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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83


via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017

Name City State Postal Code Comment

M-83 is key to a balanced transportation network in Upcounty, which includes transit. Transit is not the magic pill for all Upcounty mobility issues.
Upcounty must have the mobility options that is enjoyed by others in the County. The efforts to destroy this balance with misinformation is
Cherian Eapen Clarksburg MD 20871 unfortunate.
The associated infrastructure that was promised and accounted for on the master plan needs to built. Much of the development in Northern MOCO
was approved and determined as feasible because the roads were going to be expanded (Mid County, Corridor Cities, etc.) and now all of the people
are moving up here and we're becoming land locked. The traffic in Clarksburg since 2004 when we moved in has become border line unbearable. The
increase in commute time will eventually begin to hurt our home values and thus decrease tax assessments. For once, follow through and execute on
the Master Plan as was previously agreed upon or else stop wasting the ink that was used to develop it. Thank you for your attention and
Leroy Haynes Clarksburg MD 20871 consideration!!
Stephen Mullen Clarksburg MD 20871 Ease traffic congestion on 270 and 355
Jeff Escher Clarksburg MD 20871 Critical to reduce traffic congestion on 270. Part of master plan and Clarksburg was built with this road as a critical artery.
The county needs to stand behind and FOLLOW THROUGH with the Master Plan that's been in place for 50 years. This is what home buyers look at and
Donna Pfeiffer Clarksburg MD 20871 rely on. Clarksburg NEEDS M-83 Alternative 9 in order to deal with our continued growth.
Nicholas Tsahalis Clarksburg MD 20871 The congestion in the area has my family and I considering moving!
Qi Duan Bethesda MD 20892 This is extremely important for me to commute every day.
The traffic is getting worse as more houses are being built. We need another road as an outlet. We need more room so we are not stuck waiting 15
Batuoc Nguyen Clarksburg MD 20871 minutes to drive 2 miles to our home.
Many resident purchased homes due to the fact that this road was going in. There will always be auto traffic and the more asundery roads there are the
Elizabeth Forrest Clarksburg MD 20871 better traffic will flow
Adhikari Clarksburg MD 20871 The current traffic from Route 27 is horrible and we need a better traffic route.
We have been waiting a long time for relief to the traffic congestion. A growing population is compounding the problem. There have to be other
Linda Eskay Clarksburg MD 20871 alternatives besides 355 and 270, which are already overburdened.Thank you
Nicole Graves Clarksburg MD 20871 The traffic in our area is ridiculous. We need more road options like Mid-County Highway to ease congestion.
vinay gandla Clarksburg MD 20871 I am witness to rapid deterioration of the transportation in my area and the only hope I see is M-83.
Subhash S Bethesda MD 20813 I am tried of 270 to reach the Rockville station . I drive a lot and my community will need this Highway

Gayathri I travel between Clarksburg and Rockville everyday and have 2 small kids to get back to. I am always struck on I-270 traffic during office hours which
Subramanian Clarksburg MD 20871 makes it difficult and expensive for me since I have to send them to after-care becaus eI am not able to get back on time.

Martinez Martinez Clarksburg MD 20871 We need less traffic jams!!

The existing RT 27 by itself is not equipped to handle all the traffic that is increasing day by day because of all the new and upcoming developments on
Angana Desai Clarksburg MD 20871 Rt 27. Our work life quality is being highly affected to due to all the traffic.
William Freburger North Bethesda MD 20852 I am tired of needlessly spending extra hours of everyday on my commute. I want to spend time with my family.
Bondalapati Germantown MD 20874 I work in DC and it takes 100 Minutes every day to go to work. This new route will help us for a faster commute.
Kelly Alvarez Clarksburg MD 20871 We need this road!
juan farias Clarksburg MD 20871 alleviate traffic coming/going from upper montgomery county and frederick/carroll counties
Chun Cheng clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic is terriable
Sadok Rouai Clarksburg MD 20871 I commute every day to shady grove metro station
Donna Griffith Clarksburg MD 20871 I am an Arora Hills resident and have to deal with the growing congestion daily.
This will improve my quality of life by getting back and forth to work and school. Right now travel time is important to me and I will be willing to pay a
toll to connect to the ICC. Also, with our development growing more and I am working in Silver Spring this will reduce the travel pattern. On route 27,
Barbara Johnson Clarksburg MD 20871 you cannot extend the lanes; therefore, something else has to be done in regards to travel time.

Page 1 of 18
SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017

The road is vital to easing the congestion and my family's ability to get to work. It is ridiculous how the County Council is re-writing the plans
considering our new developments were built with these infrastructure improvement in mind. Please stop focusing only on the southern part of the
Matt Kavanagh Clarksburg MD 20871 county (and in this instance, Gaithersburg) and provide us with what was promised! This is turning into a bait and switch!
Amit Pandya Clarksburg MD 20871 Daily travel is time consuming due to trafic from Clarksburg to Shady Grove Metro Station.
Venkatappa Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic congestion is significantly increased.
Yongling Xin Clarksburg MD 20871 shorten commute time
Brian Donlon Clarksburg MD 20871 The roads in Clarksburg need to be in line with the number of people and shops coming here.
Avadesh Gulati Clarksburg MD 20871 I live in clarksburg and the traffic on Rt. 27 would be greatly decreased by the construction of this road.
Linda Hollenberg Clarksburg MD 20871 Would help my drive to work everyday
Anne Scott Clarksburg MD 20871 I live in Arora Hills and this is crucial for speeding up my commute time. My commute time = time with my family and time for myself.
I commute to DC everyday and accessibility to 270 is very congested. In order to reduce carbon footprint, we must have a smoother transportation
Samit Bhatt Clarksburg MD 20871 infrastructure.
Xibao Liu Clarksburg MD 20871 traffic
With the growth of Arora Hills and Clarksburg Village, we need to infrastructure to alleviate the burden on Ridge Road. Don't approve the Outlet Malls
Frank Griffith Clarksburg MD 20871 and then bottleneck the traffic. Please approve the Mid-County Extension.

I bought a home in Clarksburg, Montgomery County, knowing that the community would be a great fit for my family and that in the near future there
Colby James Clarksburg MD 20871 would be traffic relief as both my husband and I commute south for work. The Clarksburg area is continuing to grow at a rapid pace!
I live in Clarksburg and work at Bethesda. The traffic more and more become a important problem for me. I have to take more time to drive through Rt
Joe Zhang Clarksburg MD 20871 27, I strongly want the situation can be improved soon.
I routinely commute to the shady grove metro area which is becoming increasing difficult because of the traffic on I-270. Having this direct route would
terry mcguire clarksburg MD 20871 be extremely productive and help to alleviate the congestion on I-270.
With heavy population inflow to clarksburg area, this alternative to 270 & 355 will help us (clarksburg/Damascus) residents get to metro, and to
Rockville in reasonable amount of time. 270 will have heavy inflow from up north, and 355 is not viable alternative for getting to Rockville area. We
Vamsi Motaparthy Clarksburg MD 20871 really need this to continue to live and grow in Clarksburg.
Monica Buhl Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic relief on Rt 27 and I-270
Developers are greedy to develop more properties without the consideration of the main routes like MD 27 being so crowded at peak hours. That is the
only bottleneck for thousands of residents. This highway will ease the congestion on 270 as well which is useful for people commuting from Frederick
Arun I Clarksburg MD 20871 and Urbana as well.
The proposed highway will surely help to reduce traffic congestion on route 27, which is a immediate need for Clarksburg Neighborhood. During peak
Jasvinder Singh Clarksburg MD 20871 hours it takes more than 15 minutes to travel only for 3 miles on 27.
Prashant Sharma Clarksburg MD 20871 The area has flood of news houses and traffic lines are choked especially during the rush hour. There should be an alternative.

The current roadways are becoming bottleneck for commuters and transit options cant help enough. We need this change to improve my daily life as
Vivek Gupta Clarksburg MD 20871 well as that of my neighbors.
This is important to my community to help relieve the traffic and congestion on Route 27 as well as making it easier to get to the Metro and points
Jill Sobel Clarksburg MD 20871 beyond.

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
Ryan Mitchell Clarksburg MD 20871 This is 1 more reason to move to Clarksburg and helps add value to our homes in Clarksburg
Sumaira Ahmed Clarksburg MD 20855 It will help me and my husband's job commute faster nad congestion free
Yuriy Yankop Clarksburg MD 20871 We have a triffic jam now...
We do not need any more congestion in Clarksburg, we need to infrastructure and roads to keep our new community accessible and to follow through
LJ Belsito Clarksburg MD 20871 on what has been promised for years before this community was built.

Jacqueline Nareski Clarksburg MD 20871 Because it would provide an alternative way to get home than 270 which is getting more and more congested every day.
Hollie Miller Clarksburg MD 20871 To ease traffic congestion in the area we live in that is expanding tremendously.
Adam MacLeod Clarksburg MD 20871 Increased home values!!

