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Sociology of law

Reza Banakar University of Westminster, London, UK

abstract Many of the original sociological premises, concepts and ideas regarding social action, legal
change and social reform were initially formulated by studying conditions specific to western industrial
societies. The sociocultural consequences of globalization over the last three decades have, however, affect-
ed the relationship between state, law and society, blurred sharply drawn distinctions between the West
and the rest of the world and transformed the sociocultural setting within which legal regulation is devised
and social reform planned. This article asks to what extent socio-legal research has reconsidered its theo-
retical premises regarding the relationship between law, state and society to grasp the new social and cul-
tural forms of organization specific to global societies of the 21st century.
keywords globalization u law u legal regulation u social reform u state

All fixed, fast-frozen relationships, with their train of radicalization of modernity, i.e. have accelerated the
venerable ideas and opinions, are swept away, all new- process which melts the apparently solid contours of
formed ones become obsolete before they can ossify. the industrial society, thus paving the way for the
All that is solid melts into air ... (Marx and Engels, emergence of a radical (or reflexive) form of moder-
1967[1848]: 224) nity (Beck et al., 1994). This transformative process
has affected the relationship between state, law and
Introduction society (Cotterrell, 2006a; Gessner and Nelken, 2007;
Priban, 2007; Twining, 2000), blurred the sharply
The sociology of law, or legal sociology (henceforth drawn distinctions between the West and the rest of
SL), is an interdisciplinary field of research consisting the world and transformed the sociocultural setting
of a large number of disparate approaches to the study within which legal regulation is devised and social
of law in society. These are brought together by a reform planned. The rise of the network society,
common epistemology that views law as a social con- which is seen here as an integral part of the globaliza-
struct and argues that law and all its manifestations tion process, has created new forms of action and
should be studied empirically and contextually. These interaction in the social world, new kinds of social
approaches are, however, distinguished from each relationships and new ways of relating to others and to
other by the way they conceptualize the social, how oneself (Thompson, 1995: 4). This article asks to
they employ the tools of social sciences and where what extent SL has reconsidered its sociological prem-
they draw the boundaries of law and legality. In what ises regarding the relationship between law, state and
follows, I try to describe the diversity of the field, society to grasp the new social and cultural forms of
account for some of its main concerns and trace the organization specific to global societies of the 21st
contours of its development against the backdrop of century.
the spread of globalization and the rise of the network This objective is pursued in three parts. Part 1
society. Many of SLs original sociological premises, presents SL partly in relation to social sciences and
concepts and ideas regarding legal change and social partly in relation to law and legal studies, briefly
reform were initially formulated by studying condi- examining some of the central debates within the
tions specific to western industrial societies. The field. Part 2 draws attention to the asynchronous
sociocultural consequences of globalization over the development of SL across various countries, asking
last three decades have, however, enhanced the why the main body of socio-legal research continues

2011 The Author(s)
2011 ISA (Editorial Arrangement of sociopedia.isa)
Reza Banakar, 2011, 'The sociology of law', Sociopedia.isa, DOI: 10.1177/205684601134

Banakar Sociology of law

to be produced in western countries. This part con- features of modern society. At the risk of oversimpli-
siders various factors which might cause this imbal- fication, Weber employed law as a vantage point
ance and also asks if socio-legal theories that are born from which to study the forms of rationality and
out of studies of western industrialized societies are authority (cf. Weber, 1978; Hunt, 1978; Kronman,
suitable for examining law and social order in non- 1983), whereas Durkheim explored it as a means of
western contexts. Part 3 concludes the article by describing the transformation of society from a form
arguing that the sociocultural consequences of glob- of social organization based on mechanical solidarity
alization erode the traditional boundaries of law and to one based on organic solidarity (cf. Durkheim,
legal systems, hybridize legal cultures and create new 1984; Cotterrell, 2000). The second group
conditions for legal regulation. employed sociology as a tool to better understand
It is worth noting at the outset that there are law and its operations, to improve the science of law
many equally valid ports of entry into the discourse and legal education and to develop law as a more
that constitutes the socio-legal field. This article will effective instrument of social engineering (cf.
adopt a methodological approach and introduce the Banakar, 2003: 189222; Nelken, 2009a: 12).
field by accounting for the way various traditions of These scholars criticized analytical jurisprudence for
research have developed in response to social, politi- its conceptual formalism and for neglecting the role
cal and legal changes. Those interested in the theo- played by social forces in creating the legal order and
retical aspect of SL will find a recent overview in shaping legal behaviour. They also argued that legal
Deflem (2008) and Travers (2009) (see also Banakar research, legal education and judicial decision-mak-
and Travers, 2002; Cotterrell, 2008; Podgrecki, ing should adopt the methods and insights of the
1991). Moreover, to avoid presenting SL as an exclu- social sciences to counterbalance this shortcoming.
sive field, I shall define sociology broadly to take into Ehrlich and Petrazycki refuted natural law theories,
account the interaction between SL and social sci- which sought a permanent and universally valid
ences and branches of humanities such as history basis for law in nature and/or divine reason
(similar broadly defined approaches are suggested by (Banakar, 2009: 60) and contested the claims of legal
Chiba, 1993: 12 and Cotterrell, 2006a: 6). This is positivism that stipulated a norm became a legal rule
somewhat at variance with the traditional definition only if it was posited by the state.
of SL as a subdiscipline of sociology (see Deflem, From the outset, the gap between the law and
2008; Evan, 1980; Travers, 1993; Trevio, 2001), the intentions of legislature or policy-makers, on the
but, as I hope to demonstrate, a broadly conceived one hand, and the social norms of organization and
SL allows us to stay true to the intellectual origins of the outcome of legal regulations, on the other, fig-
the subject, parts of which are older than the disci- ured prominently in the works of socio-legal scholars
pline of sociology, as well as to the aspirations of (cf. Nelken, 1981). How these scholars conceptual-
those scholars who have worked to maintain SL as an ized and studied the gap was determined by at least
interdisciplinary space open to theoretical and four factors: first, their concept of law whether
methodological innovation. they understood law strictly in terms of official state
law or described it broadly to include norms of social
organization; second, their understanding of how
Part 1 society was constituted and reproduced if they saw
conflict or consensus as the driving force behind
Law and social engineering in industrial social developments; third, how law and society were
society related together if they regarded law and society as
The intellectual pedigree of SL can be traced back to independent variables, one dependent of the other or
the works of the founders of sociology such as as interdependent; and fourth, what methods of
Herbert Spencer (18201903), William Graham enquiry were regarded as most suitable for the study
Sumner (18401910), Emile Durkheim of this relationship if they used qualitative methods
(18581917) and Max Weber (18641920), on the to study micro processes or social action, or if they
one hand, and jurists interested in employing social applied quantitative methods to explore macro
scientific methods in the study of law such as Eugen processes, structural relationships and social systems.
Ehrlich (18621922), Leon Petrazycki (18671931) The awareness of a discrepancy between official state
and Roscoe Pound (18701964), on the other (for a law and the norms used to decide disputes and
presentation of pre-social scientific roots of SL, see organize society motivated Ehrlich to search for a
Gurvitch, 1947: 53155; Trevio, 2011). The first form of law more in tune with the sociocultural
group was driven by sociological concerns and make-up of society (Ehrlich, 1936 [1912]; for a
explored the development and application of law as recent collection of essays on Ehrlichs work, see
part of efforts to describe and analyse the salient Hertogh, 2009). Pound too was concerned with the

