Two-Stage-Based Polyphase Structures For Arbitrary-Integer Sampling Rate Conversion

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5, MAY 2015

Two-Stage-Based Polyphase Structures for

Arbitrary-Integer Sampling Rate Conversion
Hkan Johansson, Senior Member, IEEE, and Heinz Gckler

AbstractThis brief derives efficient two-stage-based polyphase

structures for arbitrary-integer sampling rate conversion. For
even-integer conversions, the overall structures correspond to par-
allelized conventional two-stage structures, but the derivations in
this brief offer further insights when comparing the two cases of
odd- and even-integer conversions. For the class of linear-phase
finite-length impulse response M th-band filters, it is then demon-
strated through design examples that conversions by odd factors Fig. 1. (a) Interpolator. (b) Polyphase structure.
are in fact more efficient than by even factors.
Index TermsDecimation, interpolation, M th-band filters, of conversion structures [11]). Here, we are interested in using
multistage structures, Nyquist filters, polyphase structures, sam- a rational-conversion stage when the overall conversion factor
pling rate conversion. is an integer. Specifically, the contribution and outline of this
I. I NTRODUCTION brief is as follows.
After recapitulating polyphase structures in Section II,
I NTERPOLATION and decimation (sampling rate conver-
sions) are fundamental signal processing operations required
in numerous applications [1][7]. This brief considers sampling
Section III derives efficient two-stage-based polyphase struc-
tures for arbitrary-integer values of M .1 The basic principle
is to first interpolate by two, then interpolate by M , and
rate conversion by an arbitrary integer factor, denoted by M . finally downsample by two. It will be shown that the overall
Such conversions can be used either alone or as parts of interpolator corresponds to a regular interpolator, i.e., without
noninteger conversions. Since a decimator structure is obtained aliasing that seemingly appears due to the downsampling. The
by transposing the corresponding interpolator structure [1], this basic principle was considered in [10], but that brief did not
brief will henceforth focus on interpolation. consider the structures to be derived here, and it did not take
From the circuit and systems point of view, the objective is the aliasing-free property into account in the filter design, which
to carry out the interpolation in a computationally efficient way results in higher filter orders and complexities than necessary.
to end up with efficient implementations [4][8]. When M can Section III also considers the particularly efficient class of
be factored as a product of K integers, it is well known that the M th-band (Nyquist) filters [8], [12]. Then, Section IV con-
K-stage interpolator is more computationally efficient than the siders the design of linear-phase finite-length impulse response
one-stage counterpart [8], [9]. This brief focuses on the two- (FIR)M th-band filters for interpolation by M . Through design
stage case, because the largest savings are typically obtained examples, it will be shown that interpolation by odd factors is
when going from one to two stages [8]. Two-stage converters in fact more efficient than by even factors for this filter class.
can be efficiently used alone for small to medium values of M Finally, Section V concludes this brief.
or as efficient parts of multistage converters for larger values of
M . However, when M is a prime number, one can obviously
not make use of integer-conversion stages. Instead, at least one
of the stages must convert by a rational factor [9], [10]. The use As depicted in Fig. 1(a), interpolation by an integer factor
of multistage converters with rational-conversion stages is not of M can be described as upsampling-by-M followed by an
a new idea, but the focus of such converters has largely been M th-band filter (or approximate M th-band filter) represented
on the case where the overall conversion factor is a rational by the transfer function H(z),2 which is the z-transform of the
number (for irrational numbers, one has to include other types filters impulse response h(n). In practice, the interpolation is
carried out using the corresponding polyphase structure shown
in Fig. 1(b). This structure is derived from the polyphase
representation of H(z), given by

M 1
Manuscript received August 12, 2014; revised October 14, 2014; accepted
December 28, 2014. Date of publication January 9, 2015; date of current H(z) = z k Hk (z M ) (1)
version April 23, 2015. This brief was recommended by Associate Editor k=0
G. J. Dolecek.
H. Johansson is with the Division of Communication Systems, Department
1 For even values of M , the overall structures can alternatively be obtained
of Electrical Engineering, Linkping University, 581 83 Linkping, Sweden
(e-mail: from the conventional two-stage integer-conversion structures by parallelizing
H. Gckler is with Ruhr-Universitt Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany, the polyphase branches in the second stage, but our derivations offer further
and also with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany insights when comparing the two cases of odd and even values of M .
(e-mail: 2 For simplicity, we will frequently write filter H(z) and understand that it
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSII.2015.2389291 means a filter with the transfer function H(z).

1549-7747 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

the so obtained result. Two cases are distinguished below,

depending on whether M is odd or even. Before proceeding
with those details, it is noted that the overall filter order is
NH = (M NE + NF )/2 because E(z M )F (z) is sandwiched
between upsampling and downsampling by two.

