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Describe methods educational research. (C2, P3, A1, PLO1)

1 What are the aims of educational research?

2. State the characteristics of educational research
3. Describe the approaches in educational research
4 Compare the positivist approach to the interpretive approach
5. Explain what you understand by:
-ethics of educational research
-the important aspects of research ethics

Types Of Educational Research

Explain the basic aspects of research including types of educational research.
Define and provide characteristics for all the above types of research
(C2, P3, A1, PL01)

Basic research
Applied research
Action research
Evaluation research

Explain the definition and the characteristics of Various Types Of Educational

Research Design
Quantitative research
! Experimental
! Quasi-experimental
! Survey
! Correlational

Qualitative research
! Ethnography
! Case study
! Historical
! Narrative

Explain what is meant by the various data collection methods

Observation : observer, participant-observer,
Document analysis
Interview: structured, semi-structured
Describe in detail what is meant by the different Concepts And Model
Definition and concepts
The characteristics of action research
The importance of action research
Models of action research
! Stephen Kemmiss Model
! John Elliotts Model
! Dave Ebbutts Model
! Jack Whiteheads Model
! Jean Mcniffs Model
! Kurt Lewins Model

Discuss action research and its process.

Action Research: The Process
Adapted from the models of Lewin, 1946 and
Identifying an aspect of the educational practice
to improve
Planning an action
Implementing the action
Collecting the data
Reflecting on the action (before, during and
after the action)
Taking further action
Developing the second cycle of action research

Explain what is meant by Action Research: Planning And Proposal

Focus / aspect of practice to improve
Research questions
Literature review
Subjects of the study
Reflection: Data analysis and interpretation
Work schedule
Sources of reference

Discuss and elaborate : Data Collection Instruments

Audio-video recordings
Field note
Portfolio Anecdote/ Journal / Diary
Explain Data Collection Considerations
Sampling, validity, reliability, bias
Sampling and bias
! Data triangulation
! Analysis-check by research participant

Explain Action Research: Qualitative Data Analysis

Content analysis
Categorising the data
Coding the data
Arranging the data into analysis grids
Identifying the issues/themes/assertions
Further research activities

Explain. Action Research: Quantitative Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics : Frequency, percentage
Interpreting The Action Research Data

Elaborate what is meant by integrating various sources of data

Connecting the data with literature review
Summarising the results and drawing Conclusions

Explain and discuss writing an action research report

The context/background of the study
Literature review
Focus/ aspect of the practice to improve
The action plan
Implementation of action plan
Data collection methods
Data analysis and interpretation
Reflection and implications
Plan for further action
Citation of references :American Psychological Association (APA)

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