Swedish Plurals Pt. 1

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Lesson 1
pplen, bcker, tidningar, katter, hundar, hstar, flera, brev

Lesson 2
ankor, skldpaddor, djur, fglar, tallrikar, smrgsar, elefanter, barn

Lesson 3
pplena, tidningarna, katterna, hundarna, elefanterna, mnnen, kockar, kvinnorna

Lesson 4
ankorna, skldpaddorna, djuren, fglarna, tallrikarna, smrgsarna, hstarna, bckerna

Lesson 5
kockarna, breven, lgarna, jordgubbarna, fiskarna, flickorna,

Swedish plurals have a reputation for being irregular and hard to learn. This is, in fact, not true.
While there are certainly many irregular plural forms in Swedish, there is also a lot of predictability,
and a large amount of words are entirely predictable if you know the rules!
Below are the 5 normal Swedish plural forms - both indefinite and definite.

Singular Plural indefinite Plural definite

en kvinna kvinnor kvinnorna
en hund hundar hundarna
en sak saker sakerna
ett hus hus husen
ett yrke yrken yrkena
How to predict the plural
-a -or
en kvinna kvinnor
en gata gator
-e -ar
en pojke pojkar
Words in -are have no special plural form.
en lkare lkare
-ing -ingar
en tidning tidningar
Words with stress on the final syllable always take -er.
en elefant elefanter
en station stationer
en id ider
Words ending in -el, --er and -en usually take -ar, losing their e in the process.
en fgel fglar
en vinter vintrar
One-syllable words can take either -ar or -er, usually the former.
en hund hundar
en frg frger

If they end in a consonant, they have no plural ending.
ett hus hus
ett barn barn
If they end in a vowel, they take -n.
ett yrke yrken
ett meddelande meddelanden

Irregular plurals
There are several irregular plural forms, usually these include changing the main vowel.
en man mn
en mus mss
en hand hnder
en bok bcker

The ending -en

It's important to remember that the ending -en can be one of three things:
1. the definite singular of an en-word
2. the definite plural of an ett-word ending in a consonant
3. the indefinite plural of an ett-word ending in a vowel
Beware of this common trap for students of Swedish!
1. armen the arm
2. husen the houses
3. pplen apples

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