KDIGO Lipid Management in CKD

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KDOQI Commentary

KDOQI US Commentary on the 2013 KDIGO Clinical Practice

Guideline for Lipid Management in CKD
Mark J. Sarnak, MD, MS,1 Roy Bloom, MD,2 Paul Muntner, PhD,3
Mahboob Rahman, MD,4 Jeffrey M. Saland, MD,5 Peter W.F. Wilson, MD,6 and
Linda Fried, MD, MPH7

The National Kidney FoundationKidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (NKF-KDOQI) guideline for
management of dyslipidemia in chronic kidney disease (CKD) was published in 2003. Since then, considerable
evidence, including randomized controlled trials of statin therapy in adults with CKD, has helped better define
medical treatments for dyslipidemia. In light of the new evidence, KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global
Outcomes) formed a work group for the management of dyslipidemia in patients with CKD. This work group
developed a new guideline that contains substantial changes from the prior KDOQI guideline. KDIGO rec-
ommends treatment of dyslipidemia in patients with CKD primarily based on risk for coronary heart disease,
which is driven in large part by age. The KDIGO guideline does not recommend using low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol level as a guide for identifying individuals with CKD to be treated or as treatment targets. Initiation
of statin treatment is no longer recommended in dialysis patients. To assist US practitioners in interpreting and
applying the KDIGO guideline, NKF-KDOQI convened a work group to write a commentary on this guideline.
For the most part, our work group agreed with the recommendations of the KDIGO guideline, although we
describe several areas in which we believe the guideline statements are either too strong or need to be more
nuanced, areas of uncertainty and inconsistency, as well as additional research recommendations. The target
audience for the KDIGO guideline includes nephrologists, primary care practitioners, and non-nephrology
specialists such as cardiologists and endocrinologists. As such, we also put the current recommendations
into the context of other clinical practice recommendations for cholesterol treatment.
Am J Kidney Dis. 65(3):354-366. 2015 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.

INDEX WORDS: Clinical practice guideline; lipid; LDL; HDL; cholesterol; triglyceride; statin; lipid-lowering
agent; dyslipidemia; atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; coronary heart disease; chronic kidney disease
(CKD); end-stage renal disease (ESRD); Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI); Kidney
Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO).

T he National Kidney FoundationKidney Disease

Outcomes Quality Initiative (NKF-KDOQI)
guideline for management of dyslipidemia in chronic
dened by serum concentrations of low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and/or triglycerides.
Since 2003, considerable evidence, including ran-
kidney disease (CKD) was published in 2003.1 This domized controlled trials of statin therapy in adults
guideline dened CKD as a coronary heart disease with CKD, has helped better dene medical treatments
(CHD) risk equivalent. For stages 1 to 4 CKD, the for dyslipidemia and the individuals most likely to
recommendation was to follow the National Choles- benet from treatment. In light of the new evidence,
terol Education Program guideline for treatment KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Out-
goals, but with CKD as a CHD risk equivalent. comes) formed a work group for the management of
Treatment was also recommended for both adults and dyslipidemia in patients with CKD. This work group
adolescents with stage 5 CKD and dyslipidemia, developed a new guideline that contains substantial
changes from the prior NKF-KDOQI guideline.
KDIGO recommends treatment of dyslipidemia pri-
From 1Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA; marily based on risk for CHD, which is driven in large
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; 3University of part by age. Based on the results of 4D (Die Deutsche
Alabama, Birmingham, AL; 4Case Western University, Cleveland, Diabetes Dialyse Studie)2 and AURORA (A Study to
OH; 5Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, NY, NY; 6Emory Evaluate the Use of Rosuvastatin in Subjects on Reg-
University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA; and 7University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. ular Hemodialysis: An Assessment of Survival and
Originally published online November 17, 2014. Cardiovascular Events),3 as well as the subgroup
Address correspondence to Mark J. Sarnak, MD, MS, William analysis of SHARP (Study of Heart and Renal Pro-
B. Schwartz Division of Nephrology, Tufts Medical Center Box tection),4 initiation of statin treatment is no longer
391, 800 Washington St, Boston, MA 02111. E-mail: msarnak@ recommended in dialysis patients.
 2015 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. The KDIGO guideline does not recommend using
0272-6386 LDL cholesterol level as a guide for identifying in-
http://dx.doi.org/10.1053/j.ajkd.2014.10.005 dividuals with CKD to be treated or as treatment

