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ALESA Wk 4 Annotated Bibliography Template

Guidelines for your annotated bibliographies

i. Summarize the article so that it is clear what the articles topic and argument is
ii. Summarize the sources major finding(s) or conclusion(s)
iii. Evaluate the source for its strengths and weaknesses
iv. End by explaining how the source fits into your essay topic by explaining if the source is useful,
how it might shape your argument, or how it might support or change your position

Source reference:

Make sure you include the following information:

Author (Family name first, then first name initials)

Year of publication

Title of the article

Title of the book, journal, publication, or website

Volume and issue number

Location of publication if its a book

Publisher name

Page numbers (range) of the article

Assaf Razin / Efaim Sadka

Working Paper 20450
Cambridge , MA 02138
ALESA Wk 4 Annotated Bibliography Template

Summary (Guidelines i & ii)

Write a five-sentence long summary that states: a) the problem addressed by the article (the "topic"); b)
the article's method of analysis; c) the article's conclusions and/or recommendations. Remember, if you
record any direct quotes or use paraphrases (not your own words/ideas) be sure to include the page
number where this information came from.

In America society , it is very difficult for low-skill migration to live at ease because this country s welfare system
gives preferential treatment to high-skill migration and makes light of low-skill migration in terms of working
conditions or taxes . In addition to this , since American government faces financial crises , the government do
not have money to enhance welfare . The author analyses this situation using the way of comparing American
society with European society in each categories . In conclusion , even low-skill migration can contribute to
American society so the government should spare money for them . And European welfare system has
something to be imitated to American government .

Assessment and reflection (Guidelines iii & iv)

Now write a few sentences evaluating the source and assessing its usefulness for your research goals

This article is written with comparative recently and I think this article has some objectivity because the author
mentions not only American society but also European society . Thus the reader can read various aspects . And
since this article is related to National Bureau of Economic Research , it has enough authority . However , in this
article , reference of current American society is not sufficient and I also want to write American society in terms
of a jobless person so I feel that I have to read other books .

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