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7.1 Findings from the pre and post intervention grammar test

From the research conducted, the researcher found positive improvement in the
participants results as tested in the pre and post grammar intervention test. The
participants were able to improve their understanding in learning articles using Colour-
coded words in interactive PowerPoint. From the researchers observations, drilling the
rules by answering questions in the PowerPoint helped them to have a clearer
understanding. It is almost inevitable that students using PPT might occasionally be
provided with more detailed explanations and more examples that those students using
the textbook + blackboard (Leow, 2013). In fact, they were able to respond to the teacher
more confidently and motivated to learn English.

After analysing the findings, the researcher can conclude that the use of colour-
coded words in interactive PowerPoint is able to assist weak pupils in Year Four to
enhance their understanding in learning articles. This is shown by positive increment
from total average score from 44.0 to 88.0 in the pre and post intervention grammar test.
The research participants in experimental group had shown improvement after three
sessions of intervention. The PPT used in the experimental group included additional
examples and more detailed explanations than the textbook (Warschauer, 2013).The
number of participants who scored in high mark category had increased positively. The
action research is a research that could improve the researchers teaching professionalism.
This is because through the process of finishing this action research, researcher was able
to identify the problem that occured among pupils. Various kind of behaviours were
shown by the pupils before the intervention. Communication skill is also seen to be
essential in helping the researcher in the process of accomplishing the research. This will
indirectly improve the rapport between the researcher, pupils and school. Through the
intervention process, interaction with the research participants was really vital to ensure
the researcher is able to get accurate and detailed data from the participants. Apart from
that, the researcher also need to ensure that the problem that pupils face, can be solved
using the best solution.
In this research, the researcher had identified the problem during the first
intervention session. Next, the researcher had come up with the best idea to address the
problem by doing improvisation. Thus, this action research was very helpful in increasing
the professionalism of a future trained-teacher. Part of a teacher's effectiveness is due to
his or her knowledge and application of good teaching practices (George, 2011). The
strength of using this method is it does involve pupils actively. It is in line with KSSR
elements which emphasized on fun learning. The intervention used could trigger pupils
excitement and interest. This is because the use of technology in teaching and learning is
highly encouraged as stated in the seventh shift in Malaysian blueprint.

Using colour-coded words in interactive PowerPoint can be an effective way in

teaching English especially grammar. The major difficulty faced by many students is
learning the English grammar (Keh, 2011). Pupils felt delighted in learning English as
they prefer to integrate technology in their lesson. In this era, pupils tend to use
interactive method as part of learning process as they can respond and answer using the
intervention provided. In conclusion, participants show positive improvement in the tests
given after the intervention is conducted.

7.2 Findings from the interview

Motivation is defined as an individuals desire to behave in particular ways that

fuel the choice to engage in particular activities (Gilman & Anderman, 2006). Interactive
PowerPoint is one way of involving pupils and teacher in a meaningful, enjoyable and
collaborative learning task. In this research, the pupils were motivated to learn English as
the responses gathered from the interview done with five participants. Motivation is
among the most powerful determinants of students success or failure in school (Martin,
2008, p. 240) All of them gave positive feedback in order to learn English by using
interactive PowerPoint. In educational research, motivation theories are most often used
to explain students activity choice, engagement, persistence, help seeking, and
performance in school (Ames and Archer, 2011).
In the PowerPoint provided, the teacher could include other task in order for them
to be motivated to learn English. This is to assist them to be confident using articles in
writing. The large relationship between motivation/self-regulation and academic self-
efficacy is consistent with the notion that confidence in ones ability to succeed at a task
provides essential cognitive motivation for one to attempt the task in the first place
(Suldo, Shaffer, & Shaunessy, 2008). In the interview conducted, all of the participants
agreed that learning articles in PowerPoint is easier than using text book. The researcher
chose PowerPoint software as it is easy to use among the teachers. The teacher is able to
teach articles effectively and modify the content according to their proficiency level of
pupils. In fact, the pupils will be able to enrich their vocabulary and master their grammar
knowledge by using the intervention created. Teachers use intervention strategies and
techniques to ensure that all students succeed (Denzin, 2012).