There is way too much traffic on 27. The residential development should have included enhancements to the roads to support the traffic. MC can not
afford to increase development of any kind without major enhancements to the roads. The additional increase of revenue from our taxes should be
Audrey Banks Clarksburg MD 20871 devoted to roads. Its just not fair to the residents. Eliminating a major infrastructure necessity is irresponsible.
harin mankad Clarksburg MD 20871 Ease I 270 congestion
Ravinder Grover Clarksburg MD 20871 It takes more than 50 minutes to go to Shady Grove Station
Jenny Hong Clarksburg MD 20871 It will bring a great convenience to the people of whole community
Liu Grace Clarksburg MD 20871 Building this road is crucial to a viable upper Montgomery County.
Brady Hill Clarksburg MD 20871 Crucial for my commute and the reason we stayed in Montgomery County
Traffic coming north and south bound into the Clarksburg area is a major problem. Here we are in 2013 and it is taking more than 45-50 mins. to travel
from Bethesda to Clarksburg in Ears to come the amount of drivers will only increase due to all the baby boomers and lack of public transportation and
HOV restrictions. Even HOV has tremendously changed it to has increased in volume. Therefore the removal of the Mid County removal is not a great
Pamela Blackwell Clarksburg MD 20871 decision this highway is essential and desperately needed. Thank you.
To help aliviate the ever increasing volume of local traffic on the area roadways. The number of houses built in the Clarksburg area are quickly
Teresa Vicente Clarksburg MD 20871 surpassing the ability of the road system to Handel traffic.
Kishore Kakani Clarksburg MD 20871 To avoid traffic congestion to the area and for quick access to public transportation
Mary Cox Clarksburg MD 20871 decrease my drive time to work
Yuken Wong Clarksburg MD 20871 It will reduce the traffic on MD 355 and I-270, and travel time to work, and improve the quality of life.
James Germany Clarksburg MD 20871 I think this plan will help aid in commute times in the ever increasing upcounty.

Robert McArthur Clarksburg MD 20871 I live in Clarksburg and we desperately need traffic congestion relief. This alternate route influenced our purchase of a home in Clarksburg.
It is becoming impossible to get into and out of Clarksburg at rush hour. You can't keep building houses with no infrastructure to allow people to get to
Laura Bloodgood Clarksburg MD 20871 work! A lot of work and consideration went into the master plan - stick with it!
Handulnagaram Clarksburg MD 20871 Reduce traffic congestion
Kim Donohue Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic is already horrible.
Changyu Zheng Clarksburg MD 20871 As you know residential density in Clarksburg continues to increase recently. The trafic become worse and worse. Thanks.
Chris "Tattoo"
Rimorin Clarksburg MD 20871 It will ease trafffic and also allow for commutes to work to eb easier which in turn will allow people to be able to apply to more jobs.
Parthasarathy clarksburg MD 20871 270 has become overcrowded and definitely need alternatives

"A day will come when there will be no battlefields, but markets opening to commerce and minds opening to ideas. Nothing is as powerful as an idea
whose time has come." VIctor Hugo -- Montgomery County cannot escape the growth and thus cannot escape the future. The planning board must
MORRIS FLOOD CLARKSBURG MD 20871 mitigate the population and traffic explosion and green-light the Mid-County Highway (M-83) expansion. Lead, follow, or get out of the way!
We live in Clarksburg and face traffic congestion every day on 270. With the two outlet malls coming, traffic on 270 will increase manyfold. Please
Sarwar Faraz Herndon VA 22070 extend Mid County Highway as planned.
Jody Batz Clarksburg MD 20871 The congestion on Route 27 has been horrible for while and it will only get worse. Relief is needed!

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
The Planning Board and Elected Officials need to stick to their word! Even leaving my house at 6am the traffic on 27 is becoming more and more
Angela Mason Clarksburg MD 20871 congested. Keep the original plan, as well as your word.
I travel down county on a regular basis and I am tired of the parking lot on 270. If you want to encourage business revenue down county build it. Now I
Douglas Noble Damascus MD 20872 would rather go to Frederick County to shop.
Joshua Mason Clarksburg MD 20871 Huge growth in the area with no additional or expanded roads is causing continously worsening traffic
MIKE LEVINE CLARKSBURG MD 20871 Traffic, Access, better livability.
With the rapid growth in Clarksburg and with the trafic congestion on I-270 & MD355, we badly need M-83 Alt 9A which will further connect to ICC.If
Anil Giragani Clarksburg MD 20871 this wont happen, this would probably be the biggest regret ever.
Jaya Pandey Clarksburg MD 20871 This is very crucial for me as I want to spend more time with my family rather than sitting in traffic.

Katie Leggety Derwood MD 20855 because the traffic congestion is hideous and we continue to build more homes in this county. How about building some roads to support the housing?
Amanda BIrd Clarksburg MD 20871 I live in Clarksburg and I have to take the metro every day to work. Traffic is a nightmare.
The Master Planned route is the most efficient, gave residents 50 years of notice, has the lowest projected accident rate, fewest intersecting roads and
Mary Goodrick Gaithersburg MD 20882 driveways, and shortest travel time. Doesn't that mean anything?
The last 30 years of development upcounty were predicated on the existence of M-83. Don't destroy the quality of life of those who must rely on these
John Cook Germantown MD 20875 commitments.
there is such a ridiculous amount of new home going up continuously in Clarksburg, but no roads for all these new people moving in to get to their jobs
in the am. I takes my husband 2-3 hrs as is right now to get to work only 40 miles away. Please do not stop this new route, for the sake of Clarksburg
Dorette Hess Clarksburg MD 20871 and Damascus residents.
Karina Peterson Boyds MD 20841 How can you keep building without providing roads to support all of the traffic? This is crazy!

Montgomery The County needs to develop a much needed North/South route from Shade Grove to Frederick, MD. The Mid-County Highway has been included in
Kevin Linck Village MD 20886 many Master Plans ands the County must continue its promise to improve our transportation needs for all Upcounty communities.
Vivek Gupta Clarksburg MD 20871 Because I live in Upper Montgomery county
Gail Schmerfeld Clarksburg MD 20871 This
I am tired of spending hours in traffic driving to and from work and it only will be worse. I work in Civil engineering firm and I know how much
construction is going in Clarksburg area and I am terrified to think how bad it will be in 5 years... 10 years... 15 years . I am sure M-83 being built the
Natalia Golob Clarksburg MD 20871 situation will improve. It'sour the only hope not to be stuck in traffic for hours and hours day after day.
Shehzad Rajpal Clarksburg Md MD 20871 It will definitely relieve congestion in our local area
Chiao Yuen Clarksburg MD 20871 Lesson traffic on MD-355 and I-270, and save time
Dwane Simpson Clarksburg MD 20871-9399 Route 27 is a frigging nightmare! Any relief that will decrease the 24/7 bumper-to-bumper traffic along this corridor is badly needed.
Sameena Razien
Ahmed Clarksburg MD 20871 We bought house clarksburg based on master plan and renege on the plan mid-county hwy means we move out of the county
Kalpesh Kalidas Clarksburg MD 20871 Ease traffic
Bryan Imhoff Clarksburg MD 20871 ease traffic congestion
This is important to me because I have to travel up and down Route 27 everyday and there is an extreme amount of traffic. Sometimes it take 10
Vinita Stone Clarksburg MD 20871 minutes to get out of the development.
Suzanne Griffin Clarksburg MD 20871 easier access to shady grove mass transit and will ease 270 traffic
Surinder Singh Clarksburg MD 20871 It will help traffic congestion from Clarksburg to DC
Param Deery Clarksburg MD 20871 Ease traffic from Clarksburg
I live here, you are putting an outletm mall in our back yard rather than the originally planned hospital at least allow for proper road construction to
Erik Schobitz Clarksburg MD 20871 not further degrade our quality of life

Clay Lin Clarksburg MD 20871 The Mid-County Highway provides an important alternative to my commute to work, and is critical to the quality of life of up-county residents.
Manish Khare Clarksburg MD 20871 Because I am living in this all along and plan to live for rest of my life.
Kent Engel Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic on Ridge is horrendous

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
I work at Rockville and if one goes on 355 my office is about 14 miles. But the journey has not taken less than 50 minutes on any day. There is so much
traffic all the time. if I take 270 it adds an other 4 extra miles to my journey and the travel time is even higher. It is high time the eastern side of 270 gets
the same needed roads as what the western side has been having through little Seneca highway. it is not just Clarksburg. Clarksburg, Damascus, cedar
valley and many eastern Germantown communities that will benefit and have a less strenuous morning commute to their work place if mid county
highway is extended. getting to metro station now takes close to 45 minutes and an other hour to DC. please make it easy for us to get to the metro
kalyan Sirivolu clarksburg MD 20871 station to get to DC.
Dennis Kelsh Clarksburg MD 20871 We need alternative routes to I-270 and Md-355
Our growing community is in imminent danger of being cut off from MontCo core; traffic on 270 is already horrible and getting worse; please do not
Nathan Han Clarksburg MD 20871 treat us as a red headed step child, thank you

We need the Mid-County Highway! We can't afford even more congestion to, from and around our community with the outlets & further expansion in
Gayle Jamison Damascus MD 20872 our very near future. Bus Rapid Transit? Really? NO WAY. We don't need more buses, we need the Mid-county Highway!
Xiuzhu Yang Clarksburg MD 20871 It is a critical road.
Cherian Eapen Clarksburg MD 20871 test

The Planning Department staff recommended unfunded BRT transit network will have capital costs in billions of dollars and annual operating costs in
millions of dollars and has many implementation challenges. Despite what the opponents to M-83 argue, even if it is to get on the road, the BRT system
can be best expected to provide negligible commute travel mode shifts. This staff recommended alternative for the master plan alignment Alt 9A will
not provide any congestion relief for Clarksburg and adjacent communities since a significant percentage of commuters will continue to drive own their
own. The proposed Corridor Cities Transitway (CCT; now as a BRT) which was supposed to serve Clarksburg is not even on track to get to Clarksburg
with current funding only to continue CCT preliminary study between Shady Grove Metro and Metropolitan Grove (Phase1). The Phase 2 will only get
Cherian Eapen Clarksburg MD 20871 CCT to COMSAT, hardly the core of Clarksburg. Everything said and done, CCT by itself could cost over a billion dollars to get it to C

Zhian Li clarksburg MD 20871 It will alleviate the traffic jam we face everyday on the 270, reduce accidental loss of lives and money, and help protecting the environment and people.
The Arora Hills Community, adjacent to Clarksburg Village (which is still under development) is a massive community; Route 27 (Ridge Road) is one lane
in each direction. With no plans to widen (very very very poor planning)...any and all road improvements to move the amount of traffic that has grown
Ellen Silverstein Clarksburg MD 20871 over the past few years is a MUST.
Dean Hurkett Damascus MD 20872 This is badly needed. Traffic up county is a mess because of all the building.
Heather Parker clarksburg MD 20871 traffic will only get worse on 270 as they continue to build houses in clarksburg
Alfredo Rivera Clarksburg MD 20871 With the mas expansion in the this area and most jobs in DC we need alternative commute options. 270 is too congested.
I live in Clarksburg and work at Bethesda, it take a long long time every day to travel on 270 south from Clarksburg to Gaithersburg, an alternative high
wenqin xu clarksburg MD 20871 way is really needed for residents in Clarksburg.