Banakar Sociology of law

gap, but in his case it was conceptualized in terms response to the need to bring about social reform
of the distinction between law in books and law in through law, but this need was linked more directly
action (Pound, 1910). For Pound, valid law consist- to the rise of the welfare state. The modern welfare
ed of legal rules and principles laid down by author- state, which started its growth gradually in the late
ities, and the distinction between law in books and 19th century, expanded rapidly in western countries
law in action served to highlight the social nature of through governmental intervention in various walks
the legal process, a process which, once grasped soci- of life from the 1950s onward. A host of social poli-
ologically, could be engineered to manufacture a cy measures were introduced by legislation or
tighter fit between law and the social reality it tried through legal frameworks, implemented and
to regulate. For Ehrlich, however, a norm could enforced by lawyers working within traditional insti-
acquire a sense of legality even though it had not tutions of the law as well as by non-lawyers (such as
been laid down by the state. Instead, a norm gained social workers and civil servants), resulting in
legal authority when it dominated life itself even increased juridification of the social sphere
though it has not been posited in legal propositions (Habermas, 1984; Teubner, 1987). Law was often
(Ehrlich, 1936: 496). These social norms he called employed by the state as a regulatory device to bring
living law (for a comparison between Ehrlich and about conformity and/or social change, was assumed
Pounds concepts of law, see Nelken, 1984). to have universal application and was treated as supe-
This initial interest in the sociological studies of rior to, and independent of, other norm-generating
law was somewhat abated during the period between social fields. In contrast, socio-legal research demon-
the two World Wars (cf. Black and Mileski, 1973: 2), strated that law was mediated through, and its
but received a new impetus in the decades following implementation and enforcement were contingent
the Second World War while the social landscape upon, social and legal institutions with their own
underwent dramatic changes. Renato Treves and sociocultural mechanisms and imperatives (for an
Glastra van Loon describe the revival of SL in terms early but influential postwar study, see Selznick,
of industrialization and urbanization: 1949). Laws dependency on these social institution-
al mechanisms caused divergence between the inten-
The general development of industrialisation and tions of the legislature and policy-makers, on the one
urbanization, the increase in social mobility, and the hand, and the outcome of policies that were execut-
great economic and sociological transformations ed by law, on the other (cf. Griffiths, 1995). The
which have taken place since the end of the Second insight that law was not an effective vehicle for social
World War ... have drawn attention, with increasing engineering is shared commonly by various
emphasis, to a number of pressing needs: The need
to study the relations between static and often anti-
approaches within SL. Some have argued that social
quated legal systems and the continually changing engineering through law is not only an ineffective
social structure; the need to appreciate how law and exercise, but also endangers the very autonomy of
the various practitioners of law operate within socie- the legal system (for a debate, see Paterson, 2006).
ty; the need to examine public attitudes towards the Socio-legal research has also shown that laws
current legal situation and to calculate and forecast ability to resolve social conflicts is restricted by its
the consequences of possible legislative reforms. modus operandi, in general, but by the internal for-
(Treves and Glastra van Loon, 1968: 1) mal rationality of its concepts and operations, in par-
ticular (Shamir, 1996: 235). When a social conflict is
Thus, SL emerged as a distinct field of research recognized as legally relevant and is brought before
after the Second World War and consolidated itself the law, it is transformed into a legal dispute and
in West European and North American universities resolved by imposing laws formal categories on the
from the mid-1960s. Building on the legacy of legal conflict. Sociologically, law avoids dealing with the
realism, the law and society movement in the US conflict at hand by redefining it in its own terms,
promoted social scientific studies of law in response using concepts which might have nothing to do with
to the need to introduce moderate social reform the original cause of the conflict (Niklas Luhmann
through public policy in areas such as the civil rights describes this process in terms of complexity reduc-
movement, the War on Poverty, and the rights tion; see Luhmann, 2004). In this way law confirms
expansion of the Warren Court (Trubek, 1990: 9). the normality of its own categories and reconstructs
The founders of law and society were, according to society in its own image (Banakar, 2005: 149). This
Trubek (1990), mainly liberal minded legalists, does not mean that law has no impact on social
who were committed to social justice, but also change or no effect on how social conflicts are man-
believed that most of the flaws in American socie- aged. Instead, it means that laws impact is often dif-
ty could and would be corrected through legal ferent from what policy-makers have intended and
means. In Western Europe, SL also developed in the public has envisaged. Law might not provide the

