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Crystallization- Making a round clear for a judge

1. Usaully in 2N and 2A
Some things to make the round clear
1. Voters
2. Overview
a. Any general argument that clarifies some debate
3. Weighing/Extensions
a. Explain how they relate to debate round as a whole, like this is the most
important contention

Some things that constrain you on crystallization

1. Technically
a. Can you speak/debate in a way to be efficient
b. Word economy
2. In round
a. Cant make new args, make all args in the first rebuttal

1. Dont go for everything
2. Go for framework
3. Answer their offence
4. Extend Offence
5. Theory
6. Do both voters and line by line. (Big and small picture)
a. Drill to practice this: Pick three issues your winning a round on and force yourself
to divide the flow and address those three issues. Give yourself 2 minutes and
answer each one.

1. Dont go for everything
2. Extend offence
3. Answer big parts of the opponent offence
4. Weighing
5. Think of yourself literally writing a judges ballot
6. Good Drill: Write a judges ballot about your Aff
7. Group arguments together
a. They have to rely on the same concept
8. Overviews
a. Clarify the order in which things matter

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