Fig. 2. Equivalent structures. A. Structures for Odd Values of M

For odd values of M , one first obtains
where Hk (z) denote the polyphase components transfer func-

M 1
tions. All filtering in the polyphase interpolator structure is
carried out at the input sampling rate, and the output sequence H(z) = E0 (z M ) z m F2m (z M )
is, in practice, formed via a commutator that interleaves the m=0
polyphase filters output samples. 
M 1
+ z (M +1)/2 E1 (z M ) z m F2m+1 (z M ). (6)

This section derives the proposed structures3 utilizing the Comparing this expression with the polyphase decomposition
equivalences shown in Fig. 2. The point of departure is that in (1), one finds that the polyphase components are given by
interpolation by an integer factor of M is to be performed. Here,
this is principally carried out, as shown in Fig. 2(a). The first Hk (z) = E0 (z)F2k (z) + z (1+sk )/2 E1 (z)F2k+sk M (z) (7)
step is to interpolate by two through the twofold upsampler and
the filter E(z). Next, interpolation by M follows via the M -fold where
upsampler and the filter F (z). Finally, twofold downsampling 
takes place, which means that the overall scheme interpolates 1, k = 0, 1, . . . , k0
sk = (8)
by M . 1, k = k0 + 1, k0 + 2, . . . , M 1
Using a noble identity [1], and the fact that cascaded upsam-
plers obviously can be interchanged, the equivalent structure in with k0 = (M 1)/2. It is noted that both E0 (z) and E1 (z)
Fig. 2(b) follows. Then, we utilize that a scheme comprising are symmetric subfilters4 when E(z) is a symmetric filter. As
a filter sandwiched between upsampling and downsampling to Fm (z), only F0 (z) and FM (z) are symmetric subfilters
by two corresponds to a linear and time-invariant (LTI) sys- when F (z) is a symmetric filter. However, it is known that
tem with a transfer function that equals the zeroth polyphase each unsymmetric polyphase component has a correspond-
component of the filter [1]. Utilizing this fact, the equivalent ing polyphase component with a reversed impulse response
structure in Fig. 2(c) follows, where: [14][16]. This means that one can realize these two compo-
nents as a sum and difference of symmetric and antisymmetric
A(z 1/2 ) + A(z 1/2 )
H(z) = = A0 (z) (2) subfilters, which implies that the multiplication complexity is
2 halved.5 To elaborate on this point in more detail, we assume
with hereafter that the overall filter is noncausal. The corresponding
causal filter is readily obtained through an appropriate time
A(z) = A0 (z 2 ) + z 1 A1 (z 2 ) = E(z M )F (z). (3) shift (delay), which merely corresponds to a renumbering of
the polyphase components.
The transfer function H(z) = A0 (z) is found by utilizing the For a noncausal filter, with a 2M -fold polyphase decompo-
twofold and 2M -fold polyphase decompositions of E(z) and sition according to (5), the polyphase components fm (n) and
F (z), respectively, i.e., f2M m (n), for m = 1, 2, . . . , M 1, satisfy

E(z) = E0 (z 2 ) + z 1 E1 (z 2 ) (4) fm (n) = f2M m (n), n =

, + 1, . . . ,
2 2 2

2M 1 (9)
F (z) = z m Fm (z 2M ). (5)
where NFm denotes the order of Fm (z) and F2M m (z). There-
fore, these M 1 pairs of filters can be efficiently realized as
It then follows that H(z) is obtained by keeping the even- the sum and difference of M 1 pairs of linear-phase filters,
indexed terms (i.e., the terms corresponding to z m for even e.g., Bm (z) and Cm (z), given by
m) in the 2M -fold polyphase representation of E(z M )F (z)
when utilizing (4) and (5) and then replacing z 2 with z in Bm (z) = [Fm (z) + F2M m (z)] /2
Cm (z) = [Fm (z) F2M m (z)] /2. (10)
3 The basic structures, expressible in terms of the polyphase components
in (7), can be used for general FIR filters as well as infinite-length impulse
4 A symmetric filter H(z) [antisymmetric filter H(z)] means that the
response (IIR) filters when E(z) and F (z) are expressed in the polyphase
forms of (4) and (5), like in M th-band IIR filters [13]. This brief focuses filters impulse response is symmetric [antisymmetric], i.e., h(n) = h(n)
on linear-phase FIR filters, which is why we will take (7) a step further and [h(n) = h(n)] for a noncausal filter.
present structures expressed in terms of the polyphase components in (12). 5 Alternative realizations exist (derived via transposition) that achieve the
These expressions enable the use of symmetric and antisymmetric subfilters same multiplication savings, but they require substantially more delay elements
that reduce the multiplication complexity in the implementation. [9], [14], [17].

