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Family and friends

1 Play the game with a partner. Throw a dice. Say.

How to play Scores
Throw a dice. Move your counter to that You Your partner
square and complete the sentence. You get
three points if the sentence is correct.


School at nine
Jenny eleven.
Ive blue eyes.

Jenny like Trig a dog. Hes Carlo from
football? an alien! Italy.

Chips got Nick to Park

your name?
biscuit. Street School.

Jenny likes sport. Nick likes sport, but he
favourite sport is tennis. like maths. Ive got bread.

Shes blond hair. Jenny toast for

breakfast. Hes got apple.

Chip bones in
they walk to Jenny and Nick
the garden.
school? brother and sister.

Chip a dog. Theyve got Trig like

sandwiches. chocolate?


Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

2 What do you play?
Wh- questions; prepositions of time
1 Complete the questions with what, when, where, why or who. Then answer.
> What sport do you play?
1 is your birthday?
2 do you live?
3 is your English teacher?
4 do you eat breakfast?
5 is your favourite lesson?
6 is your best friend?

2 Now ask your partner.

What sport do you play? I play tennis.

3 Complete eleven months of the year in the puzzle. Which one is missing?


is missing.

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

3 Trig goes skateboarding
Imperatives; go + -ing
1 What are they saying? Use the words in the boxes.
dont jumpbeopen fast your room on the sofa
dont gotidydont eatdo your breakfast careful your sister
dont hit eat in class your homework your books

> be careful 5

1 6

2 7

3 8

2 Complete the words in the table.

On Saturdays On Sundays In summer

1 s w _ _ m _ _ g 2 c _ c l _ _ g 3 c _ _ p _ _ g

4 s h _ p _ _ _ g 5 i _ e s k _ t _ _ g 6 c _ _ p _ _ g

7 s k _ t e b _ a _ d i _ g 8 i _ e s k _ t _ _ g 9 s _ _ l _ _ g

3 Look at the table. Now complete the sentences. Use go and -ing forms.
> Nick goes cycling on Sundays. 4 Nick on
1 Trig on Saturdays. Saturdays.
2 Nick and Jenny in 5 Jenny and Trig
summer. on Sundays.
3 Jenny on Saturdays. 6 Trig in summer.

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

4 What is there in Merton?
There is/are; some and any with plural nouns
1 Look at the map of Newtown. Complete the sentences. Use the phrases in the box.

There is There isnt There are There arent

> Theres a bookshop. 3 a garage.

> There isnt a river. 4 any hotels.
1 two churches in Newtown. 5 three cafs.
2 a football pitch. 6 a theatre.

2 Look at the picture. Answer the questions about Newtown. Use short answers.
> Is there a library? No, there isnt.
1 Are there any restaurants?
2 Is there a hospital?
3 Are there any banks?
4 Is there a hotel?
5 Is there a theatre?
6 Is there a playground?

3 Look at the map of Newtown. Circle the correct word.

> There are any / some books in the bookshop.
1 There arent any / some children in the playground.
2 Are there any / some hotels in Newtown? Yes, there are.
3 There are any / some cars in the garage.
4 There arent any / some sports shops in Newtown.
5 There are any / some tables and chairs in the cafs.

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5 Whos behind the door?
Prepositions of place
1 Look at the map of Newtown. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

betweennext toinbehindin front ofunder

> Theres a bread shop between the caf and the church.
1 The toy shop is the shoe shop.
2 Theres a bus the post office.
3 The playground is the church.
4 Theres a man the car.
5 Theres a dog the playground.

2 Read then draw Nicks bedroom.

This is Nicks bedroom. His bed is in the corner.
There are some books on the bed. Next to the
bed theres a desk and a chair. Theres a lamp
and a computer on the desk. Under the chair
theres a small bin. Theres a box under the
window. Nicks skateboard and school bag are
in the box. His shoes are under the bed.

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

6 Can you swim? Lets go swimming!
Can for ability; Lets

Ask your partner questions to complete the table.

Jack skateboard? Yes, he can. / No, he cant.


Ask your partner questions to complete the table.

Can Jack swim? Yes, he can. / No, he cant.


Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

7 Trig is helping
Present continuous
1 Complete the texts with the present continuous forms.

Its raining today. Dad is in the kitchen. Hes making (make)

a cake. Mum 1
(do) the washing up. She
(read) a magazine. Chip 3
under the table. He 4
(eat) the sugar!

The sun 5
(shine) today. Nick and Tom
(work) in the garden. Tom 7

(dig). Nick 8
(hang) the clothes on the line. Trig
(help). Amanda and Jenny 10

(sit) under a tree. Amanda 11

(draw) cartoons.
Jenny 12
(listen) to music. The neighbours cat
(drink) some milk.