Banakar Sociology of law

most effective way of resolving social conflicts, but in western democracies. From the 1950s through to
various studies show that it can be used to cope with perestroika, which initiated the fall of the Soviet
disputes (Felstiner, 1974; Felstiner et al., 1981). Union (its initial phase began between 1985 and
There is also a new wave of interest in the relation- 1986), socialist law was one of the major legal sys-
ship between law and development, which acknowl- tems of the world, and almost half the global popu-
edges that reforming substantive areas of law does lation, in Europe as well as in Asia, Africa and
not necessarily lead to social development, and yet Central America, lived under its various forms
argues that enhancing the quality of institutions (Bogdan, 1994: 198). Eastern European countries,
responsible for the administration of law can have ruled under totalitarian communist regimes, also
positive social impacts (Davis and Trebilcock, 2001). used law as an instrument of social engineering, but
As we shall see in the next section, in connection in their case it frequently worked in a violent and
with more recent debates on legal transplants, the overtly repressive form (Podgrecki and Olgiati,
belief in law as an instrument of social reform lives 1996). In Soviet Russia, sociology was considered a
on, albeit in new forms. bourgeois subject and suppressed during the Stalin
Insight into the inefficacy of official (or state) law period (Weinberg, 1974: 89), and although it was
as a tool for implementing public policy (cf. Silbey, somewhat revived from the mid-1960s, it was dom-
2005: 3245; on efficacy of law see also Friedman, inated by a positivistic behaviourism, which did not
1987) led to a growing demand for the type of antagonize the Soviet ideology and stayed clear of
knowledge that could help policy-makers to devise ideologically sensitive research areas such as law and
laws that worked. This, in turn, required an under- politics. Law and the legal system were, in turn, sub-
standing of the relationship between (legal) regula- ordinate to, and a tool in the service of, the
tion and social behaviour and a type of knowledge Communist Party, as a result of which an authoritar-
that social sciences in general, but SL in particular, ian legal culture emerged. As Shelley (1996: 251)
could provide. Thus, the spread of the welfare state explains, ordinary people for whom the law had nei-
and the need for social reform boosted SL following ther legitimacy nor authority stopped using the
the Second World War. This development has had at courts to foster their objectives.
least one major negative side effect for socio-legal Under these conditions, applying sociology to
research. In Britain, Colin Campbell and Paul Wiles probe the relationship between law and society could
raised concerns regarding the relationship between easily be interpreted as subversive, which explains the
Socio-Legal Studies (SLS) and the values and absence of SL in Soviet Russia during this time. In
assumptions of the legal system and policy-makers. East Germany, the situation was no different and SL
(SLS should not be confused with SL the former was denied a foothold in academia until the fall of
has an applied approach to the study of law and legal the Berlin Wall in 1989 (Machura, 2001). In Poland,
institutions and is, thus, considered useful, whereas on the other hand, SL establish itself after the
the latter works with the broader sociological ques- Stalinist era and two research orientations grew: one
tions and is, thus, chastised as abstract, divorced politically independent orientation led by scholars
from reality and lacking in practical relevance such as Podgrecki and the other a more official ori-
[Campbell and Wiles, 1976: 549].) In Campbell and entation called legal-empirical research
Wiless opinion, in its eagerness to gain support and (Kurczewski, 2001: 88). In Poland too the attempts
academic legitimacy, SLS endorsed and furthered to combine academic honesty with direct political
the hegemony of law and treated the nature of legal utility proved to be impossible under the commu-
order as unproblematic (Campbell and Wiles, nist rule (Kurczewski, 2001). Podgreckis university
1976: 553). It became, in other words, an instru- unit was eventually dismantled and Podgrecki him-
ment of research that is an auxiliary to legal studies self forced to migrate. It is theoretically noteworthy
and polity on tap, not on top, as Willock (1974: that some of the research conducted in Poland was
3) put it. A similar point was raised in the American also concerned with a gap, but in the Polish case the
context some years later by Austin Sarat and Susan discrepancy was between the empirical interests of
Silbey (1988) as the pull of the policy audience. the ruling class and the rules imposed in its name by
Sarat and Silbey meant that the effective regulatory the rulers (Kurczewski, 2001: 89).
devices sought after by policy-makers led many
socio-legal scholars to become influenced by official Beyond the gap
criteria and definitions of legal problems (Sarat and The gap problem, versions of which informed the
Silbey, 1988: 97) and to adopt the official under- works of Pound and Ehrlich about a hundred years
standing of the relationship between law and society, ago, has been developed theoretically by studying
which was often instrumental, partial and distorted. the implementation of public policy and welfare
So far we have discussed the development of SL measures, and is now employed to study aspects of