354 Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(3):354-366

KDOQI Commentary

targets. Previous use of LDL cholesterol levels for atherosclerotic CVD in the ACC/AHA guideline is
guiding treatment was based on achieved LDL broader and, in addition to CHD, includes stroke and
cholesterol levels in statin trials. However, prior trials peripheral vascular disease. Another area in which
used xed doses of statins and were not designed to there is a difference in treatment recommendations
test the benets of achieving target LDL cholesterol between the guidelines is treatment in individuals
levels. Current treatment recommendations are also older than 75 years. KDIGO does not have an upper
primarily based on the use of statins (rather than age limit for treatment recommendations. In contrast,
alternative lipid-lowering agents) given that they have the ACC/AHA guidelines recommend treating in-
been shown in randomized controlled trials to reduce dividuals older than 75 years who have atheroscle-
the risk for atherosclerotic events as both primary and rotic disease (secondary prevention), but do not
secondary prevention. recommend the use of statin therapy for primary
The target audience for the KDIGO guideline in- prevention due to the lack of both clinical trial data
cludes nephrologists, primary care practitioners, and and validated risk calculators in individuals older than
non-nephrology specialists such as cardiologists and 79 years. For individuals older than 75 years without
endocrinologists. As such, it is important to put the a history of atherosclerotic CVD, the ACC/AHA
current recommendations into the context of other guideline recommends weighing patient preferences
clinical practice recommendations for cholesterol and the risks and benets before initiating statin
treatment (Table 1). The recently published American therapy.
College of Cardiology/American Heart Association The KDIGO guideline did not compare or harmo-
(ACC/AHA) guideline focused on atherosclerotic nize their recommendations to other lipid guidelines,
cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk and with a few which may lead to some confusion among practi-
exceptions, did not use LDL cholesterol level as a tioners. The strongest evidence for advising primary
guide for the initiation of treatment.5 For individuals care and non-nephrology specialists to use the
aged 50 to 75 years, the KDIGO guideline recom- KDIGO guideline comes from SHARP.4 SHARP
mends treating more individuals with statins than the enrolled individuals older than 40 years with a serum
ACC/AHA guideline. The KDIGO guideline recom- creatinine level $ 1.7 mg/dL in men and $1.3 mg/dL
mendation for treating all individuals with CKD who in women and a mean estimated glomerular ltration
are older than 50 years in many respects is similar to rate (eGFR) of 27 6 13 (SD) mL/min/1.73 m2. There
the recommendation for adults older than 40 years is less trial evidence for individuals with CKD who do
with diabetes mellitus, a variant of the prior CHD risk not meet entry criteria for SHARP and who would not
equivalent. The ACC/AHA risk calculator is based on t into the CKD subgroup analyses of trials in non-
cohort studies and does not include CKD in the cal- nephrology populations. However, we would antici-
culations. Individuals who are female or white tend to pate that these individuals would behave more like
have lower predicted risks for CHD using this SHARP and general population participants than
calculator. Many white women with CKD and dialysis patients. To help other practitioners, we
controlled blood pressure (systolic blood pressure # would recommend reconciling the guidelines or
140 mm Hg) would not meet the ACC/AHA current perhaps adjustment of the risk calculators.
threshold of $7.5% estimated 10-year risk of An additional difference between the KDIGO
atherosclerotic CVD for the consideration of statin guideline and the ACC/AHA guidelines is that the
treatment initiation. However, prior studies have KDIGO guideline recommends reducing the dose of
shown that individuals with CKD who are older than statins in individuals with an eGFR , 60 mL/min/
50 years have on average a predicted risk $ 7.5%.6-9 1.73 m2 (ie, avoiding high-intensity statins; Table 2).
The discrepancy between the ACC/AHA risk calcu- This recommendation is based on reduced renal
lator and the observed risk in CKD may reect excretion (true for some statins) and increased poly-
decreased accuracy of the calculators in patients with pharmacy and comorbidity, as well as the dose of
CKD, although results of studies addressing this statin used in trials in CKD. In the absence of studies
question have been mixed.10-14 In contrast to those showing adverse effects with higher doses of statins,
aged 50 to 75 years, there are some individuals aged this recommendation may also lead to confusion on
40 to 49 years who would be more likely to be treated the management of individuals with CKD and a his-
under the ACC/AHA guideline because the threshold tory of acute coronary syndrome, for whom the
for treatment used by the KDIGO guideline is based recommendation is to treat with a high-intensity
on a higher risk level ($10% estimated 10-year CHD statin. The prescribing information for atorvastatin
risk compared to $7.5% estimated 10-year athero- says that dose adjustment for kidney disease is not
sclerotic cardiovascular risk in the ACC/AHA required and prescribing information for rosuvastatin
guideline). In KDIGO, CHD includes coronary death does not recommend dose adjustment until creatinine
and nonfatal myocardial infarction. The denition of clearance is ,30 mL/min/1.73 m2.

Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(3):354-366 355

Table 1. Comparison of Guidelines for Lipids

ACC/AHA5 2014 ADA61 AACE62

KDIGO9 (not CKD specific) (not CKD specific) (not CKD specific)

LDL level required Does not consider LDL If CVD history, do not consider LDL not used for treatment initiation, As part of risk assessment,
for treatment in treatment decision LDL; if LDL $ 190, treat; if LDL 70-189, though there are target LDL levels recommend treat all adults at risk
decision depends on risk on treatment for CAD to reach optimal lipid values
Target LDL on No Reasonable to target 50% reduction Without CVD, LDL , 100; with CVD, LDL , 100 with goal , 70 for
treatment? if LDL $ 190, otherwise no LDL , 70 is an option; can use very high risk, also targets
reduction by 30%-40% as alternative HDL and triglycerides
target if on maximum statin
Support combination No No No Yes if cholesterol markedly
pharmacologic elevated and target not
therapy? achieved with monotherapy,
for mixed dyslipidemia, or to
use lower doses of $2 drugs to
decrease toxicity risk
Treatment of adults Treat all adults with statin Age 40-75 y: treat with statin; age 21-39 or Age . 40 y: treat with statin; age 18-39 y Treat to target lipid levels; statins
with DM or statin/ezetimibe .75 y: evaluate benefit vs risk and patient with CVD: few data but consider statin; drug of choice
(non-ESRD) (age 18-49 y: statin; preferences (moderate- or high-intensity age 18-39 y, no CVD: consider statin in
age $ 50 y: statin or statin depending on CVD/risk) addition to lifestyle if LDL remains
statin/ezetimibe) . 100 or multiple risk factors
Treatment of adults Age $ 50 y: treat with Age $ 21 y with CVD: treat (high or moderate Not applicable If history of or at risk for CVD,
without DM statin/ezetimibe; age intensity depending on age/tolerance); age treat to target LDL
(non-ESRD) 18-39 y: statin suggested 40-75 y, no CVD: treat if LDL 70-189 and
if estimated 10-y incidence 10-y ASCVD risk $ 7.5% (moderate- or
of coronary death or high-intensity statin depending on CVD/risk);
nonfatal MI . 10% age 18-39 or .75 y without CVD: benefit
uncertain, consider risk/benefit and patient
Treatment of adults Do not initiate, but continue Stated no recommendation as there was Not discussed Not discussed
on dialysisa statins if receiving at time insufficient information for or against
Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(3):354-366

of initiation of dialysis
Treatment of Do not initiate AHA recommendations for children not revised Age , 10 y: do not use statin; age $ 10 y: Recommend pharmacotherapy for
children with current update; prior AHA statement for reasonable to consider statin if after diet age . 8 if do not respond
high-risk pediatric patients (including CKD) and lifestyle changes, LDL . 160 or sufficiently to lifestyle modifications,
recommends therapeutic lifestyle intervention; .130 with multiple risk factors (note only particularly if LDL $ 190 or $160
if age . 10 and LDL . 100 despite relevant to DM) with risk factors
therapeutic lifestyle, treat with statin43
Note: LDL levels are reported in mg/dL.

