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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 227 (2016) 110

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Thermo-mechanically processed dual matrix ductile iron produced by

continuous cooling transformation
M. Soliman a, , H. Ibrahim a , A. Nofal b , H. Palkowski a
Institute of Metallurgy, Clausthal University of Technology, D38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Central Metallurgical Research and Development InstituteCMRDI, Helwan, 11421 Cairo, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ductile irons with dual matrix structure were attained by controlled cooling in the austenite + ferrite
Received 8 June 2015 region, after austenitization. Afterwards, the ductile irons were quenched to either 375 C, so as to trans-
Received in revised form 29 July 2015 form the austenite into ausferrite or to room temperature to transform austenite to martensite. Fully
Accepted 30 July 2015
ausferritic and fully martensitic matrices were also produced by direct quenching from the austenite
Available online 3 August 2015
region. Furthermore, three different deformations with true-strain values of 0, 0.3 and 0.5 have been
applied in the austenite region. The structures were produced in three ductile irons with aluminum
contents of 0.31 wt.%, 0.96 wt.% and 1.7 wt.%. The different microstructures were produced in a thermo-
Ductile iron
Thermo-mechanical processing
mechanical simulator equipped with a dilatometry system. Dilatometry was used to monitor the structure
Dual matrix development throughout the thermo-mechanical processes. The microstructural changes and hardness
Austempering property exhibited by the produced structures were investigated. Increasing the aluminum widened the
Phase transformations intercritical region making the control of the pro-eutectoid ferrite volume fraction easier. The quenching
Dilatometry temperature in the intercritical region was shifted to higher value by both increasing the aluminum con-
tent and increasing the deformation. This shift resulted in a higher carbon level saturating the intercritical
austenite which resulted in fundamental effects on the subsequent transformation kinetics.
2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction On the other hand, hot deformation as a method of strength

improvement of ductile iron recently attracts research and indus-
Ductile iron (DI) with dual matrix structure (DMS) is a new class trial interest (Qi et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2004). Hot deformation
of materials in which the matrix structure consists of a soft phase, renes the as-cast structures, closes up the internal shrinkage
which is the ferrite and a hard phase which is either martensite or cavities and gas porosity, and reduces the segregations of alloy-
ausferrite (acicular ferrite and high carbon austenite). The ductile ing elements. Additionally, it increases the dimensional accuracy
iron with DMS gained interest due to the improved combination and improves surface nish of the products which would nally
between strength and ductility. reduce the manufacturing costs. Forged DI products have been pro-
According to Kobayashi and Yamada (1996), the combined moted as replacements of some types of forging steels. An attempt
strength-elongation of DMS with ausferrite as hard phase is bet- was made by Shi et al. (1994) to describe the anisotropy of ten-
ter than the conventional austempered ductile iron (ADI). Wade sile strength in terms of the deformation of graphite nodules of
et al. (1985) indicated that the mechanical properties of DMS with deformed DI. Furthermore, Bonora and Ruggiero (2005) established
ausferrite are improved, more than those of the same ductile iron deformation model of nodular graphite in DI to observe the rela-
with martensite in DMS. Ferrite in the DMS is obtained by either tionship between the local matrix deformation and the inclusion
an incomplete austenitization step (by isothermal holding at tem- deformation.
peratures within the intercritical interval) (Kobayashi el al., 1996; The current study aims at combining both thermo-mechanical
Wade el al., 1985) or by controlled cooling of the austenite in the processing and introducing the pro-eutectoid ferrite to the DI by
intercritical region (Soliman el al., 2011). controlled cooling in the intercritical region to produce thermo-
mechanically processed DMS-DI in a single process chain. In the
current proposed process, the dissolution of carbides and ren-
ing of the matrix structure take place during the preheating and
Corresponding author. Fax : +49 5323 72 3527. the deformation process, respectively. Whereas the DMS is formed
E-mail address: (M. Soliman). during the subsequent controlled thermal cycle. For the proposed
0924-0136/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 M. Soliman et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 227 (2016) 110

Table 1 Table 2
Composition of the ductile irons (wt.%). Measured critical temperatures (Ar1 and Ar3 ) and estimated intercritical tempera-
tures (TQ ) corresponding to 10% of ferrite in the matrix.
Alloy C Si Mn Al Mg S P
t 0 0.3 0.5
A1 3.68 2.48 0.29 0.31 0.040 0.011 0.029
A2 3.57 2.59 0.33 0.96 0.046 0.011 0.025 Alloy A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3
A3 3.70 2.66 0.31 1.74 0.040 0.017 0.026