Banakar Sociology of law

the information society and globalization. One study law from a cultural standpoint might do so to
recent study (Svensson and Larsson, 2009) explores identify the obstacles to social engineering, i.e. to
the discrepancy between copyright laws, which discover how internal and external legal cultures of a
through international treaties and conventions have group create a gap (Nelken, 2007: 111). However,
become uniformly established in most countries, and studies of legal cultures have also been used to make
actual social behaviour in cyberspace, which radical- sense of law as a cultural artefact and to describe and
ly deviates from the rules of copyright. The gap has understand how law manifests itself as a form of
also linked the concerns of SL and comparative law. experience in everyday life (Kahn, 1999). For some
The comparatist Alan Watson (1977), for example, researchers, they have provided a method to circum-
has used his studies of legal transplants, i.e. legal vent the ideological dominance of legal studies and
institutions and ideas borrowed from one jurisdic- to create distance from ones own taken-for-granted
tion and transplanted in another, to refute the values, attitudes and beliefs. Whether socio-legal
dependency of law on its sociocultural context (for research is dealing with the gap in its more tradi-
an overview of the debate, see Nelken, 2001). This tional sense expressed by Pound, the way transplants
shows a continuity of research interest which stretch- work and evolve in their new sociocultural environ-
es from the classical works of Ehrlich and Pound, ment or how law creates images of society, it con-
through debate and research on industrialization and ducts its studies in two ways. It either starts with law
the welfare state, to current debates on the possibili- and carries out its research top-down or starts with
ty of law and legal institutions travelling between the sociocultural context and conducts its study bot-
jurisdictions (Nelken, 2001: 89) and unifying or tom-up. Which of these two general approaches, or
harmonizing laws across various legal systems ideal types of research, we choose might prove deci-
(Legrand, 2001). The spread of legal transplants and sive for which aspects of law and society we empha-
attempts to unify and harmonize laws at the interna- size and what type of insights we produce.
tional level also demonstrates that our debate is no
longer confined to western industrial societies. As Two ideal types of socio-legal research
Nelken (2009b: 255) explains: The first ideal type consists of research conducted
against the backdrop of an omnipotent nation-state
Law is on the move. Social engineering through law, and in response to the need to devise effective public
for all that is somewhat out of fashion at home in policies. These studies often regard the state as the
many industrially developed societies is increasingly source of law and legality and take the attitudes and
practised abroad. The range of societies recently concepts of laws officials and administrators, i.e.
caught up in what may still be described as legal
those responsible for the interpretation, implementa-
transplants is not confined to those in the devel-
oping world, though even this covers places as differ- tion and enforcements of legal rules, as the point of
ent as China, south-east Asia or Latin America. departure for exploring the effects of legislation on
social patterns of behaviour and social conditions. It
Emphasis placed here on the role of the gap in means that they perceive, describe and analyse the
the growth of SL should not mislead us into con- relationship between law and society top-down. A
cluding that SL consists only of studies which reveal classical example of this type of research is found in
that law has at best limited impact on social change. Vilhelm Auberts pioneering research in the early
As Garth and Sarat (1998) point out, law would be 1950s regarding the impact of the Norwegian
uninteresting to policy-makers and social scientists Housemaid Act 1948 on the behaviour of house-
alike if it were an ineffective tool. Later research, for maids and their employees. This Act was introduced
example, explored how law creates images of society to improve the working conditions of domestic help
internally, images which in turn impact upon socie- through precise provisions regulating their working
ty at a discursive level and influence the way we hours, termination of contract wages, days off, vaca-
think about and experience law. The question tions, etc. To enhance its impact, the Act limited the
becomes how law constitutes society: freedom to contractually set the law aside. Aubert,
Eckhoff and Sveri studied the effects of this Act on
The constitutive approach sees law more as a perva- the working conditions of housemaids in 1952 by
sive influence in structuring society than as a variable examining the behaviour of housemaids and their
whose occasional impact can be measured. Law is employers. This was achieved through interviews
seen as a way of organizing the world into categories aimed at evaluating knowledge of the provisions
and concepts, which while providing spaces and
of the Act among a representative sample of house-
opportunities, also constrains behaviour and serves to
legitimate authority. (Garth and Sarat, 1998: 2) wives and housemaids in Oslo (see Aubert et al.,
1952; Aubert, 1969: 117). Although Aubert and his
Correspondingly, researchers who choose to collaborators departed from legislation, they

Banakar Sociology of law

nonetheless paid close attention to the social context might have on the way the system works. (Galanter,
of law and studied the relationship between the legal 1974: 97)
knowledge of ordinary people and how they used the The bottom-up model lends itself to qualitative
law. This is perhaps why this study continues to be research and can produce grounded theory (Glaser
of methodological interest after more than half a and Strauss, 1967). In addition, it portrays law and
century. More recently, a strong case was made by legality, not as an autonomous system consisting of
Denis Galligan for this type of top-down research. rules and formal procedures, but as an integral and
Galligan argued that socio-legal research should start constitutive element of the cultural life of a modern
with those features of law which are relevant to the society. How ordinary people use law to organize
actions of citizens and officials and examine their daily life, or how social institutions and organ-
meanings attributed to such features by citizens and izations condition the way law is employed and
officials, and the actions that follow (Galligan, legality realized, rather than how law is interpreted
2006: 36). Failing to do so, we would, according to and enforced by officials of the legal system, is taken
Galligan (2006: 34), run the risk of abandoning as the starting point for the second type of studies
any sense of law as a distinctive formation, i.e. we (see also Santos, 1977; Selznick, 1949; Silbey, 2005;
could overlook those social properties of the law Stjernquist, 2000). The first type, the top-down
which make it different from norms of social organ- approach, adheres to the concept of state (official)
ization. This ideal typical top-down research is often law, whereas the second type, the bottom-up
deductive and proceeds with implicit or explicit approach, employs a broader (often pluralistic) con-
assumptions about law and society (for a critical cept of law akin to Petrazyckis intuitive law (see
assessment see Banakar, 2011). Podgrecki, 1991) or Ehrlichs living law (1936).
The second type of studies are carried out using a For the bottom-up approach, the domain of law and
bottom-up perspective, i.e. by departing from the legality could not be restricted to official sources of
social and institutional context in which law is state law, for law is regarded as sociologically thick-
employed by the citizenry. Stewart Macaulays study er (or more complex) than state law but thinner (or
of non-contractual relations in business (1963) is a sociologically less complex) than the social interac-
classical example of this type of research. This study tions and institutional arrangements which lay the
found that businessmen frequently ignored the legal basis for social order (cf. Carbonnier, 1965, quoted
aspects of their contracts and agreements. When in Olgiati, 1998: 91). Semi-autonomous social
they succeeded in reaching an agreement during fields, to borrow from Sally Falk Moore (1973), are
their informal social exchanges, they kept their word fields of social interaction that lie outside the realm
as if they were bound by a formal contract. When a of state law. When focusing on the law we lose sight
dispute arose as a consequence of the breach of a for- of the fact that these fields have their own customs
mal contract they frequently settled it without refer- and rules and the means of coercing or inducing
ence to the contract or legal sanctions. Business compliance (Moore, 1973: 721). Not surprisingly,
people actively sought to avoid legal formality and policy-makers have traditionally preferred to pro-
the use of law and lawyers in their affairs because in mote top-down research, which equates law with
their opinion it was bad for business. In most situa- state law, giving rise to the pull of the policy audi-
tions a contract was not needed and could have had ence discussed above by Sarat and Silbey (1988).
negative consequences, mainly because its functions
were often served by other mechanisms. This also
meant that the business community could avoid Part 2
most of its problems without resorting to legal sanc-
tions. Moreover, it was observed that there were Western and non-western sociology of
many effective non-legal sanctions which made the law
use of law unnecessary. Marc Galanters (1974) study In his introduction to the special issue of The
of why the haves come out ahead is another clas- American Sociologist, devoted to presenting SL from
sical example. Galanters methodology is described at a global perspective, Javier Trevio (2001: 5) writes
the outset in simple and clear terms: that today, interest in law amongst sociologists
reaches world-wide proportions and goes on to
Most analyses of the legal system start at the rules depict an optimistic picture of the development of
end and work down through institutional facilities to the subject in the US, Europe, Japan, Korea and
see what effect the rules have on the parties. I would China. While the growth of the subject in parts of
like to reverse that procedure and look through the the world mentioned by Trevio provides cause for
other end of the telescope. Lets think about the dif-
optimism, the global spread of interest in the socio-
ferent kinds of parties and the effect these differences
logical studies of law appears uneven and