Interactive PowerPoint is a medium to promote variety of activities promoting all

language system vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, pronunciation and spelling. From the
five participants, all of them agreed that the intervention helped them in learning English
in order to learn grammar. Most of the participants experienced confusion in using
articles before and they agreed that interactive PowerPoint enhance their knowledge in
English. Several studies which used explicit instruction together with a focus on form or
a focus on forms have reported better learning outcomes than either of these two
combined with implicit instruction (Norris & Ortega, 2001).

In fact, all participants agreed that they prefer to use interactive PowerPoint as it
offers clear explanation and be more confident to use articles after the intervention
executed. This is supported by the interview conducted to five selected participants in this
research. All of them agreed that they enjoyed learning English by using the PowerPoint.
This is one of the indicators that support the evidence pupils are motivated to learn
English in this research. When individuals are intrinsically motivated, they engage in an
activity because they are interested in and enjoy the activity (Steinmayr and Spinath,
In conclusion, the pupils were motivated to learn articles of a, an and the as they
responded with positive answers in the interview session. In fact, motivation is among the
most powerful attributes for achievement outcomes in school systems today. The research
indicates that participants were motivated to learn English by using the intervention
created (interactive PowerPoint). The study is related to the research question because the
results showed motivation is highly correlated with self-efficacy, and academic

This research studies the effectiveness of using Colour coded words in interactive
PowerPoint to teach articles a, an and the. The researcher would like to make some
suggestions for further research. The teachers should be able to be versatile in the lesson
so that it could stimulate pupils interest to learn English. This is because we have to find
more ways in order to attract their interest in learning grammar such as the use of
technology in teaching. We should be able to be an effective teacher who has a lot of
resources and able to explain grammar rules in simpler ways. That is why this
intervention is created as the pupils do not want just to look at printed pages in order to
memorise all the rules stated. There must be two ways interaction between the teacher
and the pupil. As what highlighted in KSSR, the teacher acts as a facilitator and the
learning process is based on pupil centred. If we are able to trigger pupils interest in
learning grammar, we should also be able to be consistent in delivering the lesson
effectively. One of the ways would be integrating technology in teaching and make use
of the resources wisely. This is because PowerPoint could be modified easily according to
the suitability of pupils proficiency.

The researcher sees that using interactive PowerPoint is very vital because it
motivates pupils in learning grammar. This is to abolish their negative perception by
assuming that grammar is difficult subject in English. Moreover, the researcher found
pupils needed more techniques to learn English effectively. In line with pupils ICT skills,
PowerPoint is seen to be the best method to teach articles. This intervention also
highlights on the coloured visuals in the questions given in order to enrich pupils
vocabulary and trigger excitement.

In future, the researcher should be able to use more vocabulary to represent the
examples in the articles given. This is to explain the rules and functions of articles
explicitly. Other than that, more questions should be inserted in the quiz session so that
the pupils would be able to take more test by using PowerPoint. Meanwhile, it is also to
measure their understanding whether they could master their knowledge in articles or not.

The researcher suggested the following recommendations to the English teachers,

consider pupils individual differences and make the class a suitable environment for all
pupils to participate in the classroom activities to increase positive feelings towards
grammar lesson. Use the effective and appropriate content in grammar lesson to improve
pupils understanding in English. This is to develop and improve their writing and
speaking skill in order to be a more proficient English learner. The researcher also
suggested to find appropriate activities based on the intervention created to make the
learning process achieve the objectives. This is because English environment is created
by the teacher. As revealed through the findings of the research, a majority of pupils
basically have problems in using articles correctly.

In relation to this, it is highly important to show the correlation of knowledge of

grammar and communication skills, including speaking. Concerning with the techniques
and activities for the teaching and learning of grammar, it was revealed that pupils of
Year 4 in Sekolah X preferred explicit than implicit teaching in line with the intervention
of interactive PowerPoint. Therefore, teacher should use various techniques of teaching
such as using colour-coded words in interactive PowerPoint to teach articles.

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