Ar1 ( C) 671 680 691 668 682 693 670 678 690
TQ ( C) 698 730 750 707 750 760 710 748 761
Ar3 ( C) 724 757 779 732 770 789 728 775 788

ulator, the dimension variations of the specimens during the

thermal-deformation cycle are transmitted via a laser system with
1 m accuracy. The thermal cycles are performed under vacuum
conditions with 0.005 Pa by inductive heating using a high fre-
quency (HF) generator. Helium is used as cooling gas.
The specimens are subjected to two schedules, namely Sched-
ule I and Schedule II designated in Fig. 2. In both schedules,
specimens were heated up to 960 C and subjected to the defor-
mation steps given. Moreover, three total true strains (t ) of 0, 0.3
and 0.5 are applied. In Schedule I the specimens were quenched
after the last deformation either to room temperature (RT) or to
an austempering temperature of 375 C to obtain the structures
M and Af, respectively. In Schedule II - after the deformation
steps - the specimens were cooled to the two phase region fer-
rite+austenite with a rate of 1 Ks1 to form a certain ferrite amount
before quenching at TQ .
To investigate microstructural constituents, the specimens were
prepared by mechanical grinding followed by polishing up to 1 m
with diamond paste. The microstructures were examined with a
light optical microscope (LOM) after etching with 2% nital. The sam-
ples for scanning electron microscope (SEM) investigations were
deep nital etched. Macro-hardness testing was carried out at RT
using Vickers hardness according to ASTM E384 (2011) applying a
load of 20 kg (HV20). Average values of the hardness were obtained
Fig. 1. (a) Experimental set-up for at compression at Bhr TTS820 thermo- based on 5 measurements.
mechanical simulator and (b) with the sample geometry for at compression test.
3. Results and discussion
process a wide range of intercritical region would ease controlling
the pro-eutectoid volume fraction. For this purpose aluminum is 3.1. As cast structure
added because of its effect of widening the intercritical region as
reported by Soliman and Palkowski (2008). Thus the investigation Fig. 3 shows the as-cast (AC) microstructures. The nodule char-
aims at: acteristics in the AC condition are given in Table 1. A remarkable
1- Studying the effect of aluminum content and the applied decrease in the nodule count and increase in the nodule size is
deformation on the kinetics of pro-eutectoid ferrite, martensite and observed when increasing the aluminium content. A clear dete-
ausferrite formation in the thermo-mechanically processed ductile rioration in the nodularity of A3 is also observed. Electron probe
iron. microanalysis (EPMA) results of Zeraati et al. (2010) show that
2- Selecting thermal parameters depending on this study. the segregation and accumulation of aluminium have their max-
3- Investigating the effect of both the aluminium content, the imum values around the graphite nodules. This accumulation is
applied deformation and introducing ferrite to the matrix on the non-homogeneous and irregular, which leads to the non-uniform
hardness properties. diffusion of carbon and affects the shape of graphite nodules.

2. Experimental procedure 3.2. The intercritical region

Three ductile irons with different aluminium contents were The dilatometric curves shown in Fig. 4 are records of the length
investigated. The chemical compositions of the alloys are given in change during cooling with 1 Ks1 of the three alloys investigated.
Table 1. Melting was performed in an induction furnace. Ductile Increasing the aluminum content has a remarkable effect on the
iron treatment was performed in an open ladle using the sand- intercritical region; its effect on Ar1 and Ar3 is shown in Table 2.
wich method. The base irons were treated with a 9.5 wt.% MgFeSi The increase in aluminum resulted in increased Ar1 and Ar3 values.
alloy for spheroidisation followed by post-inoculation with 75 wt.% The results indicate that the aluminum exerts a stronger inuence
FeSi. The base iron was tapped at about 1520 C onto the treatment on the transformation start temperature Ar3 when the ferrite phase
alloys. The melt was then cast into Y shape sand moulds. The dimen- starts to form from the austenite than on the transformation nish
sions of the Y-block were 15 180 250 mm with the 250 mm to temperature Ar1 , when the complete austenite phase is exhausted.
the direction of the Y form. Applying t = 0.3 on the material resulted in a clear increase of
For thermo-mechanical processing and dilatometric study, a Ar3 for all alloys. The applied deformation caused renement of
Baehr TTS820 thermo-mechanical simulator, see Fig. 1a, is used. austenite grains. The latter effect resulted in creating more grain
Flat compression samples with dimensions shown in Fig. 1b are boundary areas for the nucleation of ferrite which motivated its
machined from ductile iron blocks. With the deformation sim- formation (Palkowski et al., 2007). This effect seems to reach a
M. Soliman et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 227 (2016) 110 3

