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Adv Clin Exp Med 2016, 25, 6, 13371344 Copyright by Wroclaw Medical University
DOI: 10.17219/acem/64942 ISSN 18995276

Andrzej MitalAF

Acquired von Willebrand Syndrome

Department of Hematology and Transplantology, Medical University of Gdask, Poland

Aresearch concept and design; Bcollection and/or assembly of data; Cdata analysis and interpretation;
Dwriting the article; Ecritical revision of the article; Ffinal approval of article

Acquired von Willebrand syndrome is arare hemorrhagic diathesis, with clinical symptoms similar to those associ-
ated with the inherited form von Willebrand disease. This syndrome is characterized by alack of previous bleed-
ing symptoms, negative familial history, and occurrence in arelatively older age. Most commonly, acquired von
Willebrand syndrome develops in the course of other conditions, such as lymphoproliferative, myeloprolifera-
tive, cardiovascular and autoimmune disorders; additionally, it can be associated with some non-hematological
malignancies and use of certain prescription drugs. Pathogenesis of von Willebrand syndrome is complex and not
fully understood. Deficiency or impaired activity of von Willebrand factor can result from the presence of specific
antibodies against this factor, its adsorption onto the surfaces of neoplastic cells, mechanic injury or proteolysis.
Diagnosis is based on the measurements of plasma concentration and the activity of von Willebrand factor and
multimer analysis. Management of acquired von Willebrand syndrome includes the therapy of the underlying
disease and the control or prevention of bleeding. Hemostatic drugs that are most commonly prescribed in this
syndrome include desmopressin, von Willebrand factor concentrates, recombinant activated factor VII, intrave-
nous immunoglobulin and adjunctive antifibrinolytic therapy. Additionally, plasmapheresis is required in some
cases (Adv Clin Exp Med 2016, 25, 6, 13371344).
Key words: diagnosis, management, prevalence, acquired von Willebrand syndrome.

Acquired von Willebrand Syndrome (AvWS) istry, AvWS seems to occur most often in patients
is arare bleeding disorder with the profile of clin- with lymphoproliferative (48%) and myeloprolif-
ical symptoms and laboratory abnormalities sim- erative neoplasms (15%), cardiovascular diseases
ilar to that observed in the case of inherited von (21%), solid tumors (5%) and autoimmune disor-
Willebrand disease (vWD). Characteristic features ders (2%)[46].
of AvWS include lack of previous clinical bleeding Themost common lymphoproliferative disor-
abnormalities, late onset and negative family his- ders than can be complicated by AvWS are mono-
tory[1, 2]. AvWS usually occurs concomitantly to clonal gammapathy of undetermined significance
other conditions. (MUGS) and multiple myeloma. Essential throm-
bocythemia is a myeloproliferative neoplasm,
which co-exists with this condition most frequent-
Epidemiology ly[5,6]. AvWS observed during the course of hy-
pothyroidism, uremia, after the administration of
Thedisease was described for the first time in some agents or spontaneously, without other co-
1968, in a7-year-old boy with systemic lupus er- morbidities, is of markedly rarer evidence[4,7,8].
ythematosus [3]. In 2000, the international regis- Afull list of diseases that have been shown to co-ex-
try run by the International Society of Thrombo- ist with AvWS is presented in Table1.
sis and Hemostasis (ISTH) included 186 patients Owing to the recent increase in the incidence
with AvWS, and it is estimated that atotal num- of AvWS in cardiovascular patients, the above-
ber of individuals with this condition exceeds mentioned list is likely to change [9, 10]. AvWS
300[1, 4]. Based on the data from the ISTH reg- may emerge at any age; the mean age at diagnosis
1338 A.Mital

Table1. Disorders associated with AvWS[46, 14]

Primary underlying conditions Examples

Lymphoproliferative disorders multiple myeloma
monoclonal gammapathy of undetermined significance (mgus)
Waldenstrm macroglobulinemia
chronic lymphocytic leukemia
hairy cell leukemia
non Hodgkin lymphomas
acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Myeloproliferative disorders essential thrombocythemia
polycythemia vera
spontaneous myelofibrosis
chronic myeloid leukemia
Non-hematological malignancies Wilms tumors
cancers/solid tumors
primitive neuroectodermal tumors
Autoimmune/endocrine disorders systemic lupus erythematosus
other connective tissue disorders
graft versus host disease
Cardiovascular diseases (inherited, acquired) ventricular septal defects
atrial septal defects
aortic stenosis
mitral valve prolapse
systemic atherosclerosis
Drugs and other therapeutic agents: ciprofloxacin, griseofulvin, tetracycline
antibiotics valproic acid
antiepileptic agents hydroxyethyl starch (hes)
plasma volume expanders recombinant factor viii
coagulation factors
Other uremia
infections (viral, parasitic)
diabetes mellitus
ehlers-danlos syndrome
ulcerative colitis
liver cirrhosis
turner syndrome
lactoferrin deficiency
myelodysplastic syndrome

