Volleyball Unit Plan

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Topic: Volleyball Curriculum Learning Area: Health & Physical Education

Year level: 10

Unit Description This unit on Volleyball will take place in the first 5 weeks of Semester 2.
Students will participate in 2 practical lessons each week (60 mins each) and
a homework task will be set to evaluate students understandings of key
movement concepts learnt through small sided games and key questions.
Students will develop skills, knowledge and understandings of correct
volleyball techniques and team tactics during play.
Correct volleyball techniques: set, pass, serve, spike, dig, block.
Team tactics: Communication, court awareness, ball control, creating
confusion, pressuring opposing team and setting up scoring opportunities.
Basics of Volleyball FAQ:

It is a class that students choose as an elective. They have some interest in

sports and competition. The students at this high school are mainly Caucasian,
the minorities are Asian (due to a strong international exchange program) and
ATSI. The size of the class is usually around 28 students being evenly split
between males and females.

Curriculum content to be explored:

Moving our body:

Provide and apply feedback to develop and refine specialised movement skills in a range of
challenging movement situations (ACPMP099)
E Transferring skills learnt in one movement situation to a different situation (GS, RE, CA)

Understanding Movement:
Analyse the impact of effort, space, time, objects and people when composing and performing
movement sequences (ACPMP103)
E experimenting with the manipulation of force and speed applied to an object to examine the
difference created in movement paths (GS)
E demonstrating and describing how the body can absorb force.

Learning through movement:

Devise, implement and refine strategies demonstrating leadership and collaboration skills when
working in groups or teams (ACPMP105)
E using self-talk and encouragement to motivate themselves and team members to continue to
participate and improve performance (RS,GS, LLPA, RE, CA)
E identifying and critiquing leadership styles and group/team dynamics through collaboratively
solving initiative games (LLPA, RE, RS, CA, GS)
E evaluating the contribution they make as an individual to teamwork, leadership and enjoyable
participation for all (GS, RS, RE, LLPA, CA)

Achievement standards/performance standards

By the end of Year 10,

Students demonstrate leadership, fair play and cooperation across a range of movement and health
contexts. They apply decision-making and problem-solving skills when taking action to enhance their
own and others health, safety and wellbeing. They apply criteria to make judgements about and
refine their own and others specialised movement skills and movement performances. They work
collaboratively to design and apply solutions to movement challenges.
(ACARA, Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education 2014)

Lesson development: Using Games Sense, Guided discovery & Student-centered Pedagogies

Lesson 1 *Prior to this lesson, post student volleyball questionnaire (Appendix A) onto
Week 1 Daymap in a flipped classroom approach. Students are required to respond and
submit this before the first lesson.
Introduction to Volleyball
Volleyball Games to observe students current skill level. Used as a pre-
assessment to determine possible differentiation needed.

Lesson 2 Personal/social key skill set:

Week 1 Focus on calling out to ball server/setter when in position or using signs/symbols to
express this.
Game strategies:
Through guided discovery students will determine effective tactics when
Game specific skill techniques:
Students will be able to use proper setting and serving technique within rallies.
Students will be able to use proper setting form.
Students will be able to overhand serve the ball over the net.

Lesson 3 Personal/ social key skill set:

Week 2 Through team-work students will focus on calling out teammate names or for the
ball when they are in position. Will help with quick decision making for yours/
Game specific skill techniques:
Spiking and Digging
Students will be able to use proper spiking form (reference to foul rules).
Students can demonstrate correct digging technique
Game strategies:
Students will be able to demonstrate and create spiking opportunities to score
within rallies. Students are aware of game rules associated with spiking.

Lesson 4 Personal/ social key skill set:

Week 2 Through team-work students will focus on calling out teammate names or for the
ball when they are in position. Will help with quick decision making for yours/
Game specific skill techniques:
Students will be able to use proper blocking form and footwork (reference to
net foul rules).
Game strategies:
Students will be able to demonstrate and create blocking opportunities to prevent
opposition from scoring within rallies.

Lesson 5 Personal/ social key skill set:

Week 3 Students within teams utilise communication skills to strengthen court/spatial
awareness to defend space. Acknowledge respect for teammates/offence and
Game specific skill technique:
During play students are demonstrating correct volleyball passing techniques
(covered in prior lessons - serve, set, dig, spike, block) to rally and defend space.
Game strategies:
In teams students are given laminated cards which visually through pictures and
diagrams demonstrate varying formations the offence team can experiment with
when returning serves.

Lesson 6 Personal/ social key skill set:

Week 3 Highlight the importance of respect for teammates and opponents by emphasising
handshakes and edification.
Game specific skill techniques:
During play students are demonstrating correct volleyball passing techniques
(covered in prior lessons - serve, set, dig, spike, block) to rally and defend space.
Game strategies: Through Modified games students should demonstrate enthusiasm
for volleyball play and previous skills learned.

