Grammar 1 Tests PDF

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Entry test Name

1 Tick the correct answers. 3

1 Jenny eleven years old. 1 She some sandwiches.
a am b is c has a ve got b are got c s got
2 We from Greece. 2 They an orange car.
a are b is c be a arent got b isnt got
3 Tom and Nick brothers. c havent got
a m not b isnt 3 you got a dog or a cat?
c arent a Have b Has c Is
4 Trig hungry? 4 your dad got a mobile phone?
a Am b Are c Is a Is b Has c Have
5 No, he . 5 Yes, .
a isnt b arent c a he has b he hasnt
hasnt  c he isnt
Score ___ / 5 Score ___ / 5

2 4
1 favourite food is pizza. 1 He at seven oclock.
a Mine b Me c My a gets up b get up
2 Carlo is Italian. Mario is c goes up
brother. 2 I maths.
a his b her c their a dont likes b doesnt like
3 Is Miss Mills teacher? c dont like
a you b your c yours 3 She her room every day.
4 school isnt very big. a tidy b tidys c tidies
a Its b Ours c Our 4 like pizza?
5 Amy and Ella are sisters. dad a Does you b Do you c Do he
is from Spain. 5 Does Trig play the piano?
a They b Their a No, he doesnt. b No, he dont.
c Theirs c Yes, he do. 
Score ___ / 5 Score ___ / 5

 Total ______ / 20

Grammar One Entry test Oxford University Press

Test 1 (units 15) Name

1 Circle the correct words. Then match.

1 Where / When is your school? a Its on the 25th of October.
2 Who / What is your favourite sport? b Celia.
3 Where / Why do you like football? c Its fun!
4 When / What is your birthday? d Its in Merton.
5 What / Who is your best friend? e I love tennis.

 Score ___ / 10

2 Complete the sentences. Use go and -ing forms.

1 I (swim) every Friday.
2 She (sail) in summer.
3 Do they (dance) on Saturdays?
4 We (ice-skate) in December.
5 Tom (cycle) on Sunday afternoons. Score ___ / 5

3 Complete the sentences with a, some or any.

1 There are cakes on the table.
2 There arent bookshops in Merton.
3 Is there supermarket?
4 Are there computers in your classroom?
5 There are pencils on the table. Score ___ / 5

 Total ______ / 20

Grammar One Test 1 Oxford University Press

Test 2 (units 610) Name

1 What are they doing? Write sentences with the present continuous.
1 Chip eat a sandwich
hide in the kitchen
2 I
not work
3 Dad and Mum watch television
4 Dad not play tennis
5 We
1 Chip
2 I
3 Dad and Mum
4 Dad
5 We  Score ___ / 5

2 Complete the sentences. Use like, likes, d like or would like.

1 Tom playing computer games after school.
2 I a cheese sandwich, please.
3 They shopping on Saturdays.
4 My mum and dad a holiday in America.
5 She swimming in the sea in August. Score ___ / 5

3 Ask permission. Write questions and short answers.

1 I / stay up late?
2 Jenny and Nick / have a party?
3 we / use the computer?
4 Trig / jump on the sofa?
5 Jenny / have some chocolate?
Yes,  Score ___ / 10

 Total ______ / 20

Grammar One Test 2 Oxford University Press

Test 3 (units 1114) Name

1 Complete the sentences with much, many, some or any.

Tom How computer games have you got?
Dad I havent got computer games!
Jenny Mum, is there butter?
Mum No, but theres honey.
How milk do we need and how eggs?

Theyve got tea but they havent got coffee.

Jenny Have we got onions?
Mum Yes, how do you need? Score ___ / 10

2 Complete the text with the present simple or present continuous.

Use the verbs below.


Jenny and Amanda often 1

tennis after school but today they
in the kitchen. Mum usually 3
dinner but at the moment
she 4
her sister. Dad doesnt like cooking but he always 5
washing-up. Jenny and Amanda have got some eggs and milk. They 6

an omelette. Trig isnt in the kitchen. He 7

with Chip in the garden. Chip
the cat! Nick 9
the computer. He 10
some emails. 
Score ___ / 10

 Total ______ / 20

Grammar One Test 3 Oxford University Press

Test 4 (units 1518) Name

1 Complete the sentences with have or had.

1 Nick a cold last week.
2 I didnt a piano lesson yesterday.
3 Amanda a birthday party last year.
4 Did Trig a bad dream last night?
5 We a maths test last Tuesday.  Score ___ / 5

2 Complete the text. Use the past simple of the verbs below.


Last summer Jenny 1 to Rome with her parents. The hotel

a big swimming pool and Jenny 3 in it every
morning. Jenny loves Italian food and she 4 lots of pizza on holiday!
She 5 lots of souvenirs but she didnt 6 any postcards.

Tom didnt 7 on holiday last year. He 8 at home with

his parents. He 9 his bedroom and 10 his dad in the

 Score ___ / 10

3 Complete the questions with Is or Are. Then complete the short answers.
1 you going to be a pilot? No, .
2 Jenny going to play tennis? Yes, .
3 Mum and Dad going to have dinner in the garden? No, .
4 they going to clean Dad's car? Yes, .
5 Nick going to paint the kitchen? No, .
Score ___ / 5

 Total ______ / 20

Grammar One Test 4 Oxford University Press

Exit Test (All Units) Name

1 Order the sentences.

1 always Jenny in helps kitchen the
2 Nick internet the at using is the moment
3 much flour How there is?
4 likes Mum haircut having a
5 arent hotels in There Merton any
 Score ___ / 5

2 Circle the correct words.

1 Dont / Didnt hit your sister!
2 What / When do you go to bed?
3 The bookshop is on / between the bank and the post office.
4 Can / Is Trig ride a horse?
5 Where are my comics? I cant find it / them. Score ___ / 5

3 Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in the box.


1 I to London two years ago.

2 Nick his money last Tuesday.
3 Mum the kitchen yesterday morning.
4 In Rome last year, we lots of pizza.
5 Jenny a shower last night.
6 Nick the bins last week.
7 Jenny and Amanda in the park yesterday.
8 I lots of souvenirs on holiday last summer.
9 Chip the cat.
10 We a big birthday cake. Score ___ / 10

 Total ______ / 20

Grammar One Exit test Oxford University Press

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