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Hi, Gerald. It's Brendon here. Listen! Mr.

Davidson has asked that I contact you, since you are

considered to be our key figure in public relations. The company's in a bit of a slump at the
moment, as you know, but Mr. Davidson has come up with a strategy to improve the situation.
He's suggested that we send all the companies that do business with us fruit baskets for
Christmas. I think that such a gesture will help generate a lot of goodwill between our company
and our clients. He says it's important that we send each firm a different basket. No one has
volunteered to do this, since everyone claims to have so much paperwork to do. Would you
consider taking this on as your next project? Think about it and give me a buzz. Bye.

Hola, Gerald. Aqu es Brendon. Escucha! El Sr. Davidson me ha pedido que me ponga en contacto con
usted, ya que se considera que es nuestra figura clave en las relaciones pblicas. La empresa est en
un momento de crisis, como usted sabe, pero el Sr. Davidson ha elaborado una estrategia para
mejorar la situacin. Ha sugerido que enviemos todas las empresas que hacen negocios con nosotros
cestas de fruta para Navidad. Creo que ese gesto ayudar a generar mucha buena voluntad entre
nuestra empresa y nuestros clientes. Dice que es importante que enviemos a cada empresa una cesta
diferente. Nadie se ha ofrecido a hacer esto, ya que todos dicen tener tanto papeleo que hacer.
Considerara tomar esto como su prximo proyecto? Pinsalo y dame un zumbido. Adis.
Dear Consumer,

In my capacity as vice president of Trotter, Inc., I would like to take this

opportunity to invite you to assist us.

Trotter, Inc. is considered to be one of the leading information-gathering companies in the

country. We are currently conducting a survey, and you have been selected as one of 10,000
homeowners to whom we've sent our questionnaire.

Surveys that are designed to assess consumer habits are known to be very important tools for
helping advertisers assess their target markets and pursue them with greater efficiency.

Ultimately, no one benefits more from this information than you, the consumer. That's why it is
essential that you fill out the enclosed questionnaire and return it to us without delay.

The purpose of this survey is to find out how you, as a consumer, perceive the influence
advertisements have on you. Are you more conscious of radio ads, TV ads, newspaper ads or
Internet ads? Which of these, if any, do you count on for your important consumer information?
And how is this reflected in your consumer buying habits?

After the questionnaires have been returned to us, the data will be analyzed by an independent
consulting firm. The results will be sent to you, along with a small gift to show our appreciation
for your assistance.
My intuition tells me that you're the kind of person who sees things through and doesn't
procrastinate. I'm therefore confident that you will take this opportunity to assert yourself and
voice your opinion, and return your completed questionnaire within ten days.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Mr. Mark Eagleson
Vice President
Trotter, Inc.

Estimado Consumidor,

En mi calidad de vicepresidente de Trotter, Inc., quisiera aprovechar esta oportunidad para

invitarle a que nos ayude.
Trotter, Inc. es considerada como una de las principales compaas de recoleccin de
informacin en el pas. Actualmente estamos llevando a cabo una encuesta, y usted ha sido
seleccionado como uno de los 10.000 propietarios a los que hemos enviado nuestro cuestionario.
Las encuestas que estn diseadas para evaluar los hbitos de consumo son conocidas por ser
herramientas muy importantes para ayudar a los anunciantes a evaluar sus mercados objetivo y
perseguirlos con mayor eficiencia.
En ltima instancia, nadie se beneficia ms de esta informacin que usted, el consumidor. Por
eso es esencial que rellene el cuestionario adjunto y devulvalo sin demora.
El propsito de esta encuesta es descubrir cmo usted, como consumidor, percibe la influencia
que los anuncios tienen sobre usted. Est usted ms consciente de los anuncios de radio,
anuncios de televisin, anuncios en los peridicos o anuncios de Internet? Cul de estos, si
alguno, usted cuenta para su informacin importante del consumidor? Y cmo se refleja esto en
sus hbitos de compra de los consumidores?
Una vez que se nos hayan devuelto los cuestionarios, los datos sern analizados por una
consultora independiente. Los resultados sern enviados a usted, junto con un pequeo regalo
para mostrar nuestro agradecimiento por su ayuda.
Mi intuicin me dice que usted es el tipo de persona que ve las cosas a travs y no procrastina.
Por lo tanto, confo en que aproveche esta oportunidad para afirmarse y expresar su opinin, y
devolver el cuestionario completado dentro de diez das.
Gracias de antemano por su cooperacin.

Sr. Mark Eagleson
Trotter, Inc.
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- Joe, would you mind working this weekend?
- I'm sorry, but there's no way I could make it this weekend.
- The thing is, we have to finish this project by Monday morning.
- I'm afraid I just can't. I'm going away this weekend. Why don't you ask Hans to help out?
- I did. He also can't make it.
- Hmm. Maybe I can manage after all.

- Fred, you look terrible! Have you seen the doctor yet?
- Yes, I have. He recommended that I stay home from work for a few days.
- Then why are you here?
- Well, Mr. Knight insists that I finish this report by the end of the week.
- Oh. I guess what the boss says takes priority, then.
- Fred, te ves terrible! Has visto al doctor?
- S tengo. Me recomend que me quedara en casa del trabajo por unos das.
- Entonces, porque estas aqui?
- Bueno, el Sr. Knight insiste en que termine este informe para el final de la semana.
- Oh. Supongo que lo que el jefe dice tiene prioridad, entonces.
- So, what's Tony like?
- He's such a wonderful person. He's kind and generous and funny.
- Wow! He sounds so wonderful.
- He does have a twin brother, you know. Are you interested?
- Cmo es Tony?
- Es una persona maravillosa. Es amable, generoso y divertido.
- Guau! Suena tan maravilloso.
- Tiene un hermano gemelo, sabes? Ests interesado?

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