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Name: Period: AP Drawing/2D Design and Independent

Directions: Using PENCIL circle the area you think you are at in each category AND write in the appropriate number of points you think you earned
for that category.

Hayden A B C D F
Assessment Value
Total Points 25-23 22-20 19-18 17-15 14-0
I The student is highly skilled in The student is skilled in the The student is developing skills in The student shows limited skills The student shows little to
Media &

the chosen media using chosen media using techniques the chosen media using some in the chosen media using few no skill in using the art

appropriate techniques with their with their art materials. techniques with their art materials. techniques with their art materials.
art materials. materials.

II The artwork is free from technical There is one technical There are two technical There are three technical There are four or more

imperfections. imperfection from the list below. imperfections from the list below. imperfections from the list below. technical imperfections
from the list below.

Torn/creased paper OR Smudges/fingerprints Stray marks Hurried application of Other

scratched/dented board media

III The student is highly skilled in The student is skilled in creating The student is developing skills in The student shows limited skills The student shows little to

creating a unified and interesting a unified and interesting creating a unified and interesting in creating a unified and no skill in creating a
composition using all of the area composition using most of the composition using the area on their interesting composition using unified and interesting

on their paper/canvas/board. area on their paper/canvas/board. paper/canvas/board. some of the area on their composition using the area
paper/canvas/board. on their

IV The students artwork shows a The students artwork shows an The students artwork shows a The students artwork shows a The students artwork
high level of personal challenge appropriate level of personal moderate level of personal limited level of personal shows little to no level of

using Elements and Principles of challenge using Elements and challenge using some Elements challenge using a few Elements personal challenge using
Level of

Art effectively in their artwork Principles of Art in their artwork. and Principles of Art in their and Principles of Art in their little to no Elements and

and pushing themselves out of artwork. artwork. Principles of Art in their

their comfort zone by trying artwork.
new things.

Student Total Score________/100 Title of Artwork_____________________________________________________

Teacher Total Score________/100
Teacher Comments:

Carl Hayden HS-Sauer Aug.2017

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