Technology Focus Group Questions

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Technology Focus Group Questions:

*The goal of this focus group interview is to collect data about the pros and cons of technology
usage at the high school level. A wide variety of student responses will be collected (both
male/female, differing socio-economic groups, races and ages)

1. Tell me about your use of technology in school.

2. What are the major obstacles to using technology in school?

(Sample responses could be: do not possess the necessary skills/training, classes do not require
technology use, school Wifi is not stable, school rules limit technology use, my school uses
different software or programs than that used at home.)

3. Are you part of a student group that provides technology support at school (fixing
computers, updating software, answering people's questions)?

4. How strongly do you agree with the following statements?

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
Technology use in the
classroom can
enhance my learning
I am more engaged
when using
My school encourages
technology for
teaching and learning
I want to learn more
about effective
technology use for
I think that technology
and computers
enhance my daily life
Technology makes
schoolwork more fun
and engaging
I believe the use of
technology will affect
my grade in total

5. Finish the following statements:

My use of technology...

Overall, I feel as though technology can be helpful if it

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