Lesson 7 *Demonstrations of model behaviour/ observational learning

Week 4 *Students need access to Ipads, computers or smart phones
Personal/ social key skill set:
Students within their teams are to view YouTube examples of elite volleyball
matches. They are to share and discuss findings.
*can be extended to discuss the differences between court and beach volleyball.
Game specific skill techniques & game strategies:
Students are to analyse techniques and possible tactics used by elite
Students are to experiment and use findings within their own game play.
Students are to reflect on effectiveness of findings.

Lesson 8 *Adapting decision-making skills under pressure

Week 4 Students are introduced to their reflective homework task which incorporates the
skills/ game plays/ tactics they will utilise within next week's tournament.
Personal/ social key skill set:
How will students meet marking criteria and demonstrate their understanding of co-
operative teamwork skills.
Game specific skill techniques:
How well can students discuss the importance of developing decision-making skills
under pressure and why it's important within volleyball.
Game strategies:
How well will teams practise performing sets of play to use within next week's
tournament based on prior lessons focuses of attacking and defensive plays.
*Students are to hand up reflection assessment task on the types of plays and
important considerations needing to be addressed in next weeks performance.
Teacher will reflect on this over the weekend and compare it to students
performance in the final week.

Lesson 9 Tournament -
Week 5 Personal/ social key skill set:
Students demonstrate their ability to work within a team and cognitive knowledge of
volleyball within a high-pressure game.
Game specific skill techniques:
How accurately and effective are students decisions in performing volleyball skills
within the tournament gameplay.
Game strategies:
Students are to present evidence of their reflective homework task gameplays and
strategies within practise.
*Using assessment tick sheet (See Appendix C) teacher marks students progress
throughout the unit.

Lesson 10 Tournament continued *same as lesson above.

Week 5 Allow time at the end of lesson for peer and individual feedback of
performance and feedback the unit effectiveness.
Implement reflective questioning

Learning Objectives

As a result of engaging with the lesson (or unit of work) students will understand:
1. Volleyball skills and the proper way to perform them
2. Volleyball terminology by using it in conversation or during a performance.
3. Volleyball involves teamwork and good communication in both attack and defence.

As a result of engaging with the lesson students will know:

1. The basic rules of volleyball including basic match play, positioning and scoring
2. Team defensive strategies by learning through experimentation
3. Attacking strategies and set plays. When to pass, when to run where to move. Utilising team
members to perform rallies
4. Tactical considerations through research and guided discovery
* the footwork for the approach to attack, fundamentals of torque & overhand serving, and continue
to develop ball control during play

As a result of engaging with the lesson students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the proper defensive and offensive movements
2. Develop communication on the court during drills, games and participation.
3. Effectively perform a set, serve, spike, dig and block consistently.
4. Develop ball control and teamwork in a competitive environment

Guiding Questions: Question/s I will ask students to help them explore or uncover the big idea for
this lesson:
Can you play a game of volleyball whilst executing the proper technique of the serve, pass,
set, spike and defend.
Are you able to explain and play volleyball using regulated rules?

Pre-assessment of Students existing knowledge about this unit of work & present level of
understanding about this unit of work

Self response reflection questionnaire handed out prior to class beginning, see Appendix A. Lesson 1
will be used as an observational assessment of students skills and abilities in volleyball.
Learning Area: Health & Physical Education Date: 2/11/16

Year level/Class: 10

Unit Topic: Volleyball

Lesson number for this unit: 5

Achievement standard/ Performance Standard

As a result of participating in this lesson students are working towards developing specialised movement
skills and understanding in a range of physical activity settings. They will also analyse how body control and
coordination influence movement composition and performance and learn how they could transfer
movement skills and concepts to a variety of physical activities.

Lesson objectives:

As a result of actively engaging in this lesson students will demonstrate:

communication skills to strengthen court/spatial awareness to defend space.
correct volleyballing passing techniques to rally and defend space.
teamwork and communication to perform varying volleyball formations when returning serves as
the offence.
respect for teammates/offence and edification/praise.

Connections with CCP and GC

Provide and apply feedback to develop and refine specialised movement skills in a range of challenging
movement situations (ACPMP099)
Develop, implement and evaluate movement concepts and strategies for successful outcomes with and
without equipment (ACPMP101)
Analyse the impact of effort, space, time, objects and people when composing and performing movement
sequences (ACPMP103)
Devise, implement and refine strategies demonstrating leadership and collaboration skills when working in
groups or teams (ACPMP105)
Reflect on how fair play and ethical behaviour can influence the outcomes of movement activities


Introduction (5 mins)