Sarnak et al
Abbreviations: AACE, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; ACC/AHA, American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association; ADA, American Diabetes Association;
ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; CAD, coronary artery disease; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; ESRD, end-stage renal
disease; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; KDIGO, Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; MI, myocardial infarction.
KDIGO recommends statin for all transplant recipients; this population was not discussed in the other guidelines.
KDOQI Commentary

Table 2. Recommended Doses of Statins in Adults

ACC/AHA Recommendations for eGFR . 60 mL/min/1.73 m2

KDIGO Recommendations for
High-Intensity Statin Moderate-Intensity Statin eGFR , 60 mL/min/1.73 m2

Atorvastatin 40-80 mg 10-20 mg 20 mg

Fluvastatin 80 mg 80 mg
Lovastatin 40 mg Not studied
Pravastatin 40-80 mg 40 mg
Rosuvastatin 20-40 mg 5-10 mg 10 mg
Simvastatin a 20-40 mg 40 mg
Simvastatin/ezetimibe Not mentioned in ACC/AHA guidelines 20 mg/10 mg
Abbreviations: ACC/AHA, American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate;
KDIGO, Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes.
Simvastatin, 80 mg, would be high intensity, but this is no longer recommended by the US Food and Drug Administration.

To assist US practitioners in interpreting and guide for treatment, it should be recognized that many
applying the KDIGO guideline, the NKF-KDOQI risk calculators use lipid levels in determining risk
convened a work group to write a commentary. The for primary prevention. In addition, very high LDL
structure of this commentary lists each KDIGO state- cholesterol levels may be an indication for treatment
ment followed by a commentary from the work group. with statins. While not commented on in the KDIGO
(Numbered text within horizontal rules is quoted guideline, LDL cholesterol $ 190 mg/dL is an indi-
directly from the KDIGO document, using the same cation for statins in the ACC/AHA guideline. The
numbering scheme as in the original; all material is KDIGO guideline acknowledges the lack of evidence
reproduced with permission of KDIGO.) In addition, that measuring lipids will improve clinical outcomes.
we have summarized our additional research recom- However, the harm associated with lipid measurement
mendations in Box 1. Each of the KDOQI statements is low and the risk-benet of lipid measurement is
was discussed via teleconferences to determine areas of favorable. Routine measurement of lipoprotein(a),
agreement and controversy. Sections were subse- apolipoprotein B, and other lipid markers is not rec-
quently written by groups of co-authors and discussed ommended as the value of these markers for guiding
on teleconferences to achieve consensus. clinical decisions requires further study in patients with
Lipid Measurement in Adults With CKD
Follow-up Lipid Measurements in Adults With CKD
1.1: In adults with newly identified CKD (including those
treated with chronic dialysis or kidney transplantation), 1.2: In adults with CKD (including those treated with chronic
we recommend evaluation with a lipid profile (total dialysis or kidney transplantation), follow-up measure-
cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, tri- ment of lipid levels is not required for the majority of
glycerides). (1C) patients. (Not Graded)

Commentary Commentary
We agreed that this is a reasonable recommendation. Although follow-up cholesterol measurements
In the KDIGO guideline, lipid levels are not intended to are not recommended in the KDIGO guideline,
be used in guiding the decision to initiate pharmaco- important caveats are provided. For example, the
logic treatment. The foundation for this recommenda- KDIGO guideline states that follow-up measurements
tion is that dyslipidemia is common among patients of lipids may be useful for identifying low statin
with CKD and an initial evaluation will allow adherence. Low statin adherence is common and
for the identication of hypercholesterolemia and has been reported to occur in more than half the
hypertriglyceridemia. Additionally, measuring lipids patients with CKD.15 We agree that monitoring of
provides information on secondary causes of dyslipi- LDL cholesterol following the initiation of statin
demia, including nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroid- therapy to identify individuals with low adherence is
ism, and diabetes mellitus. For patients with CKD warranted. Alternate approaches (eg, validated ques-
younger than 50 years, lipids provide information on tionnaires and conrming rells from the pharmacy)
overall CVD risk that can be used to guide the decision may also be used to monitor adherence both after
to initiate statins. While this appears to contradict the initiation of statin therapy and for long-term statin
statements above regarding LDL cholesterol level as a users.16,17

Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(3):354-366 357

Sarnak et al

Box 1. Additional Research Recommendations high-intensity statins for patients with CKD who
already have (or are at very high risk for) atheroscle-
 Evaluate accuracy of current risk calculators for CVD in rotic CVD and who are at lower risk of adverse side
CKD effects. An example of the latter may be the large group
 Evaluate whether calculators should incorporate albu- of patients with CKD with eGFRs of 45 to 59 mL/min/
minuria, estimated GFR, or both
 Develop CVD risk calculators for individuals aged 18-40 y
1.73 m2, a subgroup who received a benet from high-
with CKD dose atorvastatin in the TNT (Treating to New Targets)
 Evaluate the utility of measuring lipoprotein(a), apolipo- trial.19 In order to identify patients with a small
protein B, and other markers of dyslipidemia in CKD response to moderate-intensity statin who may have
 Evaluate the degree to which low adherence prevents the their dose uptitrated, we believe that measuring LDL
expected reduction in LDL cholesterol associated with
statin initiation among individuals with CKD
cholesterol 6 weeks to 3 months following the initiation
 Assess LDL cholesterol response to statins among pa-
of statin therapy should be considered. Once an
tients with CKD adequate ($30%) decline in LDL cholesterol is
 Evaluate whether follow-up lipid measurements provide observed following the initiation of statin therapy,
useful information monitoring cholesterol will not discern within-person
 Evaluate whether duration of disease, particularly pedi-
atric onset, should be overtly considered in risk assess-
variability over time from true changes.20 From this
ment and lipid treatment guidelines perspective, annual follow-up measurements of lipid
 Randomized trials of fibrates in patients with CKD to levels are not useful.
clarify the benefits and risks of fibrates in this population For patients younger than 50 years with CKD, a high
 Studies assessing the incidence of hypertriglyceridemia- atherosclerotic CVD risk (Framingham risk . 10%)
induced pancreatitis and the burden of pancreatitis due
to triglycerides . 1,000 mg/dL among both hemodialysis
based on risk calculators is a key consideration in the
and peritoneal dialysis patients decision to initiate statin therapy. Most CVD risk cal-
 Observational studies and randomized trials of lipid culators incorporate total and high-density lipoprotein
treatment in peritoneal dialysis patients (HDL) cholesterol levels, necessitating the measurement
 Randomized controlled trial of statin vs no statin in a of lipids.21 Given the substantial within-person variation
representative US kidney transplant recipient population
with primary end point of cardiovascular mortality and
in components of risk scores, including total and HDL
secondary end points of major adverse cardiovascular cholesterol, the value of updating a patients CVD risk
event, administered from time of transplantation using follow-up lipid measurements is unclear. How-
 Randomized controlled study of statin vs no statin in a ever, it is important to recognize that lipid levels may
representative US kidney transplant recipient population, experience real changes over time in CKD due to disease
stratified by level of cardiovascular risk factors, with pri-
mary end point of cardiovascular mortality and secondary
progression or remission, introduction of immunosup-
end points of major adverse cardiovascular event, pressive drugs, and development of malnutrition.
administered from time of transplantation Therefore, remeasurement of lipids may be warranted for
some patients with CKD younger than 50 years.
 Determine the association between lipids in childhood We agreed with the research recommendations
CKD with development of CVD many years later provided in the KDIGO report. Additionally, research
 Develop risk calculators for CVD in pediatric CKD is needed to evaluate the degree to which low adher-
 Obtain short-term primary pharmacokinetic/dynamic and
ence prevents the expected reduction in LDL choles-
drug safety data in children with reduced GFR, those with
significant proteinuria, and those with kidney transplants
terol level associated with statin initiation among
 Develop and validate surrogate outcomes for CVD in the individuals with CKD. Other areas of research that
pediatric population may warrant future investigation are studies assessing
LDL cholesterol response to statins among patients
Abbreviations: CKD, chronic kidney disease; CVD, cardio-
vascular disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; LDL, low- with CKD and studies of whether follow-up lipid
density lipoprotein. measurements provide useful information (Box 1).

Statins and Adults Aged 50 or Older With CKD

However, there are additional reasons to consider
2.1.1: In adults aged $ 50 years with eGFR , 60 ml/min/
measuring lipids following the initiation of statin
1.73 m2 but not treated with chronic dialysis or kidney
therapy. Based on meta-analyses, moderate-intensity transplantation (GFR categories G3a-G5). we
statins (ie, the intensity recommended by KDIGO) recommend treatment with a statin or statin/ezetimibe
are associated with an average reduction in LDL combination. (1A)
cholesterol of 30%.5,18 Therefore, many patients do
not have a $30% reduction in LDL cholesterol
following the initiation of statin therapy. As described Commentary
in our discussion of KDIGO guideline recommenda- On average, individuals older than 50 years with
tions 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 below, physicians may consider CKD have a 10-year CHD risk . 10%, which suggests