Fig. 3. Polyphase interpolator structure for M = 5.

The filters Bm (z) are then symmetric filters, whereas Cm (z) Fig. 4. Polyphase interpolator structure for M = 6.
are antisymmetric filters. The filters Fm (z) and F2M m (z) are
then realized as
and even values of M . However, a main difference between the
Fm (z) = Bm (z) + Cm (z) two cases is that, for even M , only the even-indexed polyphase
components F2k (z) are used. This is because, for even M ,
F2M m (z) = Bm (z) Cm (z). (11) dowsampling by two follows an even-fold interpolation in
which case odd-indexed polyphase components are apparently
Making use of the preceding equations, the polyphase com- never used. Furthermore, in the final realization, two copies of
ponents Hk (z) in (7), for k = 1, 2, . . . , M 1, can be rewrit- each subfilter emanating from F2k (z) are now required. This
ten as in (12), shown at the bottom of the page with k1 = is because only the even-indexed components F2k (z), and thus
k0 + 1. It is seen that the same even-indexed components of also B2k (z), and C2k (z), are now used when forming all terms
Bm (z) and Cm (z) are used when forming E0 (z)[B2k (z) + in (12). As an illustration, the structure for M = 6 is shown in
C2k (z)] and E0 (z)[B2M 2k (z) C2M 2k (z)]. Likewise, the Fig. 4. For even M , one may alternatively implement the two-
same odd-indexed components of Bm (z) and Cm (z) are stage interpolator using a regular polyphase structure for each
used when forming z 1 E1 (z)[BM 2k (z) CM 2k (z)] and stage. In that case, only one copy of the polyphase components
z 1 E1 (z)[B2kM (z) + C2kM (z)]. This means that only one F2k (z) are needed, but then they operate at two times the input
copy is needed for all subfilters in the final realization. To rate, which implies the same number of arithmetic computa-
illustrate this, the structure for M = 5 is shown in Fig. 3. tions per time unit.

B. Structures for Even Values of M C. Structures for M th-Band Filters

For even values of M , one first obtains A particularly efficient filter class for M -fold sampling rate
conversion is constituted by M th-band filters. For this filter
class, every M th impulse response value is zero, except for
H(z) = E0 (z ) + z M
E1 (z ) z m F2m (z M ). the center tap, which is equal to unity in the interpolation case
(1/M in the decimation case). In the z-domain, this means that
H0 (z) = 1 in our noncausal-filter formulation. This is achieved
Comparing this expression with the polyphase decomposition by letting E(z) be a half-band filter and F (z) be an M th-band
in (1), one finds that the polyphase components Hk (z) can filter. In this case, E0 (z) = F0 (z) = 1 and FM (z) = 0 [due to
again be written as in (7), but here with k0 = (M 2)/2 in the 2M -fold polyphase decomposition of an M th-band filter,
(8). Further, utilizing Bm (z) and Cm (z), as defined by (10), given by (5)]. It then follows directly from (12) that H0 (z) =
one obtains (12) again, but now with k1 = k0 + 2. We thus 1. Section IV will specifically consider the design of linear-
obtain similar polyphase component expressions for both odd phase FIR M th-band filters. Alternatively, approximately

E0 (z)F0 (z) + z 1 E1 (z)FM (z), k =0

E0 (z) [B2k (z) + C2k (z)] + z 1 E1 (z) [BM 2k (z) CM 2k (z)] , k = 1, 2, . . . , k0
Hk (z) = (12)

E0 (z)FM (z) + E1 (z)F0 (z), k =M 2 (only for even M )

E0 (z) [B2M 2k (z) C2M 2k (z)] + E1 (z) [B2kM (z) + C2kM (z)] , k = k1 , k1 + 1, . . . , M 1

linear-phase FIR or IIR M th-band filters can be used to reduce TABLE I

the delay and/or complexity [7], [13]. N UMBER OF M ULTIPLICATIONS OF A LL S YMMETRIC AND
This section considers the design of linear-phase FIR M th- S UBSCRIPT S C ORRESPOND TO S INGLE - STAGE D ESIGNS
band filters and provides design examples.

