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Over the double lesson you need to complete the select number of activities from each course (entre,

main, dessert).
In the entre activity you will demonstrate your ability to understand and explain key concepts.
Entre (choose one activity to complete) Read 10.3 Measuring Wellbeing (found on
Entre #1
Complete the following activities and record your answers in a Word Document:
Why is it important to measure disadvantage?
Compare the life expectancy of Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations.
Describe the health of Indigenous Australians.

Entre #2
In 2-3 sentences in a Word Document, describe the effect of remoteness on the levels of
disadvantage experienced by Indigenous Australians.

In the main activities you will demonstrate your ability to apply and analyse these concepts using geographical skills.
Main (choose two activities to complete)
Main #1
Study figure 10.8 from 10.3 Measuring Wellbeing, and complete the following tasks:
Compare the percentages of the Indigenous population in the 0-9 years cohort with the
percentage of non-Indigenous Australians.
Compare the percentage of the Indigenous population above 65 years with the
percentage of non-Indigenous Australians.
Study figure 10.10 from 10.3 Measuring Wellbeing, and answer the following questions:
In what measurement are the Indigenous population most disadvantaged compared with
the non-Indigenous population?
In what type of regions do Indigenous Australians experience the most disadvantage?

Main #2
Visit this website:
Answer the following questions in your own words :
What is the Closing the Gap campaign? (2-3 Sentences)
Why is closing the gap so important? (1-2 paragraphs)
How do you think the actions being proposed will impact the inequalities between
Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians? (1-2 paragraphs)

Main #3
Visit this website:
Download the PDF: Research Summary: Key influences on health inequalities
Complete the following:
Identify what you think are the 3 most important factors under the heading Access
to social and economic resources and their impact on health
Write a 1-2 paragraph summary for each factor and include why you think it is
Identify the 2 Key determinants contributing to Aboriginal health inequalities
Write a 1-2 paragraph summary for each key determinant and explain how they
contribute to different experiences shared between Indigenous and non-
Indigenous Australians
In the dessert activity you will demonstrate your ability to create and evaluate new examples of these ideas.
Dessert (choose one activity to complete)
Dessert #1
Research the term PhotoVoice:
In your Word Document
Describe the purpose of PhotoVoice (1-2 paragraphs)
Determine 3 main sources of inequality between Indigenous and non-Indigenous
Plan a PhotoVoice of 4-6 pictures that could be taken in the local community that
highlight some of the main sources of inequality within Australia.
Find similar pictures to your plan using Google Images and copy and paste them
into your Word Document.
Next to each picture, write a paragraph explaining how the image would portray
and highlight an individuals experience with the inequalities between Indigenous
and Non-Indigenous Australians.

Dessert #2
Watch this video:
To convince people that they should help and support the Closing the Gap campaign,
Oxfam have asked you to create a poster to advertise the National Close The Gap Day.
On your poster for the event, you will need to include:
What the Closing the Gap campaign is (use statistics relating to inequalities within
The date of the day (act as if the date is upcoming)
The aim of the day
Events that you can participate in
How people can take further action for the cause.
Use this website to gather information for your poster:
Use this website to create your poster;
Year 10 Geography Indigenous Disadvantage Summative Task
This task is your opportunity to present your findings and understandings on the topic of Indigenous
Disadvantage in Australia the topic we have been looking at this term. You will present your findings
through the perspective of someone with a connection to Indigenous Australia.
In this task, you get to decide what you create for your assessment.
From the RAFT below, select ONE option from each COLUMN (one Role, one Audience, one Format
and one Topic) to complete the task.

Role Audience Format Topic

A Politician Running A Speech (Recorded or The Treatment of

for Office in a Remote The General Public
Transcript) Indigenous Children
Area of Australia

The Poverty that

Students at a Public An Article (Newspaper
An Indigenous Elder Indigenous Australians
High School or Blog)

Differences between
A Businessperson Presentation
the experiences of
A Student Establishing a New (PowerPoint with
Indigenous and Non
Charity Written Notes)
Indigenous Australians

The Gap between

Indigenous and Non Radio/Podcast The Significance of
Indigenous Australians The United Nations Broadcast (Voice
Australia Day
(e.g. Life expectancy Recorded)
or living conditions)

You should consider the role of the media, government, law enforcement and/or general public when
completing this task, and use statistics/data/graphs to back up your claims.

If you are completing a written piece, it will need to be between 500 - 600 words, and a visual or
spoken piece will need to be 3 - 4 minutes in length.

You should refer to the task checklist when completing your assignment. No matter what topic you
choose, you will need to briefly cover the content covered in the checklist. It will help you stay on
track and know what to do. Also, dont forget about the rubric for this assignment.
You will have class time, as well as homework time, to complete the task.

