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Rural Tourism

The 21st century millennials have evolved drastically from our previous generations with
the advancement of technology. A trend complementing this advancement is the motion to
experience natural and stay aloof from the ultra modern lifestyle which is infused with too
much dependency on technology that people have started losing their true basic individual
skills. Rural tourism aims to provide a sense on revival so we do don't forget our ancestral
roots and their way of life devoid of buzzing city lifestyle inside concrete building and air
conditioners. Rural tourism is not just another non-profit activity that would siphon
government funds and corporate funds but a latent industry that is self-sustainable and has
the potential to generate billions of worth to the countries. This course work tries to unearth
the current position of Rural tourism, its multi faceted avenues of growth. The hinderance for
the acceptance and ways to propel a measurable approach to grow this industrial vertical
and thereby creating higher employment in the rural sector.

Background Information

Definition of Rural Tourism : Any form of tourism that showcases

the rural life, art, culture and heritage at rural locations, thereby
benefiting the local community economically and socially as well as
enabling interaction between the tourists and the locals for a more
enriching tourism experience can be termed as rural tourism.
Rural tourism is essentially an activity which takes place in the countryside.
It is multi-faceted and may entail farm/agricultural tourism, cultural
tourism, nature tourism, adventure tourism, and eco-tourism. As
against conventional tourism, rural tourism has certain typical
characteristics like; it is experience oriented, the locations are sparsely
populated, it is predominantly in natural environment, it meshes with
seasonality and local events and is based on preservation of culture,
heritage and traditions. It is a form of tourism which involves minimal to zero damage to the
environmental surroundings. The main purpose of rural tourism is to increase awareness
among travellers by the benefits of ecological conservation and to foster respect for different
communities and cultures. Moreover, the transformation of the rural development has been
growing continuously as rural development has been the main agenda of governments
around the world . On the other hand, the past rural tourism was supplemented by the
growing level of economic activities in form of various trades (Gartner, 2005)

Current Scenario ( Hindrances )

Increase traffic or human activities at any place around the globe has always disturbed the
ecological environment of that place Eg: Palaeolithic Cave Paintings in Grotte De Lascaux,
Venice, the city has been sinking gradually at a rate of 0.4mm to 12mm a year ( Link). Rural
tourism is different from the perspective of every tourist. White water rafting , fishing , deep
sea or back water diving can be a part of rural tourism . Since the rural tourism in not
regulated in many countries especially in developing countries like India it does not receive
the required limelight it is destined to receive. In addition to the government irregularities
there are other causes that deter its growth

Direct environmental impacts:

In recent times, most of the operations for the conservations of the environment in tourism
are failing. Increase in population, puts a temporary pressure on the local environment. It
increases the necessity of additional amenities and infrastructure. The development
happens at the cost of natural environment. (Vivanco, 2002).

Greenwashing: It is an act in which companies lie about their practices about

conserving the environment or benefits of their products to environment. It is
basically the label used by the companies with low level conservation efforts. These
are mere marketing tactics for the promotion of products with the mask of green
marketing to attract customers with the face of environmental responsibilities.
(Zeppel, 2006).Companies try to fake emission values as with Volkswagen Emission
Scandal ( Link)
Unit Economics: Returns from the rural tourism are not as high as expected by the
government and the industries. The small scale rural tourism fails to attract high
income population and tourists. As a result, most of the travellers are backpackers
and the low budget travellers whose spending potential is low .So, communities
operating in these scenarios operate at low prices and float conservation norms ,
eco-friendly waste disposal practices which in return does more damage to the local
surrounding and environment (Cochrane, 2012).
Threat to indigenous cultures: the rural tourism often claims that it enhances and
preserve the local cultures. Whereas, the evidence from the past have shown that
the local people have lost their houses in the establishment processes and with no
compensation. Pushing people out of their localities into harsh environment, lack of
water and poor soil areas affects the livelihood of the locals. The local people
struggle in the cultural expression and the cultural freedom (Kamuaro, 2007).

Proposals for development:

The following proposal is made considering the Administrative structure of India. Similar
setups can be followed to other countries with minor tweaks based on that particular country
or city.

1. Identification of villages: Each State/UT Govt. would be requested

to furnish one proposal for promotion of Rural tourism. Based on the
merits and after a joint inspection by the Deptt. of Tourism, and the
State/UT Govt. if required ten proposals would be identified for implementation in the

2. Preparation of detailed plan for implementation of the project:

After shortlisting the proposals, the State/UT Govts. would be
requested to draw up a detailed plan of action. The thrust here would
be to achieve convergence between the different schemes of the Govt.
of India and the State Govts. It should be ensured that at least 50% of
the project should be implemented through achieving convergence of
different schemes. Assistance up to Rs.3 lakhs would be provided to
the State Govt. for engaging an expert for preparing the project report.

3. Assistance under the Scheme: A maximum of Rs.50 lakhs would be

sanctioned under this scheme. The activities listed under the para-5
could be taken up.\

4. Permission activities: The following works may be taken up under

the Scheme
i) Improvement of the surroundings of the village. This would
include activities like landscaping, development of parks,
fencing, compound wall etc.
ii) Improvements to roads within the Panchayat limits. This shall
not include may major road which connects the village.
iii) Illumination in the village.
iv) Providing for improvement in solid waste management and
sewerage management.
v) Construction of Wayside Amenities.
vi) Procurement of equipments directly related to tourism, like
Water Sports, Adventure Sports, Eco-friendly modes of
transport for moving within the tourism zone.
vii) Refurbishment of the Monuments.
viii) Signages
ix) Reception
x) Other work/activities directly related to tourism
xi) Tourist Accommodation

5. Focal Point for implementation of the projects: State tourism

Development Corporations are entrusted with responsibility of Focal
Point of formulating and implementing Rural Tourism Projects in
consultation with District Collectors/Deputy Commissioners to ensure
convergence from other yojnas, schemes and allocations for
broader/integrated development at the site to benefit local

6. Constitution of a Convergence Committee: A Convergence

Committee would be set up under the chairmanship of Managing
Director, State Tourism Development Corporation/Commissioner of
Tourism to oversee the implementation of the project.

7. Execution of the works: The execution of the work would be

entrusted to any Central Govt./State Govt. agency and the funds would be released directly
to the implementing agency by the Govt. of India
as recommended by the State Govt
8. Installments of release: On sanction of a work the first installment of
80% of the sanctioned amount of CFA will be released. The final
installment of 20% would be released on submission of the UC for the
first installment or on completion of the projects
9.. Following codal formalities: The executing agency shall follow all
codal formalities while awarding contracts and procurement of
equipments and ensure complete transparency in its transactions.

10. Management of assets created: The infrastructure and assets

created will be maintained and managed by the State/UT Governments
or their agencies with no financial commitment to Govt. of India except
those assets created in the protected areas of ASI ( Archaeological Survey Of India ).

11. Prescription of the Schedule of Rates: While executing the works

the executing agency shall follow the Schedule of rates prescribed by
the CPWD or the State PWD ( Public Works Department )
12. Submission of the Utilisation Certificates: The executing agency
shall furnish the Utilisation Certificate through the State Government
for release of the second installment. A Completion Certificate has
also to be furnished through the State Govt. before the release of the
final installment.

Rural tourism is currently fragmented without standardization. Until we develop ways to
add an enterprise touch without prioritising on immediate financial results rural tourism shall
exist as a premature industry untapped by major population.

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