358 Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(3):354-366

KDOQI Commentary

that this is a high-risk population.6,7 The recommen- individuals with other manifestations of CKD,
dation to treat with a statin would be consistent with including polycystic kidney disease and nonurologic
recommendations for high-risk individuals in the gen- hematuria. Treatment recommendations should be
eral population. In general, we agree with the recom- based on both the underlying risk and published ev-
mendations but believe that a 1A grade is too strong. If idence that treatment decreases this risk.
we follow the practice of other guidelines, a 1A grade is Individuals older than 50 years with albuminuria,
not appropriate given the lack of multiple randomized the most common marker identifying structural CKD
studies or meta-analyses. SHARP is the only large in those with eGFR $ 60 mL/min/1.73 m2, are at
randomized trial that focused on individuals with CKD, increased risk of CHD events.7,23 However, there are
with a mean eGFR of 27 mL/min/1.73 m2 in that no randomized trials indicating that statin treatment
population.4 There are subgroup analyses evaluating of this population decreases the risk of CHD.
CKD in a number of other large treatment trials22; Albuminuria is not typically identied in clinical
however, because of the inclusion criteria in these trials, lipid trials and these individuals are generally
most individuals with CKD had stage 3a (eGFR of 45- incorporated into the general population. In the
59 mL/min/1.73 m2). Given that only one randomized CARE (Cholesterol and Recurrent Events) Study,
controlled trial has included adults with stages 3 and 4 individuals with proteinuria (protein excretion $ 11,
CKD, we believe a 1B grade is more consistent with which would correspond to albuminuria with albu-
ACC/AHA guideline criteria, as well as the current min excretion . 300 mg/g or albuminuria classi-
level of data. We agree with the recommendation that cation A3 in the new KDIGO classication24) had a
either a statin or a statin/ezetimibe combination can be greater risk of cardiovascular events, but data were
used. Although the combination was used in SHARP, not provided on the treatment effect of statins on the
the totality of evidence from general population studies event rate in this subgroup.25 In CARDS (Collabo-
suggests that it is the statin that is primarily providing rative Atorvastatin Diabetes Study), treatment
benet. IMPROVE-IT (Improved Reduction of Out- with atorvastatin in individuals with albuminuria
comes: Vytorin Efcacy International Trial), an decreased the risk of cardiovascular events (hazard
ongoing study comparing simvastatin and simvastatin/ ratio [HR], 0.59; 95% condence interval [CI],
ezetimibe in individuals with acute coronary syndrome, 0.36-0.99)26; however, the report did not stratify the
might help clarify the question of whether LDL group with albuminuria by baseline eGFR and it is
cholesterol lowering with statin plus ezetimibe reduces not appropriate to extrapolate directly to those with
risk versus statin monotherapy. eGFR . 60 mL/min/1.73 m2. Furthermore, CARDS
In individuals with CKD and eGFR , 60 mL/min/ took place in individuals with diabetes mellitus
1.73 m2 who are not kidney transplant recipients, the who would meet criteria for therapy in the ACC/
KDIGO work group suggests using doses of statins AHA guideline irrespective of level of albuminuria.
recommended in the general population (Table 2). In the PREVEND IT (Prevention of Renal and Vascular
general population, a high-intensity statin is recom- Endstage Disease Intervention Trial) was a 2 3 2
mended in individuals with CVD or at very high risk for study of fosinopril/placebo and pravastatin/placebo
CVD. Due to concerns of increased toxicity, dose in individuals with moderately increased albuminuria
reduction of statins was recommended by KDIGO for (albumin-creatinine ratio of 30-300 mg/g; category
individuals with an eGFR , 60 mL/min/1.73 m2. A2) and preserved creatinine clearance.27 Pravastatin
Given the positive benet of high-dose atorvastatin in did not decrease the risk of cardiovascular events
individuals in the TNT Trial,19 one might consider using (HR, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.49-1.57). Without trial data for
general population doses for individuals with GFR those with preserved eGFR and albuminuria, we
category G3a (45-59.9 mL/min/1.73 m2) or even a high- would recommend that this population be treated
intensity statin in individuals with acute coronary syn- according to the guidelines for the general popula-
drome and lower eGFR unless there are signicant drug tion. Many of these individuals would meet treat-
interactions with concomitant medications. ment criteria using the current ACC/AHA guidelines.
What is less clear is what proportion of indivi-
Statins and Adults in GFR Categories G1-G2 duals older than 50 years with eGFR $ 60 mL/min/
1.73 m2 with albuminuria would not meet general
2.1.2: In adults aged $ 50 years with CKD and
population criteria for treatment. In the absence of
eGFR $ 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 (GFR categories G1-G2)
we recommend treatment with a statin. (1B) trial data, one would need to be cautious in extrap-
olating benet of treatment: therefore, we would
favor using the general population recommendations
Commentary for those older than 50 years with CKD and
This guideline refers to both individuals with eGFR $ 60 mL/min/1.73 m2. A research recommen-
albuminuria as the marker of kidney damage and dation would be the development of a risk predictor

Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(3):354-366 359

Sarnak et al

that assesses whether albuminuria should be incor- current ACC/AHA risk calculator has not been vali-
porated into the risk assessment (Box 1). dated in individuals younger than 40 years. We
In individuals with CKD that is not due to albu- therefore would suggest an additional research
minuria, we also favor using general population recommendation of development of validated risk
recommendations given the lack of randomized calculators in CKD for younger individuals, though
controlled data in these populations. we recognize that such studies would require a very
large sample size and there are no treatment studies in
Statins and Adults Younger Than 50 With CKD this population. We recognize that we have not
mentioned risk calculators for patients older than 50
2.2: In adults aged 18-49 years with CKD but not treated
years. This is for 2 reasons. First, although there are
with chronic dialysis or kidney transplantation, we sug-
gest statin treatment in people with one or more of the risk calculators for those older than 50 years, their
following (2A): accuracy in CKD is controversial. Second, use of the
 known coronary disease (myocardial infarction or calculator would not affect therapy if one follows the
coronary revascularization) KDIGO recommendation.
 diabetes mellitus
As mentioned earlier, while the recent ACC/AHA
 prior ischemic stroke
 estimated 10-year incidence of coronary death or guidelines do not focus on LDL cholesterol, they
non-fatal myocardial infarction . 10% recommend treatment with a statin if LDL cholesterol
level is $190 mg/dL regardless of other risk factors.
This is not addressed in the current KDIGO lipid
Commentary guideline. This may be most relevant to younger
Adults with clinical atherosclerotic CVD should adults with nephrotic syndrome. Individuals with
receive a moderate- or high-intensity statin regardless signicant proteinuria often have high levels of LDL
of age or CKD status. KDIGO includes known CHD cholesterol and increased cardiovascular risk.28 Given
or prior ischemic stroke, though one could also the lack of clinical trials of lipid-lowering agents in
consider the broader denition of the ACC/AHA individuals with nephrotic syndrome, it might
guidelines that includes angina, other atherosclerotic be prudent to follow the ACC/AHA guidelines
revascularization (eg, lower extremity), transient and treat individuals with a statin if they have
ischemic attack, or atherosclerotic peripheral arterial LDL cholesterol $ 190 mg/dL, especially if nephrotic
disease. Among diabetic patients, statins decrease the syndrome is not responsive to therapy and the
risk of cardiovascular events in those older than 40 course is prolonged. This could lead to treatment of
years; in the ACC/AHA guideline, this group is younger individuals with CKD who do not currently
identied as one of the major subgroups for which the meet treatment recommendations based on risk
benet of statin clearly outweighed the risk. The calculators.
treatment benet in adults with diabetes mellitus
younger than 40 years without clinical atherosclerotic Initiation of Statin Treatment in Dialysis Patients
disease is less clear, though generally recommended,
2.3.1: In adults with dialysis-dependent CKD, we suggest
especially if other risk factors are present. Therefore,
that statins or statin/ezetimibe combination not be
the treatment recommendation in KDIGO is initiated. (2A)
The age cutoff used in KDIGO guideline recom-
mendations 2.1 and 2.2 is 50 years. However, there Commentary
may be signicant differences in risk between age 40 Given that CVD is the leading cause of death in
to 50 and younger than 40 years. SHARP4 enrolled dialysis patients and statins have been shown to lower
individuals 40 years and older and it would be most the risk of CVD in the general population, use of
consistent with that trial to treat individuals with statin therapy in patients treated by dialysis has been
CKD between 40 and 49 years who have an of considerable interest. However, several large
eGFR , 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 with a statin or statin/ studies such as AURORA and 4D have not shown a
ezetimibe. KDIGO suggested treatment in individuals benet of statin therapy in reducing cardiovascular
younger than 50 years if the 10-year risk estimate for events in hemodialysis patients.2,3 It needs to be
CHD is .10%. We agree that this is a reasonable acknowledged that the follow-up period of these trials
approach, but clinical application of this recommen- was relatively short and benets in theory may take a
dation may be difcult. A practical question is longer time to accrue. SHARP showed a benet of
whether there are accurate prediction equations for statin/ezetimibe therapy in the overall study popula-
estimating risk in individuals with CKD, especially tion, but not in the subgroup of patients receiving
those younger than 40 years (including those with dialysis.4 Given the totality of evidence (2 negative
childhood onset of CKD, as discussed below). The trials in dialysis) and the absence of benet in the