Fig. 2. Thermo-mechanical schedules. : austenite, Af: ausferrite, Gr: graphite, M: martensite, F: ferrite and RA: retained austenite.

Fig. 3. As-cast microstrucures and their nodule charachterstics - C: Nodule count, D: nodule size and N: nodulariy.

saturation (here for t = 0.3); a further increase to 0.5 shows no down to RT are also inuenced by the aluminum content. Repre-
signicant effect on Ar3 . senting microstructures obtained after cooling at this rate to RT
From Table 2 it can be noted that aluminum increase widened are given in Fig. 5. The ferrite generated during cooling at this rate
the intercritical region, i.e., Ar3 Ar1 , and shifted it to higher tem- increased with increasing aluminum content and recorded volume
peratures. The former effect rendered obtaining ferrite during fractions of about 21.5%, 24%, and 34% for the alloys A1, A2 and A3,
continuous cooling, i.e., when applying Schedule II, more con- respectively. The rest of the matrix is pearlitic micro-constituent.
trollable. The microstructures obtained after cooling with 1 Ks1 The signicance of these ferrite quantities is that they represent
4 M. Soliman et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 227 (2016) 110

Fig. 4. Dilatation temperature curves obtained during cooling with 1 Ks1 .

Fig. 5. Microstructures observed after cooling to RT with 1 Ks1 .

the maximum ferrite that can be formed when applying Schedule critical region) to form a certain ferrite amount before quenched at
II on the different alloys. The formation of pearlite is to be avoided TQ . The applied methodology for selecting the temperatures corre-
by quenching above the temperature of its onset as discussed in sponding to the prescribed ferrite contents is described elsewhere
Soliman et al. (2011). On the other hand, the deformation revealed (Soliman et al., 2011). Table 2 lists the intercritical temperatures
insignicant effect on the observed ferrite volume fraction. (TQ ) corresponding to a ferrite content of 10% in the matrix.
Due to the hot deformation, graphite nodules exhibit an elon-
gation along the direction of the plastic ow of DI and acquire a
3.4. Martensite formation
distinctive morphology that changes with the degree of deforma-
tion (Chaus et al., 2013).
Representative dilatation temperature curves obtained during
quenching to RT to get the M and M + F microstructures is shown
3.3. Ferrite formation in Fig. 6. It is deduced from the dilatation temperature curves that,
for both schedules, the quenching rate of 40 Ks1 was sufcient to
In Schedule II after deformation the specimens were cooled at suppress any transformation process before the martensite start
a rate of 1 Ks1 to the two phase region ferrite + austenite (inter- (MS ) as indicated from the linearity of the dilatation temperature
M. Soliman et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 227 (2016) 110 5

Fig. 6. Dilatation temperature curves obtained during quenching for the prescribed condition.

curve. Table 3 gives the dependence of the values of MS obtained

from Schedule I (MSI ) and after the ferrite formation in (MSII ) on
the applied deformation and alloy composition.
For Schedule I, MS increases with increasing aluminum content
contradicting to Kiani-Rashid (2009), who observed a decrease in
MS of about 10 K with increasing Al in DI from 0.48 wt.% to 4.88 wt.%.
However, experiments concerned with the inuence of alloying
elements on the MS showed that Al elevates the MS . It was also
established that the higher the C content, the stronger is the inu-
ence of the alloying elements on the MS (Totten, 2007). Likewise, an
increase of 30 K in MS for each wt.% aluminum increase is predicted
by Mahieu et al. (2002) with:

M S = 539 423 wt.%C 30.4 wt.%Mn 7.5 wt.%Si + 30 wt.%Al (1)

