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Measuring customer satisfaction inpatients is a measurement method to

determine how much satisfaction of inpatients and their families with the
services provide
1. As a reference implementation of the deployment , collecting , processing

Tujuan and analyzing patient complaints and or family who went on to be coordinated
and followed up with good
2. For each input , suggestions , complaints can be identified , processed and
analyzed to be communicated back to the unit in question so that it can be
studied all the management to improve the performance and quality of services
in general.

Kebijakan 1. Patient satisfaction survey carried out every day by the treatment unit
associated with using questionnaires .
2. Customer satisfaction surveys can also be done with the interview directly
to inpatients by Customer Service
3. Customer satisfaction survey was also conducted Customer Service to
inpatients who had come home with a telephone call to the patient
4. Related Care Unit questionnaire inpatients to the patient when going home
5. Target achievement Customer Satisfaction Index score in each unit a
minimum of 8:40
6. The target number of respondents respectively -masing unit at least 40
questionnaire every month.

SPO CS 2012.doc

Prosedur 1. To get feedback from the customer, Customer Service perform several ways
a. Methods of questionnaires
Nurses at Nursing Unit gave questionnaires to inpatients who will go
home and or family as well as explaining how to fill out the questionnaire
b. Methods interview
Customer Service Every day visit patients who are hospitalized for
requesting input or suggestions regarding the improvement of service
provision Customer Service SPO visits to inpatients ) . Results of the
interview will be included as open customer suggestions .
c. Method call home patients
Inpatients who had returned three days will be contacted by Customer
Service to be reminded of the time control to the doctor . In addition
Customer Service also asked suggestions regarding patient care ( SPO
provisions Calls Patients return) . Results call home patients will be
included as open customer suggestions
2. Format inpatient questionnaire is divided into two (2 ) forms of questions,
namely :
a. Closed Questions
To measure the level of satisfaction , respondents were asked to provide an
assessment of how SATISFIED to real conditions by selecting a score from
1 to 10. The division interval satisfaction are :
1:00 - 4.99 = Very less
5:00 to 6:25 = Less
6:26 to 7:50 = Enough
7:51 - 8.76 = Good
8:22 to 10:00 = Very good

SPO CS 2012.doc

3. Patient / family enter a questionnaire that was filled into the suggestion box
that has been provided in each care unit
4. very morning during business hours , Customer Service circumference to
take care unit for inpatient questionnaire that has been put in the suggestion
5. Customer Service compute open customer suggestions into reports
Suggestions Customer Day ( Form.FD.002 ) . The report was
communicated to all relevant units each weekday via email to be
immediately followed by each unit concerned .
6. To suggestions that need to be followed up by the unit , each linked unit
will fill Form Follow-up advice / criticism of the Customer
( Form.FD.005 ) and handed back to the Customer Service as proof that the
suggestions / criticisms have been acted upon.
7. Suggestions of Customer Day , Customer Service then compute became
Weekly Reports Customer Feedback.
8. For closed questions , the officer Customer Service perform data input for a
month using a computer program . From the results of data input is then
made statements Results Inpatient Satisfaction Survey Monthly
( Form.FD.006 )
9. The results of patient satisfaction surveys monthly Hospitalization
disseminated to the entire Board of Directors and the Manager or related
unit later than the 10th of the following month.
10. The survey results patient satisfaction delivered to the unit Service Quality
as an evaluation and improvement . Service Quality follow up on these
survey results with a meeting between the units by the end of next month.
11. The results of the regular monthly meeting will be given to each unit and
forwarded to the relevant unit manager to be known .
12. Results of follow-up of each unit will be forwarded to Customer Service to
know the results of the follow up and completion.

SPO CS 2012.doc

Unit Terkait 1. Customer Service

2. Service Quality
3. Inpatient
4. Dietary
6. Cleanliness
7. Maintenance

SPO CS 2012.doc

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