Banakar Sociology of law

concentrated, above all in industrialized nations with conceivable that SL is not promoted in certain non-
democratic political systems. Some important western countries because it is not historically or cul-
research has been produced by South American turally in tune with their conceptions of law and
researchers (for an overview, see Lista, 2004), as well society. This concern has been expressed previously
as by Indian scholars (Baxi, 1986; Deva, 2005), but within SL in different terms and contexts. In the
we find only a limited amount of socio-legal work by 1970s, David Trubek and others argued against the
researchers from, for example, the Middle East or ethnocentric and evolutionist assertions which
central and northern parts of Africa (for an earlier underpinned beliefs that the introduction of the
overview of the field, see Ferrari, 1990). There are, western type of law was essential for economic, polit-
admittedly, a large number of studies of non-western ical and social development in the Third World
law in Africa, India and elsewhere, but these are (Trubek, 1972). There has been a widespread pre-
often conducted by Europeans (cf. Chiba, 1993; sumption among many social scientists and lawyers
Galanter, 1968). In this sense the global expansion of that the conception of law and society found in the
SL is not taking place uniformly across national West is (and if it is not, then it ought to be) univer-
boundaries and appears to correlate with a combina- sally valid. The main body of socio-legal theories and
tion of factors such as national wealth/poverty and their underlying ideas has been developed by study-
form of political organization, as well as historical ing western social conditions, legal systems and cul-
factors such as the growth of the welfare state men- tures. These social theories should not be employed
tioned in Part 1. However, none of these factors as a starting point for studies of non-western social
alone can explain this disparity. Some oil-rich coun- settings, some of which have very different forms of
tries in the Middle East enjoy a high level of average social, legal and political organization requiring his-
annual income and have some of the most developed torical and cultural contextualization.
welfare systems in the world, yet they appear to have Scholars engaged in the study of comparative
no need for socio-legal research. In the absence of legal systems have also been grappling with similar
empirical research in this area, the causes of this issues. The notion of legal family, originally devel-
anomaly remain unclear, but by using existing oped using ideal types of western legal traditions in
socio-historical evidence we can venture to formulate order to classify and make sense of the legal systems
at least three hypotheses. First, their welfare systems of the world, has come under growing criticism for
are not based on the same welfare philosophy that its Euro-centric assumptions (Menski, 2007: 191).
necessitated social reform and experimentation Legal families were defined in terms of law as rules
through social engineering in Western European and evaluated and classified with the help of criteria
countries during the 20th century. Second, these such as substance, style, method, ideology, structure
countries do not have an open tradition of public and sources belonging to common law, civil law and
political debate, critique and free speech, which are socialist law. This approach, which has dominated
among the basic requirements for the growth of sub- much of comparative law, is now questioned for
jects such as SL. The former communist regimes of being too concerned with the study of private law
the Soviet bloc also did not tolerate socio-legal relations at the expense of other areas and for pro-
research. For example, in East Germany, attempts to moting a Euro-centric approach. Beyond Europe, as
introduce it into the universities were suppressed Menski notes, law is often culturally embedded, plu-
almost until the breakdown of communist rule ralistic and, in some cases, not geared to the state.
(Machura, 2001: 44), whereas in Poland, as we men- Law is not just about rules and their codified rule
tioned in the previous part, soon after the establish- systems, but about a plurality of voices and values,
ment of a socio-legal research unit at Warsaw and thus negotiations of difference and diversity at
University, SL was set on a collision course with state many different levels, and at all times (Menski,
ideology and the unit was dismantled (Kurczewski, 2007: 195).
2001: 89). Third, perhaps their notion of law has not The pressing question begging an answer is: How
been divorced from their concept of society in such can SL produce theories applicable to non-western
a way as to merit investigating the gap. settings? Some of the founders of social anthropolo-
When studying non-western legal systems, we gy were aware of the problem raised here and tried to
can easily forget that assumptions regarding the sensitize their methodology, rather than their theories,
autonomy of the legal system, i.e. the need to demar- to the sociocultural and historical contexts of soci-
cate the boundaries of the adjudicative and legislative eties and the people they studied. In Crime and
organs and legal rules they generate from other social Custom in Savage Society (1926), Malinowski drew
institutions, for example the separation of law from attention to the function (as a generic property of all
religion and politics, are a product of western legal human societies) rather than the form (which varies
cultures and traditions. Expressed differently, it is in time and place) of law and through his