2 Put the words in the correct order. Write questions. Then write short answers.
> Nick is the garden digging in ?
Is Nick digging in the garden? No, he isnt.
1 Jenny and Amanda helping are the garden in ?

2 reading Mum is ?

3 wearing Amanda is boots ?

4 football are Nick and Tom playing ?

5 Mum cake is making a ?

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

8 Can you see them?
Object pronouns
1 Match.
Subject pronouns

we I
she it

Object pronouns

you them


2 Complete the sentences. Use him, her, it or them.

> This is my new skateboard. Do you like it?
1 Jenny is late. Lets wait for .
2 Where are Mums magazines? She cant find .
3 Is Trig hiding in the garden? I cant see .
4 Im looking for my MP3 player. Have you got ?
5 Where are Nicks sweets? Is Trig eating ?
6 Is Chip in the playground? Lets look for .

3 Circle the mistake in each second sentence. Write the correct word.
> Is Jenny in the garden? Is Chip with him ? her
1 Dads in the kitchen. Lets ask them for some water.
2 These are my new pink socks. I love they!
3 Wheres my school bag? I cant find him.
4 We are lost! Please help me!
5 Today is my Mums birthday. These chocolates are for she.

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

9 Amanda likes playing tennis
Like, love, hate + -ing form; one(s);
would like
1 Look at the table and complete the sentences.
like hatelove

paint ride a horse get up early


Jenny and Amanda


> Nick doesnt like getting up early.

1 He
2 Jenny and Amanda
4 Trig
5 He

2 Complete the sentences with one or ones.

> Do you like the red car or the blue one?
1 I love flowers! Lets buy the pink !
2 I dont like the orange shirt, I like the blue .
3 That old mobile phone is my Dads. Mine is the new .
4 Amanda doesnt ride the big horses, she rides the small .
5 Lets buy the green gloves, I dont like the black .

3 Circle the correct words.

> I like / Id like a drink of milk, please.
1 Wed like / We like playing computer games after school.
2 She likes / Shed like a mobile phone for her birthday.
3 They dont like / They wouldnt like getting up early on Saturdays.
4 I like / Id like buying clothes.
5 He likes / Hed like a new computer.

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

10 Can I go out?
Can for permission; must for necessity
1 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Match with the
short answers (ae).
I chocolate can bed in eat ?
> Can I eat chocolate in bed? b
1 Nick room can his paint black ?

2 Sunday can Amanda cycling go on ?

3 Nick and Tom play computer games midnight can until ?

4 can garden in Chip play the ?

a Yes, she can. c Yes, he can. e No, they cant.
b No, you cant. d No, he cant.

2 Complete the classroom rules. Use the words in the box and must or mustnt.


> You must be quiet. 2 You 4 You

your homework. in class.

1 You 3 You 5 You

mobile phones. to the teacher. on the chairs.

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

11 How much milk?
Some and any with uncountable nouns;
how much, how many
1 What are they saying? Write some or any.
Jenny Im making a cake for Trig. Ive got >some cheese and 1 onions
Amanda Cheese and onions?
Jenny Yes, Trig likes strange cakes!
Amanda Have you got 2 butter?
Jenny Yes, Ive got 3 butter and 4 jam. Oh no! I havent
got 5 eggs.
Amanda Thats OK. Ive got 6 eggs in the fridge.
Jenny Great. Have you got 7 sugar?
Amanda Yes, Ive got 8 sugar and 9 milk.
Jenny Cheese, onions, butter, honey, eggs, sugar and milk.
Trig likes very strange cakes!

2 Look. What is there? Tick and cross. Write

sentences with a, an, some or any.
> tea Theres some tea.
> cheese There isnt any cheese.
1 onions
2 flour
3 orange
4 chocolate
5 coffee
6 pineapple
7 margarine
8 bread

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

12 How often do you help?
Adverbs of frequency
1 Look at the table. Complete the table for you.

never get up early eat sweets read in bed

sometimes Nick
usually Jenny
often Trig

2 Look at the table again. Write sentences.

> Nick / get up early Nick sometimes gets up early.
1 Jenny / eat sweets
2 Trig / read in bed
3 Nick and Trig / eat sweets
4 Jenny / get up early
5 Nick and Jenny / read in bed
6 I / get up early
7 I / eat sweets
8 I / read in bed

3 Rewrite each sentence with an adverb of frequency.

> Its hot in December. 3 Nick is late for school.
Its never hot in December.
1 Mum does the washing-up. 4 Trigs swims in the sea.