The MS of the DI subjected to Schedule II recorded signicant Fig. 7. Dependence of MSII on Al content together with the predicted C in i calcu-
higher values compared to Schedule I. During cooling to TQ with lated according to Eq. (1) by substituting for values of MS measured at t = 0.
1 Ks1 , C atoms diffuse from the austenite matrix to the nodule; that
is because the saturation level of austenite with C decreases with
decreasing temperature. The decrease in the thermal expansivity of
the austenite lattice by lowering the temperature is the reason for In Fig. 7 the effect of Al on MSII and on the predicted C content in i
the rejection of C from the austenite during cooling (Darwish and is shown. The C saturating i continuously increases by increasing
Elliot, 1993). The MS is affected mostly by C dissolved in austen- Al due to the effect of the latter in increasing TQ .
ite; decreasing C in austenite rises the MS . Thus the recorded MS On the other hand, a decrease of MS with increasing t is
when applying Schedule II (MSII ) is lower than that when applying observed for all alloys. This can be attributed to two factors:
Schedule I. 1- Increasing of TQ with increasing t which would increase C
The decrease in C saturating austenite during cooling to TQ could in i as discussed before.
also be the reason for the marginal increase and then the marginal 2- The decrease in MS due to the recrystallization renement
decrease in MSII by increasing the aluminum of the DI. Referring to strengthening and strain strengthening of austenite. Zhang et al.
Table 2, increasing the Al content causes an increase in TQ which - (2014) reported lower MS values of the deformed austenite than
according to the previous discussion - would increase C saturating that of the directly cooled one.
the intercritical austenite (i ). The latter effect would supress the The signicant increase in TQ by increasing t from 0 to 0.3 and
MS by increasing Al. However, increasing Al increases MS accord- its only slight increase due to increasing t from 0.3 to 0.5 (Table 2)
ing to Eq. (1). The opposing effect of Al and C on MS justies this seem to be revealed in the MSII values shown in Table 3. It is also
behavior of MSII . Using Eq. (1) the C content in i can be calculated. observed in Table 3 that the aluminium increase has a limited effect
6 M. Soliman et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 227 (2016) 110

Fig. 8. Microstructures after quenching for the prescribed processing conditions of the three alloys.