is 62years (range 296years)[2]. Thetrue preva- sis of von Willebrand factor (vWF) in megakaryo-
lence of AvWS is difficult to establish due to its low cytes and endothelial cells and its release to circu-
detection rate and frequent misdiagnoses. lation are normal[11]. Theonly exception pertains
to patients with hypothyroidism in whom these
processes are disrupted, which results in a de-
Pathogenesis crease in vWF (vWF:Ag) concentration, its lower
activity (vWF:RCo) and resistance to desmopres-
Thepathogenesis of AvWS is complex and not sin (DDAVP)[2, 12, 13]. Decreased concentration
completely understood. Inmost cases, the synthe- of vWF in patients in whom the synthesis and re-
Acquired von Willebrand Syndrome 1339

Table2. Pathogenic mechanisms of AvWS and underlying disorders[14]

Mechanism Underlying disorder

Presence of autoantibodies lymphoproliferative disorders

non-hematological malignancies
autoimmune diseases
Adsorption on cancer cells or other cells lymphoproliferative disorders
myeloproliferative disorders
non-hematological malignancies
cardiovascular diseases (high shear stress)
therapeutic agents: hes
Loss of high-molecular--weight multimers myeloproliferative disorders
(damage/proteolysis) excessive shear stress:
cardiovascular diseases (cardiac defects, endocarditis)
vascular malformations (oslers disease, kasabach-merritt syndrome)
therapeutic agents: ciprofloxacin
Decreased synthesis of vWF hypothyroidism

lease of this factor are normal can be explained by tiple myeloma, Waldenstrm macroglobulinemia,
one of the following mechanisms[1, 14, 15]: 1) de- malignant lymphoma, hairy cell leukemia) and ad-
velopment of specific or non-specific autoantibod- renal cancer. Adsorption of vWF on cancer cells
ies that impair the function of vWF and enhance can be confirmed immunologically (immunofluo-
its clearance, 2) adsorption of vWF on cancer cells, rescence with anti-vWF antibodies) and by means
also resulting in its enhanced clearance, and 3) loss of flow cytometry [21, 22]. Thesame mechanism
of high-molecular-weight (HMW) multimers of has also been involved in the case of myeloprolif-
vWF (HMW vWF), resulting from their expo- erative neoplasms. Adsorption of HMW vWF in
sure to high shear stress or proteolysis. Theexact activated platelets of patients with essential throm-
pathogenic mechanism of AvWS is often specific bocythemia results in thrombocytopenia, and the
for a primary condition in the course of which it platelet count was shown to correlate inversely
has developed (Table2). with plasma concentration of vWF multimers[23].
In the first mechanism, normally synthesized Adsorption of HMWvWF has also been reported
vWF is promptly eliminated from circulation due in many other conditions associated with platelet
to the presence of specific or non-specific autoan- activation. One example is aortic valve stenosis, in
tibodies. While most autoantibodies against vWF the course of which high shear stress causes acti-
are IgG, antibodies from other classes have also vation of thrombocytes with resultant adsorption
been implicated sporadically[16]. Anti-vWF auto- of HMWvWF on their surface[24]. Furthermore,
antibodies can interact with active domains of the vWF was also shown to be adsorbed on macromol-
factor responsible for binding to collagen and plate- ecules of hydroxyethyl starch (HES)[25].
lets, without interfering with factor VIII [1719]. The third mechanism is associated with ei-
Upon binding to functional or non-functional do- ther mechanical or proteolytic loss of HMWvWF.
main of vWF, autoantibodies form immunologi- Inpatients with aortic valve stenosis, vWF multim-
cal complexes which are promptly removed from ers can be subject to mechanical damage or proteol-
circulation via the reticular endothelial system. ysis with ADAMTS-13 metalloproteinase[2628].
As a result, both the activity and concentration Proteolysis of HMWvWF during the course of es-
of vWF (vWF:RCo and vWF:Ag) are decreased, sential thrombocythemia may be triggered by plate-
whereas the level of vWF propeptide (vWFpp, al- let-released calcium ions, causing the activation of
so referred to as vWF:AgII) is normal or even ele- proteases and elastases. In such cases, proteolysis
vated[20]. can be confirmed based on the presence of enzy-
The second mechanism, associated with the matically-digested fragments of HMWvWF[29].
adsorption of vWF on cancer cells and its resultant Excessive pathological proteolysis of HMW vWF
enhanced clearance, is typically observed during may also occur in the course of uremia, pancreati-
the course of lymphoproliferative neoplasms (mul- tis, liver cirrhosis, leukemia and after the adminis-
1340 A.Mital

