Biology of Glucose Transport in The Mammary Gland

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J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia

DOI 10.1007/s10911-013-9310-8

Biology of Glucose Transport in the Mammary Gland

Feng-Qi Zhao

Received: 19 August 2013 / Accepted: 29 October 2013

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract Glucose is the major precursor of lactose, which is implications for the treatment of breast cancer because glucose
synthesized in Golgi vesicles of mammary secretory alveolar uptake and GLUT expression are up-regulated in breast cancer
epithelial cells during lactation. Glucose is taken up by mam- cells to accommodate the increased glucose need.
mary epithelial cells through a passive, facilitative process,
which is driven by the downward glucose concentration gra- Keywords Glucose . Glucose transport . GLUT . Lactose
dient across the plasma membrane. This process is mediated synthesis . Mammary gland . Regulation
by facilitative glucose transporters (GLUTs), of which there
are 14 known isoforms. Mammary glands mainly express Abbreviations
GLUT1 and GLUT8, and GLUT1 is the predominant isoform
with a K m of ~10 mM and transport activity for mannose and 2-DG 2-deoxy-D-glucose
galactose in addition to glucose. Mammary glucose transport 3-O-MG 3-0-methyl-D-glucose
activity increases dramatically from the virgin state to the -LA -lactalbumin
lactation state, with a concomitant increase in GLUT expres- 4Gal-T1 1,4-galactosyltransferase
sion. The increased GLUT expression during lactogenesis is G6P Glucose-6-phosphate
not stimulated by the accepted lactogenic hormones. New GLUT Facilitative glucose transporter
evidence indicates that a possible low oxygen tension MBF Mammary blood flow
resulting from increased metabolic rate and oxygen consump- MECs Mammary alveolar epithelial cells
tion may play a major role in stimulating glucose uptake and NADPH Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
GLUT1 expression in mammary epithelial cells during SGLT Na+/glucose cotransporter
lactogenesis. In addition to its primary presence on the plasma
membrane, GLUT1 is also expressed on the Golgi membrane
of mammary epithelial cells and is likely involved in facilitat-
ing the uptake of glucose and galactose to the site of lactose Introduction
synthesis. Because lactose synthesis dictates milk volume,
regulation of GLUT expression and trafficking represents Glucose, a universal and essential fuel in energy metabolism
potentially fruitful areas for further research in dairy produc- and in the synthesis pathways of all mammalian cells [1], is
tion. In addition, this research will have pathological constantly required at sufficient levels in the blood stream. In
lactating animals, glucose is the major precursor for lactose
and is a substrate for the synthesis of milk proteins and fat in
F.<Q. Zhao (*)
mammary secretory (alveolar) epithelial cells (MECs). The
Laboratory of Lactation and Metabolic Physiology, Department of
Animal Science, University of Vermont, 211 Terrill Building, 570 mammary gland cannot synthesize glucose from other precur-
Main Street, Burlington, VT 05405, USA sors due to its lack of glucose-6-phosphatase [2, 3]. Therefore,
e-mail: it is dependent on the blood supply for its glucose needs. For a
dairy cattle with an average milk production of 40 kg/day, up
F.<Q. Zhao
Institute of Dairy Science, College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang to 3 kg of glucose must be taken up daily from the blood by
University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310029, China the mammary gland [4, 5]. The supply of glucose to the
J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia

mammary gland is a metabolic priority in lactating mammals reducing equivalents for fatty acid biosynthesis, and the latter is a
[6]. Glucose uptake by the mammary gland can account for as substrate for nucleic acid (RNA) synthesis.
much as 6085 % of the total glucose that enters the blood [5, In lactating goats, 75 % of the glucose taken up by the
7]. Because lactose maintains the osmolarity of milk and thus, mammary gland is used for lactose synthesis, and 4.5 %
the rate of lactose synthesis serves as a major control of milk appeared in milk triacylglycerol [20]. Animal starvation does
volume [8, 9], glucose uptake by the mammary gland is not affect these percentages of glucose utilization.
considered a rate-limiting step in milk production [4, 10]. Approximately 8 % of glucose is completely metabolized in
Mammary glucose uptake is a passive and facilitated trans- the pentose phosphate shunt, which accounts for all CO2
port process, driven by a more than 10-fold inward glucose produced from glucose and provides at least 34 % of the
concentration gradient across the plasma membrane of MECs NADPH required for de novo fatty acid synthesis. Little
[1116]. This review will focus on our current understanding glucose is used for fatty acid elongation. These data are
of the molecular mechanisms and regulation of glucose trans- consistent with the in vitro study in lactating bovine mammary
port in MECs, with a particular emphasis on the physiological gland [21]. In non-ruminant animals, such as sows, rats, and
roles of glucose transporters in supporting milk production in humans, most of the glucose taken up by the mammary gland
dairy animals. However, the pathophysiological role of glu- is also used to synthesize lactose and milk fat glycerol
cose transport in breast cancer will also be introduced. [2224]. In sows, at least 40 % of the glycerol and 59 % of
the lactose are derived from plasma glucose [24]. In humans,
98 % of the glucose and 68 % of the galactose in lactose are
Glucose Utilization and Metabolism in the Mammary derived from plasma glucose [22]. However, a striking differ-
Gland ence in non-ruminant animals is that milk fatty acids are
extensively derived from plasma glucose [24]. In addition,
In lactating mammary gland, glucose is mainly used in the 54 % of mammary CO2 originates from the oxidation of
following processes: 1) lactose synthesis, 2) nicotinamide ade- glucose in sows, indicating that glucose is a more important
nine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) generation, 3) milk lipid energy source in non-ruminant mammary glands.
synthesis, 4) energy production, and 5) nucleic acid and amino
acid syntheses (Fig. 1). In lactose synthesis, glucose is first
irreversibly phosphorylated to glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and Glucose Uptake in the Mammary Gland
then converted to UDP-galactose in the cytoplasm. Both glucose
and UDP-galactose are taken up by Golgi vesicles and used to Infusion studies of radiolabeled glucose have showed an
synthesize lactose by the lactose synthase located in the Golgi average glucose uptake of approximately 9 mg/min/100 g of
membrane. Lactose synthase consists of two polypeptide sub- tissue in lactating sow and goat mammary glands [24, 25]. In
units: -lactalbumin (-LA) and 1,4-galactosyltransferase lactating Holstein cows, Cant et al. [26] showed a mammary
(4Gal-T1) [17]. The mammary-specific -LA changes the glucose uptake of approximately 300 mmol/h to support a
specificity of 4Gal-T1 from N-acetylglucosamine to glucose milk production of 0.6 kg/h. This uptake was close to an
to produce lactose [18]. Glucose-6-phosphate can also enter earlier observation that 72 g of glucose is taken up by the
either the glycolysis pathway or the pentose phosphate shunt bovine mammary gland to produce 1 kg of milk [4]. If we
(Fig. 1). During glycolysis, G6P is converted to triose-phosphate assume that each gram of mammary tissue produces 1.67 g of
and then to pyruvate. Triose-phosphate is also a substrate for milk daily, a ratio that is observed in several species [27], the
producing -glycerol-phosphate, which provides a backbone for glucose uptake rate in lactating bovine mammary gland based
the biosynthesis of triacylglycerol, the major milk lipid. Pyruvate on the milk yields in the above two studies can be estimated to
is actively taken up by mitochondria to produce acetyl-CoA, be ~810 mg/min/100 g, which is very close to the uptake
which then enters the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) to produce rates observed in sows and goats. Mammary glucose uptake in
ATP (Fig. 1). The TCA cycle substrate citrate can also leave the lactating ruminant animals accounts for 6085 % of the total
mitochondria and be converted to acetyl-CoA by ATP citrate glucose entering the circulation [5, 7, 28].
lyase in the cytoplasm. The cytosolic acetyl-CoA is used in fatty Mammary glucose uptake is affected by many factors,
acid elongation. In addition, pyruvate and the TCA cycle sub- including mammary developmental stages, animal nutritional
strates can be used to generate the non-essential amino acids status, and mammary metabolism. In goats, the uptake in-
(such as alanine and glutamine) used in milk protein synthesis creases by more than 20-fold from pregnancy to peak lactation
(Fig. 1), as demonstrated by the observation that the administra- and then gradually declines following the decrease in milk
tion of 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG), a non-metabolized glucose yield [29]. The uptake is more than doubled during the last
analogue, inhibits both lactose synthesis and protein synthesis 2 days before parturition, followed by an even more substan-
and secretion in rat mammary gland [19]. The pentose phosphate tial increase immediately after parturition [30]. The rapid and
shunt produces NADPH and ribose. The first provides essential high magnitude of increase of glucose uptake is, thus,
J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia

Fig. 1 Main pathways of glucose Mammary epithelial cell

utilization in mammary alveolar Cytoplasm Glutamine
epithelial cells. In mammary Mitochondia
epithelial cells, glucose is mainly Alanine
Glutamate Acetyl-CoA
used in 1) lactose synthesis in the Golgi
Golgi, 2) energy production via - NAD+ H2O
glycolysis and the tricarboxylic
acid cycle (TCA), 3) NADPH GT Lactose Pyruvate O2
production via the pentose -Glycerol-P NADH
phosphate shunt, and 46) UDP-galactose
providing substrates for lipid Triose-P
(glycerol and fatty acid, 4), Ribose
protein (nonessential amino acid, Acetyl-CoA (Primer)
5) and nucleic acid (ribose, 6) Nucleic acids
syntheses. -KG, - Fructose-6-P Malonyl-CoA
ketoglutarate; -LA, - Pentose
UDP-galactose NADPH
lactoalbumin; ETC., electron phosphate
transfer chain; GLUT, facilitative shunt
glucose transporters; GT, 1,4-
galactosyltransferase; and P, Glucose-1-P Glucose-6-P NADP+
phosphate Fatty acids
Glucose -Glycerol-P
Milk lipid


considered to be an important index of the onset of copious conditions. This finding is consistent with several observations
milk secretion [30]. During nutrient restriction, mammary that raising plasma glucose concentrations by an infusion of
glucose uptake decreases to 25 % after 48 h of starvation glucose to the abomasum/intestine or directly to the blood is
[20]. Increasing the milking intervals decreases the mammary often not coupled with increased lactose synthesis and milk
glucose uptake by decreasing mammary blood flow and ex- production in cows and humans [4244], although opposite
traction rate [31, 32]. Mammary glucose uptake has been observations have also been reported [5, 45]. Mammary blood
observed to be partially dependent on mammary acetate up- flow (MBF) plays an important role in regulating nutrient
take in cows [33], indicating an interaction between these two supply to the mammary gland [10, 46]. Generally, there is a
nutrients in the bovine mammary gland. This interaction was close relationship between MBF and milk production [31, 47,
also observed in an in vitro study in which the rate of glucose 48]. However, increasing MBF is also not necessarily followed
oxidation in bovine mammary tissue is influenced by the by increases in milk production and lactose synthesis [5, 49,
acetate concentration [21]. However, mammary glucose up- 50]. Thus, these observations, together with the steep glucose
take does not appear to be affected by amino acid availability concentration gradient across the basolateral plasma membrane
because an infusion of amino acids to the abomasum of cows of MECs (see below), suggest that the rate of glucose transport
does not alter mammary glucose uptake [34, 35]. Mammary across the basolateral membrane of MECs serves a major
glucose uptake is stimulated by growth hormone and thyrox- impediment to mammary glucose uptake.
ine (T4) in ruminant animals [36, 37] but not by insulin across
the species [29, 3842].
Mammary glucose uptake is a function of the mammary Glucose Transport and Glucose Transporters
glucose supply and the glucose transport activity across the in Mammalian Cells
plasma membrane of MECs. The former is determined by the
artery glucose concentration and blood flow to the mammary As a polar, hydrophilic molecule, glucose cannot pass through
gland. In mammals, the arterial glucose concentration is tightly the hydrophobic phospholipid bilayer of cell plasma mem-
regulated by insulin and other endocrine hormones to remain brane through simple diffusion [51]. Glucose transport
within a narrow range. Studies in cows and goats could not find through biological membrane requires specific mechanisms
a perceptible relationship between mammary arteriovenous and transporter proteins. In bacteria, glucose is translocated
differences in glucose and arterial glucose concentrations for through the cell membrane by multiple transporter systems,
various experimental conditions [26, 29, 33], indicating that the including the phosphotransferase system (PTS) and sugar/
artery glucose concentration may not be a major factor in proton symporters [52]. In yeast, glucose transport occurs
determining mammary glucose uptake in normal physiological through facilitated diffusion, mediated mainly by the family
J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia

of hexose transporters (Hxt) [53]. In mammalian cells, glucose [70]. Although these proteins are structurally conserved
uptake is carried out by two independent mechanisms, medi- and share the same structure characteristics [55], each
ated by two families of transporter proteins [54]: member has specific substrate specificities, tissue distri-
butions and regulatory properties, which are reviewed
1) Na +-dependent transport: Glucose transport through elsewhere [55, 70]. Here, I only briefly summarize the
the apical membrane of epithelial cells in the intestine, currently known major functions of the relatively well-
choroid plexus, and kidney proximal convoluted tubule studied individual GLUTs. GLUT1 is ubiquitously
relies on a secondary active, Na+-linked transport mech- expressed in many tissues and cells and plays a major role
anism, mediated by Na+/glucose cotransporters (protein in cell and tissue basal glucose uptake and glucose trans-
symbol SGLT, gene symbol SLC5 for solute carrier fam- port across the tissue-blood barrier [71, 72]. GLUT2 is a
ily 5) [5557]. This secondary active transport moves low-affinity transporter for glucose (K m ~17 mM) and
glucose unidirectionally against its concentration gradi- other monosaccharides [73]. It is involved in glucose
ent, using the energy provided by the cotransport of Na+ uptake and release in hepatocytes [74, 75] and in the
ions down their electrochemical gradient, established by absorptive epithelial cells of the intestine and the kidney
Na+/K+/ATP pumps [58]. This sodium-dependent active convoluted tubule [76, 77] and is also involved in glucose-
transport can be inhibited by phlorizin [59, 60]. sensing in pancreatic -cells, the liver, and the hypothal-
The SLC5 family currently has 12 structurally related amus [7881]. GLUT3 has a high affinity for glucose [73],
members (SGLT1-6, SMIT1, NIS, SMVT, CH1, SMCT1, and its high expression in the brain facilitates the high-
and SMCT 2) [57]. These transporters have various tissue priority glucose utilization in this tissue [82, 83]. GLUT4
distributions and substrate specificities. Of these trans- is one of the most studied GLUTs because of its sensitivity
porters, SGLT1(SLC5A1 ), 2(SLC5A2 ), 3(SLC5A4 ), to insulin. In adipose and muscle cells, insulin stimulates
4(SLC5A9), 5(SLC5A10), and SMIT1 (SLC5A3) have its translocation from intracellular pools to the plasma
shown transport activity for glucose, while the others membrane to take up glucose and lower blood sugar levels
have predominant substrate specificities to anions, vita- [84]. This regulation is jeopardized in the type II-diabetes
mins, and short chain fatty acids [57]. In addition to these patients [85]. GLUT5 is a fructose transporter and shows
transport activities, SGLTs can function as water and urea no transport activity for glucose [86]. It is involved in
channels [61, 62] and as a glucose sensor [63]. The fructose uptake from the intestinal lumen [86, 87].
physiological roles of SGLT1 and 2 are relatively well GLUT8 is a high-affinity glucose transporter (K m ~
characterized. SGLT1 is primarily expressed in the brush 2 mM) and is expressed most abundantly in testes [88,
border membrane of mature enterocytes in the small 89]. It may thus play a major role in the provision of
intestine and plays a major role in the absorption of glucose to mature spermatozoa. GLUT12 is up-regulated
dietary glucose and galactose from the intestinal lumen in breast ductal cell carcinoma, implying a role in breast
[56]. SGLT2 is predominantly expressed in the brush tumorigenesis [90], but it shows low glucose transport
border membrane of renal proximal convoluted tubule activity when expressed in Xenopus oocytes [91].
epithelial cells and is involved in glucose reabsorption
from the glomerular filtrate during urine production [64]. Recently, a new class of glucose transporters, named
2) Facilitated transport : Glucose transport across the SWEETs, has been identified by the Frommer group [92,
basolateral membrane of epithelial cells in the intestine, 93]. The SWEET family of transporters is conserved in bacte-
choroid plexus, and kidney proximal convoluted tubule ria, plants, and animals/humans and is not structurally related
and across the plasma membrane of almost all other cells to either the GLUT or SGLT family. The eukaryotic SWEET
is a facilitated diffusion process, mediated by facilitative proteins are predicted to have 7 transmembrane domains,
glucose transporters (protein symbol GLUT, gene symbol unlike the 12 and 14 domains of GLUTs and SGLTs, respec-
SLC2). During facilitated diffusion, glucose is bidirec- tively [55]. The activity of a glucose uniporter has been dem-
tionally transported down its concentration gradient with- onstrated in several plant and animal/human SWEETs, and
out requiring energy (ATP). The GLUT-mediated process sucrose transport activities have been reported for several plant
is specifically inhibitable by cytochalasin-B or phloretin SWEETs [92, 93]. The Arabidopsis SWEET1 has a low affin-
[6567]. ity for glucose (K m ~9 mM) and does not appear to transport
The GLUT family belongs to one of two largest fam- mannose, fructose, or galactose [92]. The single human homo-
ilies of membrane transporters known as the major facil- log (HsSWEET1) does not show significant glucose uptake
itator superfamily (MFS), which includes bacterial sugar/ activity when expressed in yeast and oocytes but has weak
proton symporters, yeast Hxt transporters, and plant efflux activity in oocytes. HsSWEET1 is ubiquitously
hexose/proton symporters [68, 69]. There are 14 mamma- expressed in human tissues and cells, with the highest expres-
lian GLUT proteins, named GLUT1-12 and 14 and HMIT sion in the oviduct, epididymis, and intestine. HsSWEET1
J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia

expression in HEK293T cells showed that it is predominantly lactating human breast, bovine mammary epithelial cells and
located in the Golgi with low expression in the plasma mem- rat mammary acini are 9.6, 8.29 and 16 mM, respectively [12,
brane. Chen et al. [92] hypothesized that the animal/human 14, 40], indicating that the affinity of the glucose transporter in
SWEET1 may be involved in glucose efflux from the intestine the mammary gland may be similar in different species. The
and liver cells, but the physiological roles of SWEETs in V max are 18.2 and 56 nmol/min per mg of protein in bovine
mammals remain uncertain. mammary epithelial cells and rat mammary acini, respectively
[12, 14], and were estimated to be 4.1 nmol/min per mg of
tissue in human breast [40].
Glucose Transport in MECs However, mammary glucose transport also appears to have
a diffusion component and another carrier-mediated diffusion
Arteries have a physiological glucose concentration of 48 mM component, which is not inhibited by cytochalasin-B or
in humans [94], 911 mM in rodents [95, 96], and 35 mM in phloretin. In lactating guinea pig mammary gland slices incu-
goats and cows [26, 29, 33]. Direct and indirect measurements bated with 10 mM glucose, only approximately 50 % of the
showed that milk glucose concentrations reflect intracellular glucose transport was inhibited by cytochalasin B [11], con-
glucose concentrations of MECs; these concentrations are 0.1~ sistent with the observation in lactating bovine MECs [14]. In
0.5 mM in rats, goats, and cows and ~1.3 mM in humans [40, the presence of cytochalasin B, the glucose transport still
9799]. Thus, a steep glucose concentration gradient exists exhibited a saturable, carrier-mediated transport with a K m
across the basolateral membrane of MECs (Fig. 2). of 1.25 mM [11]. In rat mammary acini, Threadgold et al. [12,
Consistently, glucose transport into the MECs of guinea pigs, 100] also observed a second non-specific transport process for
rats, mice, and cows has been shown to be specific, saturable, 2-DG, which was also able to transport sorbitol, fructose, and
Na+-independent, specific to D-glucose, D-mannose, D-xylose, sucrose and was not inhibited by cytochalasin B or even D-
and D-galactose, and inhibitable by cytochalasin-B or phloretin glucose. The nature of these cytochalasin B-insensitive com-
[1116, 100], indicating a facilitated diffusion process. The K m ponents is not clear. It would be interesting to investigate
values for the uptake of 2-DG, 3-O-methyl-D-glucose (3-O- whether the new family of SWEET proteins plays a role.
MG, another non-metabolized glucose analogue), or glucose in After entering MECs, glucose is phosphorylated by hexo-
kinases (HKs) to the phosphosugar G6P before being metab-
TJ olized. Phosphorylation of glucose prevents its diffusion back
across the plasma membrane of cells and is thus critical for
3-5 mM
retaining intracellular glucose. Thus, the rate of glucose phos-
0.1-0.3 mM 0.1-0.3 mM phorylation should have a detrimental effect on the rate of
1 8 glucose transport across the basolateral membrane of MECs.
UDP-Gal It has been shown that 3-bromopyruvate, an inhibitor of the
Basolaterial membrane

HK2 (the major hexokinase in MEC), significantly inhibits the

glucose uptake by bovine MECs [101]. HK activity may be
Apical membrane

dependent on or control the rates of subsequent glucose me-

8 SV tabolism [102]; high intracellular accumulation of G6P is
toxic to the cells because G6P strongly inhibits cell growth
Interstitial space

SWEET 12 and causes DNA damage [103, 104].

The rapid movement of glucose in both directions across the

apical membrane of MECs has also been observed and intracel-

lular glucose equilibrates quickly with the glucose in milk
(Fig. 2). When glucose is infused into the udder, 80 % of these
glucose molecules can be absorbed by the gland within 2 h [105].
8 12 SWEET
1 When the glucose analogue 3-O-MG is infused into the udder
with sorbitol, 3-O-MG is preferentially absorbed. In addition,
Fig. 2 Diagrammatic representation of a proposed model of glucose glucose and galactose are absorbed, but fructose is not [106].
transport in lactating bovine mammary alveolar epithelial cells. Glucose
is taken up from the interstitial fluid across the basolateral membrane by
These observations suggest that the apical membrane of MECs
GLUT1 and 8 and possibly SGLT1 and SWEETs. Glucose is transported also has a facilitative glucose transport system, whose transport
from the cytoplasm to the Golgi apparatus by GLUT1 and 8 and SGLT1. property is similar to that in the basolateral membrane. However,
The intracellular glucose equilibrates with the glucose in milk by GLUT8 because the glucose concentrations in milk and within cells are
and 12 and SGLT1. There may be GLUT trafficking between the plasma
membrane and intracellular pools for GLUT8 and 12 and between the
much lower than the plasma concentration (see above), the
plasma membrane and the Golgi membrane for GLUT1. SV, secretory glucose transport activity in the apical membrane should be
vesicle; TJ, tight junction; and UDP-Gal, UDP-galactose marginal compared with that in the basolateral membrane.
J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia

Intracellular glucose and UDP-galactose must also cross the pregnancy and becomes undetectable during late pregnancy
Golgi membrane to reach the site of lactose synthesis. An early and lactation. This change is attributed to the progressive
study showed that lactose synthesis by Golgi-derived vesicles decrease in the percentage of adipocytes in the gland during
could be inhibited by phloretin and cytochalasin B [11, 107], pregnancy [119, 120]. No GLUT3 and 5 were observed in
indicating the presence of a GLUT-mediated facilitated transport human and rat mammary glands [120, 126]. In addition,
system in the Golgi membrane. However, the lactose synthesis expression of GLUT 8 and 12 was shown in rat mammary
could also be inhibited by phlorizin, which is a Na+-dependent gland [122, 127].
glucose transport inhibitor. This finding suggests the co-existence Surprisingly, Shennan and Beechey (1995) observed that
of a SGLT-mediated transporter system in the Golgi membrane. changes in the Na+ gradient across the basolateral plasma mem-
The presence of carrier-mediated transport was further supported brane of MECs rapidly stimulates the rate of 3-O-MG efflux
by another study using an osmotic lysis method in which the from the cells in lactating rat mammary tissue explants [128],
loaded [14C] lactose in the Golgi-membrane vesicles prepared indicating the presence of SGLT-mediated transport. However,
from lactating rat mammary gland could be partially lost after the efflux was shown to be insensitive to the SGLT inhibitor
exposure to glucose in a time-, temperature-, concentration-, and phlorizin. Nevertheless, the messenger and/or protein of SGLT1
structure-dependent manner [108]. However, L-glucose, which were detected in lactating and/or non-lactating bovine, rat and
cannot be transported by glucose transporters [109111], was as human mammary glands [128131]. Only the expression of
effective as D-glucose in the study. It was later proposed that the SGLT1, but not GLUT1, was detected in epithelial cells isolated
Golgi membrane may have protein-formed pores that facilitate from fresh human milk [131]. In addition, a low level of SGLT2
monosaccharide transport with limited specificity [112114]. mRNA was detected in bovine mammary gland [132]. The
The pore property of the Golgi membrane is strongly challenged physiological roles of these SGLTs in the mammary gland re-
by the late discovery of the presence of GLUT1 in the Golgi main to be studied. SGLTs also serve as water and urea channels
membrane (see below). Thus, the precise mechanism of glucose and also transport anions, vitamins, and short chain fatty acids,
transport across the Golgi membrane remains to be elucidated. therefore, these functions in the mammary gland should also be
The mouse mammary gland also expresses SWEET1, whose
Glucose Transporters Expressed in the Mammary Gland expression is induced during lactation [92]. These observations
imply a role of SWEET1 in milk synthesis. Because of the Golgi
Zhao et al. [115] examined the expression of GLUT1-5 in localization of HsSWEET1, Chen et al. [92] proposed that
lactating bovine mammary gland by Northern blotting analysis SWEET1 is possibly involved in glucose uptake by the Golgi
using human cDNA probes. The lactating mammary gland for lactose synthesis. However, this proposal is not supported by
expressed only a high abundance of GLUT1 and low levels of the following observations: 1) the glucose transport in the Golgi
GLUT3-5. No GLUT2 messenger was detected. Because rela- membrane is sensitive to the GLUT inhibitor phloretin [107],
tively high abundances of GLUT2, 4 and 5 transcripts were whereas SWEET1 activity is insensitive to another GLUT inhib-
detected in the other examined bovine tissues, the low or no itor, cytochalasin B [92]; and 2) glucose transport in the Golgi
expression of these transporters in the mammary gland was not membrane has a low substrate specificity to monosaccharides
due to the possible limited cross-hybridization between bovine with no transport activity for disaccharides [108], whereas
RNA and human probes. The strong expression of the GLUT1 SWEET1 does not appear to transport mannose, fructose, or
protein of 42 kDa, but not of GLUT4, was later confirmed in galactose but may transport sucrose [92]. Nevertheless, collabo-
both lactating and non-lactating bovine mammary glands [116, rative functions of SWEET1 with GLUT1 in the Golgi mem-
117]. Interestingly, a different size of GLUT1 of ~38 kDa was brane cannot be excluded.
detected in the non-lactating gland [116]; this GLUT1 may
reflect different post-translational modifications of the protein at
this stage. After the new GLUTs were discovered, GLUT8 and Cellular and Subcellular Localizations of Glucose
GLUT12 messengers were also detected in the lactating bovine Transporters in the Mammary Gland and Their
mammary gland at apparent medium or low levels [88, 118]. Physiological Functions
High levels of GLUT1 expression have also been demon-
strated in rat [119122], mouse [123], and human [124, 125] Cellular and subcellular localizations of glucose transporters
mammary glands. Expression of the high capacity GLUT2 determine their physiological functions. In the mammary
was not detected in rat mammary gland [119, 121], as in gland, milk synthesis occurs in MECs, in which the
bovine mammary gland, but was observed in human breast basolateral, apical, or Golgi membrane localization of a trans-
tissue [126]. In rat mammary gland, GLUT4 was detected but porter may indicate its function in glucose uptake from the
only in virgin rats and during early pregnancy [119, 120]. blood stream, glucose secretion from the cell to milk, and
Expression of GLUT4 decreases progressively during Golgi glucose uptake, respectively.
J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia

Strong expression of GLUT1 has been observed in the Na+ concentration gradient across the apical membrane of
MECs of bovine [116, 117], rat, [120, 122] and mouse [123] MECs [133]).
mammary glands by immunochemistry and immunofluores- Glucose transport across the endothelial cells of capillary
cence staining. In lactating rat MECs, GLUT1 is mainly vessels in the mammary gland remains poorly understood but
present on the basolateral membrane with a barely detectable may likely be mediated mainly by GLUT1 because of its major
presence on the apical membrane, as shown by immunofluo- role in transporting glucose across blood-tissue barriers [71, 72].
rescence and immunoelectron microscopy [120, 122, 127].
However, in bovine mammary gland, clear GLUT1 staining
was also observed on the apical membrane of MECs at 1 day Regulation of Glucose Transport in the Mammary Gland
before parturition and during lactation, in addition to strong
staining on the basolateral side [117]. Regulation of glucose homeostasis is a fundamental regulatory
The predominant presence of GLUT1 in the basolateral function of all life, from bacteria to mammals [52, 134, 135].
membrane of lactating MECs is consistent with the glucose However, the provision of glucose to the mammary gland for
uptake kinetics in mammary tissue and MECs. Although the milk synthesis is a metabolic priority in lactating mammals that
plasma glucose concentration in cows is significantly lower allows the species to survive, a condition referred to as
than that in humans, bovine and human GLUT1 exhibit a homeorhesis [136]. This priority is maintained by coordinated
similar transport Km , ~1012 mM, to 2-DG when expressed homeorhetic regulation in body tissues even at the cost of break-
in Xenopus oocytes [110]. This Km matches well with the down of body homeostasis. Regulation of glucose transport in
transport K m (816 mM) detected in lactating human breast, the mammary gland plays a key role in meeting this priority.
bovine mammary epithelial cells, and rat mammary acini (see
above). In addition, the substrate specificity of GLUT1 (glu-
cose > mannose and galactose and no transport for fructose) Developmental Regulation
[110] is consistent with the transport specificity observed in
MECs [100]. The mammary glucose transport rate increases approximately
In addition to be detected in plasma membrane-enriched 40-fold from the virgin to the mid-lactation stage in rodents
membrane fraction of lactating rat MECs, GLUT1 was also and sharply declines during involution [137, 138]. These
detected in Golgi-enriched membranes [121]. Quantitative changes are associated with marked changes in V max , but not
Western blotting analysis showed that GLUT1 represents the K m , suggesting that the number of transporters, rather than the
major glucose transporter species in plasma membranes and affinity of the transporter, is developmentally regulated. The
about half of the glucose transporters in Golgi membranes. GLUT1 and GLUT8 expression in the mammary gland shows
Presence of GLUT1 in the Golgi membrane of MECs was also consistent progressive increases from pregnancy to early lac-
observed in mice during late pregnancy and lactation but not tation in mice [88, 123], rats [119, 120], and cows [139, 140].
during the virgin and involution stages [123]. In the bovine mammary gland, the GLUT1 mRNA level
In rat mammary gland, GLUT8 is expressed in both MECs increases hundreds-fold from 40 days prepartum to 7 days
and endothelium but absent from myoepithelium [127]. In postpartum (Fig. 3), and the expression of GLUT8 and 12 as
MECs, GLUT8 appears to be dispersed within the cells. well as that of SGLT1 and 2 is increased 4- to 10-fold (Fig. 3)
However, fairly strong GLUT8 staining was observed at both [139]. These increases suggest that all these transporters play a
the apical and basolateral membrane of lactating bovine role in lactation. GLUT1 mRNA is decreased after early lac-
MECs (Finucane and Zhao, unpublished preliminary obser- tation, following the lactation curve [140]. The GLUT1 protein
vations). GLUT12 was observed in the cytoplasm of MECs at level is lower in the bovine mammary gland at lactation day
day 20 of pregnancy and at postpartum days 1 and 6 and on 181 compared with that at lactation day 118 [116]. The mam-
the apical membrane during lactation [122]. mary expression of GLUT1 mRNA and protein markedly
Based on the above observations, I propose a general declines during abrupt weaning in mice and rats [120, 123]
model of glucose transport processes in MECs, shown in and during the dry stage in cows [141]; this effect is not due to
Fig. 2. Glucose is taken up across the basolateral membrane the decrease in plasma prolactin concentration [120].
predominantly by GLUT1 with possible participations by At least some of these developmental changes in GLUT
GLUT8, SGLT1, and SWEET. Glucose is taken up by the expression in the mammary gland result from the changes in
Golgi apparatus through the collaborative functions of different cell populations during these stages. Unlike other
GLUT1 and SGLT1. Glucose is released from the cytoplasm tissues, the mammary gland undergoes major development
to the milk across the apical membrane by GLUT8, GLUT12, after birth, especially during pregnancy, involving high rates
and SGLT1 in cows, mice, and rats, but most likely mainly by of growth and functional differentiation [142, 143]. Initially,
SGLT1 in humans because there is a relatively high glucose the epithelium invades the stroma (e.g., adipose and connec-
concentration in human milk [40] (there is a strong outward tive tissues) during tubule formation and the branching
J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia

MECs reduces by 70 % after fasting for 16 h coupled with a

sharp decrease in the V max of the transport activity and the
number of cytochalasin-B-binding sites in the plasma membrane
of the cells [13]. However, the transport activity in fasted animals
can be quickly recovered by re-feeding [13, 138, 144].

