¿What Do Banks Take Into Account To Expand Their Line of Credit?

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What do banks take into account to expand their line of credit?

Monday, September 25, 2017


If a financial institution offers you

a low credit line it will depend on
the customer's behavior to
increase it.

Access to personal or consumer credit is no longer as complicated as it was until a few

years ago for the self-employed. Although some entities deliver lines of credit with low
amounts to their new customers, it will depend on the financial behavior of the user to
use that line to expand.

Ren Jaime, general manager of Ripley Bank revealed that more than 50% of its clients are
self-employed with incomes of between S/. 2,000 and S /. 2,300.

In that sense, he said that to expand credit lines it is important to observe the financial
behavior of customers. "An assessment is made not only of customer behavior with Ripley
Bank, but also takes into account its behavior in the industry," he said.

Other variables that take into account are the total amount of income of the worker as
dependent and independent; and advance payment. Although, according to Jaime, the
latter must be a permanent behavior because if it is given only once from time to time will
not be taken into account.

Finally, he recommended being punctual in their payment dates to customers looking to

expand their line of credit.

"If they are going to take a financial product they must pay promptly and make a
responsible use so that they will not interrupt their frequency of payment," said Ripley
Bank executive.

Lo que entiendo respecto a la lnea de crdito que ofrecen las entidades financieras es que
el monto de dicha lnea depende mucho del comportamiento del cliente. Es decir, a
mayores movimientos que tenga un cliente y cmo estos se desempean en la industria,
la lnea de crdito ofrecida ser mayor. Los crditos disponibles se dividen en dos: El
crdito personal y el de consumo. El acceder a estos crditos es fcil para trabajadores
independientes por los resultados conocidos de sus comportamientos en el banco y en la

Las otras variables son el monto total de los ingresos del trabajador como dependiente e
independiente y el pago anticipado. En el caso del pago anticipado, este debe ser un
comportamiento permanente para ser tomado en cuenta.

Para finalizar, el ser puntuales en las fechas de pago tambin es importante, para lo que
debe hacer un uso responsable de su producto financiero para no interrumpir su
frecuencia de pago.

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