Routine Matters
Reference to safety procedures/protocol,
Enquire re. injured students and determine their level of participation in lesson. If they are unable to
physically participate students may wish to work on their theory component/other class work in the
library. If they can still participate, students can be used as referees, scorers, timers or assist with
Statement of learning outcome
Todays lesson will reinforce techniques learnt from the previous 4 lessons in match settings.
Connection to previous learning
This lesson will build on the previous lessons, which focused on

Task description
Warm up: 10 min
3 v. 3 Cooperative
EQUIPMENT: Nets (can be modified to include badminton nets, rope or ribbons) and 1x volleyball per
6 students.
ACTIVITY: The 3v3 cooperatieve warm up is designed as an all in one drill. communication, passing,
defense and shot selection are all tested in this drill. Both teams on a court are cooperating to get the
highest number of three-contact net crossings in a row and competing against the other court(s) to
have the highest total. 2 three person teams begin by using the skill of forearm passing for all three
contacts. When the ball crosses the net, the team that sent the ball over rotates one position.
Players can do all three contacts with the overhead pass/set. This version shows all players passing,
setting and attacking.
Scoring: this warm up has both sides working together to increase the number of consecutive three
contact net crossings creating a goal to surpass in the future. one and two contact net crossings
dont get a point, but will still allow the rally to continue. An example of this is today we achieved 10
net crossings, next time we want to achieve 15.
DISCUSS: Question the best way to let your teammates know where you will be hitting or when you
are ready to receive the ball.

Teaching strategies:
Game sense and constraints led, (pedagogical approach)
Tool kit questions, key questions, group assessment and observations
Resources: Modified activities from Volleyball USA.

Main Learning Task/s

In teams students are given laminated cards which visually through pictures and diagrams demonstrate
varying formations the offence team can experiment with when returning serves.

Drill: (30).
SKILL FOCUS: Serving, return and rally formations
EQUIPMENT: Court with nets and 1x volleyball per court.
ACTIVITY: Students are given a variety of laminated cards with formations for serving, returning
serves and rally positions. Throughout the game students are required to experiment with the
different formations for play to determine which are best effective in a game. In their work books one
student from each group writes down the groups reaction and reflection of the formation they
experimented. See Appendix B.
As there is no specific scoring it might be needed to increase motivation in students by introducing a
scoring scheme. Students could decide themselves how they wish to score the game. Perhaps each
successful formation used will get a point.
DISCUSS: Teacher moves around the gym to question students on how effectively they are using
communication in their play. Reminders such as dont forget to call if its yours dont forget to
congratulate your teammate for a strong serve ect.
Teaching strategies: Positive Reinforcement & Constant Observations

Lesson Closure (5 min).

Cool Down:
At the beginning of the unit students were asked to prepare a cool down activity for the class. Each week
one group of students are to run the cool down incorporating yoga, zumba or pilates aspects to address
flexibility and stretching muscles and safely warming down. Music is encouraged to be incorporated.

Key ideas to be summarised:

What have you learnt today?
How could you use this movement in a game? And why would you use it?
Could the movement be translated into other team sports?

Homework (Formative assessment task):

Individually reflect on the plays/formations that your team members trailed during today's lesson. Which
ones did you think worked effectively and had potential to be implemented during a game. Which ones did
you think wouldn't be effective and why?
After considering the multiple formations chose one which would be most likely for you and your team to
use in upcoming lessons.

Teaching strategies: Student Centred approach, asking questions to draw out open ended answers which
students can bounce ideas off of.

Contingencies and Consideration:

Students with special needs or abilities:

NEP students or those needing extra assistance could be grouped in similar abilities when
performing the drills and small games. Instructions can be written on a white board for those with
auditory processing difficulties.
Demonstrate the drills with the class using volunteers of both genders before they are conducted.
Gym booked:
This lesson can be modified to be conducted on a beach volleyball court or using badminton
nets/ropes as an alternative to the volleyball nets.

Equipment Required:

Printing/laminating facilities
Appendix A

Volleyball Questionnaire


Have you ever played volleyball? (Please clarify how long and at what level of competition.)

What sports do you like to play?

Do you like playing volleyball? Why or why not?

Are you excited, nervous or unhappy that we are going to learn volleyball? Why?

What skills or techniques are required in a match of court volleyball?

What are your expectations from this unit?

Appendix C
Volleyball Unit Evaluation:
Please answer the following questions honestly. Your answers are confidential and can remain
anonymous. This will not affect your grade.
Name: Strongly Disagre Neutral/N Agree
Disagree e .A. Strongly Agree

knowledge of the

Appeared interested
and excited about
the subject

questions and

Presented the
material in an
interesting way

Made me interested
in the subject

Provided helpful

Developed my
technique further

Taught me
something new or

Challenged me to my
full potential

Addressed the areas

that I wanted to
work specifically
What were some things that the instructor did that you liked or that were beneficial for you:

Do you have any recommendations for the teacher to make the unit better?

Other Comments?

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