Endocrine Regulation

The progressive increases in the glucose transport rate and the

expression of glucose transporters in the mammary gland
during pregnancy and early lactation imply that mammary
glucose transport may be regulated by lactogenic hormones.
In support of this notion, prolactin was found to stimulate 2-
DG uptake in mammary explants [145]. Disruption of prolac-
Fig. 3 Developmental changes of GLUT1, GLUT8, GLUT12, SGLT1, tin signaling in mice by a knockout of galanin or a single
and SGLT2 mRNA expression in the bovine mammary gland at 40, prolactin receptor allele or by treatment of animals with a
20, 7, and 7 days relative to parturition. Data were analyzed by
quantitative reverse transcription PCR from the mammary tissues taken phosphor-prolactin mimic all caused a failure of secretary
by biopsy from 12 Holstein cows at each stage. The mRNA levels of each activation coupled with a decrease in GLUT1 expression in
transporter were normalized to -actin levels. The figure is adapted with the mammary gland [146]. Inhibition of prolactin secretion by
permission from Zhao and Keating (2007) [139] bromocriptine in lactating rats and mice also caused a decrease
in mammary GLUT1 expression [147, 148]. Furthermore, the
processes to establish a network of mammary ducts. During lactogenic hormone complex (prolactin and glucocorticoids)
pregnancy, the alveolar epithelium is developed to form milk induced a 15-fold increase in GLUT1 protein in CIT3 mouse
secretion units of alveoli. These epithelial cells are functionally MECs [149]. In contrast to these previous observations, how-
differentiated to produce milk during late pregnancy. The devel- ever, the lactogenic hormone complex failed to stimulate the
opment of mammary ducts and alveoli occurs well into the expression of GLUT1, 8, and 12 in bovine mammary ex-
lactation stage in many species. Thus, the populations of different plants, primary bovine MECs, and HC11 mouse MECs, al-
cell types, particularly the percentages of the epithelial cell and though the complex dramatically stimulated the expression of
adipose cell populations, change dramatically during mammary milk proteins and lipogenic genes in our recent study [150].
development stages from virgin to lactation. These changes The reasons for the discrepancy between our results in dairy
undoubtedly affect the gene expression profiles in mammary cattle and those of previous studies in rodents are not clear.
tissue. The decrease in GLUT4 expression in the mammary The difference may reflect the species differences between
gland from the virgin stage to late pregnancy as a result of the cattle and rodents, but the expression of GLUTs was also not
decreasing adipose cell population is a good example [120]. The affected by the lactogenic hormones in the HC11 mouse
concomitant increase in GLUT1 expression is at least partially MECs in our study. In addition, in support of our observations,
due to the increase in the epithelial population because epithelial bromocriptine treatment of lactating rats for 24 h had no effect
cells express much higher levels of GLUT1 than do adipocytes on the GLUT1 protein levels in the mammary gland, although
[115]. However, the relatively small changes in epithelial cell the treatment decreased the GLUT1 mRNA levels [120].
population cannot account for the dramatic increase in GLUT1 Despite a 15-fold increase in GLUT1 protein in CIT3 cells
expression during the transition period from late pregnancy to treated by the lactogenic hormone complex, the glucose up-
early lactation, which must mainly result from the enhanced take by these cells was surprisingly decreased [149]. Thus, the
GLUT1 expression in these cells. It is not clear how much regulation of glucose transport by lactogenic hormones in the
changes in the expression of other transporters during mammary mammary gland requires further investigations.
development contribute to the changes in cell types because the The lack of expression of GLUT4 in MECs [116, 119121]
expression of these transporters in these cells is unclear. is consistent with many observations that glucose uptake and
glucose transport in the mammary gland during lactation is
insensitive to insulin regulation (see above).
Fasting Injection of exogenous growth hormone increases glucose
uptake by the mammary gland without affecting the plasma
In lactating rats, the rate of glucose uptake by the mammary glucose concentration in dairy cows [36] and the glucose
gland decreases by 90 % due to overnight starvation [138]. In concentration in milk in dairy goats [37]. These observations
lactating mice, the carrier-mediated uptake of 3-O-MG in suggest that growth hormone may stimulate glucose transport
J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia

in the mammary gland. However, the treatment of lactating antibodies to pimonidazole adducts. By injecting mice with
cows with exogenous growth hormone for 63 days did not pimonidazole HCl and by the subsequent immunoperoxidase
change the expression of GLUT1 mRNA and protein in the staining of the mammary tissues, we observed a hypoxic
mammary gland [151]. Thus, increased mammary glucose mammary gland in all examined stages, but the staining was
uptake by exogenous growth hormone may mainly result from stronger during late pregnancy and early lactation (Shao and
increased blood flow to the mammary gland [152], rather than Zhao, unpublished preliminary observations). We then studied
from inducing GLUT expression in MECs. the effects of hypoxia on GLUT expression in bovine MECs.
Hypoxia (below 5 % O2) markedly stimulated glucose uptake
and the expression of GLUT1 mRNA and protein in bovine
Hypoxia Regulation MECs. In contrast, hypoxia decreased the GLUT8 mRNA
expression in these cells. Robust induction of HIF-1 protein
The insensitivity of GLUT expression to lactogenic hormones was observed in bovine MECs, and an siRNA against HIF-1
in mammary tissue and MECs in our recent study [150] led us completely abolished the up-regulation of GLUT1 by hypoxia
to investigate a new hypothesis that the enhanced GLUT but had no effect on GLUT8 expression (Shao and Zhao, un-
expression and glucose uptake in the mammary gland from published preliminary observations). These results support the
mid-pregnancy to early lactation is stimulated by a local proposal that hypoxia may be responsible for the dramatic in-
chronic hypoxia [153]. Hypoxia is a physiological or patho- creases in glucose uptake and GLUT1 expression in the mam-
logical condition of a deprivation of an adequate oxygen mary gland during the transition period from mid-late pregnancy
supply in the body as a whole or within a tissue. During to early lactation. Increased glucose uptake in hypoxic cells even
hypoxia, many tissues and cells undergo a series of physio- with decreased expression of GLUT8 demonstrated the predom-
logical changes, including increased glucose uptake and en- inant role of GLUT1 in the glucose uptake of MECs. It is also
hanced anaerobic metabolism, to defend themselves against likely that hypoxia causes metabolic changes in MECs, such as
the low oxygen supply [154156]. These effects are mainly stimulating anaerobic metabolism as in cancer cells [162].
mediated by the heterodimeric transcription factor hypoxia
inducible factor 1 (HIF-1), which consists of an subunit
and a subunit. HIF-1 is constantly expressed in cells, Other Regulations
whereas HIF-1 is under tight regulation by the oxygen levels
within the cells. Under normoxia, HIF-1 is hydroxylated The glucose transport rate in the cells can be regulated by
[157], leading to its degradation by the proteasome mechanisms other than changes in GLUT expression. The
[158160]. Hypoxia can stabilize HIF-1 and the HIF com- regulations of the subcellular distribution and transport kinet-
plex, resulting in HIF-1 translocation into the nucleus to ics of glucose transporters are two important examples.
initiate expression of target genes, such as GLUT1 [154156]. The regulation of the subcellular localization of glucose
Our new hypothesis is mainly based on two lines of evi- transporters in MECs is indicated by the following studies. 1)
dence. 1) From pregnancy to lactation, the metabolic rate of The sharp decrease in the V max of the transport activity and the
the mammary gland increases to support mammary growth, number of cytochalasin-B-binding sites in the plasma mem-
lactogenesis, and lactation. The mammary O2 uptake is steadi- brane of MECs in fasted mice can be completely reversed by
ly increased during late pregnancy and reaches its highest refeeding for only 23 h, suggesting a redistribution of the
levels during early lactation [30]. It is likely that this increas- glucose transporter to the plasma membrane [13, 138]. 2) In
ing oxygen consumption results in a localized chronic hypox- CIT3 mouse MECs, most GLUT1 is targeted to the plasma
ia. 2) Mice with a HIF-1 deletion selective to the mammary membrane in basal growth medium, but upon stimulation by
gland have impaired mammary differentiation and lipid secre- prolactin and hydrocortisone, translocation of GLUT1 to an
tion [161]. These animals exhibit lower milk yield and striking intracellular brefeldin A-sensitive compartment was observed
changes in milk composition. In addition, in these animals, [149, 163]. In addition, GLUT1 is retargeted from the Golgi to
GLUT1 expression decreases by 60 % by day 16 of pregnan- the plasma membrane of MECs of mice during forced
cy. These observations support a role of hypoxia in mammary weaning [123]. These observations indicate that the lactogenic
development, GLUT1 expression, and lactation. hormone complex may induce GLUT1 translocation from the
Recently, to test our new hypothesis, we first examined the plasma membrane to the Golgi, which is consistent with the
hypoxia conditions in the mouse mammary gland from the virgin observation that GLUT1 is only targeted to the Golgi of
state to the lactation state using the hypoxia marker pimonidazole MECs during late pregnancy and lactation [123].
HCl ( Pimonidazole HCl is a Glucose transporters can be glycosylated [88, 118]. The N-
chemical that forms adducts with thiol groups in proteins, and O -glycosylation of GLUT1 have been observed to have
peptides, and amino acids in hypoxic cells. This binding can be an important impact on its transport activity [164166]. In
detected by immunohistochemical staining using specific CIT3 mouse MECs, the lactogenic hormone complex induces
J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia

GLUT1 glycosylation [149]. We have detected different sizes Conclusions and Prospective Applications
of GLUT1 in lactating and non-lactating bovine mammary
glands [116], potentially representing a different glycosylation Mammary glucose uptake plays a critical role in milk produc-
status. Thus, the mammary gland may regulate its glucose tion because glucose is an essential and key substrate and fuel
transport activity by changing the glycosylation of the for milk synthesis in MECs. Elevated glucose uptake is also
GLUTs. commonly observed in breast tumors and is strongly nega-
However, despite the implications from the above obser- tively associated with patient outcome. Thus, understanding
vations, the subcellular translocation and post-translational the molecular mechanisms underlying glucose uptake in the
modifications of glucose transporters in MECs require further mammary gland is of fundamental importance. Our knowl-
investigations. edge in this area has been greatly advanced by the discoveries
of glucose transporters. It is now clear that multiple glucose
transporters are involved in this process, but large gaps still
Glucose Transporters in Breast Cancer exist regarding the physiological and pathophysiological role,
cellular and subcellular localization, and regulation (gene
It has been long known that most solid tumors, including expression, subcellular trafficking, and kinetics) of all indi-
breast cancer, have high rates of glycolysis (Warburg effect) vidual glucose transporters in mammary tissues. Further stud-
and glucose uptake [167169]. An order of magnitude higher ies on these topics will help us to increase glucose utilization
uptake of 2-[18 F]-fluoro-2-DG (FDG) has been consistently by MECs for milk synthesis in dairy production and to inhibit
observed by positron emission tomography (PET) imaging glucose utilization by cancer cells for breast cancer treatment
and magnetic-resonance spectroscopy in different clinical tu- and prevention.
mors in vivo compared with that in the adjacent normal tissues
[170172]. The enhanced rates of glycolysis and glucose Acknowledgments I am indebted to the students, fellows, and collab-
uptake in tumors are mainly stimulated by hypoxia, which is orators for their contributions to the cited works of my laboratory at the
University of Vermont. The work of my laboratory has been supported by
one of characteristic features of malignant solid cancers [167, various grants from the USDA, including the National Research Initiative
173, 174]. The rapidly growing tumors are exposed to hyp- Competitive Grants no. 2005-35206-15267 and no. 2007-35206-18037
oxia as a consequence of an inadequate blood supply, which, from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
in turn, promotes tumor progression by providing an array of
effects on tumor cells that favor tumor survival under hypoxic Disclosures No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared
by the author.
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