tration of some therapeutic agents, e.g. ciprofloxa- Bleeding time and occlusion time (PFA-100)
cin[3032]. are usually prolonged in AvWS, which points
Patients in whom AvWS results primarily from to the presence of a primary hemostatic disor-
adsorption of HMWvWF or loss thereof, typically der [36]. The concentration of vWF (vWF: Ag)
present with lower activity of vWF (vWF:RCo) and and procoagulant activity of factor VIII is typically
its relatively normal concentration (vWF:Ag)[1]. normal or slightly decreased. However, the activi-
Aside from the abovementioned ones, also oth- ty of vWF as ristocetin cofactor (vWF:RCo) and its
er, still not completely understood, pathomecha- ability to bind to collagen (vWF: CB) are evident-
nisms of AvWS exist. For example, in patients with ly decreased [37]. Also, vWF:RCo/vWF:Ag and
Wilms tumors, who neither synthesize anti-vWF vWF:RCo/vWF:CB ratios should be determined,
autoantibodies nor show the evidence of vWF ad- as these parameters are typically decreased during
sorption, decreased activity of this factor is postu- the course of AvWS[38]. Inaretrospective study
lated to be linked to exposure to hyaluronic acid conducted by Tiede et al. [39], all patients with
synthesized in large amounts by the nephroblasto- cardiovascular diseases and most individuals with
ma cells[33, 34]. lymphoproliferative neoplasms presented with
Finally, it should be remembered that patho- normal or elevated values of vWF:Ag, vWF:RCo
genesis of AvWS associated with many primary and vWF:CB, and frequently showed abnormal
conditions may be complex, involving more than vWF:RCo/vWF:CB and vWF:RCo/vWF:Ag ratios.
one of the mechanisms mentioned above. These findings confirm the usefulness of collagen
binding assay, which should be routinely used in
the evaluation of patients with suspected AvWS.
Diagnosis Animportant test helpful in distinguishing be-
tween vWD and AvWS is vWF multimer analy-
Initial evaluation of patients with suspected sis (electrophoresis and markedly less widespread
AvWS is similar as in the case of individuals with densitometry)[40, 41]. Usually, AvWS is associat-
inherited vWD. Important factors differentiating ed with complete loss of HMWvWF or decreased
AvWS from vWD are: negative family history, lack level thereof [19]. Owing that HMW vWF defi-
of previous bleeding disorders and late onset of ciency may be also observed in some patients with
clinical symptoms. Usually, the results of basic lab- normal levels of vWF:RCo, vWF:Ag and vWF:CB,
oratory tests are insufficient to distinguish between as well as in persons with normal vWF:RCo/
inherited vWD and AvWS. Diagnostic protocol vWF:Ag and vWF:CB/vWF:Ag ratios, all subjects
should include history taking and examination with suspected AvWS should be subjected to mul-
for primary conditions that typically co-exist with timer analysis[9, 35, 39]. Although most patients
AvWS. All patients with suspected vWD and nega- with AvWS present with type2 vWD[19], type1
tive family history of bleeding disorders should be or type3 vWD can be also detected in individuals
screened for most common comorbidities predis- in whom AvWS is associated with abnormal syn-
posing AvWS[35]. Basic tests used in the diagnos- thesis of vWF (e.g. hypothyroidism)[19, 42].
tics of hemostatic disorders and primary diseases Determination of vWFpp provides insight in-
predisposing to AvWS are listed in Table3. to vWF biosynthesis. Ifthe production of vWF is

Table3. Diagnostic tests used to detect AvWS and concomitant underlying disorders

