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Retail Perk Command

Register of Tomorrow bucks.unlock_perk RegisterMimic true

Stunning Sign bucks.unlock_perk SignageMimic true
Provocative Pedestal bucks.unlock_perk PedestalMimic true
Extra Worker Slot 1 bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_1 true
Extra Worker Slot 2 bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_2 true
Serious Shopper bucks.unlock_perk CustomerPurchaseIntent true
MegaManager bucks.unlock_perk ImproveManagementSocials true
Slick Salesman bucks.unlock_perk ImproveRetailSocials true
Superfluous Surplus bucks.unlock_perk DecreaseRestocking_Temporary true
Cheaper Restocking bucks.unlock_perk DescreaseRestockingCost true
My First Simoleon bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_1 true
Fobbs 500 bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_2 true
Snazzy Shirt bucks.unlock_perk RetailOutfit true
Faster Checkouts Small bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Small true
Faster Checkouts Large bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Large true
Faster Restock Small bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Small true
Faster Restock Large bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Large true
Curious Shopper bucks.unlock_perk CustomerBrowseTime true
Sure Sale bucks.unlock_perk SureSaleSocial true
Instant Restock bucks.unlock_perk InstantRestock true

Skill, Career, and Aspiration Cheats

Powerful Hidden Cheats
With the permission of TwistedMexi, a Simmer who took the time to look into The Sims 4's
source code and find all the developer cheats, I am listing the cheats that help with Sims 4's
Skills, Careers, and other common things here. You can find a full list of cheats TwistedMexi
has discovered here. The Wiki is being updated with newly discovered cheats, so you might
find something that helps you a lot there.

Testingcheats on should be enabled, as some cheats will not work without it. Skill/Career
cheats affect the selected Sim.

Money X - Type Money 50000 or 1000000, whatever you like, and your family will have
that amount exactly. This can be used to subtract funds, because it sets the money to whatever
amount you specify.

Satisfaction/Aspiration Cheats - Type aspirations.complete_current_milestone and you

will get all the satisfaction from completing that milestone and move on to the next, one stage
closer to the special trait you get for completing the aspiration. You can do this repeatedly
until you have every Reward trait and gobs of satisfaction. It's listed above but bears
repeating here: sims.give_satisfaction_points gives the selected Sim an amount of
satisfaction equal to what you enter. sims.give_satisfaction_points 50000 would give you

Infinite Consumables - One-time use potions can be bought with satisfaction. You may also
milk Cow Plants that have killed Sims to get a potion that increases a Sim's lifespan. You can
make these consumables infinite by using the objects.consumables_infinite_toggle Cheat.
This can allow you to always get a particular emotion, or make a Sim immortal with aging
still on.

Remove negative moodlets by typing Sims.remove_all_buffs. This will take away positive
as well, but you can get those back. The link to TwistedMexican's wiki has a list of all buffs,
which can be added/removed individually.

Careers Cheats - While already in the career you want (via normal hiring from the phone or
computer) and with testingcheats on, type Careers.promote X - for example careers.promote
astronaut would promote your Sim to the next level in the Astronaut career. Any Careers that
have multiple words should contain no spaces, for example careers.promote secretagent.

careers.demote X also works, causing a Sim to go back a level. You cannot use this to go
back to the branch choice for a career - if you're at the first level of a branch, you'll be fired
using this. If you don't know which branch you want, check out the linked Career guides to
see the benefits and pay of each. The Careers Guide also has a table to compare careers.

To quickly get multiple promotions, copy the command below for the career you're in - just
the careers.promote x part - and paste it into the game's command line with Control - V
(Command-V on Mac). Paste it until you're level 10!

careers.promote astronaut Astronaut

careers.promote athletic Athlete
careers.promote business Business
careers.promote criminal Criminal
careers.promote culinary Culinary
careers.promote detective Detective (Get to Work)
careers.promote doctor Doctor (Get to Work)
careers.promote entertainer Entertainer
careers.promote painter Painter
careers.promote scientist Scientist (Get to Work)
careers.promote secretagent Secret Agent
careers.promote techguru Tech Guru
careers.promote writer Writer

School Cheats - Raise a Sim's grades with careers.promote gradeschool or

careers.promote highschool. You can lower them as well with careers.demote

Skill Cheats - Type Stats.set_skill_level major_X with X being the level of skill you'd like
the selected Sim to be. Note the different syntax for fitness and children's skills in the list
below. If you cannot get skill cheats to work try stats.set_skill_level adultmajor_x. You can
find _ near the backspace key on your keyboard.

With testingcheats on, type Stats.set_skill_level major_handiness 10 - make handiness 10.

Note the Major_ before the skill name. If you did this, you'd see the level 10 popup. If you
want to see what unlocks with each level, read the linked guide or adjust it by 1 each time so
that you can see information on each new level. Here are all the skills in Sims 4, which you
can cheat to max. Beside each, there's a link to the associated Skill Guide so that you can
learn how to use it!

To max all cheats quickly, copy stats.set_skill_level major_ and paste it into your command
console in-game. Finish the command with the skill, then the level. This doesn't work for
fitness so you need to copy that line. Remember Photography caps at 5.

Skill_Fitness - stats.set_skill_level skill_fitness x (Guide)

Major_Baking - stats.set_skill_level major_baking x Get to Work (Guide)
Major_Bartending - that is, the Mixology Skill (Guide)
Major_Charisma - (Guide)
Major_Comedy - (Guide)
Minor_Dancing - Get Together Expansion (may not work on Teenage Sims)
Major_DJMixing - Get Together (may not work on Teenage Sims)
Major_Fishing - (Guide)
Major_Gardening - (Guide)
Major_GourmetCooking - (Guide)
Major_Guitar - (Guide)
Major_Handiness (Guide)
Major_Herbalism - Outdoor Retreat (Guide)
Major_HomestyleCooking - Regular Cooking (Guide)
Major_Logic - (Guide)
Major_Mischief - (Guide)
Major_Painting - (Guide)
Major_Photography - Max 5, Get to Work (Guide)
Major_Piano - (Guide)
Major_Programming - (Guide)
Major_Reaping - not really a thing, but it's there.
Major_RocketScience - (Guide)
Major_VideoGaming - (Guide)
Major_Violin - (Guide)
Major_Wellness - Spa day (Guide)
Major_Writing - (Guide)

Child Skills - (Guide to Children's Skills)

Skill_Child_Creativity - so stats.set_skill_level skill_child_creativity 10


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