Bob Owolabi Boyds MD 20841 M-83 enhances intra-County Connection in Montgomery County and it is one of a variety of viable options to reduce traffic congestion.
We have to do something about traffic now. The land and right of way have been set aside since the 1960s. M-83 will do the most to alleviate our
Craig Smith Gaithersburg MD 20882 nationally known bad traffic.
Aleem Boatright Clarksburg MD 20871 This proposal goes a long way to addressing the traffic needs of UpCounty Montgomery County.
Eric Schrader Clarksburg MD 20871 as the community grows the flow of traffic slows. the current roads simply do not have the capacity to handle the growing need.
I need an alternate route to and from work in Gaithersburg each day. At the present I am able to go around the 270 parking lot each evening by way of
Boyds. With the Cabin Branch plans for development, my days of taking this route are numbered. Please help ease the traffic on 270 by building the
Carol Smith Clarksburg MD 20871 alignment.
Mary Ferrara-
Marsland boyds MD 20841 we need to uncongest 355around clarsburg
Sabrina Shoe Damascus MD 20872 To ease congestion in my community and to ease our commutes.
Robert Emmet Clarksburg MD 20871 To help ease congestion heading south the county needs more roads to compliment 270 and 355.
Sonja Lightbody Gaithersburg MD 20882 This is the best plan.

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
The Master Plan provided notice that the road would be built; given the development in this area, we need this road; it doesn't disrupt or otherwise
infringe on communities that were never part of the Plan or never contemplated a 4 lane road in the middle of their communities and it connects many
Andrea Butler Germantown MD 20876 of the existing roads that currently lead nowhere. I am strongly against Alt. 4
Charles Tilford Gaithesburg MD 20882 Much needed, delayed far too long.

Barbara Knapp Germantown MD 20876 This road was promsed in the master plan, and the traffis without it is terrible, even on the small rural rustic road on which I hav lived for 50 years.
When we moved here 35 years ago our children were in elementary school. We looked at the Master Plan and were expecting the roads to be built at
least by the time our children became teenagers. We based our choice of homes on the proposed Mid-County Highway. Our four children are all
married now, two of our grandchildren are married and we have three great-grandchildren. Montgomery County needs to follow through on their
Dorothy commitment. Please build the Mid-County Highway Alternative 9A Alignment before the time when our great-grandchildren become teenagers. The
Frederickson Gaithersburg MD 20882 congestion in this area is horrendous.

Martin L. Wenk Gaithersburg MD 20879 I will be significantly and directly affected negatively by any alternative other than 9A and especially negatively impacted by Alternative Modified 4
Sammy Aryal Clarksburg MD 20871 It will ease the rush hour traffic in Clarksburg
I value the peace and tranquilty of my home...a home that it took us 3 years of searching in Montgomery County to find. The original M-83 Rote with
Anne Fessenden Germantown MD 20876-4419 Alternative 9A is the most direct and cost effective choice that the County could choose to build
The impact of ever growing traffic, noise,pollution on our rural area needs to be addressed. Please proceed with the MId County Highway /9A
Marjorie Blanc Laytonsville MD 20882 alignment.
Koteeswaran Clarksburg MD 20871 Save time on Commute
Chad Cooley Gaithersburg MD 20882 As a neighbor impacted, I fully support this plan.
Carol and Tim
Barry Germantown MD 20876 This is where I live, my community and my neighbors. Do what has been on the books for years - do not change the plan!!!! Do what is correct!
Larry Barber Clarksburg MD 20871 I270 is a constant bottleneck and 355 is littered with traffic lights and does not serve as an efficient alternative.
Martin Haber Gaithersburg MD 20879 Please build this road! Local traffic is already terrible! and getting worse every day.
Karen Arsenault Clarksburg MD 20871 Please do this!!! We needs help with all the traffic up here!!!
Traffic on the east side of I-270 in the Upcounty is becoming unbearable and SOMETHING needs to be done. Stick with the Master Plan and BUILD Alt.
Gwendy Lykke Gaithersburg MD 20879 9A M-83!!
To the county planning board,This is ridiculous that anything progressive and much need infrastructure in this county is hijacked by vested groups.
These groups who oppose any new development or construction should re-asses their presence in this county and move to some wilderness protection
Srinivas Regula clarksburg MD 20871 zone.
Sebastian Pires Frederick MD 21704 It's just common sense, and should have been built by now.
Joe Grossnickel Germantown MD 20876 Up-county areas of Montgomery County need the Mid-County Highway to alleviate traffic congestion.
Joe Sabelhaus Clarksburg MD 20871 Transportation Route

Suma Venkatesh Germantown MD 20876 I commuted to work on 270 for 10 years saw my commute go from 30 minutes to 70 minutes , an alternative to 270 for upcounty residents would help.
Mary Baney Germantown MD 20876 Upcounty traffic in Montgomery County is totally out of hand. Anything to improve it is a must.
Susie Evans Boyds MD 2841 This plan influenced the purchase of our home to make our commutes easier.
Clarksburg and all of the upcounty residents NEED this road to improve our accessibility to METRO. We are packed in like sardines with no viable public
Lisa Sabelhaus Clarksburg MD 20871 transportation options or major roads to get us to and from work.
Gina Harner DAMASCUS MD 20872 Because whatever can be done to relieve congestion on our roads is a big deal to me.
I have lived in the up- county area for over 40 years and watched the increased development swamp the country roads. A handful of very vocal and
very organized opponents to completing M 83 have been able to stall this commonsense, long planned roadway to be built and close the gap between
the existing segments of this roadway which would take off heavy traffic from existing small (shoulder-less, dangerous roads such as Brink which Never
Carol Tilford Gaithersburg MD 20882 were met to carry the volume of traffic they currently do..
Suzanne Pledger Clarksburg MD 20871 Need easier and faster access from Clarksburg Village to Shady Grove metro
Yudi Srisawasde Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic and less time on the road are most important to people

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
BUENAO POTOMAC MD 20878 Any development to aleviate the already crowded highways is important.
I work in metro DC and it will help with my commute to reach shady grow much faster. Looking at I-270 traffic this is much needed development for
Sunil Patil Clarksburg MD 20871 Clarksburg commuters
Nancy Rice Germantown MD 20876 M-83 ( Alt 9A) is the only sensible hope for traffic relief on 270, 355, 27.Alternative 9D would severely adversely affect my property.

Santiago Chiriboga McLean VA 22102 Because I lived in that place, and it is very important for the neighborhood's progres
Housing development in northern Montgomery County and Southern Frederick County is far outstripping the capacity of roads going into Rockville,
Donna Sobieski Ijamsville MD 21754 Bethesda and D.C. We need more alternative roads for commuting.
Diane Tew Clarksburg MD 20871 This road was promised to us on the master plan which we reviewed in good faith prior to purchasing our home
susan frimond clarksburg MD 20871 Too many broken promised to the homeowner's of Clarksburg. We need an alternative & this is it
Samir Kadoo Baltimore MD 21202 Decrease traffic!

I'd rather have the M-83 than the CCT/BRT. Based on information put together by the county, the CCT/BRT line will cost over $800 million and take 49
minutes from travel from Comsat to Shady Grove Metro Station. If this qualifies as "rapid" - I'm wondering what you think slow looks like. . . First the
Walter Chang clarksburg MD 20871 Silver Spring Transit Center, now this? At least hitching this to the ICC could increase use of that desolate toll road. . .
Yisely Lebowitz Clarksburg MD 20871 This is important to me because it will help to reduce my commute.
Colleen McKinley Clarksburg MD 20871 We need road expansion as MoCo has the greatest growth in this area and we want our officials to expand our roadways.
Brandon Diehm Boyds MD 20841 Construction of residential property north of Germantown is continuing to stress an already highly stressed artery-355.
Linda Richon Damascus MD 20872 Ease the awful traffic congestion we have now.
Tingting Waqng Clarksburg MD 20871 The traffic has been terrible on the ridge road.
It matters because for as long as I have lived in Montgomery County (~30 years) they can never seem to understand that by adding new contruction and
Michelle Martin Clarksburg MD 20871 increased density means that roads and access need to coincide. I am not a fan of traffic

Sreedevi vungutur Rockville MD 20850 This would be very good alternate route for our daily rush hour commute as 270 is majority of the time backed up and some or other accident happens.
Tianning Li Clarksburg MD 20871 makes my difficult commute much easier.
Nagenalli Germantown MD 20874 Resident in the area
Shiva Sobhani Clarksburg MD 20871 Upcounty traffic, 355, and 270 are backed up. Snouffer School is a one-lane, dangerous alternative.

