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Lab Report Format

I. Title

II. Introduction
a. This is your pre-lab.
b. Answer in complete sentences
c. Paragraph form
d. Summarizes the content of the lab.

III. Purpose - Why are we doing this experiment?

IV. Testable Question

V. Hypothesis
a. Multiple hypotheses may at times be necessary
b. Use the if thenbecause format
c. ex. If you get at least 6 hours of sleep, then you will do better on tests than if you get less sleep = independent
d. The then part of your hypothesis is a direct result from the if part = dependent variable
e. The because part of your hypothesis is why.

VI. Materials
a. Listed in bullet point
b. Separate into parts for multiple part labs

VII. Procedure or Methods

a. Paragraph form
b. Separate into parts for multiple part labs
c. Explain, very briefly, the intent of each procedural step. For example: To ensure no liquid was lost, the ends of the
dialysis tubing was tied.

VIII. Analysis or Results

a. This is your data in words. NOT what the data means.
b. Should simply SAY the raw data in words (no commentary or reasoning here).
c. Should cite each table and figure
d. Example: As shown in table 1.1, when placed in 0.2M solution, the dialysis tubing gained 1.2 grams. However,
when placed in 0.4M solution, the dialysis tubing gained 1 gram.

IX. Sample Calculations and Raw Data - Tables, charts, illustrations, et al.
a. Include any sample calculation needed to understand the data

X. Conclusion or Discussion
a. Restate the purpose of the experiment
b. Restate your hypothesis/hypotheses
c. Discussion of your results
i. Address whether or not your hypothesis was supported by the data (i.e. was your hypothesis correct or
ii. Connect your raw data/analysis to your hypothesis (commentary and reasoning): What does the data mean?

d. Error Analysis
i. What were possible sources of error?
ii. How could you improve the experiment to prevent future errors?

***Lab report must be written in third person and past tense***

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