Hemostasis Concomitant diseases

Bleeding time/APTT complete blood count with peripheral smear and platelet count
Occlusion time (PFA-100) proteinogram
Activity of vWF (vWF:RCo) immunofixation
Concentration of vWF (vWF:Ag) tsh, triiodothyronine, thyroxin
Activity of factor VIII (FVIII:C) autoimmune disorders: screening for antinuclear antibodies
Collagen binding assay (vWF:CB) immunoblotting, ana-hep2, anti-native dna antibodies
Ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation cardiovascular diseases: echocardiography, examination of vessels
vWF:RCo/vWF:Ag ratio hematological malignancies: bone marrow biopsy, genetic/molecular tests
vWF:CB/vWF:Ag ratio jak2, bcr/abl mutations, bone marrow/peripheral blood phenotype,
Multimer analysis (plasma, platelets) biochemical tests ldh, beta-2 microglobulin, granulocyte alkaline
vWF propeptide (vWFpp) phosphatase, imaging studies ultrasonography, computed tomography,
Anti-vWF antibodies histopathologic examination of lymph node or other tissue specimens)
Genetic tests: DNAsequencing
Acquired von Willebrand Syndrome 1341

impaired, concentration of vWFpp is also lower; a primary condition occurring concomitantly to

this is observed in type 1 and 3 vWD, as well as AvWS[1, 35].
in AvWS associated with hypothyroidism. Inturn, Whenever the patient does not show the signs
enhanced synthesis of vWFpp and a relative in- of active bleeding and the procedures with in-
crease in its concentration in relation to vWF:Ag creased risk of bleeding can be postponed, treat-
co-exist with faster clearance of vWF observed in ment of aprimary underlying condition is always
the course of AvWS as well as in some cases of a priority, since its remission is frequently asso-
type1 vWD and type3 vWD with synthesis of al- ciated with resolution of AvWS [45]. Individu-
loantibodies[43]. als with autoimmune disorders are usually treated
Since determining vWFpp/vWF:Ag ratio is with glucocorticoids and other immunosuppres-
not always sufficient to distinguish between inher- sive agents (cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, cy-
ited vWD and AvWS, routine use of this test is no closporine) and patients with lymphoproliferative
longer recommended[35]. neoplasms (lymphoma, multiple myeloma) receive
All patients with suspected AvWS should be chemotherapy/immunochemotherapy, radiother-
tested for anti-vWF autoantibodies [1, 18]. Al- apy and immunomodulatory therapy. Efficient
though autoantibodies play a role in the patho- treatment of B-cell lymphoma and multiple my-
genesis of AvWS in only some patients, especial- eloma was shown to result in complete remission
ly those with concomitant lymphoproliferative of AvWS in 3570% of the cases[18, 39]. Insub-
neoplasms [35], their presence is associated with jects with MGUS, who usually do not require any
worse prognosis, namely with atendency to cause specific treatment, therapy with intravenous im-
severe bleeding [18, 39]. Anti-vWF autoantibod- munoglobulins (in IgG-MGUS) or plasmaphere-
ies can be detected during amixing study. During sis (in IgM-MGUS) can be implemented whenev-
this test, the patient plasma is mixed with normal er the signs of bleeding disorder emerged in the
plasma, and vWF activity in the mixture is deter- course of AvWS[35].
mined after afew hours of its incubation at 37C. Patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms are
Incontrast to individuals with acquired vWD, only typically treated with cytoreductive agents, tyro-
asmall proportion of patients with AvWS present sine kinase inhibitors; also bone marrow allotrans-
with neutralizing antibodies. Presence of non-neu- plantation can be considered whenever progres-
tralizing antibodies that do not block the activity of sion occurs. In turn, subjects with polycythemia
vWF but enhance its clearance cannot be detected vera may benefit from bloodletting [35]. Resolu-
during a mixing study [44]. However, these anti- tion of AvWS was also observed after the surgical
bodies can be determined with an enzyme-linked removal of amalignancy, cardiac surgeries (valve
immunosorbent assay (ELISA)[11, 39]. replacement) and thyroxin substitution during the
course of hypothyroidism[10, 46, 47]. Also with-
drawing agents that might contribute to the devel-
Treatment opment of AvWS (ciprofloxacin, griseofulvin, tet-
racycline, valproic acid, HES) may result in the
Treatment of AvWS is oriented at: 1) con- remission of this condition[45].
trol of active bleeding, 2) prevention of bleeding Therapeutic agents and procedures used in the
in high-risk patients, e.g. individuals requiring an management and prevention of bleeding associat-
invasive procedure, and 3) achieving remission of ed with AvWS are listed in Table4.