This task needs to be submitted on SEQTA before 11:50pm on Wednesday of

Week 8 (June 21st).
Assignment Choice - Speech

Task Checklist
Role Chosen
Audience Chosen
Format Chosen
Type Chosen

Information included when presenting your topic

Describes the effects of stigmas on Indigenous Australians
References at least one policy or issue facing Indigenous Australians today
Considers the role of the media, government, law enforcement and/or general public
Uses an example of a relevant event or significant figure related to the topic discussed
Uses statistics/data/graphs/maps as evidence to back up points
At least one possible suggestion to improve the relationship between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous

Speech Checklist
Who you are
Where you are
Who you are speaking to
What you are speaking about
Makes/argues points strongly
Backs up with evidence stories or statistics
Summarises the speech
Addresses the audience to make a call for action

Length of Task
Spoken and Recorded (Video or Audio) 3 - 4 Minutes
Transcript only 500 600 Words

Using Evidence
Uses Primary Sources (such as the viewpoints of Indigenous Australians)
Uses Secondary Sources (such as articles, reports, graphs, maps, statistics)
Assignment Choice - Blog
Task Checklist
Role Chosen
Audience Chosen
Format Chosen
Type Chosen

Information included when presenting your topic

Describes the effects of stigmas on Indigenous Australians
References at least one policy or issue facing Indigenous Australians today
Considers the role of the media, government, law enforcement and/or general public
Uses an example of a relevant event or significant figure related to the topic discussed
Uses statistics/data/graphs/maps as evidence to back up points
At least one possible suggestion to improve the relationship between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous

Blog Article Checklist (See template below for detailed information)

Who you are
What you are speaking about (your RAFT Topic)
Where your topic happens
When your topic happens
How your topic happens
Information and Quotes
Makes/argues points strongly
Backs up with evidence stories or statistics
Use of at least one visual piece of evidence to accompany article
Summarises the article
Addresses the audience get engaged online/via social media
Blog Headline/Title
Use of image/visual data or statistics
Structure similar to template below

Length of Task
500 600 Words

Using Evidence
Uses Primary Sources (such as the viewpoints of Indigenous Australians)
Uses Secondary Sources (such as articles, reports, graphs, maps, statistics)
Assignment Choice - Newspaper
Task Checklist
Role Chosen
Audience Chosen
Format Chosen
Type Chosen

Information included when presenting your topic

Describes the effects of stigmas on Indigenous Australians
References at least one policy or issue facing Indigenous Australians today
Considers the role of the media, government, law enforcement and/or general public
Uses an example of a relevant event or significant figure related to the topic discussed
Uses statistics/data/graphs/maps as evidence to back up points
At least one possible suggestion to improve the relationship between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous

Newspaper Article Checklist

Who you are
What you are speaking about (your RAFT Topic)
Where your topic happens
When your topic happens
How your topic happens
Information and Quotes
Makes/argues points strongly
Backs up with evidence stories or
Use of at least one visual piece of evidence
to accompany article
Summarises the article
Addresses the audience to make a call for
Article Headline/Title
Use of image/visual data

Length of Task
500 600 Words

Using Evidence
Uses Primary Sources (such as the viewpoints of Indigenous Australians)
Uses Secondary Sources (such as articles, reports, graphs, maps, statistics)
Assignment Choice - Presentation
Task Checklist
Role Chosen
Audience Chosen
Format Chosen
Type Chosen

Information included when presenting your topic

Describes the effects of stigmas on Indigenous Australians
References at least one policy or issue facing Indigenous Australians today
Considers the role of the media, government, law enforcement and/or general public
Uses an example of a relevant event or significant figure related to the topic discussed
Uses statistics/data/graphs/maps as evidence to back up points
At least one possible suggestion to improve the relationship between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous

Presentation Checklist
Who you are
Where you are
Who you are presenting to
What you are presenting about
Makes/argues points strongly
Backs up with evidence stories or statistics
Summarises the presentation
Addresses the audience to make a call for action
PowerPoint slides are relevant to spoken information
Thorough use of image/visual data to strengthen points

Length of Task
Spoken and Recorded (Video or Audio) 3 - 4 Minutes
Transcript and PowerPoint 500 600 Words

Using Evidence
Uses Primary Sources (such as the viewpoints of Indigenous Australians)
Uses Secondary Sources (such as articles, reports, graphs, maps, statistics)
Assignment Choice Radio Or Podcast

Task Checklist
Role Chosen
Audience Chosen
Format Chosen
Type Chosen

Information included when presenting your topic

Describes the effects of stigmas on Indigenous Australians
References at least one policy or issue facing Indigenous Australians today
Considers the role of the media, government, law enforcement and/or general public
Uses an example of a relevant event or significant figure related to the topic discussed
Uses statistics/data/graphs/maps as evidence to back up points
At least one possible suggestion to improve the relationship between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous

Radio Broadcast/Podcast Checklist

Who you are
What the purpose of your broadcast is
Who you are speaking to
What you are speaking about
Makes/argues points strongly
Backs up with evidence stories or statistics
Summarises the content of the broadcast
Addresses the audience to make a call for action

Presentation Length
Spoken and Recorded (Audio) 3 - 4 Minutes
Transcript only 500 600 Words

Using Evidence
Uses Primary Sources (such as the viewpoints of Indigenous Australians)
Uses Secondary Sources (such as articles, reports, graphs, maps, statistics)

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