Ashley Gray Clarksburg MD 20871 I am a 27/270-S morning commuter...we desperately need more alternate routes to alleviate the bottle necked congestion I sit unnecessarily in
Susan Soderberg Germantown MD 20874 This road has been on the books for 30 years and must be built NOW.
Tom Greeves Clarksburg MD 20871 Need to alleviate traffic on 270 & 355
Daniel Simos Clarksburg MD 20871 Those who oppose should commute for a month in the rush hour from Clarksburg to Bethesda. They might legalize road rage!!
Devendra Patel Clarksburg MD 20871 Please build the Mid-County Highway Alternative 9A Alignment.

I am living in Clarksburg for last 7 years and the traffic gets worse every year w/ new construction. You approved to put a 40-50,000 people next to Rt
27/355/270 traffic routes w/ no infrastructure improvements or new local businesses to keep people working in Clarksburg. Please keep the planned 9A
Serhan Celik Clarksburg MD 20871 alignment also, so it can relieve some of the congestion. It is really bad during rush hour. Regards.
Michael Kincaid Clarksburg MD 20871 To ease congestion and help grow the Clarksburg area
Jeffrey Palombo Clarksburg MD 20871 This would provide almost a direct connect between my neighborhood and my work.
I commute from Clarksburg to Bethesda every day and the roads running between down county and up county are just not able to support the current
Jonathan Issler Clarksburg MD 20871 traffic, much less the increased traffic due to continued development.
Heimbach Clarksburg MD 20871 Since the county did not plan ahead and keep up with housing developments, please work to solve the traffic problems NOW.
Shaz Siddiqi Clarksburg MD 20871 Eases traffic congestion and allows metro access
Bob Cronin Clarksburg MD 20871 Travel in up county has become intolerable and is only going to get worse. We need M-83 to be completed.

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
Proposed mid county extension is required to support existing and new community being built near Clarksburg, Damascus area. Existing roads are too
crowded and dangerous, and council should approve and build the roads (or alternate routes) that are required to support new community and
Indresh Singh Germantown MD 20874 development.
Elizabeth Taylor Clarksburg MD 20871 To ease the traffic congestion between upcounty and 370/Shady Grove Road.

Chi Vu Clarksburg MD 20871 This will help to reduce the traffic on interstate 270 and faster access to Metro. Traffic Jam means burning gas which impacts the environment more.
Tam Tran Camp Hill MD 20871 Reduce the traffic jam on 355 and 270. Alternative route for residents in Clarksburg and Damascus to access to the Metro
Thanh Vu Damascus MD 20872 reduce commute time, less pollution to the environment
Eugene Summers Clarksburg MD 20871 commute
Ellen Wilcox Olney MD 20832 Please build this road. We really need it!!
The present road network cannot sustain the current and planned population of Clarksburg. Traffic is already at unacceptable levels and 9A is needed
now, never mind in the future. Our taxes have paid for this project many times over, and our elected officials needs to ensure that our taxes go to
Joseph Wolski Boyds MD 20841 support this and other needed improvements to Clarksburg transportation infrastructure.
Sentkowski Gaithersburg MD 20879 The county issued building permits for thousands of residences based on building this road.
rashmi gupta clarksburg MD 20871 This is important as we suffer daily to commute from work to home and this will help the traffic problems.
Melissa Zarhloul Clarksburg MD 20871 Because I live in Clarksburg and the traffic is terrible!

Wendy Chinchilla Clarksburg MD 20871 Clarksburg residents need relief from crazy traffic congestion that is not in the form of buses on the single lane of road North Frederick.
We bought home in Clarksburg by looking at county master plan for better transportation. We are suffering with road blocks, 4 hr day commutes. We
cannot go any where in montgomery county , we shop in frederick to avoid traffic. We need this road now on top of all the alternatives people are
Siva Reddy Germantown MD 20874 suggesting.
Bommareddy Clarksburg MD 20871 County is approving plans to build more communities but not doing the same to ease traffic congestion.
Louderback Clarksburg MD 20871 Because I live in Clarksburg and rush hour traffic is a nightmare
Maren Jacobs Clarksburg MD 20871 clarksburg resident and this will vastly improve my work commute to shady grove road.
Rajeswari vemula Clarksburg MD 20871 To fight everyday traffic

We must complete the original Master-Planned alignment for M-83 (the Midcounty Corridor). This has been in the plans since 1964 and the Upcounty
is DROWNING in all the traffic. If development is allowed, then you've got to have the ROADS and TRANSIT, not one or the other!! Please live up to
Gaithersburg,MD your word and don't penalize those of us who checked the Masterplan before we bought our homes. All we want is HONESTY, FAIRNESS, and the VERY
Rosemary Arkoian 20879 MD 20879 SPEEDY COMPLETION of M-83 (the original Masterplan Alignment. THANKS!! Rosemary Arkoian
William Losaw Gaithersburg MD 20882 Maintain reasonable vehicle flow.

The volume of traffic coming down Brink and Wightman Rd from Clarksburg is severely impacting my way of life and that of my neighbors. The increase
in wildlife casualties is dramatic. It is even dangerous to cross the road to retrieve your mail. Using the park at the junction of Brink and Wightman Rd is
Sandra Lynch Gaithersburg MD 20879 dangerous certain times of the day and the weekends due to the level of traffic. We need to adhere to the M-83 development as planned for 30 + years.
Carol Davis Gaithersburg MD 20882 Adequate and safe roads are needed to avoid traffic on residential roads.
Sonja Overeem Gaithersburg MD 20879 The homes have been built in Clarksburg using the master plan....lets follow through on it. It is about time!!!!!!
George Brush Gaithersburg MD 20882 Potentially impacts the traffic flow through my community

Clarksburg is becoming congested with traffic. The loss of direct connection means dramatic loss of functionality, increase in travel times, and for some
Angelica Glauber Winnsboro MD 75494 of the alternatives, it also means roads which were never intended to be major arterials (and are now residential) will be widened to compensate.

Carolyn McAllister Clarksburg MD 20871 Tired of having Clarksburg being treated like a step-child!!!
Jessica Swindell Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic upcounty is a nightmare. We need alternate routes to get to points south.

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
I have lived here with my family for seven years. As the building boom continues we have longer commutes and worse congestion. Road construction
must keep pace with development for the upcounty to thrive. This has been planned for a LONG time and development decisions were made with this
Erik Schobitz Clarksburg MD 20871 highway in mind.
Guoan Zheng Clarksburg MD 20871 M-83 Alternative 9 provides the highest transportation effectiveness among all alternatives considered.
Ting Song Clarksburg MD 20871 life sustaining
I live inClarsburg, MD, and travel to work every day to Rockville. I have two small children who stay in Clarksburg during the day and so public transit
does not work for me in an emergency. The traffic is horrible! Why not come and travel the route in the morning and evening to get a feel for what we
Cathy Greeves Clarksburg MD 20871 go through every day!
Thomas The need for this long-ago planned highway has now become acute, mainly due to the intensive development of the Clarksburg area, and should not be
Bourdeaux Gaithersburg MD 20882 subject to any further delays for "more study."
Barbara Kallish Gaithersburg MD 20882 perservation of our rural community, perservation of our rapidly vanishing country roads, and the beauty that surround them.
Glenn ORear Clarksburg MD 20871 270 and 355 cannot support the traffic that growth brings to our roads!

Jennifer Thomas Clarksburg MD 20871 I commute on I-270 for work and the volume causing traffic and delays you are never on time. These constant delays causes commuting very stressful.
Justin Pulliam Clarksburg MD 20871 To help provide a stress free commute into work.
Essential master planned transportation network for Montgomery County. Needed to complete the "Biotech Triangle" of Shady Grove Science City, NIH
Cyrus Allafi Rockville MD 20852 and LifeSci Village
This road is important to relieve congestion on route 27. I live in Damascus and want to be able to drive to Germantown without the current level of
Marie Dean Damascus MD 20872 congestion. The intersection of route 27 and Brink Road is a bottleneck every afternoon.
DeMatteo Damascus MD 20872 To help relieve traffic congestion
As someone who commutes to nearby Montgomery Village and Rockville, this would make life much easier. It would give me more time with my family
Rebecca Goldring Damascus MD 20872 and help alleviate a lot of the congestion in the area.
Route 27 is always so busy and it takes me 20 minutes just to go from Damascus town center to Brink Road in the morning. Please, please do something
to have this road built. So much gas is being needlessly used just sitting in traffic. There are so many more subdivisions now and a lot more people that
use Rt. 27 today. We need help asap. I am so tired and stressed out of going nowhere both in the morning and in the afternoon rush hour
Lidia Cullen Damascus MD 20872 traffic.sincerely, Lidia Cullen

1.) Safety. Some of the merging habits from traffic northbound from the Germantown side of Brink Rd heading toward Damascus are quite dangerous
to fellow drivers, as millisecond hungry motorists tailgate the car ahead to cut off other drivers from executing the normal feathered merge. It seems to
George Barber Damascus MD 20872 be a road rage magnet.2. Going green. The closer we can keep traffic to a highway speed the better MPG
Mark Ludwig Germantown MD 20876 Traffic congestion around all of Germantown/Clarkburg/Damascus needs relief. This provides for some of that relief
Since building homes in Clarksburg, Damascus residents, like myself, have been enduring HORRIBLE traffic congestion on Rt 27 with no relief in the
Bettianne Quinn damascus MD 20872 roads. Schools are being built but NO road improvement for those of us who live north of this MESS...
Carol Magee Damascus MD 20872 To alleviate upcountry traffic congestion

Traffic congestion in upper Montgomery County has become unbearable. Rush hour in the morning lasts from 6:30-9:30 and the evening runs from 4:00-
Sheree Kelly Damascus MD 20872 7:00. Even taking back roads it now regularly takes 40 minutes or longer to go 13 miles from Damascus to Shady Grove metro.
Sue Shepard Damascus MD 20872 to alleviate the traffic north of Brink Rd.
Jeanne Dugan Laurel MD 20723 so my employees can get to work on time
Mehul Shah Clarksburg MD 20871 time saving and less traffic. easier commute.
Cheryl Smoker-
Arellano Clarksburg MD 20871 Work in Rockville, and need alternative route to work.
JOSE CHINCHILLA CLARKSBURG MD 20871 Commute is becoming horrible in Clarksburg. Being that it's a growing community, it needs more access roads into the Rockville area.
Ann Myers Clarksburg MD 20871 Our quality of life in this area revolves around our commutes!
Rachel Ruvinsky Germantown MD 20876 Rush hour traffic on Route 27 is so horrible! This will help.
Terri Long Clarksburg MD 20871 270 is a parking lot. Daily commute is impacting our quality of life.
Diane Levene Gaithersburg MD 20878 Traffic in that area is terrible. We need to build roads to accommodate the citizens that live in that area.

