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Earthquake in Wenchuan, China in 2008

Caption1: At 14:28 on May 12, 2008, 04 seconds, in Sichuan County of Wenchuan (31 degrees north
latitude, 103.4 degrees east longitude), the magnitude of the earthquake was 8. The magnitude,
magnitude, magnitude, destructiveness, and duration of the aftershock were unique in the global
continental earthquake. By June 3rd, at 07, there were 10037 aftershocks in the Wenchuan earthquake
area. This is the most destructive and the biggest earthquake since the founding of new china. The
earthquake hit China's land about 500 thousand square kilometers! As of April 25, 2009, 10, 69227
people were killed, 374643 injured, missing 17923 people. Among them, 68712 compatriots were killed
in Sichuan Province, 17921 compatriots missing, a total of 5335 students were killed or missing. The
direct economic loss amounted to 845 billion 100 million yuan. This is the largest earthquake since the
founding of the People's Republic of China. Since the August 15, 1950 Tibet earthquake magnitude is
metok (level 8.5) and the 2001 Kunlun Mountains earthquake (8.1) after the third earthquake, directly
affected area of 100 thousand square kilometers.
Earthquake within Sichuan Province in 2008

Caption2: The earthquake has spread to more than half of China and many Asian countries and regions.
It has been felt from north to Liaoning, east to Shanghai, South to Hongkong, Macao, Thailand, Vietnam,
and west to Pakistan. 5 - 12 Wenchuan earthquake severely damaged area more than 100 thousand
square kilometers, among them, the severest disaster area a total of 10 counties (city), a heavy disaster
area of 41 counties (city), a total of 186 general disaster counties (city). As of September 18, 2008 12, 5 -
12 Wenchuan earthquake has caused 69227 deaths, 374643 people were injured, 17923 people missing,
People's Republic of China since the establishment of the most destructive earthquake is an earthquake
after the Tangshan earthquake the most serious casualties.
Earthquake within China in 2008

Caption 3: The Wenchuan earthquake was the worst disaster since the founding of new China in 1949.
Roads, bridges, tunnels, towns, schools, houses, communications and other infrastructure were
seriously damaged, and the estimated direct economic losses could be as high as RMB one hundred and
fifty billion yuan. But experts also said that the Wenchuan earthquake will not affect the overall trend of
China's economy. Data show that the Wenchuan earthquake was the most destructive China since 1949,
the largest earthquake affected areas, the scope of the quake hit Wenchuan has more than one hundred
thousand square kilometers, strength and seismic intensity are more than the great Tangshan
earthquake of 1976. At twelve on May 19th, thirty-four thousand and seventy-three people were killed
and two hundred and forty-five thousand one hundred and eight injured in the Wenchuan eight
earthquake in Sichuan, china.
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