Banakar Sociology of law

ethnographic fieldwork among the tribes of the imposition of a western model of law. This model
Trobriand Islands in the Western Pacific Ocean, among other things claims autonomy from political,
demonstrated that in non-western societies law was economic and religious systems. The gap, as defined
not necessarily dependent on courts, the legal system in terms of state law vs norms of social organization,
or the threat of physical sanctions (a point which loses its significance in jurisdictions where law is not
may be extended to the operations of law in modern positive law in the strict sense of the word, is perhaps
societies). He also refuted the western theory of the linked to religion, and polycentric or pluralistic.
savage man as the slave of custom and tradition.
Malinowski could neither free himself completely
from certain basic western assumptions and preju- Part 3
dices (see Malinowskis diaries, 1989 [1967]) nor
could he eliminate the gap between the researcher Law and regulation in global society
(the subject) and the object of study, yet he saw the The consolidation of SL as an academic field of
role of anthropologists as to grasp the natives point research after the Second World War was described
of view, his relationship to life, to realize his vision of above in terms of the spread of industrialization,
his world (1922: 22). As a researcher he necessarily increased mobility and urbanization, which changed
remained an outsider to his object of study and the social landscape of many countries in the West.
there are advantages to being an outsider with expe- The spread of globalization has brought about a
rience-distant concepts (for a discussion, see Geertz, transformation of the state, the dismantling of wel-
1974). Nevertheless, he knew that he needed a fare systems, the rise of transnational forces and the
method to bridge the gap between his and the increased sociocultural diversification of contempo-
natives concepts and experiences. Had he instead rary societies. At the same time, it has made us aware
conducted his study top-down starting with the of the necessity to consider the law beyond Europe
western assumption and experiences of law in terms in its own right (Menski, 2007). The law beyond
of the state, courts and officials of the law, he would Europe, however, can no longer be contained to
have concluded that the savages of Trobriand had international relations or kept at an arms length
no law and no order. The crucial lesson for SL is to within international human rights, refugee law or
start its studies of non-western social environments the relationships between states. In contemporary
bottom-up, in order to reflect how law and society society, the more important aspects of this interface
are in fact conceptualized by people on the ground. are realized internally at the level of municipal state
If we agree, as it was maintained by Menski, that law law. To borrow from William Twining (2009: 43), a
is a culturally embedded phenomenon, then to study gradual diffusion of law is taking place through the
it we need to understand how a person living and interface especially of religious and customary prac-
participating in the culture of law experiences and tices of migrant communities with municipal state
describes it. Cotterrell expands this point in connec- law in northern countries. Our analysis can no
tion with comparative studies of law in culture: longer be limited to, say, the interaction between
Islamic law and English or German law at the level
Such a study must recognize the integrity, identity of international relations or within traditional legal
and coherence of the culture in which law exists, and areas such as conflict of laws (for a study of the appli-
the interwoven characteristics that make that culture cation of religious arbitration by British Pakistani
unique and distinguish it from others. To understand Muslim women, see Bano, 2007; for a general dis-
law the scholar will try to operate, as far as possible,
cussion on recent debates on the role of Sharia in the
in the thought patterns of that laws particular cul-
ture. (Cotterrell, 2006b: 711) UK, see Banakar, 2008). These global developments
bring about a gradual erosion of the boundaries
Let me reiterate that no single factor can on its own between legal systems by hybridizing legal cultures.
explain the uneven spread of socio-legal research Sociologists have been debating these same devel-
across countries and legal traditions. However, espe- opments since the 1990s in terms of reflexive moder-
cial attention should be paid to the historical and nity (Giddens, 1994, 1997), risk society (Beck,
cultural limitations of theories based on western 1992) and late modernity (Bauman, 2000).
models of social organization and development, Modernity replaced the claims of tradition by reason
which misrepresent and misunderstand non-western and conferred a solid appearance upon social
societies by ignoring their social, religious and cul- institutions by transforming their authority from
tural history. As demonstrated earlier, a great deal of one based on traditional relationships to one
socio-legal research has been motivated by the gap based on legal-bureaucracy, which facilitated the
problem which stems from attempts to engineer centralization of institutional power (Lee, 2005: 63).
society or to bring about social change through the According to Giddens:

Banakar Sociology of law

when claims of reason replaced those of tradition,

they appeared to offer a sense of certitude greater from everyday face-to-face interactions. This point
than that provided by the preexisting dogma, which becomes significant against the growing dependence
traditional authority could not provide. But this idea of communication, trade, commerce, entertainment
only appears persuasive so long as we do not see that and education on the Internet, an electronic network
the reflexivity of modernity actually subverts reason, which is organisationally different in significant ways
at any rate where reason is understood as the gaining from the early institutions of modernity.
of certain knowledge. (Giddens, 1997: 39) At the level of social interaction, we find an
increased significance of agency vis-a-vis structures
The combined power of modern institutions (Beck, 1992). Following Martyn Denscombe (2001:
made the expansion of modernity unavoidable, yet 160), this does not imply that structural factors
this power which reached its peak under industrial- cease to exert any influence at all. But it does mean
ization could not totally dominate social develop- that there is a tendency for them to exert less influ-
ments. As Lee points out, charisma and reflexivity ence than in the past and for greater significance to
were the solvents that could dissolve the existing attach to individual choices in terms of the creation
institutional arrangements (Lee, 2005: 63). of self-identities. The increased significance of
Globalization has enhanced the reflexivity of moder- agency in relation to structures can have long-term
nity both at the individual and at the institutional implications for our understanding of regulation, for
level. The rate of structural change has, according to these modern structural relationships, which could
Bauman (2000), accelerated, causing the liquefac- be manipulated through legal and economic policy
tion of the ostensibly solid structures and relations measures to regulate patterns of behaviour at the
of early modernity. For Bauman, contemporary soci- level of agency, exert less influence on individual
ety is best described in terms of liquid modernity, behaviour. An example of this can be found in the
i.e. a society in which the conditions under which its widespread infringement of copyrights through file-
members act change faster than it takes the ways of sharing (Strahilevitz, 2003a, 2003b). The traditional
acting to consolidate into habits and routines. methods of regulating social behaviour have proved
Liquidity of life and that of society feed and reinvig- inadequate in preventing loosely knit networks or
orate each other. Liquid life, just like liquid modern people in cyberspace disrespecting the copyrights of
society, cannot keep its shape, or stay on course for record- and movie-producing companies. The per-
long (Bauman, 2005: 1). Under these conditions, plexing aspect of this development does not lie in
agency (the individual social actor) becomes increas- why millions of people choose to download files con-
ingly independent of social structures, which previ- taining sound recordings online instead of paying for
ously exerted a regulating effect on its behaviour, them, but why they allow their fellow anonymous
while systems such as polity and law become less users to upload for free, for as Strahilevitz (2003a: 3)
capable of responding to sociocultural complexity points out downloading content from a peer-to-peer
and moral diversity in their environment by further network depends entirely on another users willing-
functional differentiation (Beck, 1992: 2). Social ness to upload such content. Strahilevitz explains
forces, which could be harnessed to reshape society the puzzle in the following way:
and mould social behavioural patterns under the first
stage of modernity, have now either lost their effica- File-swappers share their content with anonymous
cy or became redundant. strangers mainly because charismatic technologies
Although cyberspace is far from the only arena make the community of file-swappers appear to its
for this development, the spread of various forms of users far more cooperative than it really is. In so
doing, the networks tap into deeply held social
cybercrime, ranging from child pornography to
norms of reciprocity that people develop offline and
money laundering, identity theft, terrorism and ille- bring with them to cyberspace. (Strahilevitz, 2003b:
gal file-sharing, can exemplify the point made here. 509)
As Grabosky and Smith suggested a decade ago, a
large part of the growing computer-related illegality Whatever the social psychological mechanisms of
lies beyond the capacity of contemporary law the file-sharing phenomenon, the fact remains that
enforcement and agencies (2000: 29). This is not the loosely knit community behind it cannot be reg-
only because cyberspace does not recognize social, ulated using traditional forms of legal regulation.
cultural or national boundaries, because it is a multi- At the level of social organization, we observe the
jurisdictional space (offenders can commit a crime in coming into being of public spaces, which exist
one country while residing in another) or because beyond the reach of formal (official) and informal
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have a rather fluid (unofficial) regulatory mechanisms of early moderni-
status (Wall, 2000: 173), but also because social ty. These formal mechanisms nationally generated
interaction and behaviour in cyberspace are different policy and legal measures, backed by the threat of

Banakar Sociology of law

sanctions against non-compliance and enforced by must fulfil at least three conditions. First, it needs to
the nation-state prove to be ineffective when remember how its intellectual origins in western cul-
applied to transnational relations and the mobile ture and history continue to tint the lenses through
elite (cf. Banakar, 2010). Informal (unofficial) mech- which it views socio-legal developments, even when
anisms such as social norms, moral rules and cultur- considering non-western legal and customary prac-
al values regarding fair play, social responsibility and tices. Remembering the past will also help SL to bear
trust also prove ineffective because late modern soci- in mind that one of its most important properties
eties no longer aspire to one set of apparently solid lies in remaining intellectually open and resisting the
moral and cultural values. These spaces provide a fer- imposition of the artificial limits of academic disci-
tile ground for the development of neo-modern plines. Second, SL needs to recognize law beyond the
communities; new forms of community which West, the hybridization of legal systems brought on
appear to require some degree of objectivity, but are by the interface of western and non-western legal tra-
not necessarily fixed or limited and may be fluid and ditions and cultures and forms of non-western law.
transient (Cotterrell, 2006a: 65). Limiting our definitions of law to western positive
law will amount to reification of law and legality and
Concluding remarks blindness towards the existing social and cultural
The societal implications of globalization includ- sources of law. Finally, SL must look forward and not
ing the emergence of transnational forces, transfor- lose sight of how modernity continues to unfold and
mation of the state, social diversification of societies, move rapidly from industrial to global forms of
growing cultural hybridization, increased uncertain- social organization. The total liquefaction of the
ty and liquefaction, etc. is the broader social con- solid structures of industrial societies will probably
text against which all socio-legal research pertaining never happen, yet the trend identified by Bauman
to contemporary society should be conducted (cf. and other sociologists does signify a shift in the rate
Twining, 2007). The solidity and timeless appearance and form of social change (for a discussion, see
of early modernity offered an ostensibly durable Banakar, 2010). Instead of stressing the possibility of
foundation for building relationships based on trust, permanence, certitude and stability, the new trend
social certainty and stability, while providing a promotes and magnifies social rootlessness, cultural
rational basis for social engineering and reform. hybridization and shifting identities. By looking for-
These solid structures are now undermined by the ward, SL will be able to capture the ongoing interac-
endlessly shifting diversity of interests, values, proj- tion between the solid and liquid forms of social life
ects and commitments of individuals (Cotterrell, and map the emergence of new forms of law.
2006a: 66). SLs scope of analyses, concerns and
debates can no longer be restricted to Europe and
North America, where the subject originated and
continues to flourish (cf. Gessner and Nelken, Annotated further reading
2007). We have to recognize non-western legal sys-
tems beyond Europe many of which are deeply Banakar R (2009) Law through sociologys looking glass:
Conflict and competition in sociological studies of
conscious of their pluralistic make-up (Menski,
law. In: Denis A and Kalekin-Fishman D (eds) The
2007: 189). In addition, the expansion of multicul- ISA New Handbook in Contemporary International
turalism requires us to take heed of various cultural Sociology: Conflict, Competition, and Cooperation.
and religious practices within Western European London: Sage, 5873.
societies, some of which are considered legal by those This chapter presents an overview of the theoretical
who practise them, or considered to have legal impli- debates within the sociology of law and asks why
cations by authorities. This means that law and legal- sociology has not exerted a greater influence on the
ity should be perceived and conceptualized development of legal studies. The chapter concludes
comparatively to account for the interactions by reflecting on the potential of law and sociology to
between different legal traditions and cultures learn from one another.
(Twining, 2000: 255). Perhaps most importantly, we Banakar R and Travers M (eds) (2005) Theory and
Method in Socio-Legal Research. Oxford: Hart.
need to consider the possibility that many of our
This is an edited collection of papers which explore
ideas, concepts and theories are historically and cul- the nature of socio-legal research and the challenges
turally conditioned by the recent experiences of of working within an interdisciplinary field. It intro-
western modernity and, subsequently, fail to note the duces some of the main general debates in sociology
essential characteristics of social order in non-west- about method and shows how these are relevant to
ern contexts. studying legal topics.
For socio-legal research to meet the challenges of Cotterrell R (2006) Law, Culture and Society: Legal Ideas
the contemporary global society more effectively, SL in the Mirror of Social Theory. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Banakar Sociology of law