Table 3 perature results in decreasing the dilatation corresponding to the

Dependence of MS obtained from Schedule I (MSI ) and Schedule II (MSII ) on the
same quantity of the formed bainitic ferrite. Thus, higher dilata-
deformation (t ) and alloy composition.
tion values do not necessarily indicating higher ratio of the formed
t 0 0.3 0.5 ausferrite. For instance, the decrease in the dilatation with increas-
Alloy A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 ing Al content Fig. 9a, b and c is not inevitably implies increase
of the formed ausferrite. The lattice parameter increase due to the
MSI 179 185 196 172 180 192 172 175 187
MSII 241 245 241 223 236 234 215 230 228 increase of Al contributes to this decrease in dilatation. Also, the
marginal increase in the dilatation in Fig. 9d with increasing t is
manipulated by the marginal increase in the 15 mm sample-width
on MSII of the undeformed material, i.e., t = 0. A stronger effect of (Fig. 1b) due to the applied 0.3 and 0.5 deformations. The length
aluminium is observed when deforming the ductile irons. change due to the phase transformation is dependent on the origi-
nal length of the sample. Thus, the increase in the saturation level
3.5. M and M + F microstructures of dilatation in all diagrams of Fig. 9 does not necessarily imply an
increase in the quantity of the formed ausferrite.
Fig. 8 shows representative microstructures obtained after Fig. 9 shows that the reaction reaches a transformation stasis
applying different processing conditions on the alloys. It becomes after different periods of time dependant on the alloy-composition
clear from Fig. 8b, c and d that a fully martensitic matrix is obtained and processing conditions. Horizontal lines have been drawn
indicating the cooling rate of 40 Ks1 (Fig. 2) to be sufcient to nearby these points to aid in estimating them. In all cases, the
suppress any transformation before the martensite start. In other samples are quenched to RT after reaching the stasis point. The
words, the adopted cooling rate was adequate to avoid the nose holding times required for cessation of the ausferrite formation
of the ferrite-pearlite and that of ausferrite in the continuous cool- reaction are shown in Fig. 10. Estimating the dependence of the
ing transformation diagram. This observation is in consistence with time required for the cessation of ausferrite formation is important
the dilatometric observation in Section 3.4. The microstructures because a shorter treatment time results in retaining large islands
indicate that the selected values (Table 2) were appropriate for of austenite on the expense of the desired ausferrite structure. A
introducing the desired ferrite quantity to the microstructure. In all longer treatment time results in the onset of stage II of transforma-
cases the ferrite is formed in the form of a ring around the nodules. tion in which carbide starts to precipitate from the high carbon
These are the location of the lowest local hardness in the matrix. austenite. The stage II transformation marks the beginning of a
The formation of ferrite in these regions is due to the lower diffu- decrease in mechanical properties, such as loss of ductility and
sion path required for the C atoms to diffuse to the nodules during toughness. Ahmadabadi and Farjami (2003) reported that the end of
cooling to TQ . stage I transformation is marked by a plateau in the time-dilatation
curve, and a second expansion after this plateau is related to carbide
precipitation reactions.
3.6. Ausferrite formation
It is obvious from Fig. 10 that the time required for the end of
stage I transformation decreased by increasing Al when applying
Representative results from the real-time monitoring of the
Schedule I. This can be attributed to the effect of aluminium in
extent of ausferrite reaction in terms of dimensional changes are
accelerating the ausferritic transformation kinetics (Soliman and
shown in Fig. 9.
Palkowski, 2008)
Takahashi and Bhadeshia (1989) have suggested a mathemat-
It is also obvious from Fig. 10 that, when applying Schedule
ical model relating the relative length change with the volume
I, deforming the DI resulted in accelerating the transformation.
fraction of the formed bainitic-ferrite during isothermal holding.
The time frame for reaching transformation saturation decreased
They showed that this correlation is dependent on the composi-
with increasing t . The deformation process resulted in rening the
tion of the material through its dependence of the lattice parameter
austenite grains through work hardening, recovery and recrystal-
of the austenite and ferrite at the transformation temperature.
lization effects. The ner grains provide higher number of sites for
According to their mathematical model, the increase in the lattice
the nucleation of ausferrite at the austenite grain boundary. Indeed,
parameter due to alloying elements and/or transformation tem-
M. Soliman et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 227 (2016) 110 7

Fig. 9. Dilatation temperature curves obtained during austempering at 375 C for the prescribed condition.

ausferrite formation kinetics is associated with shifting TQ to higher

values (Table 2). Increasing TQ is associated with carbon increase
in i as discussed before.
It becomes clear from Fig. 10 that the time frame for reaching
transformation saturation pronouncedly decreased by introducing
ferrite to the microstructure before austempering. This acceleration
of transformation can be attributed to:
1- The increased number of sites for the nucleation of acicular
ferrite at the ferrite austenite interface.
2- The decreased carbon content of i .

3.7. Af and Af + F microstructures

Fig. 10. Dependence of the time required for the end of stage I of ausferrite trans-
formation on aluminum content and applied deformation - t . Fig. 11 shows representative microstructures obtained after
applying different processing conditions on the DI. Similar to Fig. 8,
the ferrite is formed around the nodules. The ferrite grains and the
the grain-size reduction caused an increase in the grain-boundary graphite nodules exhibit the microstructural features described in
area at which the rst ausferrite subunits nucleate. Thus, the trans- Section 3.5. On the other hand, the structures subjected to Sched-
formation started more quickly, due to an enhanced nucleation ule I, (0% ferrite) shows large retained austenite pools (white areas
rate. The inuence of the austenite grain size on the transforma- with no grain boundaries); blocky retained austenite. The samples
tion rate was already shown and modelled by Rees and Bhadeshia subjected to Schedule II revealed blocky austenite of smaller size
(1992). Furthermore, the deformed nodules provided more surface and less quantity than that of Schedule I. The appearance of this
area for ausferrite nucleation than the non-deformed ones. That large pools in the DI subjected to Schedule I is due to the higher
is the spheroidal shape has the smallest surface area of a given level of C in austenite compared to that of DI subjected to Schedule
volume. II. This difference in the C level in austenite is also revealed in the
Nevertheless, for the DI subjected to Schedule II, increasing Al MS values of Table 3.
has not resulted in a consistent dependence of transformation time It was not possible to distinguish individual ferrite plates within
on its quantity. The opposing thermodynamic effects of Al and C the thin aggregates of the ausferrite using LOM. Therefore, SEM
on the transformation kinetics could be the cause of this inconsis- investigations had been conducted. Fig. 12 shows that the ferrite
tent response to the Al increase. Increasing Al, which accelerates aggregates build up from many ferrite plates in the same crystallo-
the ausferrite transformation, resulted in increasing C content in i graphic orientation. Sandvik and Nevalainen (1981) reported that
(Fig. 7). The latter effect caused decelerating the ausferrite trans- the thickness of individual ferrite plates at a certain temperature
formation. Similarly, the deformation which would accelerate the is relatively uniform, regardless of the transformation time, while
8 M. Soliman et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 227 (2016) 110

