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Website #1: Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis
*We will only be focusing on the mitosis section of this website for this unit*
Directions: Read the online document while answering the questions below.

1. How do cells make more cells?

2. How do Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells differ in cell division?

3. What is the beginning of cell division for ALL cells?

4. What are the key differences between a CHROMOSOME, CHROMATID, and a


a. What are the key similarities?

5. What are three reasons for mitosis?

6. Define mitosis

7. Is interphase a stage of mitosis?

8. What happens to DNA and organelles in Interphase?

9. What happens to the size of the cell in Interphase?

10. What happens to the chromosomes in prophase?

a. are they visible under a light microscope?

11. Where are the sister chromatids at the end of prophase?

a. Why is this necessary to go to the next stage of mitosis?

12. What happens to the nuclear envelope?

13. How is the spindle formed in prophase?

a. what is the function of the spindle?

14. WHERE and HOW do the chromosomes interact in metaphase?

15. How do the centromere and chromosomes interact in anaphase?

16. How do sister chromatids become an individual chromosome in this stage

17. How many nuclei are formed in telophase?

a. where are the nuclei in this phase?

18. Are the chromosomes visible by a light microscope in this phase?


Directions: Follow the directions on the Interactive while answering questions and drawing

different phases of mitosis below.

1. How does the interactive define mitosis

a. How does this definition differ from the first activity?

2. What are two reason that the root tip of an onion the best place to observe cell division?

Interactive Part 1

a. Click on the root tip to magnify the image

b. What differences can you see when you compare the nucleus of a dividing cell with that

of a non-dividing cell?

Interactive Part 2.

b. View a video of mitosis in an animal cell

*write some notes to help you with the rest of the assignment(focus on the physical

differences between each phase of mitosis*

Interactive part 3.

a. Click on image of the root tip and magnify.

b. Identify at least one cell in each stage of mitosis and draw them




Website #3: Cell Interactive: Cell regulators and Interphase

*adapted from*

A. Click on backround tab and answer the following questions

1. Explain the purpose of apoptosis

a. What do you think would happen if apoptosis doesnt occur?

2. Why are cell regulators important?

a. If cell regulators do not perform their job what happens to the cell? How could this be

detrimental to the body?

B. Click on cell cycle phase and start with G1 and follow with S, G2, M of Interphase.

1. What does G1 stand for?

2. When does the cell enter G1?

3. What happens in G1 of Interphase?

4. What needs to happen in the cell for it to divide?

a. What needs to happen in the cell for apoptosis?

5. What does S phase stand for?

6. What happens in S phase?

7. What needs to happen in S phase for growth signals to allow the cell to move on from

S phase?

a. What do you think could happen if growth signals are not working and the cell moves

on with errors?

8. What is the G2 phase?

9. What needs to happen into the cell for it to move on to M phase(mitosis)?

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