Page 9 of 18
SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
Montgomery County is drowning in traffic specifically because elected leaders continue to block key improvements like the Mid-County Highway.
Further delay only raises the cost and all the alternatives have been studied and found not to work, so let's just get it done. It's like they never learn.
Richard Parsons Derwood MD 20855 Let's make this an issue in the June 24 primary election!
Chaudhary Clarksburg MD 20871 I Support M83
Jeanine Toro Clarksburg MD 20871 I commute down 270 everyday. The time it takes I would rather spend with my family. It will add to my quality of life.
Kyle Ackerman Laytonsville MD 20883 All options other than 9 just make no sense
We need M-83, we bought home in here in clarksburg based on the master plan. Its almost 10 years now, we are aging on 1-270, while politicians are
Bindu Tupakula Clarksburg MD 20871 taking sides ignoring scientific plans developed and approved by planning board.
Jackie Nareski Clarksburg MD 20871 We NEED this to alleviate traffic congestion, PLEASE!
Leah Mckenzie Clarksburg MD 20871 The congestion in the are is completely unreasonable.
John Hodges Rockville MD 20850 We need alternate traffic outlets upcounty, PERIOD.
Jessica Juneja Clarksburg MD 20871 Better transportation options
Maria Ho Clarksburg MD 20871 Reduce traffic on 270!
I live in Clarksburg and the traffic is already gettting really bad. Once all of the construction is finished, and the outlet mall is built, I know the trafic will
Sarah McKenzie Clarksburg MD 20871 be uncearable.
Roberta Smith Clarksburg MD 20871 We need better roads upcounty. The building is not even done and traffic is horrible.
Ralph Ralph Clarksburg MD 20871 I have an 11 mile drive that takes about 45 min to an hour
vinod surisetty clarksburg MD 20871 Will make traffic lighter on i-270.
Enrico Caperal Clarksburg MD 20871 I wany to support for extation snowdern farm park Clarksburg
Marisa Piazza Clarksburg MD 20878 Cause I live right near the entrance to CV off 27 and would love to be able to get in and out easier.
Jennifer Scales-
Moore Germantown MD 20874 This would make my daily commute better.
Jan Gruppelaar Clarksburg MD 20871 When M-83 is connected to the Mid-county Highway and to the ICC-200, I definitely change my route to work, from the I-270.
Not only is this road important for the Clarksburg residents, the entire Upcounty needs an alternative to I270 and 355. the road is a master planned
Marilyn Balcombe Germantown MD 20874 road and should be completed as envisioned.
Doug Tregoning Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic is horrible in the upper County and getting worse.
Susan Hensley Damascus MD 20872 Traffic is becoming a nightmare in upper Montgomery County and there is not road infrastructure to support the growing population.
Doyle Siever Damascus MD 20872 In support.
Constantine Clarksburg MD 20871 We need better roads for Clarksburg!! Traffic is awful on 270, 355 and 27! No one wants to take a bus.
srinivas Clarksburg MD 20871 We really a need a better solution for people living upcounty. This seems to be the most viable option
Louis Naymik Hollywood FL 33027 We need this

Cristina Araneta Germantown MD 20874 I live in Clarksburg and for the GROWING population, the roads need to be expanded/more options need to be available for a smoother commute.
I live in Clarksburg and it takes forever for me to my home using 270 or 355 just from the Rockville area where I work. It may decrease my commute
Tiffani Smithson Clarksburg MD 20871 time to and from work!
More arteries to and from up county are needed with all the new development. We cannot expect more housing to be built without the infrastructure
Steve Girard Germantown MD 20876 to support it.
Rochelle Brown Damascus MD 20872 I'm signing because I need an alternate route. Traffic is becoming a nightmare and I pay income, property and highway taxes.
al vaziri Clarksburg MD 20871 Would reduce stress and improve quality of life
This is very important for me. The county is not bringing enough jobs to this area and I have to go to Herndon every day. I spend 4 hours daily and it is
Sajan mohammed Boyds MD 20841 unacceptable to see Montgomery County not doing anything to ease the traffic on 270 and 495.
Current state of infrastructure limited to 1 lane MD355 is impacting overall quality of life of residents. We need better infrastructure so that residents
Raghu Nambiath Clarksburg MD 20871 can spend more time on productive work and with their family.
Sree sankara Clarksburg MD 20871 With the increase in homes everyday, it is becoming painful everyday...this will really help
Suresh Kadthan Clarksburg MD 208781 Ease traffic for the people and help them to stay with their families rather than sitting on the road.

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
Malhar Patel Lexington KY 40505 need more routes parallel to 270.
Sreeram Suri Milford VA 22514 I am affected
Naga nandivelugu Damascus MD 20872 this improves my drive to Rockville, just to travel 17 miles it takes around 45 min
Shaffeel Ahmed Clarksburg MD 20871 Look at the traffic and needs of people in Clarksburg. We definitely need M83
Orban James Village MD 20886 I have been a 30+ year resident of Montgomery Village and believe M-83 should be completed as it was originally planned.
Jessica Otto Gaithersburg MD 20879 I'm moving to clarksburg village and work in college park and easier access to 200 would greatly improve my commute!
Nilesh Lal Aldie VA 20105 Need it.
Edilene McHenry Gaithersburg MD 20882 Montgomery County Council MUST Stick With The Plan to build M-83!

I am furious that the Mont. County would sneakily try to change what has been in the Master Plan for many years which makes sense. Stick with M83.
We moved to Brink Road and live in a community w/ 2 acre minimum zoning so that we can enjoy "greenspace", peace and quiet. If you widen Brink
Courtney Ives Germantown MD 20876 Road, the entire area will be ruined. Do the right thing and stick with the original plan as agreed upon on the Master Plan.
Shannon Ives Germantown MD 20876 I support the Petition and do not want Montgomery County to waiver from the Master Plan.
Dear Mr. Leggett and County Council Members, I am writing to express my support of building M-83. The local traffic has become a daily frustration,
with no relief in sight within a reasonable time frame. Thousands of homes were built based upon the availability of M-83 and a Corridor City
Transitway. Both are needed. The CCT (or new incarnation, BRT) barely exists on paper, is decades away and will not serve many of our needs. Our
communities were built around the long-planned M-83 and it is our only near-term hope for an effective transportation system. Please proceed with
Dan Chronopoulos Damascus MD 20872 this essential part of our upcounty transportation system. Thank you,
I am signing because when we purchased our home in Goshen estates,we did extensive research into any possibility of expansion of roads and
additional construction around our property and surrounding area. There was nothing on record for any additions other than the original master
Duane Bivens Germantown MD 20876 plan.with that being said there should not be any other options other than the M83 plan.
Kevin Carle Damascus MD 20872 I'm signing because Upcounty residents need a viable north/south travel alternative to I-270.
I've lived just off Brink Rd since 1992. Since then, there have been at least 6 deaths due to auto accidents on Brink Rd. It's a horribly dangerous Rd and
David Buonomo Gaithersburg MD 20878 getting worse. M-83 is an absolute must.
Sherri Johnson It takes an hour to travel 14 miles in the morning with no accidents and there are accidents at least 4 times a week. Our taxes are high enough to get
Wilkins Englewood CO 80112 this done!!!

I spend 2 hours every single day sitting in traffic. I am a law student and I intern in DC so my time is valuable and I am sure many other county residents
Mahira Khan Gaithersburg MD 20878 are in the same boat as me. 2 hours per day, 5 days per week is 10 hours of extremely valuable time. Please do this for the county.
Asim Awan Rockville MD 20854 Traffic and congestion has become ridiculous.

Chris Weaver damascus MD 20872 I no longer want to live in the Upcounty area because the roads are inadequate. Housing was allowed before the roads which is a major flaw
Kimberly Pallia Gaithersburg MD 20878 I live in Clarksburg and want access to the ICC.
Lucy Tien Clarksburg MD 20871 Clarksburg residents matter
Michael Jordan Germantown VA 20874 We need better more efficient roads. We are spending all of our time and money driving to and from work.
Michael Brady Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic is only going to get worse out here.
Michael Opincar Clarksburg MD 20871 I live in clarksburg and work in Gaithersburg, and m83 would be great to have as a way to get to work
Bill Davidson Olney MD 20832 That whole area is a mess. We need a viable alternative.
Luis Lopez Damascus MD 20872 I use this route to drop off my girlfriend at the Shady Grove station so that she could get to work on time
Suzanne Lee Clarksburg MD 20871 Need to build the alternate route to my community
I270 and Route 27 have become increasingly congested and slow commuted to down county destinations. There needs to be another alternative route
Sandra Norris Ijamsville MD 21754 from the DAMASCUS area.
Debra Fletcher Clarksburg MD 20871 The County has allowed to many screw up's in Clarksburg already!
Marty Hoffmann Gaithersburg MD 20882 I live in the Damascus area, and this will affect me.
Karen Torres Owings Mills MD 21117 This road is crucial for Clarksburg residents.