A. Design
In the design of M th-band filters, it normally suffices to
consider the stopband region [(1 + )/M, ], 0 < < 1.
This is because the passband and stopband ripples, e.g., c
and s , are related. For a linear-phase FIR M th-band filter,
with a unity passband gain,6 we have c (M 1)s [12]. To
find the lowest overall complexity for each M , we design the
corresponding overall filter in three steps as follows.
Step 1: Design a low-pass half-band filter E(z) with a
stopband edge at (1 + )/2 and a stopband ripple of s . This
gives an estimated subfilter order of E(z), e.g., N
E .
Step 2: Design a low-pass M th-band filter F (z) with a
stopband edge at (1 + )/M and a stopband ripple of s .7
This gives an estimated subfilter order of F (z), e.g., N
F .
Here, = 1 gives a rather pessimistic estimation N
F . We have
experimentally observed that 10 and 2.5 for odd and
even M , respectively, are appropriate.
Step 3: For all combinations of allowed even NE and NF
around N
E and N
F , design the overall M th-band filter H(z)
with a stopband edge at (1 + )/M and a stopband ripple of
s .8 Among all overall filters that meet the specification, select
the one with the lowest computational complexity (indicated by
J and R in Table I).
The design problems in Steps 1 and 2 are convex opti-
Fig. 5. Magnitude responses for M = 7. (Top) E(z M ) (solid) and F (z)
mization problems. The overall filter in Step 3 makes use of
(dashed). (Bottom) H(z) (solid), A(z 1/2 ) (dashed), and A(z 1/2 ) (dash-
cascaded subfilters, which gives rise to nonconvex optimization dotted).
problems.9 However, for linear-phase FIR filters, the objective
function is well behaved, and the optimization is rather insen-
sitive to the initial solution. As initial solutions, we use the
filters obtained via Steps 1 and 2 for each pair of values of NE
and NF . This guarantees a good final solution as the overall
optimization then only refines a solution that is close to the
final one. We design all filters in the minimax sense using the
function f minimax in MATLAB.10

B. Design Examples
We assume = 0.2 and s = 0.001. The results for M
between 3 and 20 are summarized in Table I, including single-

6 In the design, unity-gain passbands are assumed. In the interpolator im- Fig. 6. Magnitude responses for M = 8. (Top) E(z M ) (solid) and F (z)
plementations, the so obtained impulse responses e(n) and f (n) are then (dashed). (Bottom) H(z) = A(z 1/2 ) = A(z 1/2 ).
multiplied by two and M , respectively, to maintain the signal power.
7 As explained in Section III, and in the design example, odd-indexed impulse
stage designs to illustrate the efficiency of the two-stage de-
response values of F (z) are effectively not used for even M , and they are
therefore set to zero in the design. signs. For M = 7 and M = 8, Figs. 5 and 6, respectively,
8 In the examples, we use three and seven values of N
E and NF around
plot the magnitude responses of the filters (normalized by the
E and N
F , respectively, satisfying the following: NE = two times an even corresponding interpolation factors). Table I reveals that, as M
integer plus two (half-band filter), NF = even integer, and NH = 0.5(M NE + increases, the interpolation becomes relatively more compu-
NF ) = even integer. Consequently, around ten designs are required for each tationally efficient for odd values of M than for even values
M , and each design takes only a few seconds on a standard laptop.
9 Nonconvex optimization problems appear for all cascade-filter structures of M . This emanates from a higher order of F (z) for even
and is thus not specific for the proposed structures and design. M . This is because the odd-indexed polyphase components of
10 The function f minimax is an optimizer for nonconvex problems but F (z) are not used for even M , which implies that the effective
works well also for convex problems. filtering of F (z), at the higher sampling rate, corresponds

to a filter of the form P (z 2 ) and, thus, a -periodic filter.11 and s = 0.01 [18, Example 2]), we obtain NE = 34 and NF =
Consequently, A(ej/2 ) = A(ej/2 ), where A(z) is given 40 using the proposed structure. This gives a multiplication rate
by (3). Then, since H(ej ) = (A(ej/2 ) + A(ej/2 ))/2, we of 2.15 compared to 2.38 for the structure in [18] and 4.92 for
the single-stage structure.
get H(ej ) = A(ej/2 ), which means that the requirements
on A(ej/2 ) coincide with those of H(ej ). This can also
be understood by recalling that the overall filter for even M R EFERENCES
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converters (when such can be used) but not more efficient for
odd M than for even M . To exemplify, for M = 13, = 0.125,

11 The -periodicity of F (z) for even M explains the differences between

odd and even M regarding the passband gains of F (z) and A(z 1/2 ).
12 Instead of using two identical sets of subfilters at the output ports of E (z)
and E1 (z), emanating from F (z), one may consider using two different sets.
One could conjecture that one thereby could overcome the overhead for even
M , as the structure then no longer corresponds to two cascaded filters, which
gives more free filter parameters for the same implementation complexity.
However, we have experimentally observed that this generalized structure also
has similar properties and offers only modest (if any) subfilter order reductions.
In the design examples, at most two multiplications were saved.
13 As always when using two-stage-based linear-phase converters, a price to
pay for the complexity reductions is a somewhat increased delay as compared
with the single-stage counterparts [8] (4%29% increase in the examples).
14 Unlike the two-stage-based structures in this brief, the structures in [18]
are derived by iteratively adding and equalizing the output signals of fractional-
delay filters.

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