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Eric Schrantz

303 N Main St

Pleasant Hope, MO 65725

October 8, 2017

To whom it may concern,

I am contacting you in reference to a recent applicant in your system, Crystal Thompson .

I have known Crystal for a year and a half now through my teaching at Pleasant Hope High
School. In my US History course, Crystal demonstrated herself as a student leader and academic
scholar. Her achievement in my class was in the 9th percentile, and her involvement in discussions
could not have been better.

In my experience, Crystal regularly demonstrates herself as a proactive individual. When

something needs to be done she doesn't wait until the last minute. I often was able to rely on
Crystal for feedback on my lesson design and difficulty of assignments. Having a resource like
Crystal in my classroom proved invaluable, and I will forever be grateful to her contributions to my
first year of teaching.

Crystal's perseverance and determination are also clear qualities that set her apart from her
peers. She is not afraid to take the necessary actions to accomplish her goals nor to ask for
assistance when she needs it. She is fully aware of her strengths as well as her weaknesses and
works incessantly to improve herself and ensure the best possible outcome from any work she is
involved in. This level of intrinsic motivation is not one I often see in her age bracket.

I strongly recounted Crystal for the position which you are considering her. I know that
she can rise to any occasion and be a large, positive, impactful force in any team.

Thank you for your consideration

Eric Schrantz

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