This book is concerned with the sociology of legal Banakar R and Travers M (eds) Theory and Method in
ideas. Although richly sociological, it approaches the Socio-Legal Research. Oxford: Hart, 141159.
field of socio-legal research from the standpoint of Banakar R (2008) The politics of legal cultures. Retfrd:
legal studies. It develops a socio-legal framework for The Nordic Journal of Law and Justice 123(4): 3760.
the study of community, culture and society, which it Banakar R (2009) Law through sociologys looking glass:
then employs to examine the relationship between Conflict and competition in sociological studies of
legal studies and social theory. law. In: Denis A and Kalekin-Fishman D (eds) The
Deflem M (2008) Sociology of Law: Visions of a Scholarly ISA New Handbook in Contemporary International
Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sociology: Conflict, Competition, and Cooperation.
This is an advanced introduction to the sociology of London: Sage, 5873.
law which views and describes the development of Banakar R (2010) Studying the rights discourse: A tenta-
the field from a sociologists point of view. This book tive theoretical framework. In: Bettina K (ed.)
contains a comprehensive overview of various schools Nordisk retssociologi [The Nordic Sociology of Law].
of thought and theoretical approaches within the Copenhagen: DJF Forlag, 109129.
sociology of law. Banakar R (2011) Having ones cake and eating it: The
Ehrlich E (1936) Fundamental Principles of the Sociology paradox of contextualisation in socio-legal research.
of Law. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. International Journal of Law in Context. forthcoming.
(Orig. 1912 Grundlegung der Soziologie des Recht.) Banakar R and Travers M (eds) (2002) An Introduction to
This book is a major classic in the sociology of law. Law and Social Theory. Oxford: Hart.
Although originally published in 1912, it continues Banakar R and Travers M (eds) (2005) Theory and
to exert a strong influence on the theoretical develop- Method in Socio-Legal Research. Oxford: Hart.
ment of socio-legal research. It is an important book Bano S (2007) Muslim family justice and human rights:
for anyone interested in the sociology of law, but The experience of British Muslim women. Journal of
essential reading for researchers interested in a broad- Comparative Law 1(4): 129.
er (pluralistic) definition of law. Bauman Z (2000) Liquid Modernity. Cambridge: Polity.
Gessner V and Nelken D (eds) (2007) European Ways of Bauman Z (2005) Liquid Life. Cambridge: Polity.
Law: Towards a European Sociology of Law. Oxford: Baxi U (1986) Towards a Sociology of Indian Law. New
Hart. Delhi: Stavahan.
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Europe. Traditions and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order.
Travers M (2010) Understanding Law and Society. Cambridge: Polity Press.
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Reza Banakar is Professor of Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Westminster, London.

He was previously the Paul Dodyk Research Fellow at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies in
Oxford. He has also taught at the University of Lund in Sweden and the International Institute
for the Sociology of Law in Oati, Spain. Among his publications are Merging Law and
Sociology: Beyond the Dichotomies in Socio-Legal Research (Berlin/Wisconsin: Gald + Wilch,
2003), Theory and Method in Socio-Legal Research co-edited with Max Travers (Oxford: Hart,
2005) and Rights Discourse: Law and Justice in Late Modern Society (Aldershot: Ashgate,
2010). [email:]

Banakar Sociology of law

rsum Beaucoup des prmisses, concepts et ides sociologique originaux concernant laction sociale,
le changement de la loi et la reforme sociale ont ts formuls partir des recherches fonds sur les socits
industrielles Occidentales. Les consquences socio-culturelles de la Globalisation pendant les trois
dernires dcennies ont, pourtant, modifi la liaison entre Etat, droit et socit, en brouillant les
distinctions entre le Ouest et le reste du monde, et en transformant les tablissements socio-culturelles
qui produisent la loi et amnagent la reforme sociale. Cet article questionne jusqu quel point la
recherche socio-lgale considr ses prmisses thoriques concernant la liaison entre droit, tat et socit
afin dapprcier les nouvelles formes dorganisation qui caractrisent les socits globales du 21me sicle.
mots-cls droit u Etat u globalisation u reforme sociale u rgulation

resumen La mayora de las premisas sociolgicas originales, los conceptos y de las ideas relacionadas
con la accin social, con los cambios legales y con la reformas sociales, fueron originalmente formuladas
bajo el estudio de condiciones especificas en sociedades industriales occidentales. Sin embargo, las
consecuencias socio-culturales de la globalizacin en las tres ltimas dcadas han afectado la relacin entre
Estado, ley y sociedad, borrando as las fuertes distinciones establecidas entre occidente y el resto del
mundo. De esta manera se ha Transformado el entorno socio-cultural en el que es ideada y planeada la
regulacin y la reforma social. Este ensayo parte del siguiente interrogante; hasta que punto la
investigacin socio-legal ha reconsiderado sus premisas tericas con respecto a la relacin entre ley, estado
y sociedad, para comprender la nueva forma de organizacin social en la sociedad global del siglo 21?
palabras clave estado u globalizacin u ley u reforma social u regulacin


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