Fig. 11. Microstructures observed after quenching of the prescribed processing conditions of the three alloys.

Fig. 12. SEM after quenching for the prescribed processing conditions of the three alloys. F: ferrite, Af: ausferrite and RA: retained austenite.
M. Soliman et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 227 (2016) 110 9

Fig. 13. Effect of deformation on the HV20 of the prescribed microstructure.

acicular-ferrite aggregate width is affected by the transformation yield stress decrease for tempering periods up to 120 min, whereas
time. the ductility increases (Rashidi and Torbati, 2000). The selection of
The retained austenite is present in a form of homogenously the aforementioned tempering condition is based on these results.
distributed lms along ferrite plate boundaries as well as in a form Fig. 13 shows the effect of deformation on the HV20 values
of small isolated austenite colonies. The polygonal-ferrite phase is of the three alloys. For both of ductile irons with ausferritic and
easily distinguishable within the structure. with martensitic matrices, the introduction of ferrite to the matrix
(Schedule II) resulted in a pronounced decrease in the hardness.
3.8. Hardness properties For the martensitic DI, a monolithic increase with increasing
the deformation is observed in the three studied alloys processed
The samples with the M and M + F microstructures were under both of the two schedules. Deformation of austenite results
tempered at 500 C for 2 h before measuring their hardness. The in rening the lath thickness of martensite due to the retained dis-
structure of martensite becomes less strained after holding at this locations and the microstructural renement (Sadasue el al., 2003).
temperature being high enough to allow the C diffusion but less Consequently, the hardness of the martensite increases by increas-
than the lower critical temperature. The high hardness and the ing the deformation. Chaus et al. (2013) reported an increase in
brittleness of quenched martensite are due to its tetragonal struc- the micro hardness values of the ferrite phase with increasing the
ture where C occupies tetrahedral voids. This structure results from applied hot deformation. The marked lower hardness value of A1
the diffusionless transformation which occurs by shear mechanism. with martensite+ferrite matrix (Fig. 13d) may be attributed to the
During tempering, diffusion of C from the tetrahedral sites of the lower carbon content of its i (Fig. 7).
structure takes place and thus the tetragonality of martensite gets For the ausferritic treated material, the ductile iron samples
reduced. Consequently, both of the hardness and the brittleness recorded a maximum hardness value after at t = 0.3 in case of
of tempered martensite are reduced (Rashidi and Torbati, 2000; applying schedule I on them. Whereas, in case of applying schedule
Sadasue et al., 2003). For martensitic dual matrix DI, it is reported II, the hardness reached saturation at t = 0.3. It is reported in high
that by increasing the tempering temperature, the ultimate ten- silicon steel that the total amount of bainitic ferrite decreases with
sile strength drops initially, and within the range of 400500 C, increasing deformation (Larn and Yang, 2000). Additionally, Achary
remains almost constant and is then followed by a decrease. With and Venugopalan (2000) reported that deformation of austenite
increasing the tempering time, the ultimate tensile strength and increases the retained austenite at any instant of time during stage
10 M. Soliman et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 227 (2016) 110

I of transformation. The hardness increase due to the structure Acknowledgement

renement caused by the deformation seems to be overwhelmed
by stabilization of austenite against bainitic transformation in The authors acknowledge nancial support from Deutsche
higher deformed samples (t = 0.5) and results nally in a hardness Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) PA 837/19-1.
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4. Conclusions Palkowski H, Soliman M, Kugler G: Effect of thermomechanical processing
parameters on bake hardening ability of hot rolled dual phase steels, TMS
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