2 Jenny tidies her room. 5 Mum tidies the garden.

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

13 Tom plays football
Present simple or continuous?
1 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or the present continuous.
> Tom usually plays (play) football after school, but today hes playing (play) tennis.
1 Dad and Mum often (go) to the cinema on Saturdays, but today
they (visit) friends.
2 Chip always (chase) the cat in the garden but today he
(chase) the birds!
3 Dad (make) a cake at the moment, but usually he
(do) the washing-up.
4 Amanda (go) horse riding every Saturday but today she
(go) shopping with Jenny.
5 I always (play) computer games after school but today I
(meet) my friends at the park.

2 Play with a partner. Cut out the boxes and circles. Place them face down on your
desk. Choose one box and one circle. Make a sentence with the words.

I sometimes help in the kitchen. Im helping in the kitchen at the moment.

sometimes at the moment tidy my room play tennis

use the internet eat sweets play football do my homework

help in the kitchen help in the kitchen play computer games

once a
at the always
sometimes sometimes week

today now

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

14 Were you frightened?
Past simple of be
1 Circle the correct word.
> Yesterday I was / were in the park.
1 I wasnt / werent very happy. 4 There was / were lots of animals.
2 It was / were very cold. 5 Nick wasnt / werent at the park.
3 Dad and Mum was / were at the zoo. 6 He was / were at the cinema.

2 Write the questions. Use was or were.

> Nick / at the cinema? Was Nick at the cinema?
1 Jennys pencils / on the desk?
2 Trig / frightened?
3 Jenny and Amanda / at the library?
4 Mum / at the shops?
5 It cold / at the swimming pool?

3 Look at the pictures. Write short answers to the questions in exercise 2.

> Yes, he was. 2 4

1 3 5

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

15 Trig had a bath
Past simple of have
1 Write had or didnt have.
> Yesterday, Nick didnt have a bath, he had a shower.
1 Tom and Nick had pizza for lunch, they sandwiches.
2 Mum didnt have dinner last night because she a toothache.
3 Last night, Jenny a sore throat, but she didnt have a headache.
4 Amanda had a party for her birthday last week, but she a cake.
5 Chip had fun at the party and Trig three chocolate puddings!

2 Order the words to make questions. Look at exercise 1 and answer

the questions. Use did or didnt.
> have Dad a Did headache night last ?
Did Dad have a headache last night?
No, he didnt.
1 lunch Did pizza Tom and Nick and have for ?

, they
2 cake Amanda Did have birthday a ?

, she
3 Jenny Did throat sore a have ?

, she
4 chocolate Trig pudding have Did at party the ?

, he
5 dinner Did have last Mum night ?

, he

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

16 Did Trig help?
Past simple of regular verbs; ago
1 Read and complete the sentences. Use the words in the box and ago.


Today is Friday. Its 10th May. Its five oclock in the afternoon.
> We played tennis on Wednesday. We played tennis two days ago.
1 I had breakfast at eight oclock. I had breakfast
2 Ella had a party in March. She had a party
3 I phoned my grandmother last Friday. I phoned my grandmother

4 They had lunch at one oclock. They had lunch

5 Dad painted the bathroom on 4th May. Dad painted the bathroom

2 Look at Nick and Jennys list of jobs. Complete the text with the past simple.

Nick Jenny

Monday tidy bedroom , Monday tidy bedroom ,

clean the windows clean the windows
Tuesday empty bins , Tuesday water flowers ,
wash the car practise piano
Wednesday help in the kitchen Wednesday cook dinner

Thursday study for English Thursday study for English

test test
Friday paint bedroom Friday repair bike wash Chip

Last week, Nick and Jenny didnt tidy their bedrooms. Nick the bins
but he in the kitchen. Jenny the flowers but
she her bike. On Wednesday she dinner. It
was delicious!

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

17 Nick lost his money
Past simple of irregular verbs
1 Write the words in the correct column.
Base form Past simple sawbuytake
buy bought
see lose bought

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs from exercise 1. Match the
sentences to the pictures.
> Last summer, Nick and Jenny
went to America with their
parents. b
1 They to
New York in a big plane.
2 They the
Statue of Liberty.
3 Mum
some new shoes from a shop
called Macys.
4 Jenny
lots of photos and Nick

5 They
pizza and steak.

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

18 Whats Trig going to do?
Be going to
1 Whats going to happen? Look and write. Use the verbs below.


> Theyre going to play 2 Shes 4 Hes


1 Hes 3 Theyre 5 Its

2 What are you going to do this weekend? Tick or cross.

You Your partner
play computer games
make a cake
use the internet
watch television
write a story

3 Now ask and answer questions with your partner.

Are you going to play computer games? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.

Grammar One Worksheet Oxford University Press

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