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SAINT ISAAC M 30mm C 150

TECHNOLOGICAL MASTERMIND COMMANDER: This model counts as having all Squadlink Keywords.

CONTROLLER(x): During the Preparation Phase, this model gains (x) Control Counters. It
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL may have a maximum of (x) Control Counters at any time.
[1] Lightpiercer 8 2 6 * 18 Control Counter: Control Counters are utilized by models with the Program(x) special ability.
4 [1] Disruption Shot 8 See those models individual Stat Cards for more information.
[1] Stun Shot 8 DISRUPTION: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Disruption Counter.
Stun Disruption Counter: This models attacks that have a MAL Value suffer -2 MAL per Disruption
4 [1] Plasma Discharge SP Counter. During the Lingering Effects Phase, roll 1 d20 for each Disruption Counter,
Fire removing it on a roll of 10 or less.

18 FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.

Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
Special Abilities than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
3 Commander A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
STUN: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Stun Counter.
Never Panic Stun Counter: The next time this model activates, it immediately loses 1 AP, and then
16 Superior Maintenance(3) removes 1 Stun Counter. A model may only have 1 Stun Counter at any time.

3 2015

H 50mm C 200
AJAX OVERCHARGE: Each time this attack is selected, choose 1 of the following boosts
to give this attack: +2 AS, +4 Power, or +4 Range. This model may spend additional AP
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL when making this attack. For each additional AP, select 1 additional boost (each boost
[1] Blister Gun 8 6 8 20 may be selected up to 2 times). These boosts only last for the current attack.
4 Ajax Overcharge COMMANDER: This model counts as having all Squadlink Keywords.
Point Blank
CONTROLLER(x): During the Preparation Phase, this model gains (x) Control Counters.
AG#2 AS RF PW RN MAL It may have a maximum of (x) Control Counters at any time.
6 [2] Duel Flamers 8 1 6x2 SP 18 Control Counter: Control Counters are utilized by models with the Program(x) special ability.
Fire See those models individual Stat Cards for more information.
Point Blank POINT BLANK: This ranged attack may be used while engaged. If used while engaged,
20 this attack must target an enemy this model is engaged with.
Unparalleled power... At my command! FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
Special Abilities Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
4 Commander than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
Controller(1) A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
Never Panic NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
16 Tough as Nails STRIDER: This model ignores the Rough keyword of terrain pieces. This model may stand up
Strider from prone for no AP cost.
TOUGH AS NAILS: This model ignores Critical AR Failure.
5 Commander*(6) 2015

M 30mm [6]500 50
CONTROLLER CONTROLLER(x): During the Preparation Phase, this model gains (x) Control Counters.
It may have a maximum of (x) Control Counters at any time.
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL Control Counter: Control Counters are utilized by models with the Program(x) special ability.
See those models individual Stat Cards for more information.
[*] Power Rifle 6 1 6 8 *
3 [1] Single Shot 19 REND: If all attacks from this assault group hit the same target, they gain 1 additional
[2] Double-Tap 17 power multiplier for this attack.
Is this really the power
16 mankind used to wield?

Special Abilities
3 Controller(1)


1 2015
Controller (3)


THE BEST OF THE BEST COMMANDER: This model counts as having all Squadlink Keywords.

AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL CONTROLLER(x): During the Preparation Phase, this model gains (x) Control Counters.
[1] Precision Rifle 8 2 6 10 19 It may have a maximum of (x) Control Counters at any time.
3 Critical Strike(3) Control Counter: Control Counters are utilized by models with the Program(x) special ability.
See those models individual Stat Cards for more information.

CRITICAL STRIKE(x): This attack Critically Hits on attack rolls of (x) or less.
ENHANCED OPTICS: When this model Aims it gains an additional +1 AS, ignores Light Cover, and
Make the droid the threat. That way, they treats Heavy Cover as Light Cover for this attack.
14 dont shoot at you as much. GUERRILLA TACTICS: Models with Guerilla Tactics may Squadlink from up to 8 away.
This model only spends 1 AP to Break Away.
Special Abilities
3 Commander
Enhanced Optics
14 Guerrilla Tactics

2 Commander*(5)
EXPLOSIVE END(x): When this model is killed, place a Blast(2) template with the center
hole anywhere completely over this models base. Each model under the template suffers an
automatic hit from (x), and then this model is removed (this is a Template Attack).
FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
* 198 2 4x2 SP 18
[2] Dual Flamers
3 16 2
Fire Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
Point Blank Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
Description A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
6 1 model within 6 gains 1 Precognition Counter. NON-LIVING: This model may never gain Panic Counters. This models PS may never be
them feel the veryThis model may discard this counter to re-roll 1 failed attack roll or
Counter: modified by enemy effects.
resSave. A model
of Hell may only have 1 Precognition Counter on it at any time.
18 POINT BLANK: This ranged attack may be used while engaged. If used while engaged,
this attack must target an enemy this model is engaged with.
MALFUNCTION: Caster loses 1 HP.
PROGRAM(x): This model may remove 1 Controller Counter from a friendly model it is
Special Abilities squadlinking with. If it does so, it gains (x) this activation. Each Program may only be
3 Explosive End(PW: 4x2, Fire) selected once per activation.
Non-Living TOUGH AS NAILS: This model ignores Critical AR Failure.
Tough as Nails

8 QUICK DRAW: This model may spend 1 AP to make an Aimed ranged attack, or move up to their
Program(Dual Flamers: +2 power) MV value and make a ranged attack.
Program(Quick Draw)
3 2015

CENTIPEDE L 40mm [4]500 75

CONDUCTION: This attack gains an additional power multiplier against the highest AR
model hit. In the case of a tie, the attacking model decides who suffers the additional
AG#1 AS RF PW RN MAL multiplier.
[1] Stun Claw 6 6 0 20 NON-LIVING: This model may never gain Panic Counters. This models PS may never be
3 Stun
modified by enemy effects.
AG#2 AS RF PW RN MAL POINT BLANK: This ranged attack may be used while engaged. If used while engaged,
[1] Laserbeam 6 1 6 ST 17 this attack must target an enemy this model is engaged with.
4 Point Blank
PROGRAM(x): This model may remove 1 Controller Counter from a friendly model it is
squadlinking with. If it does so, it gains (x) this activation. Each Program may only be
selected once per activation.
14 Kinda creepy... But theyll save your life.
TOUGH AS NAILS: This model ignores Critical AR Failure.
Special Abilities STEALTH COUNTER: This model always has Heavy Cover. Remove this counter at the start of
Non-Living this models next activation.
Program(Free Move Action) STRIDER: This model ignores the Rough keyword of terrain pieces. This model may stand up
Program(Stealth Counter) from prone for no AP cost.
8 Program(Laserbeam: Conduction) STUN: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Stun Counter.
Strider Stun Counter: The next time this model activates, it immediately loses 1 AP, and then
removes 1 Stun Counter. A model may only have 1 Stun Counter at any time.
2 Controller (1) 2015

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