360 Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(3):354-366

KDOQI Commentary

dialysis subgroup in SHARP, we agree that for most Statin Treatment for Kidney Transplant Recipients
hemodialysis patients, initiation of statin or statin/
2.4: In adult kidney transplant recipients, we suggest treat-
ezetimibe therapy is not indicated. ment with a statin. (2B)
There are also several caveats that need to be
considered in the implementation of this guideline.
First, patients with a recent acute coronary event were Commentary
typically excluded from clinical trials and may be The incidence and prevalence of dyslipidemia is
considered for statin therapy. Similarly, patients who high in kidney recipients, partly due to immuno-
are young, are on a kidney transplant list, and have suppressive agents such as mammalian target-of-
long life expectancy should be considered for statin rapamycin inhibitors (sirolimus and everolimus),
use. The guidelines create some inconsistency as a corticosteroids, and calcineurin inhibitors (cyclo-
clinician takes care of an individual: rst recom- sporine A and tacrolimus), as well as other factors,
mending statin therapy during CKD, not recom- including proteinuria, transplant dysfunction, and the
mending initiation during dialysis, and then comorbidities of obesity, diabetes mellitus, and
recommending it again after the patient receives a metabolic syndrome.29-31 Observational studies sug-
kidney transplant. Finally, previous trials in dialysis gest that dyslipidemia is independently associated
patients have focused on hemodialysis patients. with cardiovascular events in this population.29,31
Additional research is needed in peritoneal dialysis NKF-KDOQI initially published a guideline32 for
patients, and individual decision making, incorpo- evaluating and treating dyslipidemia in kidney trans-
rating risks and benets, needs to be evaluated in plant recipients in 2004; these recommendations were
peritoneal dialysis patients (Box 1). largely endorsed by the KDIGO clinical practice
guideline for care of the kidney transplant recipient,
Continuation of Statin Treatment in Dialysis published in 2009.33 The KDIGO guideline recom-
Patients mended treatment of dyslipidemia to reduce cardiovas-
cular risk based on strong evidence in general population
2.3.2: In patients already receiving statins or statin/ezeti-
studies with little reason to believe that treatment would
mibe combination at the time of dialysis initiation, we
suggest that these agents be continued. (2C) not be safe and effective in kidney recipients, as well as
the fact that the dyslipidemia prevalence is high enough
to warrant screening and intervention. The major study
underpinning this recommendation was the ALERT
Commentary (Assessment of Lescol in Renal Transplantation) trial34
This recommendation is weak given the lack and its extension component.35
of data regarding statin therapy in incident dialysis ALERT, a randomized controlled trial, noted that
patients. We agree that it is reasonable to continue treatment with uvastatin nonsignicantly reduced
statins in incident dialysis patients given that a sig- major adverse cardiac events, the primary end point.
nicant percentage of patients in SHARP reached Secondary end points, including mortality, were
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and those randomly decreased by uvastatin, and an unblinded extension
assigned to a statin/ezetemibe had a benet. It would study suggested that major adverse cardiac events
be informative to know the events pre- and post- were attenuated in the long term. The KDIGO lipid
dialysis by randomly assigned group in SHARP, but guideline work group considered that the apparent
these data have not been published. benets observed in ALERT are consistent with the
However, it is important to recognize that neither effects of statins in the general population and sug-
guideline statement 2.3.1 nor 2.3.2 specically ad- gests that statins offer benet to kidney transplant
dresses whether statin use should be continued in recipients with a functioning transplant. We agree
prevalent dialysis patients. In principle, these patients with this weakly graded recommendation and the
may have started statin treatment during an earlier underlying rationale.
stage of CKD or alternatively when they were already We also considered that among its shortcomings,
on dialysis therapy. Should these 2 groups of patients ALERT: (1) was underpowered for a primary pre-
be treated differently? Clearly, we do not have the data vention study (n 5 2,106 compared, eg, to n 5 6,605
to answer these questions, but we would recommend in a general population study such as the Air Force/
continuing therapy in those who are already on it. The Texas Coronary Atherosclerosis Prevention Study)36;
guideline appropriately discusses personalizing treat- (2) was conducted in patients in Western Europe,
ment decisions based on the risk-benet estimation and Scandinavia, and Canada with a relatively low car-
including patient preferences into individual decision diovascular risk prole (eg, 13% with diabetes mel-
making. Given the paucity of data in this setting, this litus as a cause of ESRD), limiting generalizability to
seems to be a reasonable approach. more ethnically and racially heterogeneous US kidney

Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(3):354-366 361

Sarnak et al

recipients (23% with diabetes mellitus as cause of age 9 to 11 years and again at age 18 to 21 years. Lipid
ESRD37); and (3) excluded many patients with pre- screening is used to identify primary or familial dysli-
existing CHD because of preceding statin use or pidemia (which could co-exist with CKD), additional
recent myocardial infarction, so that only 3% of study secondary causes of dyslipidemia, or extreme dyslipi-
participants had a history of myocardial infarction. demia in children with CKD, most typically in children
Taking these important limitations into consideration, with nephrotic syndrome. The statement is also
we believe that US kidney recipients are a higher consistent with the adult guideline recommendation 1.2.
cardiovascular risk group overall than ALERT par-
ticipants and that it is very possible that statins Follow-up Lipid Measurements in Children With
would reduce cardiovascular events if a randomized CKD
controlled trial with this drug class was conducted in
3.2: In children with CKD (including those treated with
this population (Box 1). Unfortunately, it is unlikely
chronic dialysis or kidney transplantation), we suggest
that this will take place in the foreseeable future. annual follow-up measurement of fasting lipid levels.
Although not addressed by the KDIGO work (Not Graded)
group, we also believe it is necessary to emphasize
that calcineurin inhibitors may potentiate the toxicity
of statins by slowing their metabolism via the cyto- Commentary
chrome P450 system. Both tacrolimus and cyclo- Noting that the statement is not consistent with the
sporine are known to inhibit the CYP3A4 enzyme adult guideline 1.2, we agree there is insufcient evidence
in vitro; however, studies suggest that cyclosporine to make a graded statement on this matter and there are
has a stronger inhibitory effect compared to tacroli- points both for and against this approach. As discussed
mus.38,39 Cyclosporine also has a dominant inhibi- with respect to the adult guideline recommendation, we
tory effect on OATP1B1, a liver-specic statin believe there are frequently clinical reasons to recheck the
transporter.40 By blocking entry into hepatocytes, it lipid prole. Examples include extreme levels at a pre-
results in higher systemic levels of statins. Because vious check, signicant change in eGFR or proteinuria, or
the potential for adverse drug interaction is greater if medication changes have been made that are likely to
with cyclosporine than with tacrolimus, this has alter the lipid prole. However, we acknowledge that for
implications when considering the starting statin most individuals, the risk prole is unlikely to change
dose and especially when converting from one cal- over short periods. Further, the short-term risk of athero-
cineurin inhibitor to another. Because there are no sclerotic CVD events remains exceptionally low
studies to guide statin dosing in these specic set- throughout childhood (even in the setting of ESRD) and
tings, we recommend initiating statin therapy at low indications for treatment have not been dened in younger
doses, with cautious uptitration both as indicated and individuals with CKD with dyslipidemia (see below).
as tolerated, especially in cyclosporine-treated pa- Thus, the argument against yearly measurement would
tients. When switching from tacrolimus to cyclo- seem most salient if a screening evaluation of lipids does
sporine, we would suggest reducing the statin dose at not reveal values that would lead to treatment.
the time of conversion, followed by lipid monitoring
and appropriate statin-dose adjustment over the next Statins and Children With CKD
several months. Dyslipidemia frequently compli-
4.1: In children less than 18 years of age with CKD
cates mammalian target-of-rapamycin inhibitor use,
(including those treated with chronic dialysis or kidney
and lipid-lowering therapy is required in most pa- transplantation), we suggest that statins or statin/eze-
tients receiving these agents.41 timibe combination not be initiated. (2C)
Lipid Measurement in Children With CKD
3.1: In children with newly identified CKD (including those Commentary
treated with chronic dialysis or kidney transplantation), We agree with this statement with minor modi-
we recommend evaluation with a lipid profile (total
cation. While the guidelines state that therapeutic
cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, tri-
glycerides). (1C) lifestyle changes should be advised for all children
with CKD, we note that children with CKD often
experience poor growth and we therefore suggest that
Commentary therapeutic lifestyle changes specically directed to
We agree with this statement and note that it agrees in reduce cholesterol intake should be reserved for
large part with recommendations from the American children with non-HDL cholesterol . 145 mg/dL or
Academy of Pediatrics, National Heart, Lung, and LDL cholesterol . 130 mg/dL or those who are
Blood Institute (NHLBI), and AHA.42,43 Routine lipid overweight. Adequate physical activity and attention
screening is recommended even for healthy children by to a healthy diet is a recommendation that is

