people's lives?

computer television
recycling bins

river Wich images on a poster
would be useful to raise

a large
a factory with
pile of
smoking chimneys


hiking sailing
What are the advantatges
and disadvantages of
these outdoor activities?

Would you like to start?
Dont you agree?
Do you see my point?
What do you think of it?
Perhaps you are right.
Im afraid I disagree.
On the one hand
If we have to choose two of these
It seems we dont agree on this, because you believe. Would be a suitable
choice here, and I dont share that view.
Do you agree with me on that?
You are right about that.
I agree to a certain extent.
Shall we make a decision?

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