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
I lived in Frederick Coubty and it would take me 2 hours to get to Bethesda. I couldn't take the commute any longer so I moved away from my family to
Irene Weddle Walkersville MD 21793 Bethesda. My family still commutes from Walkersville. I'm signing for relief for them.

Montgomery I'm a Clarksburg resident, and the congestion at rush hour has increased exponentially for the past few years, and will only continue to do so with the
Sebastian Andion Village MD 20886 continued home and retail construction growth. This road is long over due, and it is necessity for anyone traveling this area. Thank you.
Reid Roberts Mount Airy MD 21771 I travel to Rockville for work.
Colleen Yelle Germantown MD 20876 I drive Route 27 daily and the road is horrible! Would love to have a 2nd option bysides Clarksburg Road!
Lisa Dewing Clarksburg MD 20871 It was promised to us and we need it! Quality of life in upcounty severely suffers due to traffic.
Renee Lockbaum-
Deibert New Market MD 21774 I lived this Rt 27 Nightmare commuting to & from work for 8 Years! It's dangerous, too!
Meagan Lynch Clarksburg MD 20871 Becsise it needs to happen
Robert O'Leary Clarksburg MD 20871 We NEED this road desperately to improve travel times

Alice Gordon Germantown MD 20876 i support the construction of M-83. My back yard faces MidCounty Hwy in Germantown. Our families and businesses will benefit from this roadway.
This is determental to our standard of living in Clarksburg. When we considered moving to Clarksburg from Columbia in 2005, we were worried about
the traffic congestion in Montgomery County but we were assured and only decided to proceed after seeing the county approved Clarksburg master
Marwan plan which includes this solution. In the absence of M83 moving out of Montgomery County looks like the only way to regaining the services that will
Abdelmoniem Clarksburg MD 20871 sustain our standard of living.

Tom Graham Clarksburg MD 20871 The mid county highway needs to be extended to Clarksburg immediately due to the level of road congestion in upcountry Montgomery County.

Scott Jones Clarksburg MD 20871 M-83 not being built as planned cuts down on my commuting options to Shady Grove Metro. And by not building the county is breaking their promises.
Kristin Ramm Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic is out of control in way in and one way out...way too many homes and not enough roads...please help us!!!
This highway has been in the master plan since before I moved here in 1971. Developers "destrou", make their millions, contribute to their legislative
James Quinn Damascus MD 20872 cronies, and move on. Those of us left here just sit in traffic. Build the damn highway. It is time!
Up county concerns are as critical as down county, and even more so as our officials have a change to improve quality of life, air quality and the
Paul Scuderi Damascus MD 20872 county's tax base for years to come if they make sound decisions now c
Upcounty needs should not be ignored any longer. As the fastest growing community in the County the road infrastructure must begin to
Brett Hyman Clarksburg MD 20871 accommodate the rapid growth.
There needs to be an alternative to I270. West of I270 has Great Seneca Parkway. East of I270 has Snowdon Farm Parkway and Mid County Highway.
M-83 will connect them to complete the alternative. It has been stymied by special interest groups causing growing hardship to those who live
Sarwar Faraz Herndon VA 22070 Upcounty. Let's get this project completed.
There needs to be an alternative to I270. West of I270 has Great Seneca Parkway. East of I270 has Snowdon Farm Parkway and Mid County Highway.
M-83 will connect them to complete the alternative. It has been stymied by special interest groups causing growing hardship to those who live
Sarwar Faraz Herndon VA 22070 Upcounty. Let's get this project completed.
This is necessary to support development. The roadway will provide a viable north/south travel alternative to I-270 and MD 355 on the east side of I-
Kennedy Thomas 270, similar to Great Seneca Highway on the west side of I-270. If the County does not build this critical infrastructure it will be detrimental to the
C Derwood MD 20855 quality of life for Upcounty residents.
Tregoning Clarksburg MD 20871-9326 Our roads situation is a mess. We need more access to major roads. Thank you so much for understanding our frustrations.
We moved to Maryland 30 years ago and one of the first things we did was go and get the master plan for the county. We bought this house knowing
the county would eventually build the road to give us the same downcounty access that the other side of 270 has with Greater Seneca. This road is long
Bernd Langer Damascus MD 20872 overdue.
Paola Roos-
Altamirana Clarksburg MD 20871 We need this...bad!
We NEED THIS ROAD and unfair to deprive so many residents of a good quality of life for the selfish interests of a few disguised as "environmental
Vyjoo Krishnan boyds MD 20841 concerns"

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
shu 12717
Fernberry lane Boyds MD 20841 We need M-83!!! We have to take action to improve the traffic problem in Upcounty!
Dear Councilmember, The UpCounty needs M83. Please support adding the two lane option to the study of alternatives for M83. We need you to
Yeon Chung Boyds MD 20841 continue to support this critical road, which has been part of the Master Plan for over 50 years.
Marcia Lightsey-
Tivoli Germantown MD 20874 We need M-83 ASAP! The county in upcounty MoCo can be reduced with the addition of M-83! The master plan should be adhered to and not ignored!
juliet m Clarksburg MD 20871 Clarksburg matters. Enough said.
Darren Wall Boyds MD 20841 The traffic on 355 from Route 27 North is unbearable during rush hour and continues to get worse as more and more homes are built.
Weston Tew Gaithersburg MD 20899 clarksburg needs M83. please support the master plan!
The UpCounty needs M83. Please support adding the two lane option to the study of alternatives for M83. We need you to continue to support this
Shuang Tang Boyds MD 20841 critical road, which has been part of the Master Plan for over 50 years.
We desperately need the road to be built. it takes forever to drive through especially when need to reach urgently, please help. It is always slow and
Madhavi Vemuri Silver Spring MD 20903 takes away good quality time crossing
Tom Newton Gaithersburg MD 20878 I strongly support Option 9A for the Mid-County Highway. But only if there are bike and pedestrian facilities along the route.
It is important to have the infrastructure needed and honor your commitments. I bought a house based on the master plan, I have paid my dues, please
Sasha Haynes Clarksburg MD 20871 don't change the plan
This highway is strategic for those living upcounty, especially with the amount of traffic on 270 and 355 during rush hours. Please do not take this off
Marianne Hiles Boyds MD 20841 the table!
Franck & Chantal I strongly support the UpCounty M83 project with its two lane option alternative 9A. We need this critical road, which has been part of the Master Plan
Nasser Boyds MD 20841 for over 50 years.
Neeraj Jaiman Clarksburg MD 20871 We need M-83 for Development of Upcounty
Sunil Lingayat Boyds MD 20841 I am convinced we need alternative north/south travel alternatives and will reduce congestion on 270 and 355.
If BRT becomes a reality, it should be named after the politicians that pushed it through in order to memorialize their failure. No one will ride it from Up
County (pay to ride a bus 49 minutes to get from a Clarksburg parking lot to Shady Grove Metro so that you can start the rest of your commute? Good
Walter Chang clarksburg MD 20871 luck with that...)Stop wasting time, and build the thing that will work: M83/Alt 9A!

You need to keep your word. When the development of Clarksburg started that is what was promised to us residents. The Planning Board and Elected
Jaya Pandey Clarksburg MD 20871 Officials need to stick to their word! Our tax dollars should be used to good use. Keep the original plan, as well as your word.
Kevin Wolf Clarksburg MD 20871 This has been a key component to the Master plan.
Mandalam Clarksburg MD 20871 Jayashree
Qiang zeng Clarksburg MD 20871 We need M-83!
YINGYUN WU Clarksburg MD 20871 i
hui Ouyang MD 20871 I support this critical road--M83
Sundaram Clarksburg MD 20871 To relieve severe traffic congestion during peak hours on 355 and 270 travelling from/to Clarksburg

Kiruthika Kailasam Germantow MD 20874 My I270 is getting into more traffic and hard to commute
William Grubb Clarksburg MD 20871 I support continuing to move forward with the Midcounty Parkway (aka M-83 Alternative 9A.
I am signing to support the construction of the Alternative 9A Master Plan Alignment of Mid-County Highway (M-83) between Ridge Road (MD 27) and
Narsa Goud Kola Washington MD 20019 Montgomery Village Avenue.
Dear Mr. Leggett and County Council Members, I am writing to express my support of building M-83. The local traffic has become a daily frustration,
with no relief in sight within a reasonable time frame. Thousands of homes were built based upon the availability of M-83 and a Corridor City
Transitway. Both are needed. The CCT (or new incarnation, BRT) barely exists on paper, is decades away and will not serve many of our needs. Our
communities were built around the long-planned M-83 and it is our only near-term hope for an effective transportation system. Please proceed with
Lindsey Stark Damascus MD 20872 this essential part of our upcounty transportation system. Thank you,
Eugene Moxley Gaithersburg MD 20882 I think that M-83 would be a great improvement to our county. This is tax money well spent.

Page 13 of 18
SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
Right now, the biggest problem the residents of Clarksburg Village face is the traffic congestion between MD-355 and Rt 27 Intersection all the way up
to MD-355/Little Seneca Park way and beyond. With all the new construction that happened recently, relieving us from this congestion will make it
Surya Avantsa Rockville MD 20850 practical living here. So please do go ahead with this Mid-county highway project.
Ken Canonge Clarksburg MD 20871 This road is necessary to keep traffic manageable as the county has allowed massive growth in this area of the county.
David Maman Rockville MD 20852 We need more highways in Montgomery county... that are not tolled
Dustin Malamis Clarksburg MD 20871 The amount of time I spend in traffic every week insane this would really improve the quality of lives for residents.