362 Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(3):354-366

KDOQI Commentary

congruent with the previously mentioned general Accordingly, we suggest a research recommendation
pediatric recommendations for healthy children. evaluation of whether duration of disease, particularly
For the more difcult issue of statin/ezetimibe pediatric onset, should be overtly considered in risk
treatment in children, there are a number of unan- assessment and lipid treatment recommendations
swered questions. The most important issue relates to (Box 1).
the likelihood of CKD progression and the lifetime Recommendations for treatment of adults rest on
risk of CVD. It may also not be correct to group all the evidence for CVD prevention. Vascular disease
pediatric CKD together because children and teens events are uncommon in children, there are no clinical
with CKD due to chronic glomerular disease face a CVD prevention studies in this age group, and the
greater degree of risk factors (proteinuria, dyslipide- evidence to support aggressive interventions is weak.
mia, and hypertension) for any given GFR.44 If dyslipidemia led more quickly to adverse outcomes
In children with CKD, progression is likely, and or there were adequate surrogate markers for clinical
considering atherosclerosis as a long-term complica- outcomes, treatment studies would be easier and the
tion, it may be appropriate to visualize the lifetime evidence for or against treatment could be strength-
trajectory of the particular child, teen, or young adult ened. For example, treatment of hypertension in
and assess cumulative risk exposures as they age. Half children is well accepted, likely because changes in
the children with eGFR , 75 mL/min/1.73 m2 reach cardiac structure are clearly related to hypertension
ESRD in only 5 years, and 70%, in 10 years.45,46 and treatment of hypertension reduces these surro-
Likewise, most children with ESRD progress to gates.42,43,52,53 While there are data suggesting an
transplantation: by 1 year after identication of association of lipids with increased carotid intima
ESRD, .50% of children receive a kidney trans- media thickness in a subset of children in the CKiD
plant.46 Thus, pediatric CKD should be regarded as a (CKD in Children Cohort) Study,54 there have been
disease sequence CKD-ESRD in which long-term no trials of lipid treatment with either clinical out-
complications develop while moving through the comes or surrogate outcomes in this population.
stages of CKD and renal replacement therapies. Therefore, additional trials incorporating both
While children with CKD are low risk during accepted surrogates and clinical outcomes are needed
childhood, they can be anticipated to have many years (Box 1).
of exposure to the adverse cardiovascular effects of Besides the weaker foundation for the benet of
CKD. Thus, while severe complications take many treatment, there are important considerations that
years to develop, they occur at relatively young ages prohibit a recommendation to treat with statins or
in the individuals who had childhood CKD. The ezetimibe, beginning with the lack of simple pharma-
expected remaining lifetime after ESRD in the 0- to cokinetic and safety studies of these agents in this
14-year age group is only about 30 years, and total population. There are virtually no data for children
life expectancy is similar for those who reach ESRD younger than 10 years. Pediatric labeling in the United
as young adults (Fig 1), with the leading cause of States is based on short-term studies in children older
death being CVD.46-51 The life expectancy of the than 10 years with heterozygous familial hypercho-
youngest individuals with ESRD is less than the age lesterolemia (HeFH). However, multiple pathophysi-
cut point used in recommendations 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. ologic differences exist between HeFH with its
singular issue of hypercholesterolemia in comparison
to CKD with its multiplicity of abnormalities and
complications, including low GFR, heavy proteinuria,
80 and polypharmacy, which might affect pharmacologic
Life Expectancy (Years)

70 parameters.55 HeFH is the only subgroup for whom the

60 American Diabetes Association, American Associa-
50 tion of Clinical Endocrinologists, AHA, NHLBI, and
40 American Academy of Pediatrics recommend treat-
30 ment with a statin in individuals as young as 8 years.
20 We would also recommend caution in assuming that
dosing and safety can be inferred from adult patients
with CKD. An additional concern that does not appear
to have been addressed is whether there is a safe














lower limit for cholesterol during growth and puberty,

Age Group (Years) and whether short-term studies in teens with HeFH
(with much higher cholesterol levels than seen in
Figure 1. Life expectancy after development of end-stage
renal disease by age. Derived from US Renal Data System most with CKD) can be extrapolated to those with
data.48 CKD. Finally, the work group is not aware of studies

Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(3):354-366 363

Sarnak et al

evaluating whether the benecial effects of statins or investigation are studies assessing the incidence of
ezetimibe increase over time or reach a plateau at some hypertriglyceridemia-induced pancreatitis and the
point. For example, for an individual whose cardio- burden of pancreatitis due to triglycerides .
vascular events are likely to occur 25 to 30 years in the 1,000 mg/dL among both hemodialysis and peritoneal
future, it is not known whether treatment for 25 years is dialysis patients (Box 1).
better than treatment for 10 or 15 years.
Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes in Children With
Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes in Adults With CKD CKD
5.1: In adults with CKD (including those treated with chronic 6.1: In children with CKD (including those treated with dial-
dialysis or kidney transplantation) and hypertriglyceri- ysis or kidney transplantation) and hypertriglyceridemia,
demia, we suggest that therapeutic lifestyle changes be we suggest that therapeutic lifestyle changes be
advised. (2D) advised. (2D)

Commentary Commentary
We agreed that it is a reasonable recommendation The work group agrees with this statement and
to advise therapeutic lifestyle changes for adults with notes it is consistent with adult guideline recom-
CKD and hypertriglyceridemia. While the benets mendation 5.1. It is valuable to point out that thera-
of therapeutic lifestyle changes on outcomes for in- peutic lifestyle changes in both adults and children
dividuals with CKD and hypertriglyceridemia are should not imply that hypertriglyceridemia is limited
not clear, they may improve overall health, and the to the overweight in CKD. While obesity and insulin
risk for harm with therapeutic lifestyle changes is resistance exacerbate hypertriglyceridemia, this
minimal. derangement in CKD is likely related as much or
Additionally, we agreed with the recommendation more to impaired metabolism of triglycerides as to
that brates not be used in the population with high dietary excess.59,60
triglyceride levels and CKD. Most randomized trials
have excluded individuals with more advanced CKD ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
(eg, eGFR , 45 mL/min/1.73 m2) and thus data Guideline recommendations included in this article originally
about the risks and benets of brates in patients with were published in Kidney International Supplement and were
CKD are limited. Where brates may have a role is in reproduced with permission from KDIGO.
Drs Sarnak and Fried served as Co-Chairs of the NKF-KDOQI
patients who do not tolerate statins. In a meta-analysis work group preparing this commentary.
of 2 studies with 918 individuals with eGFR of 30 to We thank Drs Jeffrey Berns, Michael Choi, Holly Kramer,
59 mL/min/1.73 m2, a reduced risk for CVD events Michael Rocco, and Joseph Vassalotti for careful review of this
and CVD death but not all-cause mortality was manuscript; and Kerry Willis, Emily Howell, James Papanikolaw,
observed for those randomly assigned to brate Nancy Schuessler, and Anita Viliusis from the NKF for help
coordinating the work of the group and preparing the manuscript.
treatment versus placebo.56 However, brates were Support: No nancial support was required for the development
associated with an acute reduction in eGFR in this of this commentary.
meta-analysis. Additionally, the concurrent use of Financial Disclosure: The authors declare that they have no
statins and brates raises the risk for rhabdomyolysis, relevant nancial interests.
and the combination should not be used in CKD.57
Also, in a large observational study, brate use was REFERENCES
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