Learning Paper 2

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The Trinity

Kevin Henry February 25,2017

The Trinity-- what does it mean? Well, I've learned that it is the hardest thing to
learn as a Christian but also a fundamental idea of Christian doctrine. The Trinity is
made up three eternally distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There
is three persons who equal one true God; the father is God, the son is God, and the
Holy Spirit is God. I personally like to think of God with three heads, it helps me to
understand better. The trinity is often thought of differently to other people, by which
they think that the trinity is a tri-theism. Which means there are three gods when there is
not three but one God. This is when the concept comes up that there is 3 persons but
they are one (1+1+1=1). So when I think of a three headed person this helps out here.
The Father has a relationship to his Son which the son also has a relationship with the
Holy Spirit.
There are four biblical teachings we know about are telling us about the Trinity.
The 1st teaching is about that there is only one true God. This teaching basically sums it
all up, there is only one true almighty God that hears us not 3 Gods. The 2nd teaching is
the son is God, the father is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. The 2nd teaching is saying
that everyone in the trinity is God which are one not three. The 3rd teaching is
connecting, making the trinity equal. The 3rd teaching makes the trinity equal by
explaining the trinitarianism which is one God in three persons. The 4th teaching is each
person is distinct, but are equal in unity. The 4th states that the father is not the son and
the Holy Spirit is not the son etc. but, they are in each other as explained in john 14:11
saying that the father is Jesus. So they are the equal but, they are different persons.
When reading or watching the outside learning material I found both to be very
resourceful about how the trinity is explained, but it seemed to me the videos were more
appealing with visual aid. The surprising thing while reading was in the Athanasian
creed, this is the catholic faith one cannot be saved without believing it firmly and
faithfully. So we all must believe till the time comes when we do join God in heaven but,
also the states those who have done good will enter eternal life. I thought you can only
get into heaven by believing in the trinity and accepting Christ as your savior not by
good morals ( following the law). Also the example C.S.lewis provided about 1
dimension is a straight line, 2 dimension is a figure, and 3 dimensions is an object. This
was really understandable but, God is not in the finite dimension, he is in an infinite
amount of dimensions as it explained.
The doctrine of the trinity is important because like what was stated in the
YouTube video it is a fundamental idea. As christians we must know what it is and who
it's about. This affects our life, actually of love and relationships. God could not create
love he needed to have love so he began to love his son Jesus. This is how love is
known to us and suddenly God began to love us and his love was so great he sent the
Holy Spirit to stay with us on earth. This is a relationship between the father, to the son,
and to the Holy Spirit they are one just like how it's explained in Genesis 2:23-24 This
is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was
taken out of man. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his
wife, and they become one flesh. This saying that even though they have a relationship
of husband and wife they are still one. Just like how the father, the son, and the Holy
Spirit have, they are one in unity, the trinity. 3 persons= 1 God-> this is the divine level
and 3 persons= 3 God's->this is human level. People who don't know God will know
love because he loves them too and they'll have relationships from birth and in the
future with their wives.
The biggest thing I've learned about the trinity this week was the trinity is equal in
power I thought the father had power over the son but they are equal as the Holy Spirit.
The only question I have is about the trinitys works. I know the Holy Spirit is with us
on earth because it was meant to watch over us when Jesus sent it on Pentecost. He
has watched over us for 2 millennium but i'm not sure if he is equal with the father
planning the history of the earth and he is the only one who knows about the end.
Finally there's the son, Jesus, he came down from heaven to serve us, to teach us, and
to die for us. Jesus put on flesh to die for our sins so we may be forgiven. So I ask this
is the trinity really equal with each other's works who was the one who did the most
work in the Bible?

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