Victoria Vini Germantown MD 20874 Stick with the plan!! I live in the Clarksburg area and traffic is HORRENDOUS!! I can't imagine what it's going to be like when the new outlets are built....

steven okanlawon Germantown MD 20874 I believe this road is extremely important and benefitial.
Michael Anthony Clarksburg MD 20871 Makes the most sense given a review of the options.
Jay Nokkeo Clarksburg MD 20871 M83 needs to be constructed to prevent congested roads and long commute times
Sudhir Yezhuvath Clarksburg MD 20871 it gives easy access to shady grove
Robert Lawrence
III Clarksburg MD 20871 With the Outlets opening soon and increased traffic from it we need to have alternate route to and from Clarksburg.
Manish Khare Clarksburg MD 20871 I strongly believe that my and my kids future is greatly impacted by this setup.
M-83 was and is a very important highway to Upcounty residents. It represents a clear alternative to the daily heavy congestion of traffic on I-270 in the
Keith Danos Clarksburg MD 20871 mornings and evenings.
Michael Opincar Clarksburg MD 20871 i live in upcounty and we need M-83
Jessica Kramer Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic is awful and congested and building keeps continuing. Alternatives are absolutely a necessity in this area.

There is inappropriate infrastructure for commuters through the Clarksburg, MD area. There was supposed to be a bypass for 355 according to the
Cheryl Shive Clarksburg MD 20871 master plan and it was never built even though far too many homes, schools and businesses have been allowed in Clarksburg!!
Manoj I travel to VA for work and the traffic is getting worse every day. I have started thinking of moving out of this area but really like the schools and other
Balakrishnan Clarksburg MD 20871 aspects. If things are not moving in the right direction then my only option is to move out of the area.
frances katsha Damascus MD 20872 We need it
Traffic is horrible coming out of clarksburg. The more people that move in it will get worse. The outlets haven't opened yet but when they do ? getting
roberta smith Germantown MD 20874 worse by the minute.
Dharmadhikari Germantown MD 20874 I travel by Metro. Another road will help me get to thereto station quicker.
The congestion north of Rockville and Gaithersburg has only gotten worse in the past 7-8 years. I have lived in Germantown since 1994 and have seen
how 270 has become ever more clogged and a parking lot during peak hours.The M-83 is a sound alternative to provide relief from 270 to upcounty
residents. It has been in the master plan for a long time and it is now time to build it and not change plans. The Montgomery County Department of
Transportation (MCDOT) Midcounty Corridor Study (MCS) Draft Environmental Effects Report (DEER) clearly documents that M-83 Alternative 9
provides the highest transportation effectiveness among all alternatives considered.I urge you to support this and help Mont County remain a viable
Manjit Singh Germantown MD 20875 community for both residents and businesses.Thank you.Manjit
vikas kapoor Gaithersburg MD 20882 Building this road is crucial to a viable upper Montgomery County.
We need to consider other ways to improve traffic, if growth is to continue. The infrastructure, should be approved and completed to help with jobs,
access, and keep adding to alternatives, to driving and metro. Those who live here need to be heard, and the council needs to listen and not make
LJ Belsito Clarksburg MD 20871 decisions without full transparency.

Debra Thompson Clarksburg MD 20871 Transportation options especially roads are neccisary with the number of people now populating the northern part of the county. Stick to the plan!
This highway is needed as the population grows in the upper county area. Our quality of life depends on our commute. The traffic now is bad enough
marco gravina Clarksburg MD 20871 and it getting worst
jamadagni Manassas VA 20110 I 270 sucks
Route MD 355 and I270 is always busy and traffic is terrible . We need another way to commute to and from Clarksburg, which is M-83. It is very
Srini Yavasani Clarksburg MD 20871 important for all up county residents. We strongly support for M-83.

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
Traffic is terrible. Though county gave permission for 5000 units in clarksburg, not a single road or transportation benefit added. Where is the tax payer
Jaya Neti Germantown MD 20876 money going? Rapid bus is not an option. We want metro extension.
Kishore Kakani Clarksburg MD 20871 This part of the city is congested with traffic and this will help the community a great bit to ease traffic congestion.

Karen Mayo Germantown MD 20874 I am considering moving to Clarksburg from Germantown. The only thing I would miss is being 10 minutes away from the ICC, as u am now.
Oscar Vargas Gaithersburg MD 20877 I signing this because to provide more alternatives to I- 270 and MD 355 to North/South travelers.
Kiandokht Afshar Clarksburg MD 20871 Because every day I spent almost 3 hours to go to work from Clarksburg to Chavy Chase and most I am in rush hours in 270 :(
Timothy Schaefer Gaithersburg MD 20878 Stop allowing new construction of homes and shopping centers/retail until the roads are built to support it.
Chris Damon Arlington VA 22204 For quality of life.
Jose Orozco Gaithersburg MD 20879 Its import becouse lot congestion 355 to Frederick.
Stephen Schwartz Germantown MD 20876 Traffic is ridiculous
DiBartolomeo Clarksburg MD 20871 The roads cannot handle the amount of traffic that travels every day!
Paula Aulestia Boyds MD 20841 Cause the traffic on 270 is so terrible I've considered moving or of Montgomery county
Elizabeth Cassidy Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic upcounty in the Clarksburg area is atrocious! We need more alternative routes.

Anuradha Yaddula Clarksburg MD 20871 Need this highway immediately to mitigate increasing rush hour traffic from CabinBranch Outlet mall.
Mirela Lima Clarksburg MD 20871 Our area has grown a lot these past year and there is not a major road besides I270 that can alleviate traffic.
Lynn Ellis Clarksburg MD 20871 It shouldn't take 50 minutes to get from Germantown to Clarksburg.
Rebecca Carter Gaithersburg MD 20882 My children attend Clarksburg schools and traffic is horrendous!

Why am I signing:- Current transportation infrastructure is grossly inadequate to support Upcounty populations and negatively impacts my and my
family's quality of life daily. - Because the County promised these roads years ago and needs to keep it's commitments and it's word- The situation will
Suzanne Camacho Clarksburg MD 20871 absolutely get worse due to continued home construction and the additional traffic from the Clarksburg Outlets opening later this month
Susan Flickinger Germantown MD 20876 Traffic is bad during rush hour and with all the planned growth it will only get worse.
Daniel Shapiro Damascus MD 20872 It takes 90+ minutes to get from Damascus to Rockville for work. This is only 22 miles.

Patricia Fitzgibbon Clarksburg MD 20871 I believe it is necessary to help alleviate some of the horrific traffic in the area.
DiBartolomeo Clarksburg MD 20871 The traffic relief is badly needed.

I live in Damascus, work in Gaithersburg and I find the volume of traffic unacceptable. Smart growth is not "they come and then we will build it" - the
transportation infrastructure should have been improved as the developers were breaking ground on phase 1 of Clarksburg Village. The major roads
(27, 124, Brink, etc) roads have been beyond capacity for years. Fix it now and complete M-83 per the approved plans. The studies are completed, the
Jennifer Khasilev Damascus MD 20872 funds have been allocated and the lands have been secured, so any delays at this point are inexcusable.
Lori Enicks-Kniss APO 9180 Problem needs to be addressed properly. I am a registered voter and will be voting against the current regime!

PHILLIP NACELLI Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic conditions continue to deteriorate every year, 270 is starting to feel like Rt66 in Northern Virginia, which is a parking lot even on the weekends...
ashoo oberoi Clarksburg MD 20871 We need alternative to 270. 260 is getting worse everyday
Charisse Harriday Germantown MD 20874 Traffic between germantown and Clarksburg is awful..355 .
Terhas Berhane Clarksburg MD 20871 I care about my community and this is needed
Yes, please!! We need to make our community better and the less congested during traffic hours. This will help solve all the issue we are facing
Claudia Gonzalez Clarksburg MD 20871 everyday.
All you have to do is ask anyone in clarksburg how the roads and local traffic are. The answer is horrible and inadequate to meet the populating in this
Stephen Mead Clarksburg MD 20871 area.
michael amoroso clarksburg MD 20871 Mikeamoroso
Camille Britt Germantown MD 20876 I live in upper Germantown. MD and I always sit in traffic going to my child school Clarksburg HS.

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
This is absolutely REGODDAMNDICULOUS all this money this county has and with gas prices going up more and more we now have to park on 270 or
355 to go home? Who was the retard that didn't have enough smartness to build up the roads before they over populated Clarksburg? Whoever that
RUSSELL PENMAN Clarksburg MD 20871 was needs a kick in the ass!
Tanisha Darden Gaithersburg MD 20879 Clarksburg traffic is horrible. And by the time I get home it's time for bed
Travis Day Village MD 20886 Something MUST BE DONE ABOUT TRAFFIC going to and from CLARKSBURG
Lori Roche Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic on 270 And 355 is absolutely aweful and getting worse every year. It should not take 20 minutes to drive 1 mile
Amanda Wasson Clarksburg MD 20871 Traffic is horribly congested, and current alternative routes are no better than I-270

