Kondicionali Vezbanja

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The Zero Conditional:

Koristi se uglavnom za injenice, nauno i iskustveno dokazane.

Ako stavi ruku u vatru, boli. Izvesnost 100 % Ili Ako znam kondicionale,
dobijam peticu.
injenica, nauio si, zna, to je to, aksiom. Garant petica, nauno dokazano,
znanje = dobra ocena.

2. The First Conditional: pamet u glavu, ansa postoji i to velika

Ako nauim kondicionale, dobiu peticu. Izvesnost 50 %

Od tebe zavisi draga moja, uslov je jasan, na tebi je donese odluku.

3. The Second Conditional: ta bi bilo kad bi bilo, ta se kome snilo,

Kad bih nauio kondicionale, dobio bih peticu . Izvesnost 5%

To je situacija kada sedi tako i bleji na netu i misli ta bi to sve moglo da se
desi sutra na kontrolnom a najverovatnije nee, jer ti je sve pree nego uenje.

4. The Third Conditional : kasno Marko na Kosovo stie ili gde ti je

pamet bila, uprskao si!
Da sam bio nauio te kondicionale prole nedelje, dobio bih peticu iz engleskog
ali nisi, kec ko vrata, sorry, proao voz. Izvesnost: 0 %
Bilo je ta je bilo, to je sada prolost, moe samo da kukumavi, nita ne
moe da promeni.
- Formula za kondicionale u engleskom jeziku

1. The Zero Conditional:

- if + present simple present simple
- If you heat water to 100 C, it boils. (Ako zagreje vodu na 100 C, ona kljua.
Nema rasprave, nauno dokazano, aksiom,taka kraj prie, deava se uvek I
sada, jedna od osnovnih upotreba Present Simple Tensa, to smo nauili, ko ne
zna, trai post o tome)- 100%
odmah vebaj
2. The First Conditional
- if + present simple will + infinitive
- If it rains tomorrow, well go to the cinema. (Ako pada kia sutra(budunost)
odosmo u bioskop, moe da se desi a I ne mora) 50%

3. The Second Conditional

- if + past simple would + infinitive
- If I had a lot of money, I would travel around the world. (Ako, kad bih imala
puno novca, ila bih na put oko sveta, ali puste elje, nemam, brale ni do
Poarevca da odem) 5% dajemo na pozitivne misli I mogunost Bingo
!!!!!!Vano kod drugog kondicionala za 1 i 3 lice kod glagola to be
koristi se oblik were- If I were you, .

4. The Third Conditional

- if + past perfect would + have + past participle
- If I had gone to bed early, I would have caught the train.( Da sam ranije otila
na spavanje, uhvatila bih voz na vreme, ali proao voz, bee mu, to je sada
davna prolost, nema kajanja I tako to) 0%
Put in the correct third conditional verb form:
1.If you ______________ (not / be) late, we ______________ (not / miss) the bus.
2.If she ______________ (study), she ______________ (pass) the exam.
3.If we ______________ (arrive) earlier, we ______________ (see) John.
4.If they ______________ (go) to bed early, they ______________ (not / wake)up
5.If he ______________ (become) a musician, he ______________ (record) aCD.
6.If she ______________ (go) to art school, she ______________ (become) apainter.
7.If I ______________ (be) born in a different country, I ______________
(learn) to speak a different language.
8.If she ______________ (go) to university, she ______________ (study)French.
9.If we ______________ (not / go) to the party, we ______________ (not /meet)
10.If he ______________ (take) the job, he ______________ (not / go) travelling.
Put the verb into the correct first conditional form:
1.If I __________________ (go) out tonight, I __________________ (go) to the cinema.
2.If you __________________ (get) back late, I __________________ (be)angry.
3.If we __________________ (not / see) each other tomorrow, we__________________
(see) each other next week.
4.If he __________________ (come), I __________________ (be) surprised.
5.If we __________________ (wait) here, we __________________ (be) late.
6.If we __________________ (go) on holiday this summer, we__________________
(go) to Spain.
7.If the weather __________________ (not / improve),we__________________ (not /
have) a picnic.
8.If I __________________ (not / go) to bed early, I__________________ (be)tired
9.If we __________________ (eat) all this cake, we __________________(feel) sick.
10.If you __________________ (not / want) to go out, I__________________(cook)
dinner at home.
Second Conditionals - put the verb into the correct tense:
1.If I _________________ (be) you, I _________________ (get) a new job.
2.If he _________________ (be) younger, he _________________ (travel)more.
3.If we _________________ (not / be) friends, I _________________ (be)angry with
4.If I _________________ (have) enough money, I _________________ (buy)a big
5.If she _________________ (not / be) always so late,she _________________(be)
6.If we _________________ (win) the lottery, we _________________ (travel)the
7.If you _________________ (have) a better job, we _________________ (be)able to
buy a new car
8.If I _________________ (speak) perfect English, I _________________(have) a good
9.If we _________________ (live) in Mexico, I _________________ (speak)Spanish.
10.If she _________________ (pass) the exam, she _________________ (be)able to
enter university.
Make zero conditionals:
1.(I / wake up late / I / be late for work)
2.(my husband / cook / he / burn the food)
3.(Julie / not wear a hat / she / get sunstroke)
4.(children / not eat well / they / not be healthy)

5.(you / mix water and electricity / you / get a shock

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