Table4. Therapeutic agents used in the management of AvWS-associated bleeding

Agent/procedure Dosage/remarks
Desmopressin (Minirin, Ferring) 0.3g/kg b.w. a(dissolve in 100mL of 0.9% NaCl)/intravenous infusion, 30min,
12 per day
vWF concentrates 30100 units/kg b.w. intravenously (frequency depending on vWF activity)
rVIIa (NovoSeven, Novo Nordisk) 90g/kg b.w. intravenously every 24h
Immunoglobulins (IVIG) 1g/kg b.w. intravenously for 2days
Antifibrinolytics tranexemic acid 2025mg/kg b.w. orally or intravenously every 812h
(Exacyl, Polfa Warszawa)
Plasmapheresis albumins should be replaced with ffp

b.w. body weight.

1342 A.Mital

The efficacy of desmopressin (DDAVP) may AvWS co-exists with lymphoproliferative diseas-
be limited and short-term, especially in patients es, autoimmune disorders or neoplasms may also
who present with autoantibodies against vWF and benefit from IVIG therapy[4, 5254]. Normaliza-
enhanced clearance of the factor [44]. Accord- tion of vWF activity in the plasma is usually ob-
ing to the data from the ISTH registry, the over- served no earlier than 2448hafter the adminis-
all proportion of therapeutic responses to DDAVP tration of IVIG, and therefore patients with active
approximates 32% and depends on the type of bleeding and persons qualified to undergo invasive
concomitant disease. The worst outcomes were procedures may initially require concomitant ad-
observed in cardiovascular diseases (10%) and ministration of other agents (DDAVP, vWF con-
myeloproliferative neoplasms (21%), whereas au- centrates, rVIIa). If necessary, injection of IVIG
toimmune disorders (33%), lymphoproliferative can be repeated every 21days[1].
neoplasms (44%) and non-hematological malig- Theaim of plasmapheresis is to eliminate au-
nancies (75%) were shown to be associated with toantibodies and paraproteins. The procedure is
better prognosis[2, 35]. efficient in ca. 20% of the patients, especially in in-
Since pharmacokinetics of vWF after adminis- dividuals diagnosed with MGUS. It is particular-
tration of desmopressin to individuals with AvWS ly recommended in IgM-MGUS, which generally
is difficult to establish, the levels of vWF: Ag and responds poorly to other treatments[55]. Topre-
vWF:RCo should be monitored thoroughly during vent a deficiency of fibrinogen and other coagu-
the course of DDAVP therapy[35]. lation factors, fresh frozen plasma, rather than al-
Due to the presence of anti-vWF autoanti- bumins, should be administered during the course
bodies and enhanced clearance of the factor, plas- of plasmapheresis. Hemorrhagic complications
ma-derived vWF concentrates have limited effi- should be treated with vWF concentrates or des-
cacy and exert relatively short therapeutic effect. mopressin[35].
Thehalf-life of these products is particularly short Immunosuppressive agents and glucocorti-
in individuals with MGUS and in patients with in- coids are administered to eliminate or block au-
hibitors [20]. The optimal dose and frequency of toantibodies, especially in patients who do did not
avWF concentrate administration should be based respond well to other therapies. However, the ap-
on clinical outcomes, as well as on monitoring plication of these agents may be limited due to
vWF activity and concentration[35]. their multiple side effects and delayed therapeutic
Avaluable agent for treatment of hemorrhag- effect[14, 45].
ic complications observed during the course of
AvWS may be recombinant activated factor VII
(rVIIa, NovoSeven), already used successfully in Conclusion
the management of hemophiliacs with inhibitor.
The efficacy of rVIIa was also confirmed in pa- AvWS is arare bleeding disorder, usually oc-
tients with vWD and alloantibodies against vWF, curring concomitantly with other conditions. Un-
as well as in subjects with AvWS [48, 49]. Appli- fortunately, despite evident clinical manifestation,
cation of rVIIa should be considered especially AvWS is frequently overlooked. Early diagno-
in subjects resistant to routinely used anti-AvWS sis and implementation of an appropriate therapy
therapies[50, 51]. prevents severe hemorrhagic complications. Aside
Intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) are from control and prevention of hemorrhage, man-
used primarily in patients in whom AvWS is as- agement of AvWS should also focus on the treat-
sociated with IgG-MGUS and are generally inef- ment of the primary underlying condition, since
ficient in subjects with IgM-MGUS. According to achieving its remission is frequently associated
the data from the ISTH registry, patients in whom with the resolution of the bleeding disorder.

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Address for correspondence:

Andrzej Mital
Department of Hematology and Transplantology
Medical University of Gdask
ul. Dbinki 7
80-952 Gdask
Tel.: +48583492230
E-mail: Received: 14.02.2016
Revised: 8.05.2016
Conflict of interest: None declared Accepted: 1.09.2016

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