I'm a real estate broker and the Clarksburg Chamber Of Commerce President and Clarksburg needs this road more than ever with the growth of our
Ibi Sofillas Germantown MD 20876 population and the new Clarksburg Premium Outlets! We need roads and transportation- it is our number one issue in Clarksburg.
Terrible traffic heading South in the morning and north in the afternoon. Lots of population in the North part of the Montgomery county, and we don't
Sophia Yang Clarksburg MD 20871 want to pay high tax without any improvement of our life here.
I am signing this because traffic infrastructure is pathetic in Clarksburg. This road is absolutely critical for Clarksburg residents to have an alternative to
Shila Ray Clarksburg MD 20871 I270 to travel to down county places.
The traffic congrstion on 270 between Rockville and Clarkesburg continues to get worse at all hours of the day and on any day of the week. Sometimes
Terry Clarke Gaithersburg MD 20877 the weekends are worse than the weekday. A continual frustration.
Celeste Diehm Boyds MD 20841 355 is way too crowded- we desperately need something to alleviate the congestion on this roadway.
Robert Robb Clarksburg MD 20871 I think this road should be completed and reduce traffic on 270 and 354
When I was considering my move to Clarksburg, I was aware of the MD83 plan. There is a dramatic increase in the population in Clarksburg and we
Vinay Gandla Clarksburg MD 20871 need to implement this option.
Yogith TUPAKULA Clarksburg MD 20871 This makes my commuting time to Silverspring to half
Bindu Tupakula Clarksburg MD 20871 Only commuting option to ICC and Shady Grove
Avneesh Singh Clarksburg MD 20871 It will ease the traffic on I-270 and MD355
Jane Clarke Damascus MD 20872 Without this road, there will be gridlock all the way through Damascus!
Charles Mutithi Clarksburg MD 20871 I would like the M 83 built in order to help relieve the traffic on the 270 interstate.
We spend way too many years and tax dollars on studies - determining that something is needed in terms of transportation infrastructure; AND
Adelaide (Heidi) expanses of new development are built based on this master plan (Clarksburg); AND then a politician wants to can the foundation of the whole master
Sussmann Damascus MD 20872 plan. REALLY????
Erin Keller Germantown MD 20874 I live in Clarksburg Village and want viable transportation options and improved quality of life for our community.
Joanne Aellen Damascus MD 20872 I live in Damascus and know how much this road is needed!
Nidia Zuniga Clarksburg MD 20871 We need this plan to improve traffic in our area.
Sree Sankara Clarksburg MD 20871 Transport is so bad currently
Melissa King Clarksburg MD 20871 I care about my community.

MARY GALLOWAY Clarksburg MD 20871 This road is needed to help distribute increased traffic flow.
We need better roads connecting the upcounty to downcounty regions. It takes me 45 minutes to drive 10 miles one way. Ridiculous. Better roads will
improve air quality because transportation times will be shorter. As long as our parks and watersheds are protected, noise is mitigated, and speed
Richard Candell Clarksburg MD 20871 limits enforced, I am for the M-83. It will reduce stress and increase family time.
Sarathchandra Clarksburg MD Md 20871 If anyone removes this plan they have to answer to all the traffic problems. Also then do not continue any further development in these areas
Munira Ibrahim Germantown MD 20876 Don't ignore GT & Clarksburg
Brink Road is dangerous and something has to be done before something terrible happens. There has to be a safer route connecting north and south in
Michael Cassidy Kensington MD 20895 our area.
Charles Thornton Damascus MD 20872 We desperately need the new road

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
This is sorely needed and has been for years!. Traffic is getting worse every day. Instead of using our tax money to fund an immigration attorney, lets
use it for something that will benefit everyone, the M-83 road. I don't know where the brains are on the council.....throwing money away that will
make our county less safe. I am afraid to go out at night as it is now. Do something useful with the tax money and DO NOT eliminate the M-83 from the
John Flynn Clarksburg MD 20871 master plan!!!!
There is too much traffic on 355. My daughter was involved in an accident at the intersection of 355 and West Old Baltimore Rd. The traffic contributed
Lisa Norris Boyds MD 20841 to her accident.
I work in Gaithersburg and since Ckarksburg has expanded- particularly since the outlets were built- the traffic on 270 between Clarksburg and
Laura Davis Frederick MD 21701 Germantown has gotten substantially worse every year.
Dolores Davis Clarksburg MD 20871 We already have enough traffic congestion here. With all of the building still going on, it will only get worse.

Traffic congestion along Rte 355 is unbearable - and has gotten worse since the outlets have opened. Lots of new homes without the requisite
Steven Niedelman Boyds MD 20841 infrastructure to meet the needs of the residents who have invested in their homes and confidence of the county to address their needs
Most county councils base many decisions about various infrastructure changes on where they themselves live and work. Hence, they do not have any
way of "feeling" what local residents and commuters go through on a daily basis. Their decisions are made based on what impacts them directly. I
might suggest that the council members try living in the Clarksburg or other impacted area to get a real heartfelt feel of what their constituents go
through on a daily basis, prior to making an "informed" decision about M-83. I am sure they would have different feeling then! KEEP M-83 IN THE
John Flynn Clarksburg MD 20871 MASTER PLAN!
Anand Iyer Germantown MD 20874 M-83 is vital to the Clarksburg area.
S Nair Clarksburg MD 20871 Snair
Kumar Aruru Gaithersburg MD 20877 Please stop removing m83
Nilesh Rawool 400063 I live in Clarksburg, MD and this really affects my commute. We need the M-83
Sunil Patil Clarksburg MD 20871 We need I-83
I am a traffice eningeer - this project will put the county on its continued path of being less congested, more pedestrian and biker friendly and make it
Kutty Menon Gaithersburg MD 20877 more livable!!

Kimberly George Boyds MD 20841 I live in Boyds and commute to Bethesda and it's only roughly 17 miles and it takes me 1 hour or longer to get to work because of the traffic on I-270.
Ryan Wilson Clarksburg MD 20871 We need the roads to support the growth taking place in these neighborhoods
Sandi Seidel Ijamsville MD 21754 I commute from Frederick county to Montgomery county for work.
I deal with the traffic on a daily basis. If the Montgomery County Council is going to allow all this building/construction for revenue they need to
William Magers Clarksburg MD 20871 provide the appropriate infrastructure... which they are not at the present!
Schwartzback Ijamsville MD 21754 Congestion north - south 270355

I live 12 miles from my job and am forced to either take 270 or 355 to my job each day. This commute on a weekend takes approximately 25-30
minutes. Monday through Friday it takes me an average of 2 hours each way, totaling 4 hours of sitting in my car each and every day. I have a 2 year old
child who I am away from 12 hours per day, instead of 9 hours due simply to the extreme congestion in our area. If there is rain, my commute can be
upwards of 3 hours each way. I am beyond frustrated and considering moving out of the area simply due to the traffic in this area. I have lived here all
Cheryl Nugent Monrovia MD 21770 41 years and find it unbelievable that our government has not assisted with this issue yet. PLEASE HELP!!!!
The I 270 corridor is very slow because of the density of traffic during peak rush hours. If there is any disruption in that flow then #355 a two lane road
Mary Schmidt Ijamsville MD 21754 is immediately over run. Most traffic could be handled inside...and not necessary on I 270...Check out Clarksburg
In the course of last ten years, a commute from Clarksburg to Bethesda has increased by an hour. Long commutes effect our mental and physical state
N Amipour Clarksburg MD 20871 and it is time for the county to focus on the needs of Clarksburg residents!
The traffic is making it difficult to enjoy my community. My husband spends so much time in traffic, that our kids are in bed before he is home, and he
shannon kaisler germantown MD 20876 gets off work at 4!
I'm signing because i visit my daughter and her family frequently. They live in Montgomery County and we have to be on the road for hours due to
Linda Mccoy Edmond OK 73003 traffic. My son-in-law works @ National and Dulles so his commute is horrendous.
Lindy Berning Clarksburg MD 20871 Too much congestion on the 270

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SUBJECT: Against resolution regarding Transportation solutions for Northwest Montgomery County, October 17th 2017- NEED M83 NOW Submitted by: UPCOUNTY RESIDENTS
via Coalition4Upcounty
Date: Oct 12 2017
Montgomery We MUST create alternate pathways beyond 355and the proposed BRT for Clarksburg residents. You cant put 20k people in this area promising us
Stephen Hart Village MD 20886 roads then take it away!

Johanna Little Falls Church VA 22042 I commute to Northern VA for work, and it takes me 1hr. + to travel 28 miles. An alternative to 270 is imperative for the sanity of commuters.
Eric Grandi Clarksburg MD 20871 Governor....lets get this done and relieve 270 congestion please.
Laura Arellano Lima I live in Clarksburg and my commute with two screaming kids in the back of the car isnt pleasant. Thank you.
Leslie Ruby Middletown MD 21769 This plan is a great idea. Do it!
I am signing this because unlike the members of the county council I live in Upper Montgomery County and the traffic and congestion each day is a
disgrace and totally avoidable. This project needs to be completed. $millions wasted each year in lost productivity and environmental damage caused
Ronnie Kingsley Clarksburg MD 20871 by gridlock on our roads is not excusable.
Tamara Duell Germantown MD 20874 Clarksburg needs alternate routes for travel especially during rush hour.
Maria Antonieta
Proano S. Gaithersburg MD 20886 Traffic in the morning coming from Clarksburg is a nightmare. Please help!

Theresa Bish Woodbridge VA 22192 Yes, please get this project going! Traveling to/from upper MD, PA/OH from NoVA is a nightmare! I can't imagine living this nightmare on a daily basis!
Montgomery County needs to reduce the CO2 and other emissions caused by so much traffic idling in heavy traffic. The county will not meet its stated
Martha Silver Silver Spring MD 20901 environmental goals unless it includes actions to reduce stop-start traffic on its existing arteries.
Deena Austrager Gaithersburg MD 20878 This is urgently needed for effective transportation mobility. It must now be ignored or squelched!!

I'm in Clarksburg alot, and I live in Gaithersburg. I work in Beltsville 2-3 days a week and in Columbia 1 day a week. I use the ICC almost every weekday,
back and forth. I welcome M83 because it will make my commute to and from these eastern areas to western areas of the county exponentially easier.
Eileen Gannon Gaithersburg MD 20878 My husband also commutes from Gburg to Beltsville daily via the ICC and welcomes M83 for when he meets me in Clarksburg.
David Lefferd Fredonia KS 66736 Because it is needed!
Krishna Diva Clarksburg MD 20871 I live in clarksburg MD realtor I know community pains and help them cure

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